I'm usually well above my Protein intake. Some of my staples are as follows: Hard Boiled Eggs, Nuts, Fish, Chicken. If you are vegan/vegetarian you could do Beans, Nuts, Tofu, Seeds, Quinoa.
I make a gigantic batch of a healthy turkey chili recipe I created. I freeze most and use the rest right away. I also make it last a little longer by adding elbow macaroni or other starches like brown rice to it. My kids love Dad's Chili Mac. For snacks, I usually keep some hummus and veg or peanut butter and apples around…
I may suggest that you alternate your workouts depending on what your goals are. I used to do a routine where I alternate upper and lower body routines ie. Mon = Chest and Back Tue = Legs Wed = Core Thurs = Bi/Tri Shoulders Fri = Lite full body Sat/Sun = Rest or Some Cardio Saw some pretty decent results, but to each their…
In most states it is illegal for the landlord to enter your premises without prior notification of up to 2 days unless deamed an emergency. Maybe you can use that as leverage but I would look up your local tenant laws and go into the conversation armed with whatever knowledge you can find.
Did a similar type experience called "Survivor Mud Run" got me hooked and I love doing these now. Something liberating about cutting loose and getting dirty.
I second this. My current M.O.
Numb by Linkin Park
There, fixed it for you.
I have heard they are pushing a spin off show with Saul so more than likely Im guessing he will live.
I believe Walt still has cancer however it has moved to his brain, there were a couple of points where they foreshadowed this. 1. The episode where Jesse talks about his Aunt dying scene (References the Opposom that she continued to hear) 2. Walt later sees the fly on the smoke detector in the "Fly" episode 3. Most recent…
What’s worse is the ones that just run them under the water for a brief second as if to falsely advertise their hand washing. Sorry, I don’t have amnesia, I was there beginning, middle and end of your hand washing experience and you my friend merely gave the germs a swimming pool in which to breed. Soap is magical isn’t it?
Make sure you wipe down your equipment when finished
Think I may have fainted around "glisten" What did I miss???
And Remember, when you PM someone, you're PMing with everyone they have PM'ed with.
Rise Against Radio on Slacker.
OMG!!! My little brother and I used to walk down to the store and get these all the time. It was usually this, a pack of big league chew, some candy cigs, and some fireworks.
A giant yellow 4 Dr 1977 Oldsmobile 98. Fun trying to park one of those bad boys when you're first learning how to drive
I don't think Mr Ranger is going to like this Yogi
bump for later
Last year about the same time of year. I look roughly the same now so not really interested in taking another picture.
Grilled Chicken or Salmon with Asparagus and if desired, cut up a sweet potato into wedges, season with S&P, EVOO, and Rosemary (chopped garlic if you like) Grill all three and save yourself time by not having to clean the whole kitchen or do as many dishes afterwards. I grill almost everything now so I dont have to clean…
Make a Creme Brulee with them?
Is that the BeeGee's??
Genius Thread, in before the lock when "that guy" takes it too far.
Donate to Goodwill. Helps out someone in need, and is a tax write off. I would rather these things be put to good use instead of put in a landfill.
Hello my name is Simon... and I like to do drawrrings.... 5 Internets to whoever knows this one.