Need advice! 1200 to lose so called 'vanity' lbs?

Hello there!

So I need a little advice. I'd like to lose 20 pounds, which isn't an extraordinary amount I know. The trouble is, they're sort of classed as 'vanity' pounds. I'm already at a healthy weight (5'6, 134lb) but I'm getting married sometime in the next year or so. FYI, don't try to change my mind about losing the weight or anything like that; I've made my choice. :D

So anyway, I'm trying to figure out my ideal calories.
I maintain quite easily at the moment on what I can only guess to be between 2000-2200 calories daily. This is a huge approximation because I have trouble with binge eating. Im terribly lucky, but even if I binge once or twice a week (2500+ calories in one sitting, not including other meals!) I still seem to maintain. I can only put this down to being quite active.

The typical advice is that I wouldn't have to go as low as 1200 daily to lose the weight with me being able to maintain at such a high number. But since these are 'vanity' pounds (notoriously hard to drop!) I'm thinking I might have to drop that low to get them to budge! I'm also trying to be realistic and know that along the way I will almost definitely have a couple cheat days per week (or maybe even binges, though I'm trying to stop that habit...) so setting my goal to 1200 seems sensible, so as to counteract going over for a couple days.

Phew! Sorry, that turned into quite a ramble! But any sort of advice would be SO greatly appreciated!



  • _Junko_
    _Junko_ Posts: 13
    Ok, so I've done a bit of research and I've decided to try to lose slowly at around 1450 a day. Wondering if I should eat my exercise calories back...! Well pretty much everyone on here seems to have the opinion that we should, and I've got no problem with eating more calories hah!

  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Lift heavy weights. See this article for results and an explanation why:
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    You're the same height as me and want to get down to under 8st 2lb?

    What's your current body fat percentage and what are you aiming for at goal?
  • It's not just's unhealthy. It will put you in the UNDERWEIGHT category.
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    I concur with the above about lifting weights.
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    Are you sure you want to lose weight and not just do some body recomp? I agree with previous posts ...lifting heavy may be your solution.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    You probably dont have 20 lbs to lose... that would make you underweight. Second, with very little to lose, you should be having a very small deficit. At this point, you will see the biggest changes in your body with a moderate deficit... about 20% less than your maintenance or TDEE and be focusing on getting adequate levels of protein (about 110g a day) and lifting weights. Most people your size are losing around 1700-2100 calories. If you don't have a food scale, you need to get one. They are $20 on amazon. This will ensure accuracy and logging every day is necessary.

    Second, since have binges, its even more critical to have a moderate deficit. Large deficits cause a lot of people to binge which will keep you in an unhealthy cycle. Now if you have a binge disorder, then you should be having the conversation with your doctor as well.

    Now based on your stats, i would put you at 1600 calories (40% carbs, 30% fats and 30% protein) if you exercise 3-4 hours a week, and 1800 if you exercise 5-6 hours a week.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    I agree that losing 20 more pounds is probably going to make you underweight.

    I agree that you probably need to eat more.

    What I imagine is happening here is that you are unhappy with your body at your current weight. If you want to make improvements, try lifting heavy weights. You will lose inches without losing more weight. You will be stronger and your body will look better than you can imagine.

    Good luck in your goals.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Hello, I have also been trying to lose some vanity pounds. I have heard it all as well e.g., I don't need to lose anymore, it's unhealthy, etc. But it's a number that I want to hit and nothing will change my mind. I was sticking to 1200 as well with a ton of activity and yeah I have the once in a while (I wouldn't call it a binge because I know exactly what I'm doing), but a day or two where I go way over where I'd like to be. It doesn't effect me either so it must be the exercise and 90% healthy eating otherwise. I am 5'5" and at 120 lbs (give or take an ounce), and I've been trying to get back down to between 110 to 115 for what seems like forever. The 1200 didn't work so I assumed I wasn't getting enough, I went up to 1300. This was based on my TDEE at 25% which is aggressive on IIFYM but only about .6 lbs lost a week on MFP. It seems like my body wants to stay right where it is. I have been lifting and have noticed some changes (good changes) as far as body composition, but I still want to lose the weight. So your guess is as good as mine LOL... sorry this didn't help. I just wanted to comment because we are in similar situations.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I agree that losing 20 more pounds is probably going to make you underweight.

