MJH2 Member


  • Thank you all for your help, I am making changes today.
  • I've already lost 150lbs logging, weighing, measuring an cardio; I added weight training to help with tightening the skin which it's done. I'll keep trusting the process :)
  • All of my nutrients are lower than what MFP recommends, but I am pretty well balanced and clean otherwise.
  • I am eating at a deficit everyday, 500-1,000 cal.
  • I've lost 100lbs and have another 100 to go. At my top weight, 330, I lost at a rapid rate within the first month as well. You're knees and heart will love you. Just stick to your plan, make sure you're watching your nutrition as well so get in enough protein, hit your benchmarks and always remember.... it's a marathon not…
  • I have another 100lbs to go. I look better, feel better, it's just so frustrating.
  • That's exactly where I gained it, my butt and thighs. I weigh everything, I've already lost over 100lbs. The increased training is new for me.
  • Looks like my question got cut off. How do I trust the process when I'm failing at loosing weight?
  • Oh I feel you pain, I just finished a Master's Thesis. My advice is to get all the junk out of the house, stick to high protein, vegetables and mint tea or sugar free mint gum. Mint has been shown to stimulate neurons in the brain and help make you more alert. For me the best combination was egg whites, bell peppers and…
  • Congratulations! One day, one pound with perseverance and dedication you will reach your goal. Remember to it is indeed a journey, our own marathon, and not a sprint. Best of luck with continued success :flowerforyou:
  • Boy, I hate it when that happens! What works for me is to maintain 5-6 small meals with protein per day, so breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and sometimes a snack. I watch the nutrition summary each day of what I've eaten to tell me more than the calories I am taking in, although I try to hit my…
  • Perceptively we should track our calorie intake daily, however I also look at the total weekly caloric requirement. So at 1200 calories a day, the weekly calorie intake is 8400. There are some days that I eat below my daily calorie intake and there are some days I eat a bit over, but at the end of the week it is my…
  • Well that explains why I keep getting Staples ads. Yes, it is annoying.
  • Thank you for the reminder and support, I believe this as well.
    in HELP!!!!! Comment by MJH2 August 2013
  • Thank you, I will try the mindfulness thinking with my meditation.
    in HELP!!!!! Comment by MJH2 August 2013
  • Your Sweet Spot will change as your body changes, frustrating I know. What I know from my journey, is that if I do not exercise 3 times a week, I do not loose, so I suppose my Sweet Spot hinges upon how often I exercise. I understand your frustration with MFP, it is hard because the journey is so very very personal.…
  • Ok, let me help you with my story. My top weight was 328 lbs, five years ago I weighed 154 lbs, total loss of 174lbs. Unfortunately, two years ago I got to go through menopause ( I am only 45 so it was really early) and had some other health issues and I now weigh 234 lbs, gained back 80 lbs. What I've learned through this…
  • Oh ****, yeah we've all been there. My common reply when people "complain" about my watching what I eat is...."It's a good thing I'm watching so you don't have to" :) Stay strong and steady in your plan, the best is yet to come!
  • Don't kill yourself with regret! Jump back on, we're here for you. If it helps, I lost 171lbs and gained 50 back because of health issues. I'm working at it again, because failure is NOT an option.
    in Starting Over Comment by MJH2 May 2013
  • I would provide support and encouragement like, "Good Job...WTG...Awesome". I would not however disect their food diary for them. Weight loss is very emotional and personal, you may think you are offering constructive assistance but in reality you are mutilating their self esteem. If I am asked I will offer input. I…
  • Weight loss is not perfections, it's progressive and so too are our exercise regiments. The objective is to do a little better and work a little harder tomorrow than today, one more step, one more repetition tomorrow IS success.
  • Oh my gosh, just get one! I eat Carrot Cake once a month, and I make sure to eat it with a demitas spoon, you know the really really small one, so I can savor every bite.
  • Absolutely!!!!
  • I've been at this a long time, and the most important thing I've learned is "YOU MUST EAT TO LOOSE". I've lost 171lbs, am 5'3 and eat 1400 calories per day, but not always my exercise ones. I can also say that the first 100lbs was lost 5lbs one week and gain 3lbs the next, then the last 71lbs was .5lbs per week, talk about…
  • Great point! I've lost 171lbs and the first 100lbs was by loosing 5lbs one week, gaining 3lbs the next. It was crazy!
  • My top weight was 328lb and I remember right about 270lbs I had the same issue, when I broke 200lbs it did it again. I changed from the Elliptical to the Treadmill and increase my caloric intake to eat my exercise calories. That combination was just enough to get my metabolism moving again. I hope that helps.
  • I am 45 and menopaused early, I've been done for a year now. I had the exact same problem and pre-diabetes diagnosis from the doctor. It was pre-menopause, I am convinced of it. The best thing I did was to continue to exercise and watch my diet because now that I'm post menopause I am loosing again. I did gain 40lbs but it…
  • My husband had to throw the sale out the window, literally, with me crying on the floor of the bathroom about 100lbs ago. Now, I only weigh myself once a week and focus more on inches lost and how I feel. Learn from this reformed "scale psycho", weigh yourself only once a week and focus on how much better you feel.
  • I've had similar issues and found that introducing weights even at my top weight was beneficial. I have also found resistance bands to help.