Hello All - Just saying Hi

Hi guys.

I'm Becci. 23 (well 24 on Monday) and a new member as of Tuesday. I found the site from the app store on my iPhone when I wanted a calorie counter. Can't believe how great this site is and all the stuff it can do and it's free!

Only early days but i've stuck to my calories the 2 days i've been here and sticking to my gym routine. Have about 50lbs to loose and i'm looking forward to the journey!

Any tips anyone wants to share feel free :smile:




  • loulouBell72
    loulouBell72 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Becci :drinker:
    Welcome to this fab site :wink:
    I too have 50(48 now actually :laugh: )lbs to loose so am here for a while but loving this site and all the tracking nutrition for balanced diet. Learning more so thats good.

    Add people as friends is a good tip as people offer encouragement on the news feeds and thats always good to hear :bigsmile:

    Feel free to add me

  • chugglebunny
    Thanks Louise. I actually have 48lbs to loose too but thought i'd round up for the sake of introductions! haha!

    I'm currently 198 and want to get to 150! First mini goal of 180.

    I'll add you now thanks x
  • DanL66712
    DanL66712 Posts: 135
    I'm not new, but this is a new attempt at weight loss - want to lose 35 pounds- this site is really handy for calorie counting and the forums seem really active. I never really participated in them before, so I plan to this time to see if it helps to keep me motivated!

    Good luck with your weight loss!!
  • chugglebunny
    Thanks Dan you too! Good luck x
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member

    I'm sort of dealing with the same situation. I'm 25, never been a healthy weight (at least not since I was about 5) and am trying to get control of my body now. It's rough but we can do this. I'm new to this site too, but it seems really friendly, and even though I've been successful at losing weight on my own so far, I think I need that extra motivation. Good luck with everything and stick with it. I hope it works out for you.
  • adk1971
    adk1971 Posts: 64 Member

    Good luck with it. I'm trying to lose about 60lb or at least get to a point where my weight is due to muscle rather than fat.

    Have lost 26lb over last 5 weeks or do and have noticed big differences in terms of clothes fitting etc.

    Hope it's going well, thought I'd say hi as I'm new to this after getting the iPhone app to track food and exercise.

  • chugglebunny
    Hi Al.

    Congrats on the 26lb loss thats great! :) You are nearly half way to your 60lb!
