Warning about jillianmichaels.com



  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    This is a pretty standard scam technique, so shame on her for using it. In the past it was used to sell supplements and the like for well over the odds, with a very lengthy and costly cancellation process to put people off doing it.

    If you're in the UK and caught out by this, remember your bank can cancel your card and put a stop on the payment so they can't get at your money.
  • karinapeterson
    karinapeterson Posts: 197 Member

    There are some women here at MFP who have achieved awesome fitness levels and they aren't trying to sell me anything or make me feel like any type of loser. I will listen to them. There is more power in The Sisterhood than in any celebrity fitness routine.

    Love this :D
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Wow, what a rip-off! I cancelled the day before the first week was up, didn't think it was worth it and was not charge a penny. I think I signed up using pay-pal so I cancelled the auto-billing and never did pay a cent.

    Hope they refund you what you should get back, that's baloney!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I use to really like her a lot now i just cant stand her. She screws people over quite a lot.
  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
    yeah from the woman who says (Jillian) she doesn't believe in cleanses or detoxes but sells both with her picture on them.... so yeah!
  • eringrace10
    eringrace10 Posts: 135 Member
    All of these, signed up and the workout system isn't half as good as dvds (just not motivating) also all the info nutrition and fitness err hello what these for forum's and google are for.
  • dmw45
    dmw45 Posts: 73
    I like Jillian in general. I liked Biggest Loser even with all the product placement and bad editing. I use a Bodymedia Fit, I listen to her podcasts and I just started Body Revolution. Sure shes gotta take some of the blame for crappy products she endorses but I doubt she as a person set up the site to scam people. She does seem to be a trainer and she knows shes famous enough to make money off it. I doubt shed be pleased to know people are getting ripped off joining her site. You should try and let her know outside of the site which she may not run,

    Having defended her, because she gives mostly sound advice.... you are free to pick and choose what parts of it to follow. Some of what she recommends may not work for you in your situation at all.

    Its strange to me to see people on this thread painting her as a villain as if everything she does is terrible because its not the case at all. She recommends if youre trying to lose weight you eat 1200-1600 calories a day, you do efficient workouts, and you address the reasons you got fat in the first place.

    Thanks for posting the warning that her site does that to you so we can avoid joining and losing money, but I wouldnt dismiss her entirely because you would be missing some great insights and advice from her if you did.
  • miriams76
    miriams76 Posts: 138 Member
    I'm a member of the site. I quite like it but I don't use the food journal because it does not recognise non U.S barcodes. Everything has to be an approximation or entered in myself. I do use it for her exercise routine though. I sweat through one of those circuit workout way more than I sweat by jogging for 90mins. To do the full five circuits takes about the same amount of time. It's handy to have it on my phone. She has a huge bunch of exercises on there and good demonstrative videos.

    WRT The Biggest Loser and product placement, I found those cheesy inserts quite amusing and more than once or twice, I am sure Bob and Jillian were suppressing a giggle too. It's a small price to pay for a program which really changes people's lives so dramatically for the better. I had no idea that my abdominal fat ( main place where I put on weight) was probably bad fat surrounding my internal organs until I started watching the show on YouTube recently. It not only inspires me but makes me realise that if I don't lose it, I'm going to face a bunch of health problems within next twenty years even if I am not morbidly obese like the contestants.
  • SquigglyMonkey
    I am so so thankful for each and every one of you, I decided to sign up and then when I went to cancel it.....I wanted to do it today (same day I signed up) so I could try the site out and if I didnt like it I wouldnt have to pay for it. So I signed up and couldnt find a cancel thing so I looked up how to do it and this was the FIRST thing that popped up. I cant afford random 50-80 dollar charges on my card so I called them and did it over the phone. Thank you for saving me time, and money also allowing me to know Ill be able to pay my bills next month...no more signing up for stuff without reading the fine print.
  • simmolil
    I'm in the same position. How do you cancel the autobilling on PayPal? xxx
  • Morning1601
    Morning1601 Posts: 3 Member
    I wish I'd searched it before I signed up for the 2 weeks free trial, I emailed to cancel today 5 days after initial sign-up and cancelled pre-payments:huh: on paypal... I hope I won't get charged. Will keep you posted. Very clever tactic indeed, if you want to scam people. It is a shame I used to like her and think highly of her, after browsing her website and having bought a couple of her DVDs, I thought I'd try her app. Being billed $4 a week is very different to being billed $52 at once, on my account anyway, I don't always have this sort of money, times are hard at the moment. Shame on Jillian, disappointed customer. :mad:
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    "*Jillian Michaels’ online program is yours FREE for 7 days! You will not be charged during your free trial period. However, valid payment information is required. If you're happy with your online membership, do nothing. Your service will continue uninterrupted, and you will be enrolled under our standard membership agreement. Online membership is just $4 a week, billed quarterly (every 13 weeks). The charge will be applied to the same account you provide at sign-up. You may cancel before your free trial ends at no charge, or at any time afterward and you will continue to have access to your account for the remainder of your term." - jillianmichaels.com Terms of Service

