I suck

OK so in January I decided to start really trying again, I went to the gym for 3 weeks straight and did really good on eating and lost nothing so I slowed down and quit going to the gym but kept up on food for another month, Now this weekend I have given up and had burger kings new mini breakfast sandwiches this morning and french fries this afternoon with grilled chicken instead of the burger i wanted but still fries, I never eat fries anymore. I feel so sick from all of the crap but I forgot how good it tastes. Not to mention the little daily givins the last few weeks. Like popcorn at the movie, no butter still, and mike and ikes oh they were good, i ate the whole box though, and I made a cake a couple nights ago cuz i was craving sugar. i am not sure how to get over this plato but after a month and a half almost 2 months of not losing but trying i am not sure how long I can go without the BAD foods. The first 35 I really tried to do right and slowly swiched foods out to make life style changes but the bad things sound so good, but then i feel sick after I give in and am pissed off at myself for eating it.


  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    OK so in January I decided to start really trying again, I went to the gym for 3 weeks straight and did really good on eating and lost nothing so I slowed down and quit going to the gym but kept up on food for another month, Now this weekend I have given up and had burger kings new mini breakfast sandwiches this morning and french fries this afternoon with grilled chicken instead of the burger i wanted but still fries, I never eat fries anymore. I feel so sick from all of the crap but I forgot how good it tastes. Not to mention the little daily givins the last few weeks. Like popcorn at the movie, no butter still, and mike and ikes oh they were good, i ate the whole box though, and I made a cake a couple nights ago cuz i was craving sugar. i am not sure how to get over this plato but after a month and a half almost 2 months of not losing but trying i am not sure how long I can go without the BAD foods. The first 35 I really tried to do right and slowly swiched foods out to make life style changes but the bad things sound so good, but then i feel sick after I give in and am pissed off at myself for eating it.
  • Petunia_K
    Petunia_K Posts: 35
    Wow-sounds like a horrible weekend as far as food goes. It's amazing that you lost 40 pounds. Don't give up on yourself now! Hang in there.
  • leeanne1317
    No, you don't suck, your just human.

    I think it's safe to say that most, if not all of us have done the 'I shouldn't have given up, I shouldn't have eaten that' guilt trip but you just get back on the plan.

    I lost 125 pounds and I'm working on the last 40-45 or so. The thing I learned was that you have to create a program that works for YOU and you won't discover what works for you overnight, it took me a good 3 months to figure it out. The number one thing to do is don't try to do what others say to do .. if an X amount of water a day is too much then do what is comfortable, if eating salad 5 days a week is not for you then work around it to something you can live with, same goes for exercise, do what works for you and don't try to accomplish other peoples goals because that's when you give up.

    For myself, I eat salad 3 days a week, try to get outside for walks at least 5 days a week, not super speed walking but just walking. I drink 1.5 liters of water 7 days a week, I use 4lb weights at home and created my own toning program. My point is that you can accomplish a great deal if you do it your way, get yourself a diet buddy to talk to for when you need support or just need to let off frustration steam but most important is do it for you .. you CAN do it.

  • angelinaz
    angelinaz Posts: 262
    You don't suck! You don't! No matter what your choices are. Talk to your body. Ask your body how it would like to look and feel. I have that problem of eating things that taste good and then I feel sick. I used to do that all the time with ice cream. It would taste so good going down and then make me feel like I wanted to throw up. What I realized is that while it was a form of making me feel good (the eating it part), it was also a form of punishment. I have done a lot of writing now, journaling about what would make me punish myself like that. The journaling helped, I think a lot. I wrote pages and pages of why I would do that to myself. Now, that behavior hardly ever happens. I am looking at food as fuel for my body, not as "what tastes good now and makes me sick later". I hope that this helps. You have lost 40 lbs. You can lose the rest and reach your target. (That was another thing I did, sabotage myself not to reach my targets--I wrote about that, too.) Good luck and keep blogging. :heart:
  • shariweber
    You don't suck. I am suppose to get my car's oil changed every 3000 miles. Sometimes I do it at 2900 sometimes at 3100. Sometimes 6000. I know it is not ok to wait that long, but it happens. You know what I do? I take it in and get the oil changed. I feel like an idiot when the guy looks at my little sticker and I shrug and say, "well, I am here now".

    Years ago I had a personal trainer tell me it takes 3 weeks to see what I am doing today. So do NOT give up. You haven't even seen what your body can do! Mark today on the calender as your "well, I am here now" day and baby your body with good healthy fuel and some great cruisin' for the next few weeks.

    Sometimes I think our bodies crave all that crap just to remind us how good grapes are again.

  • DawnInOhio
    DawnInOhio Posts: 211 Member
    OK so in January I decided to start really trying again, I went to the gym for 3 weeks straight and did really good on eating and lost nothing so I slowed down and quit going to the gym but kept up on food for another month, Now this weekend I have given up and had burger kings new mini breakfast sandwiches this morning and french fries this afternoon with grilled chicken instead of the burger i wanted but still fries, I never eat fries anymore. I feel so sick from all of the crap but I forgot how good it tastes. Not to mention the little daily givins the last few weeks. Like popcorn at the movie, no butter still, and mike and ikes oh they were good, i ate the whole box though, and I made a cake a couple nights ago cuz i was craving sugar. i am not sure how to get over this plato but after a month and a half almost 2 months of not losing but trying i am not sure how long I can go without the BAD foods. The first 35 I really tried to do right and slowly swiched foods out to make life style changes but the bad things sound so good, but then i feel sick after I give in and am pissed off at myself for eating it.

    I know sometimes when I would lose a good deal of weight like you did, I would fall off the wagon for a while, then fool myself into thinking that I was eating right again, but really, I was still cheating, just not as bad...like you said popcorn, no butter...but when I was in the process of really losing I'd be skipping the popcorn all together. I always created the plateaus myself, by eating well 4 days week and bad 3. Or not measuring anymore, just guessing...it was like I got to smart for my own good, and I could fake the program, and then wonder why it wasn't working. That's why I could never go back to WW again, because I'd always play around with the points.
    At least you know the bad foods are going to make you sick, kinda like your own personal Alli without having to pay for it!:laugh:
    Seriously, you've done so well, don't give up and let the bad foods win, summer's coming!
    So, how were those breakfast sammies, anyway??:wink::wink:
  • taveragirl
    I know what you mean...I had the popcorn at the movie today (w/o butter of course! lol) and limited myself to 10 of my daughters m&ms. It didn't amout to much because I ended up finishing the whole bag when I got home! And should I dare mention my multiple little "tastes" of the mac-n-cheese siting in the kitchen. Yup BAD day :ohwell: but dont let it get you down! I've been kicking myself all day. Just promise yourself to get back on track tomorrow! Stay strong

  • lenmana
    lenmana Posts: 171
    Here's your kick in the butt...NOW STOP THAT....now you can give me a swift kick in the butt because I could've done better tonight. So tomorrow, we are going to wake up and eat right because we are worth it! You've done awesome! One day at a time. That's your head talking trying to get you into that negative loop. Erase it! Our bodies know what's good for it. Keep a goin'...40lbs is a lot to be proud of!
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    ok, so thanks everyone. i am done whining for the time being. I am going to the gym with a friend tonight and already did 10 on the elliptical this moring, I finished off the cake for breakfast though so a bad start this morning, I felt so sick though that I just decided i need to stop this. i feel so much better when I eat good foods even if I am not losing the weight. Its just really hard when you work so hard and dont lose.