How do you entertain yourself at the gym?

Jdigs88 Posts: 71 Member
I know many people enjoy working out, and some don't use music or anything at all, they just focus. I'm not one of those people. For me, good music or TV helps take my mind off how much time I have left, and I actually end up working out harder because I'm not thinking about it as much.

For those of you who read, play games, listen to music, etc. at the gym - what do you do? What's your favorite show to watch, podcast to listen to, game to play, or songs to play? Do you have a source for playlists? If you read, is it hard to focus on letters when moving or turn pages?

I'm looking for suggestions and places to start to add to my collection of distraction methods. I tried reading yesterday and it failed miserably. I've made a pretty good spotify workout playlist, but even music gets old sometimes. Would love to vary it up with your help!


  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    iPod Nano
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    I listen to music even when I love doing my workout and even now that most of my workouts are at home. I go through phases on the specific music I like, but the general idea of upbeat and happy pretty much carries through all my workout playlists.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    working out keeps me pretty busy.

    But if I'm on the stairmaster I use netflix on my phone.
  • dalesimpson1
    dalesimpson1 Posts: 26 Member
    When I'm on the treadmill in the hotel I watch Dexter or something similar on Netflix on my tablet.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    100% of the time i listen to my IPOD. If I am doing the recumbant bike I read but I can't read for the entire time because I tend to not workout as hard as I could for the distraction of reading.
  • cgoebert94
    cgoebert94 Posts: 1 Member
    I usually just listen to music when working out/at the gym. It helps me keep a good pace and keep my mind off of things. One day I went on the elliptical and did some homework reading & when I was done reading I didn't even realize how far I went.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I listen to audio books.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    pushing and pulling heavy things is entertainment enough for me. I will sometimes listen to music to help me focus and drown out the distractions around me...but the workout itself is pretty tough and I don't think I'd be doing any reading.

    I don't really do cardio equipment at the gym unless I absolutely am forced inside due to in-climate weather...and it has to be pretty damned in-climate. I enjoy riding my bike as my primary form of cardio and do it outside...seeing the world go by on a bicycle is pretty entertaining.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Trying not to puke while doing Crossfit is pretty much all the entertainment I need :happy:

    When I do cardio,( very rarely,) I might put music on.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Watch my rolls as they fly up in my face. Use that as motivation to either puke, cry or work harder.

    No really I go to bootcamp, the trainer is exceptionally entertaining. Her bootcamp is like 10X cheaper than any gym in town, and I work my butt a lot harder there than I would by my self.
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    I have my gym in my home and usually watch recorded episodes of General Hospital. Keeps me moving just so I can see what happens next. :happy:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    People watch and music.
  • hmroebuck
    hmroebuck Posts: 64 Member
    I'm working too hard to need to entertain myself. I do always have some sort of music going though.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Watch my rolls as they fly up in my face. Use that as motivation to either puke, cry or work harder.

    No really I go to bootcamp, the trainer is exceptionally entertaining. Her bootcamp is like 10X cheaper than any gym in town, and I work my butt a lot harder there than I would by my self.

    I feel like I am going to die in my Bootcamp. I dont find that too entertaining!!! LOL!
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Wu tang or heavy metal keeps pushing and focused!
  • ammeg1234
    ammeg1234 Posts: 37 Member
    I listen to playlists on Spotify on my iphone.. i make sure they are fast paced and upbeat songs, and usually a lot of them are songs that remind me of people I don't like/people that are skinner than me!! Those songs always get me working harder!!
  • mackie_pants
    mackie_pants Posts: 99 Member
    Another audiobook fan. I decided to only listen to them while exercising and now I frequently find myself doing "just 5 more minutes" so that I can keep listening to my book.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I lift, so I'm usually busy and the time goes fast.

    When I do run I do interval runs and I'm busy watching the clock for my next run or walk marker.

    Basically I just find a way to be fully involved in the workout mentally and physically. Makes the time go fast.
  • You shouldn't need entertaining when working out. If you're bored then you're not trying hard enough.
  • Niccole5878
    Niccole5878 Posts: 14 Member
    LOL!! Love this, but it is the truth for me.... :)
  • motofairy
    motofairy Posts: 33 Member
    I listen to music. Mostly my playlists are songs that make me feel like a bad *kitten* and music from my glory days of college and dancing at gay bars, where the best dance music lives.
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 970 Member
    I didn't renew my gym membership, but I would watch whatever crap was on the tv. I also watched hockey on my phone via Game Centre Live. Otherwise, just listened to music that would keep me moving.
  • Raevyns
    Raevyns Posts: 91 Member
    I lift too so that keeps me more than focused, gym has cable so I'll toss on some HGTV or Food Network.

    I'm sure the latter causes consternation amongst other gym goers post- Raevyns-Workout.
  • Jdigs88
    Jdigs88 Posts: 71 Member
    You shouldn't need entertaining when working out. If you're bored then you're not trying hard enough.

    It's not about being bored or not trying. I'm working hard and pushing myself quite a bit (hit a personal best yesterday, yay!), but I'm doing a lot of cardio. I try to mix in fitness classes when I can or home dance workouts because they fly by, but when I have 30-60 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical, it gets monotonous. I'm still starting out, so I'm in cruddy enough shape that working out is definitely work. Good music takes my mind off the work part and makes it more fun. I was wondering if there are songs, tv shows, etc. that inspire or motivate people to go faster and make it more fun.

    I get that lifting, interval training, and such can help with that, but for the basic in the gym, cardio routine, help is appreciated, especially websites to find the playlists/etc.
  • jason_adams
    jason_adams Posts: 187 Member
    Sports highlights for warmup and short cardio sessions.
    Music for longer, harder cardio, and lifting.

    I did go for a while where I didn't need my own tunes to focus. I'd like to get back there just so I don't damage my ears from loud earphone music. My workouts are getting very difficult now that the weight is getting up there, so I sense I'll be able to drop the tunes soon.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    You shouldn't need entertaining when working out. If you're bored then you're not trying hard enough.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Another audiobook fan. I decided to only listen to them while exercising and now I frequently find myself doing "just 5 more minutes" so that I can keep listening to my book.

    I think that's kind of an awesome idea. I typically catch up on my smut TV shows- but I should do more educating of myself- I used to adore books on tape- might get me to do more cardio LMFAO.
  • Kristy528
    Kristy528 Posts: 63 Member
    I love taking classes, which used to be all I did. Now that I had a baby 3 1/2 months ago, I am only able to attend class two times a week and in order to get any other work outs in I do them on my lunch break (thankfully I work close enough to my gym). So I use different cardio machines. I normally read magazines or nook/books, I hold whatever Im reading in my hand(s). This actually will make you use your core more to keep balance. If I use the treadmill I will listen to my ipod. I was just thinking the other day I may start watching some TV...who knows get sucked in to a soap opera again for a change or pace so I don't get bored. I love to read and right now that is the only time I have to do it, Win/Win!!
  • fastfoodietofitcutie
    fastfoodietofitcutie Posts: 523 Member
    It infuriates me to see people reading at the gym. I know I really shouldn't care what other people are doing but if you are able to read a book you aren't working out hard enough.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    It infuriates me to see people reading at the gym. I know I really shouldn't care what other people are doing but if you are able to read a book you aren't working out hard enough.

    And you are the gatekeeper of exercise intensity?