can i get back on track?

anyone else lost all enthusiasm for dieting for few weeks but still managed to get back on track?
I feel like giving up at moment just cant be bothered anymore. i put on about 5 pounds in 5 weeks n all gone straight to my belly :( constantly going way over my calories. cant even be bothered to track the calories anymore since its always over :( cant be bothered taking my supplements either, still try to take a multivitamin but thats it. fed up


  • inthekitch
    inthekitch Posts: 26
    anyone else lost all enthusiasm for dieting for few weeks but still managed to get back on track?
    I feel like giving up at moment just cant be bothered anymore. i put on about 5 pounds in 5 weeks n all gone straight to my belly :( constantly going way over my calories. cant even be bothered to track the calories anymore since its always over :( cant be bothered taking my supplements either, still try to take a multivitamin but thats it. fed up


    Once I "derail", it's a **** show! I used to have the mentality that if I "cheat" (e.g., have a bite of ice cream, smarties, etc), the day was ruined and I would just binge and eat crap for the rest of the day. With that frame of mind, every day was a failure.

    I'm not sure what's changed but I've been feeling really motivated as of late. I used to track only my meals and would omit the little things such as a cookie, etc.

    you can do it :)
  • Mykaelous
    Mykaelous Posts: 231 Member
    Being healthy is a choice you make every moment of the day. Even when chewing a piece of tasty pizza, you have the capability to choose to spit it out, and start eating the right things. Any time you realize you are making a bad choice you have the ability to make the right one.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I think everyone gets bored. For me it happened about every 8 weeks.

    It's not hard to lose weight. It didn't even take me a lot of self control. It just takes stubborn persistence. That's why I have a fish on my weight counter. It's Dora from Finding Nemo . . . Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming . . .
  • btc1987
    btc1987 Posts: 94 Member
    Tomorrow's a new day. Don't get hung up on the past.

    Do it right tomorrow.

    May I ask why you are going over your calorie limit every day? How low is your limit? What types of foods are you eating?
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Yep. The ENTIRE month of August last year, I completely lost all interest in the gym and tracking my calories. Then I eventually shook off the funk, and got back in the saddle. It has not held me back from my goals in the slightest, either. Don't worry about it, it happens.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    May I ask why you are going over your calorie limit every day? How low is your limit? What types of foods are you eating?

    You've only got about 13 pounds to lose, going by your ticker. Make sure your weight loss goal is set to 1/2 or 1 pound per week. If you're more aggressive than that, you may be on too low a calorie limit, which will possibly cause you to go over every day.
    Slow and steady and sustainable is the key.
  • its set at 1200 but going to change it to 1500. I started off trying to stay well under on weekdays then over on weekends and it would average out over time but past few weeks have been closer to 2000 or even 3000 on a lot of days.

    if I make a big pan of food I lose track of how many calories even though I have tried to use the recipe thing I don't know how big the portion size is or how fatty the cooking bacon is ect. I did a big pan of lentil, potato n veg thick soup with gravy granuals in it, didn't measure anything so it could've been high or low cal I don't know.

    I had a big pack of chocolate biscuits in the house for first time in weeks other week so they went in couple of days, had ridiculously cheesy toppingy 16" pizza couple weeks ago ate til I cudnt move lol, had large mcdonalds n hot chocolate after going to a concert other week n I easily go over the recommended weekly alcohol intake each week.
    when im being good I am really healthy lots of raw food n clean food but then I get bored of it n annoyed at the price of healthy food n get fed up n give up I think.
  • byrnet18
    byrnet18 Posts: 230 Member
    I got injured and couldn't workout so I got depressed about it and gave up a lot of my control. I didn't go completely rouge but I did manage to gain about 15 pounds in a year. I'm back on track after a year off and I've already lost 10 of those 15. You can do it, you just have to want it bad enough.
  • kiarafitjourney
    kiarafitjourney Posts: 33 Member
    I know how you feel. I've been down for about half a year, totally neglected my fit journey and gained back what i lost. But then i snapped back and here i am, starting over. So yes, you can do it.
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    You're making a conscious choice as to what you're putting into your body. If you want to lose weight stop eating crap, you KNOW exactly what you need to do you just need to do it.
    It's your choice...
  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 484 Member
    I have found that I log everything that goes in my mouth improves me eating properly. Yes there have been plenty of days where I did not make the best choices. However, tomorrow is a new day. I want to lose weight. I make a decision every day to work towa4d that goal.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    its set at 1200 but going to change it to 1500. I started off trying to stay well under on weekdays then over on weekends and it would average out over time but past few weeks have been closer to 2000 or even 3000 on a lot of days.

    if I make a big pan of food I lose track of how many calories even though I have tried to use the recipe thing I don't know how big the portion size is or how fatty the cooking bacon is ect. I did a big pan of lentil, potato n veg thick soup with gravy granuals in it, didn't measure anything so it could've been high or low cal I don't know.

    I had a big pack of chocolate biscuits in the house for first time in weeks other week so they went in couple of days, had ridiculously cheesy toppingy 16" pizza couple weeks ago ate til I cudnt move lol, had large mcdonalds n hot chocolate after going to a concert other week n I easily go over the recommended weekly alcohol intake each week.
    when im being good I am really healthy lots of raw food n clean food but then I get bored of it n annoyed at the price of healthy food n get fed up n give up I think.

