

  • Bartender here 3 nights a week, plus day job. Searched this topic just for this reason. Hard to eat at all during 9 hour shift, hard to drink water because no time for potty breaks and not a healthy thing to eat or drink in sight when there is time. I try to drink water only and if I must eat just nuts. I am no good at…
  • In January of this year I started a lifetime change to lose weight, get healthy, etc. I found this website and started to use it. I worked out 5-15 times a week (20 min or more) for MONTHS. I watched my calories (1200-1500 a day) for MONTHS. Prior to starting this plan I ate 600-2600 calories a day and never worked out. I…
  • Well, I don't have anything to say about the honey ( I only like a few kinds of honey and they don't sell them in the store around here)... Your childs insomnia.. I live with insomnia, always have- some ideas- not all are Alaska appropriate...use what you can, throw away the rest 1. force a rise and shine time 2. warm milk…
  • I am very lucky that a friend gave me a treadmill years ago. The motor is going out but until it dies- i will use it. I work out in the morning 20 minutes on M, W, Th, F on the treadmill. I work out at the Y M, Th, F and sometimes Sunday doing cardio stuff. These are typically 45 min to an hour. I strength train- situps,…
  • Let's see: I am sure I can get 7 (I am weird) but I wonder what they will be. 1. when I was 15 I had to get a prostitute licence in Mexico because I was wearing red cowboy boots. I had a choice, licence or Juarez jail. 2. I dance on my treadmill. I have a treadmill burn from falling off. 3. One of the YMCA instructors…
  • You don't suck. I am suppose to get my car's oil changed every 3000 miles. Sometimes I do it at 2900 sometimes at 3100. Sometimes 6000. I know it is not ok to wait that long, but it happens. You know what I do? I take it in and get the oil changed. I feel like an idiot when the guy looks at my little sticker and I shrug…
    in I suck Comment by shariweber March 2009
  • I am no veteran and have the same problem. Some days I have over 400 calories left, usually if I didn't work out or didn't work out hard. I am not tires or listless either, just not hungry. These are the questions I ask myself: 1. did I drink enough water. Somehow, if I don't drink water it seems to shut off my hunger. I…
  • I completely feel your pain. I'm a Realtor and sometime my hours are the envy of all and sometimes my hours should be illegal. :smile: One week in the beginning of March end or February Where i worked 16-18 hour days for 6 straight days while taking my son to school, etc and still trying to be a good "soccor mom". It was…
  • good idea!
  • I wore my heart rate monitor while hula hooping- I am so bad at it I never got into range :embarassed: I wore it doing the step aerobics and I stayed in the low of low range. I am pretty sure when I open it up to something a bit faster, it will start to be a work out. I use it for the yoga poses. I love just learning one…
  • Yeah for you! Yeah for You! 4 days ago a non smoker woke up and started the day! That is awesome. And even just after a few days, your whole body has started reverting back to the pre-poison days. You go girl! I quit January 6th, 2009 and tell myself a couple of things: 1. Nothing is as healthy and sexy as a woman…
  • My husband wanted to get me wii fit for Christmas, but they were sold out so I picked one up a couple of weeks ago. It is so much fun, we fight over it. It is not a big ol' sweatfest, that is true, but it is a fun activity and I really like the strength training part since I hate doing that. The hula is fun and everyone…
    in Wii Fit Comment by shariweber March 2009
  • this is funny... i get those water bottles by the case as all of my family is water drinkers on the go and we constantly lose our nalgene bottles. Anyway, someone said how many ounces they drink and that caused me to look at my bottle- it has double what I have been counting for months! No wonder I could never get 8 in on…
  • nothing should be forbidden forever, in my opinion, just remember EVERYTHING has consequences. If you want coke, have coke- what are you willing to pay for it? Mine nemisis? those evil easter candies called cadbury mini eggs. now they come out for christmas too just to mess with me! I normally store them up for the year. I…
  • i pretty much gave up all computer fun for MFP. Love it:heart:
  • I just want to say this is so smart! I have a problem eating my calories. Just finished dinner and I still have over 200 cal to go and I've never ate better in my life! But I am learning to try to get as close as possible and then let it go from there. Somedays I do great and nail it, some days I come in low... But each…
  • I don't usually get starving anymore. I used to and then I would gorge... I am not tracking my fiber and I am only eating 1200 net calories. I love veggies and snack on them all the time. They taste great, more filling and low calorie. Carrots are the new potato chips, ya know? I think raw veggies keep me from being…
  • Lisa, I will probably be the only one to say...GREAATT JOB on becoming a semi smoker! But you have to give the other 5 up. Have to. The way cigs work, you are still doing all of the damage for only 1/4 of the "fun". It is ok to be addicted to nicotine for a while- get the patch-and the gum for emergencies- but it is…
  • I knew I forgot something: Height 5'4" Weight between 175-180 most days ( did hit 172 one day and hit 182 one day so go figure) I am a mom of 3 but they are older so not chasing kids around. It is winter and the ground is still frozen so I am not gardening or anything like that. I am a Realtor so I spend a majority of my…
  • Ok, hopefully I am doing this right... I don't normally do message boards so if my ettiquette is wrong - just a pinch of grace please:flowerforyou: First off- thank you all for the encouragement; for quitting smoking and health, etc. You have no idea how many times I come here a day to hear others fighting the worthy…
  • The first week of January I quit smoking.:bigsmile: I worked out 2-3 times a week (treadmill 20 min) and "watched what I ate". What I mean is I didn't count calories but did smaller portions and made healthy choices. I lost no weight in January at all. I said to myself, "yeah, but you quit smoking and your lungs are sexy…
  • smart a** remark on its way, can't help myself... "QUOTE: I can always count on seeing something from you. Tomorrow is another day " Or tomorrow is today or yesterday. for some it is hard to tell! (slinking away with VERY clear memories of losing several "days" while a nursing mom.. Thank G*D I didn't lose the child!)
  • I agree with Dave- who are you cheating? I am still new at this so my advice is just how I am doing so far: I am very meticulous about my intake and have been for Months! Wasn't losing any weight and started to eat a bit more and now it is coming off. Still hard to eat that much which is funny. My problem has been activity…
  • how do you store them?
  • I too am a total LOST & Hereos fan. Primarily Lost. Every Wednesday nite is like Superbowl Sunday at our house. It used to be Macho Nachos and Doritos, now it is skinny cow icecream! ( I told them it is quieter!)
  • I needed this too! thanks!:flowerforyou:
  • I got my Reebok HRM about a week ago... changed my work outs forever! 1. I was working so hard before that I couldn't work out long time 2. I enjoy working out longer and love hitting that 40 minute 2nd wind! 3. When I finally am ready to get off the treadmill, love dancing around for a while. BUT I HAVE A PROBLEM. Reebok…
  • that's an awesome diddy- easy to remember too! thanks
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