I'm having difficulty eating all my calories....HELP????

Hi, I need help!!!

I have a limit of 1200 hundred calories per day but I'm not reaching them so now MFP is telling me that I'm going to go into stavation mode and put my health at risk.

What do I eat that is high in calories but low in fat and is healthy??? I don't like nuts of any variety (unless salted or roated) so other than rubbish I don't know what to choose


Abby :flowerforyou:


  • AuntyABBY24
    Hi, I need help!!!

    I have a limit of 1200 hundred calories per day but I'm not reaching them so now MFP is telling me that I'm going to go into stavation mode and put my health at risk.

    What do I eat that is high in calories but low in fat and is healthy??? I don't like nuts of any variety (unless salted or roated) so other than rubbish I don't know what to choose


    Abby :flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Well, I really had to reach and look for foods I could learn to like. I certainly didnt get this way on unsalted almonds and salads:laugh: :laugh:

    Are you eating 6 small meals throughout the day?

    Make sure you eat enough at breakfast, it will set you up for the rest of the day.

    If I really am not hungry, but do not want to go 2 days below 1400, I will eat 24 almonds, or 1 tbls of organic peanut butter on a banana. Or my fav is triscuit wheat crackers with lowfat cheese.

    You will get better as you go along.

    Good luck!!:flowerforyou:
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    What were you eating before you decided to do this?

    How did you gain the weight you are now trying to lose?

    How many calories did you used to eat before.

    Basically in order to get your calories you need to eat- Try eggs- peanut butter is a good way to up your calories- drink some milk,
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Do you actually believe a computer telling you your going into starvation mode?..Yes its true u do need to meet your daily caloric goal for proper nutrition.....Are you dizzy? dehydrated? loss of concentration?..I suggest adding more meals in small ones every 3hrs eat some desert etc etc frozen yogurt. Grab some granola bars and fruit and eat the nuts you like
  • Zborni4
    Zborni4 Posts: 38 Member
    I wish I had this problem. I don't know how to not go over my calories...not by a lot but 1200 is pretty darn low.
  • strawberry25shortcake
    strawberry25shortcake Posts: 183 Member
    Hm...I wish I had trouble reaching my daily calorie intake:happy:

    Here is what is on my list:
    Egg whites, cottage cheese, pita bread, cucumber, tomato, lettuce, pure protein bars, milk, protein powder, fruit, feta cheese, tofu, tuna, chicken, bacon (yes, I eat bacon= portion control), cheese sticks, apples, peanut butter (100% natural), yellow tortilla chips from Archer Farms, guacamole dip w/ water crackers...cauliflower, broccoli, bananas and that's about it. Oh, and like 4 liters of water!

    I hop this helps. I eat A LOT and often. I guess that is why it's not too hard to reach my "calorie daily goal".
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I wish I had this problem. I don't know how to not go over my calories...not by a lot but 1200 is pretty darn low.

    Its hard to get your calories in order- You don't have to go drastic overnight- cutting a 100 here and 100 there working your way down will add up to your calorie reduction-- going from eating alot then drastically cutting your calories will make you feel like your hungry even though you ate enough food-= which is why people don't stick to diets because they do it drastically instead of gradually- but thats just my .02-
  • chunkabutt25
    chunkabutt25 Posts: 277 Member
    ya know, i understand the concept of eating all ur calories, however...I have 3 friends that have been seeing completely different doctors in order to acheive weight loss and all of those seperate doctors have set them on 400 calorie a day diets and they are roughly around 200-250 lb.'s, soooo... If doctors arent so worried about starvation mode and they are losing huge amounts of weight, something must be working from the doctors standpoint as well...
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    ya know, i understand the concept of eating all ur calories, however...I have 3 friends that have been seeing completely different doctors in order to acheive weight loss and all of those seperate doctors have set them on 400 calorie a day diets and they are roughly around 200-250 lb.'s, soooo... If doctors arent so worried about starvation mode and they are losing huge amounts of weight, something must be working from the doctors standpoint as well...

    I'm going to do you a favour, but only this once. I'm going to be the bigger person, and well, as much as I don't want to,......I'm gonna eat your extra calories for you :happy: , what are mfp friends for if they can't help a fellow member out...:tongue:
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    I didn't click quote, wtf? oh well....i'm tired.
  • chunkabutt25
    chunkabutt25 Posts: 277 Member
    ya know, i understand the concept of eating all ur calories, however...I have 3 friends that have been seeing completely different doctors in order to acheive weight loss and all of those seperate doctors have set them on 400 calorie a day diets and they are roughly around 200-250 lb.'s, soooo... If doctors arent so worried about starvation mode and they are losing huge amounts of weight, something must be working from the doctors standpoint as well...

