TanzaMarie Member


  • coconut butter on a baked sweet potato is amazing! Add some cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice and delish!
  • Check out a raw cookbook/recipe. You can always at a bit of marinated grilled chicken or hard-boiled eggs if you need it.
  • Actually about to go to the gym...just so I can make the time go faster before kickoff. Watching the clock all day has be brutal!
  • Ethnic dishes are easiest for me. Pasta (quinoa is gluten free and I can barely tell the difference), bean burritos/veggie fajitas, veggie stir fries, since you eat fish - sushi, falafels, potatoes, rice and beans, salsa, guacamole. And then there't nut butter. If you're not a fan of tofu, try fried extra firm. That's how…
  • Not underweight, but have the same question...currently eating 1400-1500 a day. The Insanity fitness guide says I should eat approx 1800. I'm a slow and steady wins the race kind of girl and would normally follow the guide and eat the suggested calories, but I need to fit into a bridesmaid's dress in 6 weeks so my goals…
  • Mom my swears by it...but the whole thing grosses me out. Nothing has to be refrigerated, and lasts for months and months. I have no idea what they put in their beef patties, etc, but if it doesn't require refrigeration, it can't possibly be healthy. Everything is laden with all sorts of chemicals and artificial this and…
  • You just became my new favorite person! Awesome post
  • LOVE the vitamix. There is nothing it can't blend and with tough leaves like kale, that definitely important. If you don't want to fork over the money for a vitamix, the Ninja is decent, but nothing is better than a vitamix!
  • Hummus and tomato is my new bagel obsession. The heat from the bagel with the coolness of the tomoato...so good!
  • I have chronic fatigue, which I'm guessing is not the same thing. But when I regularly eat the way redefiningmys suggested I do have more energy and feel more capable, even if by the end of the day I can't stand up anymore. I know you probably don't have time for this, but I barter with myself. I can lay down for 20…
  • I use a little bit of hot water. It dilutes it a little bit, but it's still really good.
  • I'm vegan 80-90% of the time. I do it for my health. Even though I know I'm not a "real" vegan. I tell people who only kinda know me I am, because it saves a whole lot of confusion. For whatever reason people (at an office party, etc) always want to know why I'm not eating X. It's so much easier to say "I'm vegan", rather…
  • I'm 5'2" I wear size 12 jeans. I weight 150-155lbs
  • That's why I transitioned over a year ago. Every once in a while I'll have a piece of meat, but that's almost never. If I do "break vegan" it's usually for sushi. So many good dairy free options out there.
  • In a smoothie or lasagna. Here is the recipe for lasagna. It always gets good reviews. http://www.vegetariantimes.com/recipe/kale-lasagna-diavolo/
  • You can add me too. I'm 5'2" and started at 183. I have/had the same problem. I thought I got rid of it and then came the holidays and it's back again. The only thing that seems to work for me is to eat all the time. I eat every 2-3 hours, sometimes more. When I just ate it's easier (though not always easy) to pass it up.…
  • Try flavored vodkas in soda water, or rum and diet coke. Sometimes you're just going to want a margarita, but if it's your usual happy hour/Friday night out, give it a shot. I know a girl who gets vodka and water. Never tried it, but it definitely cut down on her calories and gives her some water for hydration. And I know…
  • I'm "nearly vegan" for health reasons for a little more than a year. Truth is, I'm not, but it's easier to explain my eating habits to others. I'm lactose intolerant, which makes is very easy to cut out dairy. I'd really rather not eat meat or fish. I do eat sushi sometimes though, and a bite of meat here and there, which…
  • Our herbs are outside...we dry some of them, but mostly we just buy fresh herbs from the grocery store. I think most things buy the basil come back. Not sure about the rosemary.
  • That is really great, congratulations! I'm 5'2" too and agree that a few pounds is much harder to loose for us shorties. 135 is my initial goal - 15 more to go! Thanks for the boost!
  • Interesting! I have no soy issues so I will give that a try. Thanks so much!
  • It calls for sour milk mixed with baking soda (I forget the amounts off hand), but instead of milk I used almond milk and I put apple cider vinegar in there to make it "sour milk" and then I mix in the baking soda. Do you think I should add more vinegar?
  • Hello from Camp Hill (Harrisburg), PA. Welcome!
  • People seem to think that I am a good person to complain about being fat to. I understand that it's all relative so I generally try my best to be understanding...unless you are a size 0. I have three of these in my life who complain about their weight....no...you wear a non size...you're fine.
  • I’m too Sexy Bootylicious Queen of the Night LOVE Bootylicious the Glee Version.
  • I'm having the same problem...in my house watching TED Talks, but it keeps buffering. We have Verizon...so maybe it's them. It was like this last night too, but I just assumed it was because of the debate.
  • I went (mostly) vegan for health reasons too. Too many people have heart issues and cancer in my family and I'm scared of hospitals. I liked the 30-day vegan Challenge. I eat an quasi-healthy diet. But the big thing is beware of the Beige Diet - aka pasta, breads, fries - you get where I'm going with this. It's soo easy to…
  • Same thing here. I would do anything to avoid Month 2. This week I decided to cross train so if I really really didn't want to do it, I could just go for a run or something. So far it's helped...but man...I'm with you, Month 2 is not fun!
  • I use it, although I stopped running when I started Insanity...but I'm done in 3 weeks and will start up again.