

  • Yes, congrats keep it up!!!!
  • I might be slightly addicted :smile:
  • I am so sorry for your loss, loosing an animal is painfull. Remember though that you did all that you could and there is no more suffering. I had to put down by childhood cat about 7 years ago, my sisiters cat about a year after and just 3 months ago i put down my dads dog. It doensnt get any easier. You did a very…
  • I agree, throw pie in her face and ship her butt home
  • See I am a litle different when it comes to this topic. I dont always have that bite, but I refuse to deny myself anything. I have done that in the past and failed so many times. So now i eat what i want when i want it, but i just make healthier choices about it. I ate pizza the other day, but made sure i ordered a…
  • I am a dd, and i too wear 2 bras while i am playing softball or running. I wear a normal underwire bra on and then my addias razor back sports bra that is a tad bit to small over it. Its prob not the best thing to do but it works for me. I am not afraid i will get knocked out anymore :smile:
  • How do u make ur ticker move?
  • I wouldnt say my boyfriend is skinny by any means, and i actually weigh less than 20 pounds. The thing that gets me, and is one of the reasons i starting thinking it was time to get serious is when he told me he wieghed 240 and i was like what? At that time I weighed 230. He is 6'4 and i am only 5'6, almost a…
  • I would like to join if not to late, my goal would be 205 by halloween. I am currently 220, so hopefully i can surpass it. Good Luck everyone!!!!!
  • Dont feel too bad, i weigh 20 pounds less then my boyfriend. I am 5'6, he is 6'4. When i started this i only weighed 10 pounds less. When i heard that, it gave me so motivation!!! Good luck too you
  • I eat all my exercise calories everyday, well almost all if i have a few left over i am not to worried. I understand it as they all ready created a deficit when you entered in all your info, weight, level of daily activity and weight loss goal per week. I have lost 10 pounds and have been on here for about 3 weeks give or…
  • I have a couple of different reasons for finally getting serious about this. 1) is i am just sick of being overwieght, 2) I too complain about it all the time, and I too have a boyfriend who got fed up with it. I see it causing tension between us. I am tired all the time, i get upset easier and my self confidence has went…
  • Thats an awesome idea for when your on the go. These last few weeks i have ate a few times but i alwasy made sure I checked their official website and picked out what I was going to eat before going there. But sometimes you dont have access to a computer. I think i will make my own little cheat sheet and throw it in my…
  • I say if ur craving it, then eat it. But i agree with the others on here that have responded. Moderation is the key. The other day i was craving pizza and my boyfriend who doesnt watch what he eats also wanted some. So we ordered pizza, he ordered a large for himself. And i ordered a small personal pan pizza with extra…
  • I did weigh in on monday but forgot to log it. I have lost 3 pounds so far this month!!!!
  • I am currently on vacation, second day in and its 4:25 am and I am still awake. Ugh. On good note, my eating times havent changed since i have been on vacation. But i was really looking forward to being a "normal" person for a week. Any body else have these problems when their off for an extended amount of time. I have…
  • I spent 2 summers working in Illinios for my internship for college and all my coworkers used to laugh at me cause i say "ehh" alot and i guess i pronouce the word "bag" funny. Wow you have been to alot of states though. I actually dont think i have been to any of the ones you listed.
  • When i was younger my grandparents took me to Canada a couple of times. Havent been there on my own though. Which is funny since its only like 3 hours away to the locks from where i grew up and still live today. I get asked alot if i am from Canada though because of my accent. :smile:
  • Not from Canada, but kinda close. The U.P of Michigan. Just wanted to say welcome and good luck. Its a wonderful site.
  • I like fruits and veggies, most not all, and i do eat them on a daily basis. But i also try and take a supplement called festiv veggies and festiv fruit. They are organic. My sister in law swears by them, so i thought i would give them a try. She claims she has so much more energy when she is taking them, me on the other…
  • So i am 27 so I have a few more years till i am 35. My list would be * get married *start a family *get down to my "goal wieght" * grow a garden * go on a cruise * run in a 10k *complete a tri-athlan *get a dog *complete my masters degree *never eat fast food again *quit smoking (would like to accomplish this sooner rather…
  • I recently got switched to all mids to mids/afternoons. We work 2 12s a week and 2 8s. so that means i get 3 days off. So my week is all screwed up. I count my days as 7am-7am that way it works for me no matter what shift i am on or even if its my day off. I dont eat though when i get home from mids, i usually go right to…
  • I dont know if this would work for you, but i read about a mini pizza recipe on here last night. I changed it up a bit to work for me at work for lunches. Before work I toasted Arnolds Brand Sandwich Thins 100 Percent whole wheat. I then grabbed a serving of onions, mushrooms, pizza sauce (reduced Sodium) pepperoni and a…
  • One of the things I do is keep my days the same no matter if i am working nights for 12 hours, 8 hours or if i am off. I recently just got switched and now i do 2 afternoon shifts (3-11) every week too. when i count my calories, i go from 7am-7am. That way it keeps it the same all the time. Its easier for me to keep track…
  • I have done biggest loser competitions through work before also. I used to be afraid to tell ppl my weight, think that it would change how i appeared to them. Then i realized that it is just a number and doesnt really mean anything to anyone else. I mean its not like people look at me and they see skinny and then the…
  • I made this prior to ever joining this sight and let me tell ya I loved it. It didnt look the best when it was finished cooking but it tasted wonderful. I kept hearing how good salsa was but i had a hard time not associating salsa with chips. I will definately make this again.
  • Thank you everyone for the suggestons, i guess i am looking for anything healthy and easy (?) too.
  • Honestly my biggest motivation is my boyfriend. I want a better relationship with him. I feel like my weight has a negative impact on our relationship cuz it causes me to be very self consious at times. We have talked about marriage and i dont want to spend the rest of my life not feeling good enough. And belive me by no…
  • Thank you all, i keep telling myself when i loose like 20 or 25 lbs. But i think i need to get a specific weight in mind. So i picked it, and there will be no changing it. I could see myself loosing 20 pounds and saying okay 25 then loosing that and saying okay 30lb and never doing it. But when i see 199 on that scale. I…
  • I went on a 6 hour drive a week into my journey, i brought lots of water and of course diet pepsi (iam addicted) but i also brought a cooler with some cut up bite size watermelon (about 46 calories per cup) and some nuts. I made sure i stopped at subway for lunch halfway through. I did really good on my way there, good…