hmroebuck Member


  • [/quote] I want to reduce fat percentage . I want that some day my thighs be firm columns, not just cellulite gelatine as they are now. [/quote] Then the weight on the scale means very little. You could very well weigh 120 and look way better than you did at 110.
  • At 5'4 115 you don't need to lose weight. If you are unhappy with how you look, get rid of the scale and focus on body comp (which Insanity is probably helping with). Having said that the BMR of a 32yo female your height and weight is 1300. I'm not sure how many calories you are burning, but if you are eating 1500 a day…
  • I wouldn't worry about a one-time occurrence. Take it easy today though!
  • I haven't read any responses posted, but wanted to say for ME it would have been impossible to focus on both at the same time. I gained about 15lbs when I quit. One of my mottos during that time was "whatever it takes". A year after I quit we made a stressful cross country move, so not smoking was still a fight. Once that…
  • Arg, I typed a huge response and lost it. I have found that breads, potatoes, and rice, are almost always sides and I don't need them if I focus on eating enough protein and veggies. If it's a sandwich or burger I immediately toss the top. If it's pizza I don't eat the crust. I try to replace snacks with a protein drink.…
  • You don't need to lose weight. If you are going to work out, you need to eat more. Body composition and weight on a scale are two different things.
  • My nutritionist said to get in the protein and not worry about the fat (assuming it's healthy fat).
  • I guess there is something I'm missing. If a person ate at a 500cal deficit for 6 days (with the 7th to binge) that is a 3000cal total deficit for the week. How are you getting that it would take 5500 to offset the week of work? The only way I can see a binge day being okay is if you work the estimated calories into a…
  • Uh, it would be very easy to undo and entire week of work in one day of calorie binging. No bueno!
  • Ugh, weekends are super tough for me because we usually are out of the house and eating at restaurants from Friday night through Sunday night. If we happen to be home, there is usually a gathering of some sort here or with neighbors that involves alcohol. Weekends are definitely something I need to work on!
  • Right now, come up with logical responses to those sabotaging thoughts. Decide what you will say to yourself next time you are considering that 2nd piece of pizza. Remind yourself that it's not "just this once". Because the more times you cave now the more you will cave in the future. It will just escalate. And every bite…
  • Over what period of time have you gained?
  • I just started today! Feel free to add me
  • To lose weight, you don't have to be on a strict diet food choice wise, but nothing changes the rule of calories in must be <calories out. You have to eat less than you burn. If you are not willing to be strict tracking calorie wise, you won't be successful.
  • I stop eating, drink water, change activities... How much water are you drinking? I have a hard time getting in 4oz of protein and 1/2 cup of veggies if I drink a glass (20 oz) of water before eating. Are you sure you are hungry and not thirsty, or really just having cravings? Is your diet carb heavy? Try sticking to lean…
  • I'm working too hard to need to entertain myself. I do always have some sort of music going though.
  • I just got done with a 30 day trial at a boot camp that was awesome. Unfortunately, it's way too expensive for me to continue. How I felt during the workouts reminded me of when I tried the 30 day shred in the past. I was just considering getting off the computer and going to pop in Jillian's video. I'm not interested in…
  • Of course you can, and you obviously want to because you posted the question. You can do this! Oh, and I get so irritated to constantly hear that 1200 cal is not enough. I don't know what your BMR is, but mine's 1450 and I'm 12lbs into the "overweight" category. Cutting to 1200 still only gives me a .5lb/wk loss! You;ve…
  • I didn't check your diary, but based on what you listed I'd guess you are overdoing sodium and simple carbs. Eat more veggies
  • Not everybody can consume the same amount of calories. If I ate 2200 calories a day I'd be gaining nearly a pound a week!!!!!
  • Changing your workout won't make you gain if you are burning the same amount of calories. If you are being 100% honest and accurate with your logging, then you need to get a HRM to calculate calories burned. If you find that was also accurate, then you need to see a doctor.
  • 1. 156cm = 5'1.4" so 103.6lbs is not an unrealistic goal. 2. If you are more concerned with toning, it sounds like you are doing the correct kind of exercising 3. You are not eating at much of a deficit, so you shouldn't be that hungry..,or dizzy 4. Hormones have a huge effect on hunger and last, but most important 5. You…
  • Also, on the non-mobile site, all you have to do check your weekly totals is go to REPORTS. Then you can chose what type of report you want to see (weight, measurements, net calories, macros, micros...).
  • Most likely you are starving today because you didn't eat enough the last few days. Your body doesn't always respond to your intake overnight, often it's a delayed effect. A fast/binge cycle is not healthy. Even the 5:2 type diets instruct you not to eat in excess on the "5" days.
  • I can't believe someone would tell a 5'6 110lb person to keep eating at a deficit, WTF? Are you insane? OP, there is NO.WAY. you have "MASSIVE" rolls, NO.WAY. You need to seriously evaluate why you have such a poor body image. It's incredible sad. Please get some help.
  • I don't think there is one answer for everyone. If a person is eating at their maintenance and adds in an hour walk everyday, they will be in a deficit and lose. If they cut 250 cals everyday, but don't walk, they will be in a deficit and lose. You have to be in a deficit to lose, period. Being in one can make you hungry…
  • I agree with others about forgetting the notion of "treat" days. By doing so, you are giving power to food. You need to take back the control. We should eat healthy nutrient rich foods to keep our bodies running their best, but what you eat is just a part of being fit. Though I'm not condoning it, you actually can keep…
  • I think you'd be surprised what working on body composition can do. At one point I was in awe of a tiny woman I worked with. She was maybe 5'2" and 50 years old. She was so freaking adorable! She ate well 90% of the time, drank nothing but water (well at work, I know she consumed alcohol in the evening), and she worked out…