Finals killing my diet



  • chelseac1014
    chelseac1014 Posts: 43 Member
    I hate finals! But to help me I keep healthier snacks in my bag at all times so I'm not tempted to eat crazy. Or I go In an area that no junk food is around so I'm not tempted to eat it
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Try, I said Try to eat healthy. Don't starve yourself in the middle of finals. You can catch up later. Nobody is going to ask you how much weighed you gained Or lost during a certain semester's finals. They may ask you GPA at some point. Lol. I don't say this often, but but in this case, with a pretty small window of opportunity, Screw The Diet For NOW! Finals are only about 2 weeks, max. Good Luck!
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    Been there many times. Honestly don't worry too much about it. You burn additional 200-300 calories while on your period plus the stress of exams and the cravings, I would just focus on getting good grades. Once finals is over, hit it harder in the gym.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    This week I'm stressed out to the max with finals and for three days my diet has been terrible!! Lots of cookies and chocolate :( and it doesn't help I'm going to get my period soon either. I'm just looking for any support/motivation/tips to make me feel better & see if anybody is going or had been through the same thing. My birthday is the 30th and I just really don't want to mess this all up and be upset for my bday/New Years :(

    i'm an older person who went back to college part-time, plus have a job. I just went through finals, two exams and 3 papers due the same week (and kept my 4.0 average -- I always feel I'm going to fall off a cliff instead). I'm exhausted beyond belief and every bone in my body hurts, but I survived the semester.

    I agree with the comments about eating at maintenance. That's a lot easier than dieting.
    I keep fruit around, especially apples and ruby red grapefruit. Grapefruit is very low in calories.
    For filling snacks, I have a glass of Silk chocolate soy milk -- it tastes great, has chocolate, plus it's almost like a meal. I also make up a giant pot of Bob's Red Mill steel cut oats and have a bowl of that with sliced apple. I buy the best coffee and have as much as I want, plus some ginger tea, which I really like.

    Good luck, hope you're doing well.
  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    My advice? Do what you need to do to be as relaxed as possible for finals.

    School comes first, above everything. You can pick your diet back up after finals are over. It's just a week.

  • MJH2
    MJH2 Posts: 55 Member
    Oh I feel you pain, I just finished a Master's Thesis. My advice is to get all the junk out of the house, stick to high protein, vegetables and mint tea or sugar free mint gum. Mint has been shown to stimulate neurons in the brain and help make you more alert. For me the best combination was egg whites, bell peppers and carrots, with some toast thrown in there.

    Best of luck!
  • darcy2102
    darcy2102 Posts: 27 Member
    I feel your pain. I have 3 Provincial Law exams to write in the next 5 months and I work full time too. Something had to give and it has been my exercise. But the less I move the harder the studying gets, so I figure I will take a 30 minute time out and get in some exercise to help everything come together. I have spent too much time and money on school to slack off, so I am just going to DO IT and look back on it when it's all done and be proud.