Stress, Overtime and Eating

Ok, I'm really stressed out about what's going on at work. I have a so so stressful job and now, they are having a mandatory overtime or get fired. They announced they don't care if we go to school, have two jobs or have kids, work it or hit the door.

First of all, I don't think they can do that legally, but on the other hand, Tennessee is the "right to hire, right to fire", state.

But the way they are coming about it is wrong. Then they decided the management would not change their hours.

Here's the clincher, I will not be getting any exercise. They are 10-12 hour shifts with one lunch and 4 15 minute breaks. I sit all day.

I will not be getting home 'till close to 11 P.M., and let's face it, who wants to work out at that time of night after a stressful job.

I honestly feel my health is going to fail a bit.

What else can I do??


  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    Ok, I'm really stressed out about what's going on at work. I have a so so stressful job and now, they are having a mandatory overtime or get fired. They announced they don't care if we go to school, have two jobs or have kids, work it or hit the door.

    First of all, I don't think they can do that legally, but on the other hand, Tennessee is the "right to hire, right to fire", state.

    But the way they are coming about it is wrong. Then they decided the management would not change their hours.

    Here's the clincher, I will not be getting any exercise. They are 10-12 hour shifts with one lunch and 4 15 minute breaks. I sit all day.

    I will not be getting home 'till close to 11 P.M., and let's face it, who wants to work out at that time of night after a stressful job.

    I honestly feel my health is going to fail a bit.

    What else can I do??
  • e11xoxo
    e11xoxo Posts: 86
    That's rough! I can only think that you can do those little things that add up. Stairs instead of elevator. Bike instead of car.... and keep watching what you eat.
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    That's rough! I can only think that you can do those little things that add up. Stairs instead of elevator. Bike instead of car.... and keep watching what you eat.

    I have neither stairs or elevator and it is a 50 minute drive and I take my son to school in a diff district.

    Yeah I know suck it up, but if others were in my shoes????? etc etc etc
  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    maybe take part of your 1 hour lunch to walk around the block and get fresh air, and it might relieve stress too.. do some calesthenics (sp) during your 15 minute breaks too... and watch your intake even closer
  • ThatDollSally
    ThatDollSally Posts: 473 Member
    I also live in TN. I've always thought it was funny how "right to work state" really means "we can fire you for whatever we feel like.":noway:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Are you working these shifts five or six days a week? Do you get paid overtime? Is there no one to help you with your child on these long work days? Can you take the extra money you are making and get some exercise equipment, or even buy some DVDs to help you work out? Can you work out on the weekend, assuming you have one? Hope things go better for you. There are so many out of work.
    What does your company do that they have so much overtime?
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member

    Yeah I know suck it up, but if others were in my shoes????? etc etc etc

    I would never tell someone in your position to "suck it up". This is an extremely unsustainable situation. You need to look for ways, small and large to make this better. I agree that getting out in the fresh air and doing something physical is good for you both mentally and physically. Make sure to keep your attitude up, you really can control that outside of your circumstances. Make sure that you are keeping up with your healthy eating. Stay within your calories. I know that many of us on this site have had a history of stress eating, but I'm finding in stressful situations it helps to know that that is one thing I have total control of when I feel like everything else is spinning out of control.

    Lastly, you were looking for a job when you found this one, maybe it's time to look again.
  • shariweber
    I completely feel your pain.
    I'm a Realtor and sometime my hours are the envy of all and sometimes my hours should be illegal. :smile: One week in the beginning of March end or February Where i worked 16-18 hour days for 6 straight days while taking my son to school, etc and still trying to be a good "soccor mom".
    It was horrible. On day 6 i cried on my way home at midnight thinking I should just check my self into a mental hospital because if this is life I wanna check out!
    (then i realized i was not wearing my nicotine patch and laughed my butt off!)
    Anyway, working out was just about impossible.

    Can you sit on a pilates ball? Work your core?
    During your breaks- do everything you can to work out-
    I would be looking at my day like this:
    Morning- ugg- just get thru it
    15 min break #1= work out 10 min- walk briskly- run in place- make a poster of your management and "play kickboxing":devil:
    Lunch= 10 min again of what you can
    then take it easy. breathe deep and try to relax... lunch sounds like your only place to really relax
    15 min break #2= work our again like #1
    When you get off-and get home- just stretch. Stretching is sooooo good for the body and will help you sleep.

    that's my input
  • AshliColon
    AshliColon Posts: 70 Member
    Are you able to eat at your desk while you work? Do you have a gym close by?

    I belong to a gym that's just around the corner from my office, and like to work out at lunch time. I have lunch at noon, so I just try to eat at 11 or at least have a snack about an hour before I go.

    -ash :smile:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Sounds stressful! Pain.gif

    How long is this going to last? Is it a couple of weeks, or no end in sight? Is it stressful enough to look for a new job? If not, there are some things you can do by modifying your schedule. There are several 2 minute workouts, some you can do without leaving your desk. And like Ashil said, maybe using lunch hour to work out, and eating while sitting at your desk. Check out this youtube video.