Lose 5 pounds a month AUGUST 2010 CHALLENGE



  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    im in.
    GW by the end of Aug 212.
    hopefully more!
  • adrianhelen
    adrianhelen Posts: 31 Member
    Hey I am in!
  • Breathe_Glamour
    I weighed in today at 171.5 lbs...so my goal is to weigh 165 lbs for the at the end of August.
  • dropit2010
    I am excited! 5 lbs this month will get me going. I will work for a minimum of 5 lbs, but want more so let's get to work MFP!!!
  • luckyluciano
    Ok I just started yesterday so im in... I will weigh in tomorrow which is what I was gonna do tomorrow anyway...I'm excited!! :bigsmile:
  • lorrigarcia
    Weigh in for challenge

    CW 195

    I know I can do this :)
  • LTLB
    LTLB Posts: 9
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Off to a good start. Went for a 2 mile walk with the kids this morning. I never get out until after supper so today with be 2 walks :)
    I am feel so motivated and on track it is ridiculous. Planning on getting a Polar HRM today or tomorrow :)
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    In like flinn again (7 lb loss for July) so hoping Aug will be just as good....welcome to all the new ones, I was new last month and like the others have said this is an amazing group and site, full of motivation and encouragement....the challanges keep you really motivated....and Kelly I will be joining the BMK challange again this week and like I said before...it gives you something to look forward and work too, so THANKS!!!

    starting weight for Aug--184
  • greenteadaily
    I'm in.

    SW 159.8

    Last week, my goal was just to track and not eat too much junk.
    This week, my goal is to exercise everyday.

    Walked the dogs 4 miles up and down a lil' mountain with a friend this morning.
    I'm playing tennis tomorrow night. I'm on my own for motivation the rest of the week, so far.
  • AngieBarrett
    Count me in! Just the motivation I needed to loose the last few pounds :)

    Current Weight: 148 LBS
    End Of August: 143 LBS

    Bring it on!!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm back and ready to go.:happy:
    Only lost one pound in July and that was amazing considering that I was on holiday in the states all month.
    Starting weight in January 159:noway:
    Today's weight 132:smile:
    Goal for end of August 128:love:
    We have my daughters wedding reception this Friday night so we are busy at my house getting all the last minute details taken care of.
    And it is HOT HOT HOT over here in Egypt. MAYBE I CAN JUST SWEAT OFF 5 POUNDS. :laugh: LOL Phyljen

    Good to see you back!

    It is only in the 80's here but it is soo humid! I was trimming shrubs yesterday and I think I was more sweaty after that than my 6 mile run!

    Today is my day off from working out! Legs are a bit sore after doing 6 miles yesterday. I was up late with a sick kid last night and took him to urgent care this morning only to find out it was a virus. The PA said she had seen over 35 kids with the same symptoms in the last few days...fever, sore throat, stomach ache.....all the symptoms of strep-throat but so far no one had tested postive for strep.

    For all the new people, rules of our group........THERE ARE NO RULES!

    Weigh in on your normal weigh in date.

    Share support and encouragement. Great ideas are welcome. Ask questions and we will try to answer! There is no right or wrong way to do this.

    YOU NEED TO DO IT YOUR WAY! It has to work for you or you will not stick with it.

    We are shooting for 5 pounds a month because for most that is more realistic than 2-3 pounds per week. You did not gain weight and get out of shape in a month so you will not lose all your weight and get in shape in a month. SLOW AND STEADY!

    Don't get discouraged by ups and downs. (I personally was down to 173 in April and do to bad eating am back up to 179...but physically I can run further than I could in high school.....try to look at the positive)

    Don't beat yourself up! If you make a mistake.....figure out what went wrong and get right back on track!

    Please share more ideas as they come to you!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm back and ready to go.:happy:
    Only lost one pound in July and that was amazing considering that I was on holiday in the states all month.
    Starting weight in January 159:noway:
    Today's weight 132:smile:
    Goal for end of August 128:love:
    We have my daughters wedding reception this Friday night so we are busy at my house getting all the last minute details taken care of.
    And it is HOT HOT HOT over here in Egypt. MAYBE I CAN JUST SWEAT OFF 5 POUNDS. :laugh: LOL Phyljen

    Missed you!!!

    glad you are back. you missed the pic I posted of me in a bikini. kinda of scary but I have certainly made progress. How exciting about the wedding reception.

    My oldest is getting married in January. We are in the early planning stages now. She lives in vegas. It will be fun.

    Good luck everyone!
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Hello everyone. It is nice so see each person here for August as motivated as ever. Last month was very busy for me but I managed to have 5.4lbs gone. My starting weight for August is 220.6 and I am in for 5lbs or more LOL!. Bring it on everyone. We can do this

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    Hello again! I forgot it was August 1st today LOL but I'm definitely in :bigsmile: I lost 6lbs last months which was a surprise - I hope I can keep it up!

    Anyway...my starting weight is 153lbs, so my goal is 148lbs :smile:

    Good luck on all of your goals guys, I'm looking forward to what August brings!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Ok all, here's this coming weeks BMK Challenge:

    Walk for a full hour 4 days this week, it can be a hour straight or broken into smaller sections, but get in a full hour each day however you can do it. Also, we work on ourselves all the time, how about 'killing two birds with one stone' and clean for 2hrs this week, a fresh house/car/garage/etc and burning calories, what a combo!! As for a food challenge, lets try eating at least 3 fruits a day (one at breakfast, lunch, and dinner or snack) for 3 days, if you feel you could also have a fruit at each snack go for it, but try to not snack as much and when you do, add a fruit! Good luck all and I'll see ya throughout the week and on Friday with my weigh in! XoxoxoX Bru

    ps, I pick the following weeks challenges, so if anyone has an idea, private message me, I'm always up for new ideas!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Really looking forward to next weeks challange...gives you something to look forward to and help plan your meals and exercise....THANKS!!!! ladies.....................:happy:
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Okay I'm going to give it a try, this is my first time in a group. Thought it would be fun ! My weigh in will be on Fridays starting weight is 157 hope to be weighing 152 by the 27th.
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    June 1: 162
    July 1: 156
    August 1: 150

    So far I'm averaging 6 lbs. a month, which is fine with me! I'm so excited to finally see the 140's in August! Congratulations to everyone who met their July goals! Welcome newbies! This is a very supportive group, just jump right in. Let's kick butt in August!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    I am definately in again

    july 31 start weight 172.8
    july 31 end weight 169.6.......I Lost 3.2 lbs well at least it was a loss
    aug 1 start weight 170.0.........I gained a couple ounces went out on a date with hubby

    Im ready to make it under 165 this month!! : )
    I have joined a zumba class and have gone 2 times but im looking forward to going 2 times a week from now on : ) that is more than i was doing last month so thats good and im also thinking about doing a monday step class but i would have to take the kids with me so im not sure since they are two and a half and 11 months but we will see im going to brave it the first monday i get off of work haha. Also on the 24th im going to start going to the gym at the college nearby so that will help and i will be working out 4 days a week as opposed to just walking as many nights as possible

    Congratulations to everyone last month and good luck for this month ...

    for those that didn't make the 5 pounds last month like me well good luck and don't give up : ) i know i wont