    It isn't a scam when the details are there and people simply fail to read them before checking the box verifying that those terms were both read and agreed to.
  • Morning1601
    Morning1601 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, this is all true. However; in my opinion the cancellation process should be more straight forward. There's no simple cancellation process, cancellation button, cancellation form on the website. I would not phone US as the call from here (UK) would probably equal the fee of membership, can email be dealt with efficiently within a few hours or a day? Maybe. I do understand we live in times, where we have to be alert at all times if we are to look after our earnings, we should read the small print and T&Cs, but why should people resort to cancellation of cards and direct debits in fear that they membership won't be cancelled directly at jillianmichaels.com? There sure is a smart catch! I like Jillian, her website, her videos and programmes, in many aspects she seems a great person that you don't expect: "Sorry Winnetou, business is business".
  • Gwynth
    Gwynth Posts: 1
    Thanks so much for sharing your feed back. I considered joining but decided to see what others have experienced, I'll stick with my gym, own personal trainer and the fitness pal app as well as avoids the sweet tooth monster. Thanks a bunch!!
  • pmdhardy
    pmdhardy Posts: 40 Member
    so glad I did a search on here. I was really thinking about joining to see if she could really motivate me with a plan to lose weight..after all , she is so famous on tv and has so many dvds.. but after reading all the negative comments.. I will just stay here and use good ole Fitness Pal which I love.
  • ladyblue100
    ladyblue100 Posts: 37 Member
    Well I signed up for the web site today just to see what it would recommend for foods but they have no food plans for dairy free. So right then in there I decided to cancel. hope I don't get charged.

    Also I hated the lay out of the site. I'll stick to her dvds thats good enough for me.

    MFP rocks!
  • jennn1971
    jennn1971 Posts: 1 Member
    I keep getting charged, I have 6 charges total! Jillian Micheals is a SCAM! I have talked to them twice and now she is blocked by my credit card company because they continue to take money out of my account. I told them I would tell EVERYONE I know
  • pj27559
    pj27559 Posts: 23 Member
    funny this topic comes up now when there is a huge banner advertisement at the top of my page for Jillian LMAO

    It doesn't for me.

    But I'be not been to the site and do not have the cookie they put on your PC to display that advertising.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I keep getting charged, I have 6 charges total! Jillian Micheals is a SCAM! I have talked to them twice and now she is blocked by my credit card company because they continue to take money out of my account. I told them I would tell EVERYONE I know

    As I noted months ago ....
    "*Jillian Michaels’ online program is yours FREE for 7 days! You will not be charged during your free trial period. However, valid payment information is required. If you're happy with your online membership, do nothing. Your service will continue uninterrupted, and you will be enrolled under our standard membership agreement. Online membership is just $4 a week, billed quarterly (every 13 weeks). The charge will be applied to the same account you provide at sign-up. You may cancel before your free trial ends at no charge, or at any time afterward and you will continue to have access to your account for the remainder of your term." - jillianmichaels.com Terms of Service

    It isn't a scam when the details are there and people simply fail to read them before checking the box verifying that those terms were both read and agreed to.
  • pj27559
    pj27559 Posts: 23 Member
    Some maybe shocked to learn that Jillian Michaels probably has little to with that website at all.

    It is owned by Everday Health Media llc and she is not a director.

    She most probably sold the rights to her name imagery and workout programmes to this company.

    As such info and emails received are probably written by an editorial team in her name.

    It doesn't however excuse the company and it's apparent behaviour.