New at the GYM

nuviag Posts: 131 Member
Does anyone have any beginner tips?

I am short , big top big bottom.
5ft 160 lbs

I'm not sure if I should focus on cardio or if i should automatically start weights and what weights if any....
Can I do the cycling class as a beginner?
I need like gym for dummies advice

I am intimidated


  • GingerDarlene
    GingerDarlene Posts: 164
    Focus on cardio in the beginning I would say; but always a little resistance training is good. If you can take a class that is mostly cardio; that will help you lose weight and will offer some resistance as well, then add strenght. You need both however.
  • crazymama2two
    crazymama2two Posts: 867
    aww, youre cute. dont be intimidated - well, that sounds stupid cause it's easy to be intimidated. JUST REMEMBER - almost every single person in that place was intimidated as well.

    you walk in there proud to be there. we all started out at one point. pick a cardio machine you feel comfortable with. hop on the treadmill - we all walk. you can't screw that up :) you know what i mean though i hope. start out with where you feel the most comfortable with. i would not be able to hit up the weight machines my first day in...i can barely muster up the courage to do that now. start small, walk in there as many times a week as you can and soon everyone will know your face and be amazed at your persistance and will tell you how awesome you look as those pounds come off!!!

    you can do this!!!
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    I'd start with walking/jogging slow on the treadmill, or the elliplical and bike are both low impact. Start with cadio and once you are comfortable, add in the weights.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    Don't do random exercises with weights. Find a workout online and follow it. Make sure to lift heavier, or more reps every next week. You will not get big by the way. For that, you need to eat a lot.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    Try out some classes and see if there is one that seems to motivate you and make you work hard. Just do the best you can at each exercise and soon you will find that you will be able to do more and more. If possible do a session or two with a trainer or have the gym staff show you how to use some of the equipment. A little education will go a long way. Good luck, I find the gym very motivating!
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    Spinning classes can be quite intense depending on the instructor. Before jumping into a class and depending on your fitness level, you might ask a gym employee which instructors are very intense and which ones are easier - you don't want to get discouraged by an instructor whose teaching style doesn't suit your needs. The one thing you MUST do before taking any spinning class is ask the instructor to show you how to set up your bike - the handlebars move up and down and the seat moves up and down as well as forwards and back - the will reduce the risk of injury. Have fun and let us know how it went!

    PS - Try not to feel intimidated - most people had to start somewhere!
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I am 5ft1 and big on the bottom, almost not much on top :grumble: I would start with cardio and weights. I just joined a gym for the first time in my life last year and was very intimidated as well. But just walk in there like you own the place and read the little signs on the weight machines that will tell you how to use them and you will feel much more confident as you go. I am still intimidated to go over to the free weights where the big guys are and am trying to work up my courage. Just watch others doing weights and get an idea of form and function and then aim for one new machine a week and you will soon have a whole weights routine. Don't over-do the weights to start but definitely use them as the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn even at rest. I am surprised how much I really enjoy weight training now! And everyone has to start somewhere so don't worry about what others deserve to be there just as much as anyone else and they all had a first time at the gym too.
  • loulouBell72
    loulouBell72 Posts: 36 Member
    Hello, I just got back from the gym :happy: so i am feeling inspirational(i hope).
    If your main goal at the moment is to loose weight, i would concentrate on cardio and leave the weights until you are feeling more fit. My instructor has told me to do an hour cardio atleast 3 times a week. I end up doing 1 hour and 20mins as i get into it.
    Have you had an induction? Most gyms give you some advice, if they don't then i would not be afraid to ask them for some as this is their job and you are paying for it. I walk lots on the treadmill and change the incline to mix it up and make me sweat. I also use the rowing machine and the cross trainer as these burn calories! I use a heart rate monitor to see the calories i burn. This motivates me more and stops me thinking about all the people around me as i set myself calorie targets.
    Can you listen to your own music? this can help feel more comfortable. Most people in the gym are so busy trying to achieve there own goals that they don't pay attention to others much. I find lots of people freindly and helpful when i ask them questions if i don't know how to use something. This was helpful in the beginning as i could rarely find the staff :laugh:

    Good luck :drinker: You will probably love it once you get started!

  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Focus on cardio exercises for now since you have a lot of weight to lose. When your BMI approaches 28-29, add in strength-training 2-3 days per week. If you do both cardio and strength in the same day/workout, do strength first, then cardio.
  • Loubell83
    Loubell83 Posts: 20

    I joined the gym 2 months ago and was really intimidated! I started with the bike and treadmill, very gently. I then started doing intervals e.g. walk 2 mins, run 90 secs on the treadmill and the bike. It is all about building yourself up.

    Also, I spoke to one of the personal trainers about a strength training programme, she set me up. She showed me how to use all the weight machines and set all the weights so they were correct for me. Strength training helps tone up and shape your figure, whereas cardio just burns calories fast. A combination of the 2 is the best way forward!

    Just speak to the gym staff - they are all friendly and can give you really good advice. They can also help with a cardio programme if needed. Just ask!

    Good luck!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I would focus on cardio at first. Start with the treadmill. If you do the ellipitical, keep in mind it takes some getting used to. You can start with 10 or 15 minutes then do the treadmill, until you can go longer on the elliptical. I had been running on my treadmill before I did the elliptical and could only do about 10 minutes the first time. Don't get discouraged, just keep working at it and you build up your stamina as well as your confidence.
  • pannacottayum
    pannacottayum Posts: 96 Member
    I agree with focusing on cardio. That said, i think it's worth it to consider a single training session. Some gyms offer an intro for free. If yours does, go ahead and do it. Even if you don't plan on working with a trainer long term, it provides a bit of a roadmap, intstead of walking into the gym and feeling overwhelmed. good luck!
  • nuviag
    nuviag Posts: 131 Member
    Thank you all.
    I will read through all of these before I go tonight.