Travel Snacks Required + tips on eating out- help

I am going visiting this weekend and it is a 3.5hour journey to get there :frown: Now I usually snack on crisps and sweets but I am looking for obviously more healthy options as I am doing really well and I do not want to lose focus in the 1st week plus I will probably be going out over the weekend so I will need to try and keep it together - any ideas on this? Food & drink wise? :drinker: Thanks


  • mysi019
    mysi019 Posts: 55
    I went on a 6 hour drive a week into my journey, i brought lots of water and of course diet pepsi (iam addicted) but i also brought a cooler with some cut up bite size watermelon (about 46 calories per cup) and some nuts. I made sure i stopped at subway for lunch halfway through. I did really good on my way there, good while i was there and of course had to ruin it all by getting mcdonalds(though i did limit myself to small size fries and only one hamburger) on the way home. I think that you should just concentrate on making better desisions and dont beat yourself up to much about it. Good luck, you will do just fine!!!
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Usually I plan ahead and make sandwiches, have fruit/nutty bars, Jaffa cakes (as they're 46 calories per cake), raw almonds, lots of water.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Water, fruits, nuts, granola bars etc. If your only option for eating out is fast food opt for the kid's meal which is still really high in sodium but has very little calories next to the big mac ;) Or subway or something similar.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Lots of fruits, nuts, and any veggie you can pre-cut as snacks work really good. Drink lots of water and make sure you snack/eat every 3 hrs. By doing this you're avoiding that "starvation" feeling where you panick and just get whatever is closest/easiest and usually full of super calories! Just realize that even though you're going to have this healthy habit this weekend, don't expect others to follow - so stay strong with your goal of being healthy FOR LIFE :) People will first think you're crazy, but soon after will realize that you are amazing at sticking with it!
  • kat1000000
    kat1000000 Posts: 66 Member
    If i was going on a road trip i would take water, light string cheese, fresh fruit ( apples, grapes), or maybe even some beef jerky.

  • AndreeT
    AndreeT Posts: 191
    bump for later - also traveling in about a week for 11 days!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Travel snacks are easy if you just take a few minutes to plan them out and pack them in a small cooler. Lots of bottled water, nuts, cheese cubes, rolled up deli meats, peanut butter, apples, celery, even yogurt cups! Eating out also requires you to be diligent and think about your goals BEFORE ordering. Order a takeout box when you order and move 1/2 of the food into the take out box before you start eating; order salads with dressings on the side so you can control; go online and check restaurants website prior to going there to see if they have a nutritional menu and select based on that; order a healthy appetizer rather than an entree. Good luck on your travels and stay focused on your goals!
  • luzit
    luzit Posts: 6
    I keep a list of calories and fat counts of fast foods in my wallet,that way if a situation arises that requires me to make a quick meal decision ,my best choices are handy.
  • mysi019
    mysi019 Posts: 55
    Thats an awesome idea for when your on the go. These last few weeks i have ate a few times but i alwasy made sure I checked their official website and picked out what I was going to eat before going there. But sometimes you dont have access to a computer. I think i will make my own little cheat sheet and throw it in my purse.
  • KimuraCarter
    Though I didn't have great success with it, bento boxes (or any lunch box with small compartments) is great for traveling with healthy food and snacks and helps with portion control. I was trying to use one as a lunch box, but the containers didn't close tight enough to contain liquid like soup. But I did take it traveling with me, and it was awesome! It fit perfectly on the airplane tray table.

    Thanks to others for advice about eating out!
  • stringcheeze
    All the snacks that everyone else mentioned are fine ideas. I'd only caution about having all of that food in the car and eating mindlessly -- ie, just because it's healthy stuff doesn't mean you should overeat it. Perhaps plan out your snacks into little sandwich baggies so you know exactly what you're getting and that will make tracking a whole lot easier.

    Edit: Depending on your comfort level with cooking for others, you could also offer to make dinner for the folks you're seeing one night while you're there. That way, you get to control what you'll be eating, and the others will benefit from something healthy too!
  • ceshafer1
    dried fruit and nut trail mix is the best to travel with. doesn't need to stay cold, will last forever because the fruit is already dried out, offers lots of flavor and all the protien will keep you full. if you have the ingredients, make it yourself to save money plus pre-packed kinds have loads of salt in them. i typically use unsalted almonds, raisins, dried cranberries, and dried apricots. throw it in a zip-lock and youre good to go!