loulouBell72 Member


  • good for you :happy: I hope i get some of them compliments one day :laugh:
  • Well done!! You are looking great :)
  • Hello, I just got back from the gym :happy: so i am feeling inspirational(i hope). If your main goal at the moment is to loose weight, i would concentrate on cardio and leave the weights until you are feeling more fit. My instructor has told me to do an hour cardio atleast 3 times a week. I end up doing 1 hour and 20mins…
  • never thought of this before. Good idea! I shall add all and open mine for inspection lol Louise
  • Well done! Your belly has shrunk lots :smile:
  • Good job on the chart :happy: Knapowell.
  • hello all :happy: I managed a pound this week. louloubell72 start weight; 210 weight today; 205
  • louloubell72 weight: 206.4 loss 16/1/11 : 2.6lb
  • Well done on your great weight loss! You are looking good and i can really see the difference. Like others said, your arms definately and belly. Your whole shape has changed.
  • lost a pound please ticker! it says no :grumble: ha ha! worked it out :laugh:
  • louloubell72 starting weight: 210 8th Jan weight: 209 A lbs a lb :) Not sure why my ticker not changed :ohwell: Sorry, i will post again as i like to see the number go down :wink:
  • Heres mine :) Screen name: louloubell72 Starting weight: 210lb Goal by July 1st 2011: 160lb Want to loose the weight so i can feel healthy, be around for my daughter in the future and to be able to feel good about myself. Eating plans are the calories given on this site for loosing the weight needed and also exercising 3…
  • Hello everybody :smile: I would love to join this as i have 50lb to loose and done terrible last year :grumble: Can i join tomorrow? My battery has gone in the scales so i don't know weight til i get to the shop :laugh: Louise
  • Re-starting this diet this year(today lol) I had a terrible year last year so i yo-yo'd all year :grumble: This year i will try not to make excuses and stay more focused so i too need all the help i can get so add me if you want your butt kicked too :laugh:
  • Welcome :drinker: Good luck with your journey. This is a great site and many people have had excellent results if you stick with it. Happy New Year!
    in hi Comment by loulouBell72 January 2011
  • Welcome to you :drinker: I have been on here for a while but have really struggled in the past year :grumble: I have managed to gain weight rather than loose it so i am now soooooooooooooo angry with myself that i am determined to loose it this year once and for all! Good luck to us all :happy: and a Happy New Year to you…
  • Hi, I am in the UK so i don't know what veggie range you can buy from where you live. I find soya mince very good for protein and its very versatile. Do you get linda McCartney products where you are from? Her sausages are very good for protein and delicious :love: I use lots of quorn products like chicken and beef pieces…
  • Hello :drinker: Veggie here! Always looking for more recipes. A lot of what i normally cook has high calories(no surprise there as i need to loose 47lb :laugh: ) Any help with new ideas would be great! Feel free to add me as a friend. I am already friends with sparklekitten :happy: so everyone else with lowfat fab recipes…
  • I am in the UK so some of our DVDs are different but i love watching Jillian on the biggest loser :smile: . I record all the biggest loosers(USA, Australia, UK) and watch them on the treadmill. This is a great motivator for me. I have USA biggest loser on wii but i don't use it so much as i tend to use the UK biggest loser…
  • Welcome John :drinker: I also spend too much time on here :laugh: Really must do some exercise! Good luck with your mission :wink: Louise x
  • Welcome :drinker: Well, thats the first step over with :wink: Now you just have to start making time for your own health :smile: I don't go to gyms but i do have a running machine and lots of dvds that kill me!!! I find it easier to workout at home as i have a little girl who is not at school yet. My heart rate monitor is…
  • I would not mess with your meds without Dr supervision but i would talk with your Dr and see if you can speak to someone in the know about loosing weight. Maybe a nurse or dietitian that deals with meds also? Not sure what country you are in so don't know how it works for you. I am on meds for OCD but luckily they dont…
  • Hi Becci :drinker: Welcome to this fab site :wink: I too have 50(48 now actually :laugh: )lbs to loose so am here for a while but loving this site and all the tracking nutrition for balanced diet. Learning more so thats good. Add people as friends is a good tip as people offer encouragement on the news feeds and thats…
  • Welcome Dottio :drinker: I am a lover of chocolate :love: so i know how you feel. I think it does not matter how much you want to loose its all about feeling good about yourself :flowerforyou: And i imagine with 3 kids you may not get enough time to even think about you. I am also 38 and have just one child. She is nearly…
  • Welcome :drinker: I love the whole balanced diet thing on the food tracker. It really makes me think about my protein and fat levels. I am vegetarian and always thought i might not have enough protein but i actually eat pretty healthy, just need to cut out the chocolate :love: Best of luck to you with the goals you want to…
  • Gosh! i have never heard of such a place? Does not sound good. take a sandwich or something. Pretend you have a dodgy tummy :wink: Eat before you go and plead sore tummy :bigsmile: I know, naughty :laugh: Good luck Louise x
  • What greatness you all have achieved :laugh: I am inspired! I will exercise in a bit and brag later :bigsmile: Keep up the good work! Louise x
  • Hi all! I have joined this site a week ago so i am still hooked searching all topics and then i found this one :drinker: I have had a great week and have lost 2lb so i cannot complain. Healthy thought s to all Louise x Oh, i just see everyone has put a target...mine is a lb a week but hopefully more of course :wink:
  • Hello all! This is a great motivator! I really enjoy cycling but don't seem to ride my bike much. I have a 3 year old daughter who sits in the seat on the back. I need to ride more so this is great. I don't think i will do many miles but will give it a go. Louise
  • Hi HWG Well done on your training :happy: sounds like you are enjoying it. What is this C25k? Coach to 5k? :laugh: Just joined a few days ago so a bit out of the lingo. I would like to run but i find my knees keep aching after. I walk fast on treadmill and try running for a few minutes, which i love! but then after i…