Motivation RANT

I don't understand how we are helping people when we tell them WTG, Great DAY yet they did not eat the minimum amount of calories for the day (1200).

From everything that I have read, MFP is set up with a calorie deficit, so we should lose weight even if we don't exercise. Not eating all of the minimum and none of the exercise calories, seems to me that that is setting ourselves up for failure in the long term. I am trying to find my SWEET SPOT that I can live with for the rest of my life, not a quick....get the pounds off today and gain them back, plus some later on!. I DO NOT WANT to gain ANY of this weight back.

I want REAL support, not psuedo support!

Okay.. I'm done!


  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    Yea I just don't comment when I see that. I'll try to comment on other activities or statuses that I think are healthier. I don't critique people's calorie intake either, but I won't overtly encourage something I think is a bad idea.
  • It's confusing to me, because I just want to say.. EAT your mininum please.. your not being healthy and while you may be losing weight, it is not a healthy way to do it. Not that I am 100% healthy by any stretch of the imagination, but when I am BAD, I admit and I want my support team to let me know what's up!
  • MJH2
    MJH2 Posts: 55 Member
    Your Sweet Spot will change as your body changes, frustrating I know. What I know from my journey, is that if I do not exercise 3 times a week, I do not loose, so I suppose my Sweet Spot hinges upon how often I exercise.

    I understand your frustration with MFP, it is hard because the journey is so very very personal. Perhaps, that is why people only provide minimal commentary.