pj27559 Member


  • I enter up the whole day on the bus to work in the morning. Breakfast & lunch are often similar each day, if I don't know what I am eating in the evening I just copy in a typical meal from a previous day and change the details later.
  • I have given blood 15 to 20 times, and last year I was the recipient of 2 packs of blood. Therefore I will continue to donate when I can. It's not my favourite experience, a sharp scratch in the arm, that's all. You don't have to look at it just lie back and take a break. If you have tattoos then giving blood is probably…
  • Some maybe shocked to learn that Jillian Michaels probably has little to with that website at all. It is owned by Everday Health Media llc and she is not a director. She most probably sold the rights to her name imagery and workout programmes to this company. As such info and emails received are probably written by an…
  • It doesn't for me. But I'be not been to the site and do not have the cookie they put on your PC to display that advertising.
  • Not surprising really, different brands contain different formulations and some appear to contain a fair amount of junk. it's a product that has been massively oversold and few probably need, elite atheletes and pro body builers maybe, but not the rest of us. I have some stock of the stuff left, but once it's gone it's…
  • Guess what? We all have "bad days" - but it is how you react that matters. You need to simply acknowledge that you've over done it and make amends by adjusting your calories down a touch for the next few days.
  • It may interest you to know that according to the NHS Choices website a girl of 7 years old should consume around 1530 calories a day. If your diary entries are accurate you should immediately seek qualified medical help as you are at very genuine risk of causing yourself serious damage.
  • Don't worry Do watch the situation over the next few weeks and raise it with the Doctor if you see consistent unexpected losses week after week. I recently took 2 months off work, due to acid reflux. in that time I upped my calories by 200 per day, during a period when I was seeing no weight loss. Guess what? When I…
  • resistance bands are an alternative to weights, they are cheap and take up next to no space You will find a a lot of free resustance band workouts on you tube
  • You can get an indication of calories burned on this page by the look of it: http://www.efit30.com.au/pilates-strengthens-the-mind-body-connection-while-burning-calories/ You could then use that to set up a custom exercise in MFP
  • The myths regarding starvation mode will not die out whilst certain sellers of protein products imply that if you do not use (their) protein within 30 minutes of working out your body will become catabolic . The same (un-named) company also sells a gel to rub on your skin to increase muscle size - I think that's all we…
  • If you have a smart phone have a look at the sporty pal app. It may not do everything that you need, but it is worth a look
  • I don't use a pedometer too often, but I found the free "Sporty Pal" app for my android phone to be pretty good
  • I was fearing this when I went abroad in July. I always tend to walk a lot when on holiday, but I further imncreased the amount I walked and aditionally took a kettle bell video away with me and did ketlle bell excercises every other day, I also tried to run most evenings, around 3 miles in my case. As regards food, I…
  • Ultimately if they are buying a product and it makes them happy, then good luck to them. They can make their choices and I'll make mine, based on my own experience. Yes the "fitness industry" has created a quite strong fashion element, linking in with sporting celebs etc. Let's face it, we all see plenty of people in the…
  • The "fitness Industry" has to keep brining us new products to keep us interested, one particular manufacturer having sold us all manner of supplements in tablets, capsules, powders, even chewing gum (for weight loss) now promotes a gel that when rubbed into the skin apparently supports muscle growth. Call me a cynic, but I…
  • There was only the briefest mention of protein shakes and a couple of pack shots, the main focus seemed to be "sports / energy drinks". But one of the people doing the research described protein shakes as "an expensive way to buy milk", I think it was probably the only question asked about those particular products as…
  • I wasn't particularly suprised at the outcome, most of these products are made by the pharmaceutical industry, the difference being here is a product that doesn't have to go through clinical trails (unlike drugs) and something they can make outrageous claims about without having to provide much in the way of real proof. I…
  • Don't rely so much on weighing yourself, use it as a guide by all means, but a tape measure is far more accurate, as it will let you see if you are losing fat even if you are not losing weight i.e.: possibly gaining muscle. Take some key measurements an log those along with your weight, it may give you a clearer view of…
  • About 10 years ago I lost about 2 stones via Slim Fast, but as soon as I stopped the weight started to creep back on. But this is what the manufacturers of "meal replacement" type diets want, they want you to succeed, then eventually fail so that they have a customer for life. I have now been on MFP for around 6 months and…
  • I think that we are talking about the difference between a shish kebab (on a stick) and Doner kebab (looks like an elephants leg) :laugh: Shish kebabs would certainly be fewer calories. I think that 650 / 750 and possibly even more would be right for Doner kebabs I have just been on another site who list doner kebabs at…
  • Before I started MFP i knew that my sugar intake was a problem, particulalrly things like chocolate. Looking back in my food dairy I was frequently 100 or so over my allowance for sugar every day. I have even started to eat a small amount of dark chocolate again but only to the extent of a square or 2 every so often which…