30 Day Challenge - No Cheating

I am challenging myself to NO CHEATING for 30 days straight to see if I can get this scale moving. After 7 months of Crossfit, I've only lost 6 pounds! I am not going strict Paleo but making a commitment to only a single whole wheat carb serving per day and no stealing fries from my children's Happy Meal's. So at the end of this challenge, let's see how much those little slip-up's affect the outcome of our weight loss efforts.

So Day 1 - two meals down and one to go. So far... so good.


  • SophW27
    SophW27 Posts: 19
    I am with you on this one - lets see if we can do it!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    I started a 2-week-challenge to eat 100% clean (I usually permit one treat meal, per week...). So, if this actually turns into "something", I think I can extend it to a 30-day challenge!

    Why not?


    Good luck!
  • sm_4ever17
    sm_4ever17 Posts: 128 Member
    hmm m wid you so lets start the challenge i'll start it from tomorow try to eat as clean as possible but 1 have to eat subway meal once a week at college.
    breakfast alpen porridge wid semi skim milk
    snack fruit
    lunch tuna sandwich
    snack special k cereal
    dinner 1 chapati with salad n lentils
  • cansnchloe
    cansnchloe Posts: 55 Member
    Day two going strong. Not a single animal cracker from my daughters snack bag. :) These are huge accomplishments for me as silly as it sounds.

    Thanks for joining me on this.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Well, how goes it?

    For me, it's going swimmingly! I'm 100% on nutrition plan, this week. So, I'm proud of me!
  • cansnchloe
    cansnchloe Posts: 55 Member
    Going GREAT. Today is day 7 of no cheating and staying under calorie goals. Down 3+ pounds, mostly water weight I'm sure but this is the most activity I've gotten on the scale in months so I am excited. What I love about a 30 day challenge is that you feel like "it's not forever" so you can totally follow the rules. Then at the end, you see results so you want to continue. Love it!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    I have stayed 100% on nutrition plan, too. Lunch today will be tougher - going out for sushi. I think I'll just opt for soup/salad with some stir-fry chicken.
  • cansnchloe
    cansnchloe Posts: 55 Member
    Still hanging in there :) I am so proud of us!
  • Im with you on this one!
  • I'm a week late, but I'm in. I started last week and haven't cheated yet either. I lost 5 lbs. the first week. I'm pretty sure it was mostly water, but I'm happy. I think 30 days is a good goal, by then, it should be habit and a piece of cake....but don't eat it. :-)
  • cansnchloe
    cansnchloe Posts: 55 Member
    Day 11 - Holding strong! The biggest non-scale victory has been NO snacking or munching. It's all very controlled and I can feel myself making the conscious choice to not pick at food just because it's around, it's yummy and my kids are eating it. :) For that I am proud because all of those little bits add up. Staying focused, weekend is upon us and that is always harder for me.
  • im starting day 1 but i am in. I am tired of sabotaging myself. I start to lose weight and then i eat something that looks good and i can't stop eating it. NO Cheating!!!! Im in!
  • I'm going to give it a try. I just started Tuesday but really want this to work. Three years ago I lost almost 40 pounds on Weight Watchers and was smaller then i had been my whole life. Now I am back up 25 pounds and hating myself. I need to do this. Good Luck to all of you who have started already.
  • i starte today, i lost 45 lb without this . i did my own.
    and i used my idea to my uncle, he lost 30 lb within 2 months,
    easy way to do, i burn more cal then u eat, if u eat just 1000 cal less a day, that mean u loose 2 lb a week,
    now i am 5;11 and 150 lb, i need to gain 10 more lb and iam here to gain right way to gain.
  • cansnchloe
    cansnchloe Posts: 55 Member
    Okay, it's working!!! This is the first time in months that I've seen the scale move. Day 12 of this challenge and I've dropped 5.2 pounds total... which I'm telling you is a miracle for me. I am beaming and even more motivated now than ever. :)
  • kelly81082
    kelly81082 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm going to give this a try, it will be very challenging for me but I'm willing to try it!
  • im doing a soup and wholemeal bread diet
  • Way to go what a great idea. I have been going to a gym 4 to 5 times a week and have not lost an ounce! However my clothes fit better. I get the muscle mass vs fat mass thing but I want the scale to move. I think you have a great idea and am with ya.
  • Just a suggestion but maybe to avoid temptation and have healthier kids maybe no more Happy Meals for the kids or Animal biscuits at least for the 30 days. The kids will be supporting their mum, being healthier themselves and might get to try new and exciting foods.

    Try making homemade seedy flapjack for lunch boxes. Lower gi and keeps them and you fuller for longer. You could make them together :-)

    If we have not got unhealthy foods in the house I can not eat them.
  • cansnchloe
    cansnchloe Posts: 55 Member
    Day 13 - BOMBED! Beyond bombed probably over by like 1000 calories by the end of the night. So straight detox for the next few days. Ugggg, that is so frustrating. I just wish for the days when I was younger and just eating a salad for lunch everyday was enough to drop 10 pounds a month. I am struggling for every tenth of a pound nowadays. Oh well, just a little speed bump in the road.