JenniferDent_CHC Member


  • I always have a jar of extra virgin coconut oil on hand as well as a jar of refined coconut oil. Refined doesn't have the coconut taste so I usually use that to cook with. I don't like my eggs and spinach tasting coco-nutty! I'll use the extra virgin coconut oil in my morning tea and protein shakes.
  • Get out of the freakin 140s!!!!!!!! (It's only a few pounds away, but boy is it elusive!) Then get out of the 130s Drop body fat percent to the 20s Run a 5K Build sexy muscles
  • Good for you!! I know that makes you feel GREAT!
  • Oh wow! I hadn't thought about that. I'm assuming you can walk during a 5K. I mean, the goal is to finish...even if you have to crawl!
  • That's good to know! I start W3 on Wednesday so now I know what I'm in for :)
  • Thought I would post my Day 2 results from Saturday as well. Stats: Distance: 2.38 miles Total Time: 55 min Avg. Pace: 12:37 min/mi Calories burned: 426 I ran in the park on Saturday which has a jogging path around a river. When I finished my C25K program, I still had to get to my car on the other side of the river! The…
  • Good job!
  • I discovered the Nike Training Camp (NTC) app and I LOVE LOVE LOVE these workouts. It's functional training at it's best and I can do it in my bedroom with weights and a medicine ball. The app is FREE and it has over 100 different workouts on it. I'll be doing those workouts in between my running days. Since a personal…
  • You are killing it with the calorie burn every day! It's so motivating! I know you probably heard this 1000 times, but I'm sure you're building muscle in your legs and booty and we all know muscle weighs more than fat! I think it's good you have a contingency plan since you missed your run today. You're doing great...keep…
  • Let us know when you find one!
  • Running on your birthday is a great idea! That 10K I have penciled in on my calendar is during my birthday month so I'm going to count that as a birthday run. Thanks for the good idea!
  • Wow! You're a pro at the 5K! That sounds like a really good pace.
  • Awesome job! And with a 5 year old! Impressive :)
  • Completed day 1 today OUTSIDE! I got out the door at 6AM and it was already 80 degrees, but there was a slight breeze blowing so it wasn't too bad. I'm proud of myself! C25k Week 1, Day 1: Overall Pace: 13:37 Overall Distance: 2.20miles Time: 32:06 Carlories: 230
  • I use the Couch-to-5K app on my iPhone.
  • Be careful running outside when it's that hot! I too am worried about running in the heat. My friend who is a runner told me it's best to run in the early morning or at sunset. She also told me about a group of women who run at night when the weather is really hot. Stay hydrated!
  • Yes!! If you read my intro post, you'll see that I trained for 9 weeks on a treadmill. When I eventually ran outside, I felt like I had never run a day in my life! The effort it takes to run outside is completely different than running on a treadmill. If you never plan to run outside, that training on a treadmill is fine.…
  • I'm so glad I found you all! I used a c25K app starting last November because I was planning to run a 5K in April 2012. Well, that never happened. I trained for 9 weeks using the app indoors on the treadmill. The first time I ran outside in February, I thought I was going to die. I felt like I had never run before in my…
  • My nutritionist taught me that good fat is good for your body and coconut oil is a great fat. Low fat diets don't work. I just ordered a book she recommended I read. Eat Fat, Lose Fat. I've trippled my fat intake over the past 2 weeks and the inches are…
  • I recently made this deep dish pizza recipe. FABULOUS! The crust is delicious!
  • Visit Maria's Healthy Nutrition blog. She has wonderful "bread" recipes. One of my favorite are her "Pizza Hut bread sticks." It also makes a great deep dish pizza crust!
  • I just started using it a few weeks ago and I love the excercises. I use 8 and 10 lb dumbells and a 4 lb medicine ball. I love that I can do the workouts right in my bedroom. Like someone else posted, I put my phone in my sound dock and turn the tv on to a music channel and go! How often do you all do the workouts? There…
  • I just started L2 of the 30 Day shred. Google 30Day Shred result images. There are a ton on the web. Good luck!
  • My schedule is similar to what some of you posted. Mon - 30DS Tues - 30DS Wed - 30 min running treadmill intervals using the lolo app (love it!!) Thurs - 30DS Fri - 30DS Sat - 30 min running treadmill intervals using the lolo app or 60 min walking intervals Sun - REST I'm going to do each level 10x and when the weather…
  • That's great! I'm looking forward to increased endurance :)
  • Hi all! Started 30S today for the 2nd time :wink: I've been using it sporadically the past few weeks alternating cardio intervals on the treadmill. I haven't really seen the results I've been looking for so I'm going to do the 30 day plan of working out every day. I won't move to Level 2 until I can do all the pushups MAN…
  • Wow! You look great! Awesome results. I purchased 30 Day Shred months ago and never finished it. I just dusted it off and am starting again this week. Your photos are very inspirational!
  • Thanks for posting this! I have a head of cauliflower in my fridge just looking at me. I've been trying to figure out what to do with it and this sounds perfect!