HELP - am I doing something wrong?

Okay, here is my deal. I am a 33 year old female who has just recently (past 2 weeks) started MFP after using Weight Watchers online off and on for about a year. Sick of paying the monthly fee for WW, I tried this site. My goal is to lose about 40 pounds since I am a VERY unhealthy 219 lbs at 5'2". I am a former collegiate athlete, so I carry my weight pretty well. Everyone is astounded when I tell them my weight. I have always been muscular but now I just have a lot of fat on that muscle.

My question that I am eating around 1500 calories a day and working out religiously (kettle bell workouts 4x a week), why have I gained weight????? I am extremely frustrated and although I feel better physically, the scale is not showing anything positive and I am frustrated. Has anyone had this experience as well? :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:


  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    Try opening your diary up - maybe your sodium intake is really high? Are you eating your exercise calories?

    Also, just because the scale isn't moving doesn't mean you're not making progress. Do you take measurements? Maybe you're losing inches, not weight!
  • o0IrishEyes0o
    o0IrishEyes0o Posts: 82 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? That is my biggest go to when my scale isn't moving. I usually realize it's because I'm not getting nearly enough.

    Eight 8oz glasses a day is well and good... if you aren't working out :) But since you are, you probably need to up that number to 12 or 13 glasses. Your body needs the water... otherwise it retains it (wierd, right?). Give yourself a few days of drinking more and then step on the scale!
  • rhodenizer
    rhodenizer Posts: 95 Member
    Are you loosing inches? Sounds like you are building up more muscle right now. Measure yourself and see if those inches are going away.
  • jadeblue14
    jadeblue14 Posts: 182 Member
    Were you working out a lot before you started? If your muscles aren't used to the work out, you could be retaining a lot of water. Muscles hold on to water as they're torn so they can repair. It's a good thing in the long run.
  • cansnchloe
    cansnchloe Posts: 55 Member
    I have a similar situation and do Crossfit 4-5 days a week and have only gotten off 8 pounds in 6 months!

    However, we all seem to have the same problem at CF and weight training (kettlebells included) seem to create this scenario. The ultimate goal is to be healthier, feel better and do what you know you should be doing and it will come off slowly but surely. We need to stop focusing on the scale as well. And more on what you can see in the mirror, how your clothes fit and overall health achievements. I agree though, it is VERY frustrating because we just want to see that number go down!
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Open up your diary. We have to see what you eat. Add sodium and sugar as columns if they are not already there.