Jschrolms Member


  • @playmadcats thanks for your feedback! When you mentioned that you sometimes booked extra sessions, would it have been beneficial to be able to see a calendar type view of your trainers availability? Did you have a few back and forth messages to work out availability or was it not to hard to try and plan an extra session?
  • I cant find any in Melbourne from looking at the website, looks mad though
  • I'm not new here, i was the one putting forward some suggestions for this guy based on what he is doing. I am not changing gears, she asked me that question about the difference between macros when in surplus. I put forward my suggestions because i have practiced them and they worked for me, all the other suggestions just…
  • I don't have to bother looking at yours, i can tell you are doing it wrong just by looking at your photos. to answer your question, yes if you have a surplus, of course it matters if its fat/protein/carbs. let me ask you another stupid question in return. If someone has a 2K calorie diet, would there be any difference if…
  • Has anyone here bothered to have a look at his food diary? Based on your theory that it is just because of his calorie surplus is ridiculous, based on that you aren't defining whether it matters where the calories are lost, either carbs fats protein.
  • I could spend hours writing about the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load but it is pretty safe to keep it basic, but i will make it more clear Eat foods that burn slowly throughout the day Eat foods that burn up fast only first thing in morning and after a workout
  • Have a look into Glycemic Load mate, ever heard of that?
  • So even if you eat food extremely high on the GI as long as in that meal its balanced with low GI food. that High GI food has no affect on the rise of blood sugar in your body?
  • Hey Man, so your 'Why?' is referring to why only have High GI carbs first thing in the morning and immediately after training ? first thing in the morning when you need to re fuel your body its ok and smae for after a workout but all other time when you're not doing much physical activity.. More insulin is released. A high…
  • If your Fat is down to 20%, i would say you need to look at what carbs you are having that make up your 50% if youre eating high GI carbs throughout the day when you are not exercising, that could be why you are putting on more fat than you would like. Try and only eat high GI carbs in the morning or straight after a…
  • First, work out what your BMR is and how many Calories your body needs for the day, then add on an extra 500 cals and make that your target. you can use this website http://www.ibodyfit.com/calc-mycalories.php then make sure you are eating about 40% Carbs 40% Protein and 20% Fats also make sure you are only eating High GI…
  • The Key is you wanna smash out a real hard sesh and really feel it in your muscles and then eat the right foods and get great nutrition for your body to recover and grow. minimum time you should leave between doing a certain muscle is 48 hours. if you get to 48 hours and youre not to sore, then smash that muscle again!!!…
  • Anyone still mad training everyday?
  • There are plenty of things to do, depending on when your workout is, if you want an afternoon snack that is about and hour or 2 before your workout. Get Brown Rice for Low GI carbs (can buy in a quick cup pack which has 125g per serve) Piece of Chicken Breast ( Pre Cooked from the night before) Any form of low sugar sauce…
  • Still Training everyday! who gon stop me! huh?
  • Say this if you want her to spew on you
  • Chat up every other Chick in the Gym except her and make her real Jelly
  • Come back to my place if you want a real work out
  • Maybe you could ask her for some pointers? ask for a spot?
  • Just offer some pointers, maybe keep ur back straight or get low or something like that
  • Hey Mad Dog, Yeah so how about this, this is what i do. Back and Bi's on a day, chest Tri's and Ab's the next day, Legs and shoulders then enxt day, then back to back and bi's again. Also run/Ride/Boxing pretty much everyday. How intense are you talking Bro? how many exercises/sets/reps are you doin per muscle group? LIKE…
  • Haters gon hate, won't get you anywhere
  • Yeah sweet, I think you are spot on, if you feel good and full of energy use it. Since doing this i havent been rundown or sick anything like i used to.
  • Hey Man, Ok so Muscles grow when you rest, so i am resting them, a muscle group one day, anotehr one the next etc. Why have a full day of nothing? Why not jsut start something that you havent done for 2 or 3 days? It should be rested enough yeah?
  • Man, the gym i am going to is like an institution of fitness, not some smelly old gym. I happily spend a couple of hours in there training, gotta get those gains man! And i mean, good tunes, good people, there is always something to work on and i am always feeling good and jsut want to go smash it out. Yeahhh booiii
  • Yeah i know what you mean, at this stage though i dont have much else to do other than work, eat and train! What other sort of things are you guys doing on rest days??
  • We ended up going and it was ahh mahh zing. Do any of you knwo what a kebab box is? Box of Chips, covered in Turkish Lamb and Chicken, smothered in BBQ sauce and Topped with Cheese. gotta get those gains!!
  • start measuring your heart rate to keep track of it, if you are using videos etc to make sure you are keeping up with a good pace as there is no trainer to help you out. other than that, keep a good diet, make sure you are having lots of vegies and getting all the vitamins and minerals you need
  • change up your meals abit, eat as soon as you get up, eat 6 times a day , your metabolism will respond to regular nutrition by working at higher rate. You will burn more kilojoules, get leaner etc. Dont eat a snack after dinner beofre going to sleep, and towards dinner make it a meal really low in carbs what intensity are…