    I'm going to do you a favour, but only this once. I'm going to be the bigger person, and well, as much as I don't want to,......I'm gonna eat your extra calories for you :happy: , what are mfp friends for if they can't help a fellow member out...:tongue:

    haha, im not into that kind of personal abuse, i try to stick around 1000-1200 :bigsmile:
  • shariweber
    I wish I had this problem. I don't know how to not go over my calories...not by a lot but 1200 is pretty darn low.

    Its hard to get your calories in order- You don't have to go drastic overnight- cutting a 100 here and 100 there working your way down will add up to your calorie reduction-- going from eating alot then drastically cutting your calories will make you feel like your hungry even though you ate enough food-= which is why people don't stick to diets because they do it drastically instead of gradually- but thats just my .02-

    I just want to say this is so smart! I have a problem eating my calories. Just finished dinner and I still have over 200 cal to go and I've never ate better in my life! But I am learning to try to get as close as possible and then let it go from there. Somedays I do great and nail it, some days I come in low... But each day it does get easier to find the right kind of foods.

    Tonight I am going to workout again (pilates class) and I have consumed 1000 (almost exactly) calories. If I were to eat my excercise calories today I would end up 500 under or so!

    My solution- skinny cow ice cream sandwich when I get home (140)
  • karlira
    karlira Posts: 100

    How many calories are you missing? You aren't counting your burnt calories in, are you?

    Maybe you can add some extra dressing on your salads, a little cheese here and there, an extra fruit...

    I recommend some high fiber cereals like all-bran, some fruits like bananas are high in calories, eggs (mix a whole egg with some whites), 2% milk, beans, some good fats like olive oil or avocado.

    Also it would be good if you eat more often, 2 snacks a day.

    Finally, you can plan your meals ahead of time, register your meal before you even eat it, that way you'll be able to make the necessary adjustments just in time, and not at the end of the day :wink:

    Good luck!!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    ya know, i understand the concept of eating all ur calories, however...I have 3 friends that have been seeing completely different doctors in order to acheive weight loss and all of those seperate doctors have set them on 400 calorie a day diets and they are roughly around 200-250 lb.'s, soooo... If doctors arent so worried about starvation mode and they are losing huge amounts of weight, something must be working from the doctors standpoint as well...

    did I read that correctly 400 calories a day???

    If that is the doctors recommendation of those 3 people eating 400 calories a day and thats it- (What are they on survivor) Anyway if that is the Dr's doing they can turn over their licenses cause they are called Quacks and dn't know what they are talking about---
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I don't always eat my exact amount of calories- Im at 1470- Some days I have 20 others I have 150 I don't stress it- I eat more that 1200 and I make a point to never go over
  • strawberry25shortcake
    strawberry25shortcake Posts: 183 Member
    ya know, i understand the concept of eating all ur calories, however...I have 3 friends that have been seeing completely different doctors in order to acheive weight loss and all of those seperate doctors have set them on 400 calorie a day diets and they are roughly around 200-250 lb.'s, soooo... If doctors arent so worried about starvation mode and they are losing huge amounts of weight, something must be working from the doctors standpoint as well...

    Doctors are just scientists and I don't believe them one little bit!!! 400 calories a day? OK...until you lose weight maybe, but what happens after that? I am sorry, but this doesn't sound healthy at all...What did your friends eat? I am sorry, I am in shock. Doctors are not 'worried' about starvation mode? Well- why should they be? It's not their body that is starving, right? Losing weight is NOT about dieting but about lifestyle change that will stick with you FOREVER! Eating 400 calories for the rest of your/my life? Nope!
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    ya know, i understand the concept of eating all ur calories, however...I have 3 friends that have been seeing completely different doctors in order to acheive weight loss and all of those seperate doctors have set them on 400 calorie a day diets and they are roughly around 200-250 lb.'s, soooo... If doctors arent so worried about starvation mode and they are losing huge amounts of weight, something must be working from the doctors standpoint as well...

    Sometimes doctors will put a person on an extreme diet to save their life. But they are MONITORED. And then there's the quacks out there that will do something like this, they don't care, they get money to be weight loss doctors regardless of the consequences. Fact is, if you eat 400 calories a day, your body IS in starvation mode and yeah, you'll lose weight, but it will (1) not be fat, your body eats up your muscles first and (b) you will immediately gain that weight back and probably more once you start eating normal calories.

    Sorry, but this kind of stuff just really makes me angry. These fad diets, yes they DO WORK FOR A LIMITED TIME - but it's not healthy, not good on your insides, and you will always gain the weight back and more because your body was starved. It will put on fat fast.
  • ayana90leshai
    eat more grains wheat bread oatmeal preatzels and potatoes
  • ayana90leshai
    doctors only take one nutriton class during med school and arent qualified to give advice on nutrition eating less then 800 calories a day can cause irregular heart beats that can lead to death. you might want to tell them to eat at least 1200 calories a day
  • mossmommy
    mossmommy Posts: 63
    my q is kinda like this one only i'm under my daily cals (im ok with that) but I'm over on my protein... I guess i should cut out meat from one of my meals?