I'm Feeling A Little Discouraged

Alright, so I've been working out 5-6 times a week for about 45 minutes each. I've thrown some pilates/toning/strength training in there as well about 3 times a week.
I eat around 1100-1300 calories a day, and I keep it fairly healthy on most days.
I have a 'cheat day' on Saturday's where I have a treat or two.
Okay, after four weeks of doing all this, I've gained weight. I don't think it's much muscle either. I haven't lost inches either.

I'm feeling a little discouraged. Does anyone have any tips or advice for me? It would be much appreciated. Thanks!


  • Jschrolms
    Jschrolms Posts: 40 Member
    How many meals/ times a day are you eating to total that 1100 cals?
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    Open your diary
  • AstroZombies666
    Probably around 4-5 times a day. Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, Snack.
  • helenmc40
    helenmc40 Posts: 117 Member
    need to see your diary
  • FitGma63
    FitGma63 Posts: 17 Member
    Sometimes it just takes some time, hold on and keep doing the healthy things!

    Here is what I've learned:
    Drink lots of water
    Don't over log your calorie burn (what the treadmill says may be higher than MFP, use the lesser)
    Don't under log your calorie intake (portions are important, use a scale and measuring cups)

    Good luck!! Friend me if you'd like, don't know much more than I've learned on here but am in it for the long run!
  • seximami79
    seximami79 Posts: 156 Member
    seems like you are eating way too little for your activity level, and your body may be in starvation mode and holding onto everything it can...
  • WickedBean
    WickedBean Posts: 244 Member
    You are 15 years old... I don't mean to be rude but go to Sparkteens.com MFP is for 18+
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    Are you eating enough though? 1100 - 1300 isn't really that much if you're working out super hard. If your diary is open I am sure other people will be able to give you old suggestions on what to eat.
  • WandaNubody
    Have you noticed the trend with dvd sets for exercise now? They have 10 dvds or more of different exercises for everyday. The whole idea for losing weight is to shock your body daily with a new workout. Doing the same thing over and over isnt going to work. Trust me, it will work. =) Hang in there, pretty soon it will melt off.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    you are a teen? and working out heavily. eat more plain and simple.
  • AstroZombies666
    I do use some dvds, but I only have two cardio ones that I like. I may look for more since I've been using the two I have for a couple of years. I do switch it up and use the bike some days, though.

    And I don't really feel like I'm eating too little, or working out too hard but I might consider increasing my intake a bit.
  • Jschrolms
    Jschrolms Posts: 40 Member
    change up your meals abit, eat as soon as you get up, eat 6 times a day , your metabolism
    will respond to regular nutrition by working at higher rate. You will burn more kilojoules, get leaner etc.
    Dont eat a snack after dinner beofre going to sleep, and towards dinner make it a meal really low in carbs
    what intensity are you training at also what are you doing for training?
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    Calories in does not always equal calories out, ie weight loss. There are other factors that come into play like stress hormones, estrogen/progesterone, thyroid, adrenal glands etc. google dr Libby and read some of her articles, it's very enlightening.
  • AstroZombies666
    change up your meals abit, eat as soon as you get up, eat 6 times a day , your metabolism
    will respond to regular nutrition by working at higher rate. You will burn more kilojoules, get leaner etc.
    Dont eat a snack after dinner beofre going to sleep, and towards dinner make it a meal really low in carbs
    what intensity are you training at also what are you doing for training?

    I usually do kickboxing videos (Tae Bo, Turbo Jam) and I ride the stationary bicycle on some days.
  • AstroZombies666
    you are a teen? and working out heavily. eat more plain and simple.

    I wouldn't call it heavily. I've seen much worse.
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    Alright, so I've been working out 5-6 times a week for about 45 minutes each. I've thrown some pilates/toning/strength training in there as well about 3 times a week.
    I eat around 1100-1300 calories a day, and I keep it fairly healthy on most days.
    I have a 'cheat day' on Saturday's where I have a treat or two.
    Okay, after four weeks of doing all this, I've gained weight. I don't think it's much muscle either. I haven't lost inches either.

    I'm feeling a little discouraged. Does anyone have any tips or advice for me? It would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    At 15 years old, you are still growing. Sparkteens is made for people in your situation, MFP is not.
  • Jschrolms
    Jschrolms Posts: 40 Member
    start measuring your heart rate to keep track of it, if you are using videos etc to make sure you are keeping up with a good pace as there is no trainer to help you out. other than that, keep a good diet, make sure you are having lots of vegies and getting all the vitamins and minerals you need