    Yeah...a lot of your trouble is that a lot of what you're doing here is unsustainable. 1200 and staying well UNDER that? That's not enough calories, which it seems like you've already figured out. Also, don't try to change everything you eat right away, it's too much and makes adherence really difficult.

    The beauty of counting calories is that you don't have to give up any foods, just limit portions. If you exercise, you burn more calories. This is not only good for your health, but it means you can eat more! Yay!
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    The thing is that you don't have to eat all raw or all clean foods. You could if that's what you ENJOY eating, but the fact that you're falling off the wagon means that its not. If you don't work treats into your diet, you will fail. You have to continue to live life while you're losing weight.

    This shouldn't be something that you will be doing for a while to lose weight and then go off of when you get there. If you're going to change the way you eat when you get to your goal, you will gain it all back. The only difference between how you're eating now and the rest of your life should be going from a calorie deficit to calorie maintenance. The type of food should be the same.

    Upping your calories as you mentioned is a good idea. Work some treats into your week. Most people try for 80% "good" food and 20% "treats". Those people seem to be the ones who stick with it long enough to reach their goals and maintain.
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    I'm just coming out of a couple of weeks off the wagon. I logged breakfast and lunch and maybe dinner but left out a lot of things like drinks, condiments, snacks. I was probably only eating 2000 calories/day instead of my allotted 1550 and I gained five pounds like you.

    I snapped out of it and started logging everything again and those five pounds have already come off. You can definitely do it.

    One of my favorite sayings is this: weight loss is not linear. You'll have times when you go up a bit, flat line but as long as you're mostly going down, it's all good.
  • Asilann76
    Asilann76 Posts: 17 Member
    I am feeling exactly the same. I have been logging for about 13 days and kept strictly to my calorie goal but yesterday I broke down and went over . Normally I would just give up and quit but I am trying to get back on track because I really want this! I know there is going to be a lot of ups and downs during this journey so I just want to stay focused. I think you should increase your intake to 1500 calories . I think 1200 is really low for anyone and may be too hard to stick too. You may find the extra food to help u stay on track will really help. Good luck!
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    anyone else lost all enthusiasm for dieting for few weeks but still managed to get back on track?
    I feel like giving up at moment just cant be bothered anymore. i put on about 5 pounds in 5 weeks n all gone straight to my belly :( constantly going way over my calories. cant even be bothered to track the calories anymore since its always over :( cant be bothered taking my supplements either, still try to take a multivitamin but thats it. fed up

    Yup - been in maintenance for 3 years. Sometimes I gain about 5 or 6 pounds and have to start logging now.

    Best thing I can suggest is to not think about the drudgery of logging - but think about the finish line, the goal weight, the new pant size, etc. Keep your eye on the goal.
  • nicailyzee
    nicailyzee Posts: 183 Member
    We all have these thoughts an moments. I have been losing since March but started MFP in June. I cannot tell you how many time is said screw it that rice is calling my name. Then I stop and reverse. You have to give yourself room for improvement. See what works see what does not and tweek it. You can do this. Last night I had Pizza and a piece of calzone. I ate bread yesterday too. I did good all week and I worked out. I wanted those things I ate them but I know that today and the rest of the week I want to loose so I have to work hard and eat right. We are human leave yourself some room for error!
  • thanks for all the replies has helped a lot, feel more motivated today so gona start afresh now. new day new diet :)
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    In my opinion... The problem is viewing it as a diet.

    For me...Things changed when I set realistic calorie and exercise goals. Then its not a diet...its my life. I choose to overeat over the weekend...but NOW i CHOOSE to work out a little harder all week...I dont know- I think if you can find a balance in life it wont feel so much like something you have to just becomes something you do.
  • hmroebuck
    hmroebuck Posts: 64 Member
    Of course you can, and you obviously want to because you posted the question. You can do this!

    Oh, and I get so irritated to constantly hear that 1200 cal is not enough. I don't know what your BMR is, but mine's 1450 and I'm 12lbs into the "overweight" category. Cutting to 1200 still only gives me a .5lb/wk loss!

    You;ve been losing, so you know what you need to do!
  • rileyleigh
    rileyleigh Posts: 106 Member
    I've been going solid for a little while now, and i am down 15 pounds. This weekend, i had family dinners on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday..... I tried to limit my portions, but frankly i was over my calorie limit each day. I didn't even log yesterday because i had no idea how to log the dishes we ate. This morning i was up 3 pounds from my friday morning weight.

    Now i seriously doubt that i consumed 10500 (3500 X 3) calories over my maintenance in three days, so i think a good chunk of those 3 pounds is just normal fluctuation, but at the same time it sure was a punch in the gut to see that number on the scale again.

    But today is a new day, and just because i had 3 bad days in a row does not mean i will just keep having bad days. Today will be a good day, along with the rest of this week, and so on. When the bad days come, just start fresh the next day.
  • joanna_82
    joanna_82 Posts: 151 Member
    You need to find a happy medium between the raw/clean eating and the junk food.
    A mostly healthy, balanced diet that includes things occasionally that you like.
    It has to be something that works for you and is going to work long term, not just temporarily.

    With junk food, sometimes it is worth thinking about why you are eating that food- is it a treat? Are you feeling sad or miserable, is it because you don't have the energy to cook?

    Finding out the reasons why you eat badly, and trying to find solutions to make better choices, while still enjoying the things you really like, is what is going to keep you at this long term.