cansnchloe Member


  • I am in love with the Rogue RX SR-1 with the short handles. Only $20 and fast!
  • I agree great post! Reading these amazing CF stories and feeling defeated by my 14.3 performance has made me realize that I have settled into a comfortable CF zone and need to push even harder. I love seeing so many make steady progress towards their fitness goals. It is just the motivation I needed to read tonight!
  • Crossfitting for 2 years now and loving every second of it. Feel free to add me too if you'd like. :)
  • Crossfit OIB - Ocean Isle Beach, NC - Love it!
  • Mine have to be either Fight Gone Bad or Filthy Fifty. I literally cringe at the thought of doing them ever again. But I will of course :smile:
  • A "chipper" is what our box calls it. Just work through each section separately and chip away at it. You've got this and be so proud of yourself when it's done. Good luck!
  • I love it too! I m 9 months in and have lost 21 pounds and 6 inches off my waist. The workouts are very hard but so rewarding. The scale has moved slowly for me but it is because you are working to build muscle I guess. I had a hard time accepting that over the months and it is hard mentally to work so hard and watch the…
  • Great comparison kdiamond :) It's hard to remember that body composition changes when you lift heavy even though the scale moves SO SLOWLY or in the wrong direction even. I can attest!
  • What a great post! I have been doing Crossfit for 9 months now and only lost 16 pounds and let me tell you I have been going nuts trying to figure out why the weight isn't coming off!!! I do fit pants though that only used to fit when I weighed 20 pounds less than this. Woo hoo, you look great and congrats on the amazing…
  • Great job! You look amazing!
  • Okay whew... two days later and it's back off! Yikes that scared me into behaving much better on the weekends. Maybe I need to calm down on my free days.
  • It's all in the pipes :) that is my motto. This is a long, hard and sometimes very slow process and if you keep at it, the results will follow. It is hard to not get discouraged though, I feel you!
  • Mine is 160# - I have been Crossfitting for about 8 months and started at 80 - 90 pounds. All of the other women that I workout with have crossed 200# and are a few months ahead of me in the process. Deadlift 1 RM seems to increase quicker than most lifts especially at the beginning. Definitely watch your form, bad DL can…
  • LOL, I was thinking the same thing. That is my rate of loss on a great month!
  • Nice to hear this is normal. I was starting to worry that my thyroid function was low or something! I am chilly most of the time now as well and I've only lost 10 pounds.
  • To Block User, you can click on the sender name in your email inbox and then just click Block User so no more messages will come through.
  • I got one too. Ignore them if you can... people like this need a response to engage them further. Not sure what her motivation is but I agree, she has way too much time on her hands!
  • Thank you! That was a great post and so helpful :) You look great too!
  • Still hanging on and I think my permanent "no munching" habit has formed. Whoop whoop. January 16th was the day I decided to start this challenge after months and months of not a single pound lost. As of Friday, I have lost 6.7 pounds since that first day, and still with a few days to go. I am so excited to see this has…
  • My husband who has always been a runner, started his CF routine (not an official member but taking from what we are doing in the box) and has gained 6 pounds the first month! But he looks great and even more cut than ever. So I am going to try to stop worrying about my obsession with the scale. Perhaps in 2 or 3 years I…
  • I have a similar situation and do Crossfit 4-5 days a week and have only gotten off 8 pounds in 6 months! However, we all seem to have the same problem at CF and weight training (kettlebells included) seem to create this scenario. The ultimate goal is to be healthier, feel better and do what you know you should be doing…
  • How is everyone doing? I am still not cheating after the extreme Saturday night fail. It has been very eye opening to see how much I would have just muched food that was unaccounted for. No more move in the scale after the initial loss so I hope that by weigh in later this week that has changed :)
  • Day 13 - BOMBED! Beyond bombed probably over by like 1000 calories by the end of the night. So straight detox for the next few days. Ugggg, that is so frustrating. I just wish for the days when I was younger and just eating a salad for lunch everyday was enough to drop 10 pounds a month. I am struggling for every tenth of…
  • Okay, it's working!!! This is the first time in months that I've seen the scale move. Day 12 of this challenge and I've dropped 5.2 pounds total... which I'm telling you is a miracle for me. I am beaming and even more motivated now than ever. :)
  • Day 11 - Holding strong! The biggest non-scale victory has been NO snacking or munching. It's all very controlled and I can feel myself making the conscious choice to not pick at food just because it's around, it's yummy and my kids are eating it. :) For that I am proud because all of those little bits add up. Staying…
  • Still hanging in there :) I am so proud of us!
  • Going GREAT. Today is day 7 of no cheating and staying under calorie goals. Down 3+ pounds, mostly water weight I'm sure but this is the most activity I've gotten on the scale in months so I am excited. What I love about a 30 day challenge is that you feel like "it's not forever" so you can totally follow the rules. Then…
  • Day two going strong. Not a single animal cracker from my daughters snack bag. :) These are huge accomplishments for me as silly as it sounds. Thanks for joining me on this.
  • I am about 6 months in on my Crossfit membership and as with any fitness program you have to scale to your comfort level and ability. This is definitely a love / hate situation but you shouldn't knock it before you try it. Our local Crossfit affiliate focuses on safety and form and will yank you out of the workout to…
  • Yes and be safe. I am actually considering leaving if I start to feel too freaked out by it by tomorrow morning. I've lived here for 14 years now and still the hurricanes scare me.