How Do I get rid of this BELLY FAT?

Hi. When I first started working out, I was about 145-150lbs. I'm about 5'5-5'6. I now currently weigh 113-110lbs. Well, I lost weight EVERYWHERE on my body, except my stomach. What Am I Doing Wrong? It's crazy because my weight is so low yet if I sit down, I have MASSIVE rolls??? I do cardio and weight lifting atleast 5 days a week. Two weeks ago, I just started doing these excercises on a mat to try to get a flat stomach... Should I keep doing those excercises? What can I include in my meals/excercises to help me get rid of this BELLY FAT. I am thinking of doing the Jillian Michaels: 6 Week Six-Pack Abs Workout (Youtube). Any suggestions?


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    you cant choose where fat comes from/goes to, thats mostly determined by genetics. just keep doing what youre doing, as you decrease the fat from the rest of your body it will eventually have no choice but to come off your stomach
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Ab exercises will not decrease belly fat. Continue doing them if you wish to increase your core strength, but don't expect them to give you a six pack while you still have fat there.

    Continue eating at a deficit and strength training to lose fat all over. Genetics will determine where it leaves first/last. Many people find that their belly is the last place to lose fat.
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    Based on your height and weight, you are underweight or close to it (depending on your actual height - 5'6" or 5'5") so I seriously doubt that you have huge rolls of fat on your stomach. Please do not try to lose more weight and make sure you eat enough to fuel all those workouts!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Based on your height and weight, you are underweight or close to it (depending on your actual height - 5'6" or 5'5") so I seriously doubt that you have huge rolls of fat on your stomach. Please do not try to lose more weight and make sure you eat enough to fuel all those workouts!

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,400 Member
    Based on your height and weight, you are underweight or close to it (depending on your actual height - 5'6" or 5'5") so I seriously doubt that you have huge rolls of fat on your stomach. Please do not try to lose more weight and make sure you eat enough to fuel all those workouts!


  • joepage612
    joepage612 Posts: 179 Member
    It might never go away. I'm close to my goal weight and I got rid of most of my belly fat but I still have a saggy double-chin. I don't think it will go away unless I was grossly underweight. It's possible you will reach your goal weight and still have a tummy. If that happens then thats just the way you are and don't let it bother you.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Based on your height and weight, you are underweight or close to it (depending on your actual height - 5'6" or 5'5") so I seriously doubt that you have huge rolls of fat on your stomach. Please do not try to lose more weight and make sure you eat enough to fuel all those workouts!



    X3.... because this sentence from your OP says a lot.
    yet if I sit down, I have MASSIVE rolls???
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I'm around your height, and weigh 135. So I really can't imagine your belly having that much fat on it at all. I would continue with your strength training routine and see how it goes.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Given that you're actually underweight, there are three possibilities:

    1. It's not actually fat, but distention for another reason, usually a food intolerance or allergy. Talk with your doctor about doing an elimination diet to confirm/rule out any foods that might be causing it, as well as allergy tests.

    2. You have body dismorphia and what you think is "huge rolls of fat" is actually just skin. Talk with a doctor to confirm this and get some counselling. Also, you're probably slouching. Sit up straighter when you sit.

    3. It actually is fat and you're going about it the wrong way to get the results that you want. In which case, read this -- and start a body recomp routine to put some muscle on you and help burn off any excess body fat. The number on the scale no longer matters, and should go up, both because a recomp routine will put lean mass on you, and because you're underweight.

    Without seeing pictures, it's hard to tell which it is (or what combination of which), though.
  • miriyummy
    miriyummy Posts: 37 Member
    It could be visceral fat and what you've lost is sucutaneous. Apparently the way to lose visceral fat is through cardio. Apparently.
  • hmroebuck
    hmroebuck Posts: 64 Member
    I can't believe someone would tell a 5'6 110lb person to keep eating at a deficit, WTF? Are you insane?

    OP, there is NO.WAY. you have "MASSIVE" rolls, NO.WAY. You need to seriously evaluate why you have such a poor body image. It's incredible sad. Please get some help.
  • You cannot choose where you pull fat from, but by monitoring your macros (abs are made in the kitchen) can can help target your mid section. Also lifting heavy 3 times a week will tighten core up alot due to the fact taht you will be useing alot of core in those workouts.
  • Nojoke81
    Nojoke81 Posts: 131
    You'll get a hundred different theories on getting this problem remedied.

    Personally I would go for a moderate and sustained cardio effort for about 30 minutes 3 times a week in a fasted state or at least while doing some form of fasting, like an 18:6 or something.

    Best of luck.
  • dlw8888
    dlw8888 Posts: 4 Member
    I've read some articles that say fat on your belly can come from the stress hormone cortisol. This can be increased by things such as actual stress (emotional) or physical stress, apparently particularly running. Since your stats seem to put you at a low weight, I would suggest giving up any running/jogging and concentrating on muscle growth as well as sorting out anything that could make you emotionally stressed (like worrying about your stomach!)

    I'm not sure whether to believe this or not, but I think the advice to lower stress is good in general!

  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    It could be visceral fat and what you've lost is sucutaneous. Apparently the way to lose visceral fat is through cardio. Apparently.

    Um no. best way to lose any fat is a caloric deficit while partaking in a heavy lifting strength training routine in order to retain muscle so a larger % of your weight loss comes from fat and not lean muscle.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Too late to edit original reply.

    Sorry, I missed that OP is already underweight, and obviously would not have advised eating at deficit had I read the post properly.

    In view of this, my advice would be to eat at maintenance or just above and lift heavy things.

    And read this:
  • You'll get a hundred different theories on getting this problem remedied.

    Personally I would go for a moderate and sustained cardio effort for about 30 minutes 3 times a week in a fasted state or at least while doing some form of fasting, like an 18:6 or something.

    Best of luck.
    This only works if your emals are on point.
  • rodjpen2
    rodjpen2 Posts: 20 amazing.
  • ywalchle
    ywalchle Posts: 101 Member
    uh wait... when you sit down you get rolls... yeah, that happens to even the skinny people of the world, no way to lose that honey, sorry...
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    uh wait... when you sit down you get rolls... yeah, that happens to even the skinny people of the world, no way to lose that honey, sorry...

  • kathivg
    kathivg Posts: 30
    When responding to someone, especially if in your opinion they are wrong, please don't begin with "um". It is so condescending and instantly puts people on the defense. You weren't even addressing me and I thought, "How condescending" when I read your "Um, no." We're all at different points in our body journeys and if you read something incorrect, then it's fine to say that it is so, just leave out the other little words - they're not helpful and they don't make you sound smart.