I'm quitting!



  • CherishQuick
    Congrats! I told myself I was giving up dairy and white bread but gave into 1 time per week.....you've motivated me to do it for "real." I will definitely support you! Friend me if you want to.
  • Mojovator
    Recently attended Tony Robbin's "Unleashing The Power Within" weekend and have OVERHAULED my food mindset! LIVE and raw foods ROCK! Nuts, veggies, legumes, sprouted grains/sprouted grain foods. Wild caught fish only. I don't even have a desire any longer for meat or chicken (especially chicken!) No white sugar or white flour, and virtually no processed foods. I'm rediscovering how wonderful clean eating is for the mind, body and soul. Having identified the "why" for making this change and connecting to the emotion/reasons/benefits of committing to an outstanding nutrition regimen is keeping me on track.

    Am I allowed a "cheat" on occasion? Of course! As long as I make sure to alkaline my body with foods that will maintain the proper pH balance in my system. This is NOT about deprivation but instead about making better food choices that will support the goals I've set, short and long-term. I'm ENJOYING the journey!
  • acarmickle1
    Thats great!! I used to be addicted to sugar and it is such a relief not to be anymore! You will be so happy you did this!!

    How did you get over you sugar addiction?
  • sashatranett

    I wish I could have given it up completely. Instead, I just eat it in moderation along with the rest of my daily meals, even if it means counting out each individual piece or measuring my foods so I don't go over my plan. For me, if I forbid a type of food, I tend to crave it even more until I break from weakness. If cold turkey works better for you, go for it!

    Keep us posted on your journey!

    Same here, I don't want to cut anything out completely - was my brother's birthday today so had a piece of sticky toffee pudding when I got home, but don't have that on a regular basis so I'm not worried about going over my sugar intake today (which usually goes over thanks to fruits etc...)

    Best of luck on the sugar cut Lindsay :smile:

    i dont know what sticky toffee pudding is...but it sounds like an orgasm in your mouth
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    I gave up sugar in my Tea and Coffe 40 years ago, nor do I have it on any of my foods and if a recipe says add sugar I leave it out unless of course it is a cake, which I seldomly make anyway.
    Feel free to add me, I love encouraging my friends.
  • Squeeks70
    Squeeks70 Posts: 157 Member
    I am a huge sugar addict... there I said it and out loud too!!!!

    I wish I could give it up... it is soooo hard.
    Good luck with your quest.
    Add me :smile:

    I can't believe my sugar intake when I look at my foods at the end of the day.....but I just love it!
  • pj27559
    pj27559 Posts: 23 Member
    Before I started MFP i knew that my sugar intake was a problem, particulalrly things like chocolate.

    Looking back in my food dairy I was frequently 100 or so over my allowance for sugar every day.

    I have even started to eat a small amount of dark chocolate again but only to the extent of a square or 2 every so often which is fine.

    I did try a digestive biscuit the othe day and just found it too sweet.

    Even now I still go over the sugar allowance. but only by around 25 or so, which doesn't both me.
  • malins2
    malins2 Posts: 154 Member
    Thats great!! I used to be addicted to sugar and it is such a relief not to be anymore! You will be so happy you did this!!

    How did you get over you sugar addiction?

    I did a few weeks with strict low carb, it was hard, I wanted to give up and I felt like crap, but I kept doing it. Sometimes I even held the bad sugary foods in my hand and was close to eating but I had decided beforehand that when those situations came along (I knew they would :) )I would have to tell myself to wait 30 minutes before eating it. And if I wanted it as bad after the 30 minutes had passed I could go ahead and eat it. Amazingly enough there was not one time where I wanted to eat it after that half hour had passed :)

    Now I have it under control and hardly ever get cravings for sweet stuff. But I had chocolate cake at a reception the other day and that seemed to trigger something, the rest of that night I just felt like eating something sweet. Apart from that all the sugar from the cake gave me a bad headache too.

    A few years back when I tried to stop eating sugar I substituted the bad sugar foods with fruit, but that resulted in eating insanely big amounts of fruit and that didn't help my weight loss at all. Even if it's fruit it will raise your blood sugar level and a lot of insulin will be released and you're soon feeling hungry and craving carbs again! So this time the idea was to stay away from ALL sugars, good or bad, for a while and then slowly introducing the good stuff again, and that worked for me.
    Good luck!!
  • lindsayb0422
    I'm right there with you! It's crazy how I can totally skip dinner and go straight for the dessert. Today is day 3 I'm still over my sugar by 11 which is a little irritating since I had only one banana and a yogurt as far as sweets go....grrr