    I agree that you probably need to eat more.

    What I imagine is happening here is that you are unhappy with your body at your current weight. If you want to make improvements, try lifting heavy weights. You will lose inches without losing more weight. You will be stronger and your body will look better than you can imagine.

    Good luck in your goals.

    Agree with this... have to be patient though.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Hello, I have also been trying to lose some vanity pounds. I have heard it all as well e.g., I don't need to lose anymore, it's unhealthy, etc. But it's a number that I want to hit and nothing will change my mind. I was sticking to 1200 as well with a ton of activity and yeah I have the once in a while (I wouldn't call it a binge because I know exactly what I'm doing), but a day or two where I go way over where I'd like to be. It doesn't effect me either so it must be the exercise and 90% healthy eating otherwise. I am 5'5" and at 120 lbs (give or take an ounce), and I've been trying to get back down to between 110 to 115 for what seems like forever. The 1200 didn't work so I assumed I wasn't getting enough, I went up to 1300. This was based on my TDEE at 25% which is aggressive on IIFYM but only about .6 lbs lost a week on MFP. It seems like my body wants to stay right where it is. I have been lifting and have noticed some changes (good changes) as far as body composition, but I still want to lose the weight. So your guess is as good as mine LOL... sorry this didn't help. I just wanted to comment because we are in similar situations.

    I'm wondering if you are still giving the scale too much power. I did that for years. I finally realized that unless I was carrying said scale around and weighing in front of people - no one knew my weight. But they do notice the changes you make in your body composition.

    I encourage you to not focus too much on a specific number and work to be as healthy as you can. As for lifting - :drinker: Go you!
  • _Junko_
    _Junko_ Posts: 13
    Lift heavy weights. See this article for results and an explanation why:

    Woah - she's a bit bloody inspirational! I have always enjoyed lifting actually -
    I just HATE the effect it has on shoulders! Put me anywhere near a dumbbell and I start looking a bit like she-hulk! I'll definitely consider lifting though. Thanks!
  • _Junko_
    _Junko_ Posts: 13
    Whoops! My mistake, I didn't realise losing that much would take me into the underweight category... I doubt I'd get there anyway! I've upped my goal to 8st 7 to be on the safe side. :D
  • _Junko_
    _Junko_ Posts: 13
    Are you sure you want to lose weight and not just do some body recomp? I agree with previous posts ...lifting heavy may be your solution.

    I'm already pretty toned, nowhere near as much as I could be but I'm naturally quite muscular - especially in my legs etc. so I don't think body decomposition is my main goal really - ideally I would just like to be slimmer, and a little more toned.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Hello there!

    So I need a little advice. I'd like to lose 20 pounds, which isn't an extraordinary amount I know. The trouble is, they're sort of classed as 'vanity' pounds. I'm already at a healthy weight (5'6, 134lb) but I'm getting married sometime in the next year or so. FYI, don't try to change my mind about losing the weight or anything like that; I've made my choice. :D

    So anyway, I'm trying to figure out my ideal calories.
    I maintain quite easily at the moment on what I can only guess to be between 2000-2200 calories daily. This is a huge approximation because I have trouble with binge eating. Im terribly lucky, but even if I binge once or twice a week (2500+ calories in one sitting, not including other meals!) I still seem to maintain. I can only put this down to being quite active.

    The typical advice is that I wouldn't have to go as low as 1200 daily to lose the weight with me being able to maintain at such a high number. But since these are 'vanity' pounds (notoriously hard to drop!) I'm thinking I might have to drop that low to get them to budge! I'm also trying to be realistic and know that along the way I will almost definitely have a couple cheat days per week (or maybe even binges, though I'm trying to stop that habit...) so setting my goal to 1200 seems sensible, so as to counteract going over for a couple days.

    Phew! Sorry, that turned into quite a ramble! But any sort of advice would be SO greatly appreciated!

