

  • Not new but back again...need more friends/support
  • Interesting to read. Thanks for posting the link. I have actually been taking your advice (well sort of). I have my coffee with creamer, then exercise about an hour later after getting my kids off to school. Then eating breakfast within 30 minutes after exercising. It seems to be working. I was in a really bad slump where…
  • Screen name: janellnicole2 Goal for February 28th: 174.5 Feb 1 (starting weight): 184.5 Feb 8: 186 :sad: Feb 15: 187 :sad: Feb 22: Feb 28: No more excuses! I may not make my goal weight but I will definetly lose from here on out!!!!
  • Ok, I know everyone can google, but after reading what others said I googled: eat before or after workout. I read from 4 different sites and to sum it up, the majority of what I read said for weight loss, to definetly eat something small before then to eat a normal breakfast after. However you need to have disapline and…
  • I always used to eat on an empty stomach with a goal of at least 30 mins cardio. But it was really tough to make it that long. When I started using mfp on a more regular basis in Sept, I was told you should at least eat something, and then try to wait a bit before starting your workout (15-30 min). But I have also heard…
  • I dont know what has come over me the last few weeks! I just can not seem to get back on track. I started out with this challenge at 184.5. I weighed myself today and I'm 187! I didnt even weigh in last week cuz I was over. I will weigh in tomorrow and rejoin if I am accepted. I feel I have gotten my motivation back and…
  • Screen name: janellnicole2 Goal for February 28th: 174.5 February 1st (starting weight): 184.5 I was in the Jan challenge also. Loved it however I only completed half of my goal :sad: But it was my own fault. This month I am on track and plan to keep it that way! Thanks for starting the group!!!!
  • Screen Name: janellnicole2 1/1/11: 190 1/8/11: 187.5 (2.5 lbs ) 1/15/11: 185.5 (2 lbs) 1/22/11: 185.5 (NOTHING!) 1/29/11: 185.5 1/31/11: 184.5 Goal weight by January 31, 2011: 179 Didnt reach my goal...but 5.5 is better than 0. I had a rough month, being sick with a bad cold made it hard for me to keep up with exercising.…
  • Screen Name: janellnicole2 1/1/11: 190 1/8/11: 187.5 (2.5 lbs ) 1/15/11: 185.5 (2 lbs) 1/22/11: 185.5 (NOTHING!) Goal weight by January 31, 2011: 179 I have been sick for about 2 weeks now, didnt exercise at all last week! I am pretty upset about that and know that sick or not sick, I could have at least gotten in a few…
  • Screen Name: janellnicole2 1/1/11: 190 1/8/11: 187.5 (2.5 lbs ) 1/15/11: 185.5 (2 lbs) Goal weight by January 31, 2011: 179 Burned 3523 this week! Still trying to get over this horrible cold, will do my best to get to 5000 this week.
  • While having the worst cold in whole life, I think I am actually gonna meet this weeks challenge! 1220 cals left between Thurs and Fri, I think thats doable! Thank gosh I joined this group! Without it I probably would have just played the sick card and not worked out this week.Thanks!
  • Only at 1422 burned so far. Think I have a sinus infection, which is making it hard to breath and swallow...gonna be hard to burn the remaining 2078 :sad:
  • Screen Name: janellnicole2 1/1/11: 190 1/8/11: 187.5 (2.5 lbs:smile: ) Goal weight by January 31, 2011: 179 Proud that I pushed myself to get back on track this week after not exercising for about 2 weeks and gaining 5 over the holidays! Back on track and with this group I feel I will suceed ever better now! 3500 in 7…
  • Burned 600 during workout today! Wanted to give up sooooo bad, but kept thinking...LAST CHANCE WORKOUT! (and unfortunatly I am working on losing the 5 lbs I gained over the holidays!)
  • This is the first group I am joining and am very excited! But, I am not sure how this works at the Sat weigh ins, do you just come back to this same post and update your info (sorry for being dumb lol). Screen Name: janellnicole2 Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: 190 Goal weight by January 31, 2011 (can be whatever you…
  • I have MFP set to the max weight loss which I think per week for me was like 1.7 lbs or something. Thats why I was questioning this in the first place. Then I got even more confused cuz another site said I should eat 1500+exercise cals to lose 3 lbs per week----and that was based on my current and goal weight. So I guess,…
  • So hilarious! I have been secretly wondering this too. Glad to know that HOPEFULLY it will get a bit smaller in that area in the up coming months! Thanks for being daring!!!
  • Forgive me for being rude but I just have to! Your signature says you are 121 currently and you are calling yourself a fat failure??? You obviously have more issues than your so called "weight problem". I am 5'0 and currently at 195! As alot of us on here, I am doing this for my health, for my life! It is a shame to hear…
  • Wow great job! I am slowly awaiting the day I become overweight also. I have a long road ahead of me but reading things from you and others help me to keep going and not give up! Thank you!
  • I felt that way stepping on the scale today also. Unfortunatly I am just starting (again) and have a long way to go. This week I only lost .5 lbs and because I am just starting, I thought it would come off faster in the beginning. Boy was I wrong. I do so good all day until my husband comes home from work, then we eat…
  • I know exactly how you feel! I have tried so many diets and diet pills (unfortunalty), anything that you would hear about on tv or radio. I almost ALWAYS gave up after the first week or two because it "wasnt working". Well my problem was obviously that I gave up too soon, expecting to see results ASAP. Even though this is…