Losing interest :-(



  • FitnFab17
    I feel like that as well! Life is just so busy and I always let this part go when things get busy. We need to hold on and push through it!
  • NMay50
    NMay50 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi! Here's a thought. Kind of a role reversal. If a friend that you care a lot about came to you with the same feelings, asking for help... what would you say to him/her to inspire and motivate them? Maybe giving yourself the same heart felt pep talk.

    Good luck!
  • gochickgo
    can't say I haven't had those thoughts myself. I try to limit my negative self talk and refocus. I was having a day yesterday and got a great boost with a devotional I recieved and would like to pass it on. It reminded me that the most important things are the hard things in life. Here it is:
    Looking back on our lives many of us will regret some things we did, but most of us witll regret the things we did not do. Live in such a way athat you won't look back and regret the things you didn't do.... Don't undertake a project unless it is distinctly and nearly impossible. Not doing more than average is what keeps the average down. Unless you attempt that which you have yet to master, you will never grow. To achieve all that is possible, we must attempt the impossible. Your vision determines your potential accomplishment. Learn to be comfortable with great dreams.

    I posted this next to my desk to remind me daily that the 30 lbs I want to lose is nearly impossible or feels that way. But I will remind myself it is one day at a time journey that makes it more possible. Good luck.......
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    Why do you feel that you can't do this? I look at it this way: the weight didn't come on overnight so it's not going to come off overnight. What are you eating and what are you doing for exercise? I know it can be hard. This is a test of your will and determination. You can do this, you just have to focus on why you want to lose the weight. How will you feel if you reach your goals? Think of those feelings of accomplishment. Whenever I feel kinda down I watch the biggest loser. Those contestants are busting their butt! All things are possible. You just have to want it bad enough.
    Hang in there! :)
  • bspz
    bspz Posts: 7
    2 lbs and 1 bad week doesn't = failure. It's just a speed bump. Don't give up on yourself. If you were doing something for someone else and it didn't work out, I bet you woudln't give up. You are worth it!

    Each day is a new opportunity. Forget about last week, keep focused on your future. Planning is everything for me. It's a pain in the neck but go food shopping for the week. If you know what you are going to eat each day, it may help in keeping you on track. If you eat something you shouldn't, excercise to work it off. If you do slip up, don't berate yourself. Self loathing can be the worst hurdle in weight loss. I don't want to push religion but, you were created by someone or something greater than yourself. I believe God and he doesn't make mistakes! So, work on focusing on all you can do, all your positives. Don't define yourself by the # on the scale- you are much much more than that! Keep that in mind as you face each day. Small steps in the right direction will get you there. Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    First off you don't have a ton of weight to lose. There are people on here that have lost over 100lbs. If they were thinking the way you are thinking who knows what would have become of them, but they did it with hard work and DETERMINATION.

    I was off and on MFP for 2 yrs. in August I made it up in my mind that I was going to get my mind right and just do it and stay committed. I threw away the scale for a month and decided I was going to stick with this for a month count my calories and exercise everyday. It was hard not to get on the scale but I didn't and I started seeing results at the end of the month!!!! That was encouraging for me to keep going.

    You can do it!!! It's just a question of how bad do you want it!!!

    Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • k8ieP
    k8ieP Posts: 54
    Look at all the support you have here. 2lbs is not a big deal at all. This happens even when you do everything right so you should be glad it didn't get any worse. No one can do this for you and all of the kind words here may not be enough to change your mind but know that if you give up today you will be on this journey again a month or even a year or two from now and regretting that you didn't stick with it. It is clear to me that you are not fully convinced to care for yourself yet. You have to love yourself to improve.

    P.S. the scale is a B. Don't weigh yourself as often. It can be really distracting from your true goal which should be to gain health not get skinny
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164

    I think we can help each other with motivation and encouragement to keep going. I am 4'10" with the same Goal Weight as you and the amount we need to lose is very close (within 3 lbs).

    If you are up for the challenge then send a friend invite :wink:

    Whatever you do - DO NOT give up...there is plenty of support on this site.
  • dj_stevie_c

    So what? That can be a day of water retention, that can be a bad afternoon.

    Forget those 2lbs. Don't weigh yourself for a week, be good, track everything stay positive and see if things get better. Honestly if you feel like a failure after 2lbs. Get your head straight, all of us know it's not easy, all of us, we all go through dark times and fall down but it's how you pick yourself back up and get straight with yourself that defines who we are.

    Don't give up on yourself yet.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Really? Over 2 lbs? I just gained back 2 lbs also, so I put on my big girl panties and get right back on track. You can too! Attitude is everything so don't give up on yourself!
  • janellnicole2
    Forgive me for being rude but I just have to! Your signature says you are 121 currently and you are calling yourself a fat failure??? You obviously have more issues than your so called "weight problem". I am 5'0 and currently at 195! As alot of us on here, I am doing this for my health, for my life! It is a shame to hear something like this come from an average (not overweight) person :(
  • rundgrenfan
    Your BMI is good and you're very young -- I hope you can learn to be happy and healthy because in the long run that's more important than the scale. You may not even be finished growing and developing! So don't be too hard on yourself, just try to make good choices everyday. And you're still logging your food, so that's really good -- keep doing it! Hang in there.
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164

    I will agree with you on your response. As I stated in my reply, I am 4'10" and my weight on Monday, 10/25 was 122lbs; however, I do not consider myself fat or overweight by any means and do find it a bit concerning that the original poster would say that.

    My reason for joining MFP is to hopefully lose some of the weight as it all sits in my tummy area making me look pregnant. And for someone that suffers from infertility, the most horrible question to be asked is if I am pregnant. Being asked that question one too many times back in 2004 drove me to join WW online and I lost 20lbs in 3-4 months. Shortly after losing the weight, my husband and I decided to quit smoking and guess what found me - the 20lbs I lost plus a few extra lbs...LOL!!! I am now on a mission to get the original 20lbs back off so that I can enjoy the new wardrobe I bought back then that didn't get a lot of use!

    I wish everyone lots of luck on their journey!
  • Tigereyes99
    Good job for you for quitting smoking!! You are definately getting yourself healthier and now you can focus on your weight loss again. I understand how you feel about being asked if you are pregnant. I had a stillborn son years ago and believe me I still looked pregnant and was feeling awful everytime someone said to me "when are you expecting". I can totally relate.

    I wish you the best of luck shopping in your closet!!! :))