    As others have mentioned going down to 114 lb for you at 5'6" is too low so you should reconsider that. The 1,200 calorie goal is debatable but I personally think you will get better results setting your weight loss to .5 lb per week and going with the daily calorie value MFP sets for that goal. From my own personal experience and from what I've read on the forums the 1,200 calorie goal works best for petite women. The general rule of thumb for losing less than 25 lb is to have a low calorie deficit with a weight loss goal of .5 lb per week. My concern with your dietary goals is the admitted binging and already talking of cheat days, both of which can slow your weight loss. Binging itself is another issue. I agree that heavy lifting is the way to go. You could also use kettlebells and resistance bands to help tone and strengthen. If using the MFP method then eat back 50% to 75% of your exercise calories. If using the TDEE method, set your calorie intake to TDEE - 10% and don't eat back your exercise calories.
  • _Junko_
    _Junko_ Posts: 13
    Hello, I have also been trying to lose some vanity pounds. I have heard it all as well e.g., I don't need to lose anymore, it's unhealthy, etc. But it's a number that I want to hit and nothing will change my mind. I was sticking to 1200 as well with a ton of activity and yeah I have the once in a while (I wouldn't call it a binge because I know exactly what I'm doing), but a day or two where I go way over where I'd like to be. It doesn't effect me either so it must be the exercise and 90% healthy eating otherwise. I am 5'5" and at 120 lbs (give or take an ounce), and I've been trying to get back down to between 110 to 115 for what seems like forever. The 1200 didn't work so I assumed I wasn't getting enough, I went up to 1300. This was based on my TDEE at 25% which is aggressive on IIFYM but only about .6 lbs lost a week on MFP. It seems like my body wants to stay right where it is. I have been lifting and have noticed some changes (good changes) as far as body composition, but I still want to lose the weight. So your guess is as good as mine LOL... sorry this didn't help. I just wanted to comment because we are in similar situations.

    I'm wondering if you are still giving the scale too much power. I did that for years. I finally realized that unless I was carrying said scale around and weighing in front of people - no one knew my weight. But they do notice the changes you make in your body composition.

    I encourage you to not focus too much on a specific number and work to be as healthy as you can. As for lifting - :drinker: Go you!

    I'm sad to admit that this is probably largely true... I've always been a bit obsessed with the number! But I honestly don't know how to get out of the obsession - believe me, I've seen 3 therapists over the last 6 years and none of them could really help - same with the binge eating - I'm just too stubborn and find it very hard to let go of something when I've started. My main problem is comparisons - I'm not over exaggerating when I say nearly all of my friends are very slim (much more so than me) and I find it so hard not to get disappointed with my body when I'm around them. I'll take your advice to heart though, thank you : ) So many have people have suggested lifting so I'm going to give it a try!!!
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Whoops! My mistake, I didn't realise losing that much would take me into the underweight category... I doubt I'd get there anyway! I've upped my goal to 8st 7 to be on the safe side. :D

    Blimey, that didn't take you long to change your mind given your statement in your first post!
  • _Junko_
    _Junko_ Posts: 13
    Whoops! My mistake, I didn't realise losing that much would take me into the underweight category... I doubt I'd get there anyway! I've upped my goal to 8st 7 to be on the safe side. :D

    Blimey, that didn't take you long to change your mind given your statement in your first post!

    What can I say, I'm man enough to realise when I've made a mistake. : ) besides, I never stated that I no longer want to lose weight, I just changed to a more sensible goal.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Are you sure you want to lose weight and not just do some body recomp? I agree with previous posts ...lifting heavy may be your solution.

    I'm already pretty toned, nowhere near as much as I could be but I'm naturally quite muscular - especially in my legs etc. so I don't think body decomposition is my main goal really - ideally I would just like to be slimmer, and a little more toned.

    I actually think body recomp is exactly what you need you just don't know it lol (not meaning to be rude). If you get skinnier at your weight you'll be losing muscle as well as fat - you'll be weak, tired and probably still not happy with how you look. Whereas a good weights routine with an increase in calories will give you the toned look you want whilst being strong and having more energy (and feeling awesome for lifting heavy things).

    I see your comment on shoulders, but I don't think that's a big deal if you get what you want. Anyway, strong looking women are sexy!
  • hmroebuck
    hmroebuck Posts: 64 Member
    I think you'd be surprised what working on body composition can do.

    At one point I was in awe of a tiny woman I worked with. She was maybe 5'2" and 50 years old. She was so freaking adorable! She ate well 90% of the time, drank nothing but water (well at work, I know she consumed alcohol in the evening), and she worked out most days.

    I would have guessed she was 95 pounds MAX. To my surprise she mentioned in a conversation one day that she weighed 117lbs! I was stunned! This woman was fit and beautiful. Gorgeous in a bikini at 50! Made me rethink the # on the scale.

    I have been 119lbs at 5'5" and still not happy with my body shape. Frustrated as heck because extra-small shirts and size 0 pants were too big. Going to do things different this time for sure.
  • _Junko_
    _Junko_ Posts: 13
    Hello there!

    So I need a little advice. I'd like to lose 20 pounds, which isn't an extraordinary amount I know. The trouble is, they're sort of classed as 'vanity' pounds. I'm already at a healthy weight (5'6, 134lb) but I'm getting married sometime in the next year or so. FYI, don't try to change my mind about losing the weight or anything like that; I've made my choice. :D

    So anyway, I'm trying to figure out my ideal calories.
    I maintain quite easily at the moment on what I can only guess to be between 2000-2200 calories daily. This is a huge approximation because I have trouble with binge eating. Im terribly lucky, but even if I binge once or twice a week (2500+ calories in one sitting, not including other meals!) I still seem to maintain. I can only put this down to being quite active.

    The typical advice is that I wouldn't have to go as low as 1200 daily to lose the weight with me being able to maintain at such a high number. But since these are 'vanity' pounds (notoriously hard to drop!) I'm thinking I might have to drop that low to get them to budge! I'm also trying to be realistic and know that along the way I will almost definitely have a couple cheat days per week (or maybe even binges, though I'm trying to stop that habit...) so setting my goal to 1200 seems sensible, so as to counteract going over for a couple days.

    Phew! Sorry, that turned into quite a ramble! But any sort of advice would be SO greatly appreciated!

    As others have mentioned going down to 114 lb for you at 5'6" is too low so you should reconsider that. The 1,200 calorie goal is debatable but I personally think you will get better results setting your weight loss to .5 lb per week and going with the daily calorie value MFP sets for that goal. From my own personal experience and from what I've read on the forums the 1,200 calorie goal works best for petite women. The general rule of thumb for losing less than 25 lb is to have a low calorie deficit with a weight loss goal of .5 lb per week. My concern with your dietary goals is the admitted binging and already talking of cheat days, both of which can slow your weight loss. Binging itself is another issue. I agree that heavy lifting is the way to go. You could also use kettlebells and resistance bands to help tone and strengthen. If using the MFP method then eat back 50% to 75% of your exercise calories. If using the TDEE method, set your calorie intake to TDEE - 10% and don't eat back your exercise calories.

    Thanks so much for the advice - this really does make a lot of sense to me. I've set my calorie goal to 1600 and will aim to eat 50-75% of my exercise calories back. I just hope I can lose a few pounds this way! Even if I don't get to my original goal and just tone up a little. : )
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    If you maintain at 2200 eat 1800 to lose a half pound a week. Lift weights. Get adequate protein.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Are you sure you want to lose weight and not just do some body recomp? I agree with previous posts ...lifting heavy may be your solution.

    I'm already pretty toned, nowhere near as much as I could be but I'm naturally quite muscular - especially in my legs etc. so I don't think body recomposition is my main goal really - ideally I would just like to be slimmer, and a little more toned.

    At your height and weight, that's exactly what body recomposition is.. Losing weight may not do as much for muscle definition as you think due to what you'd probably have to sacrifice to get the scale to move that far.

    You're already in the heathy weight category, so now it's more about BF% and the mirror rather than the scale.