Any vegans?



  • m2kz
    m2kz Posts: 10 Member
    I think research is a good approach and would welcome hearing more good sources of information to study on this topic.
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Hi michcor

    All the best with veganism.

    I suggest you investigate quorn and beans.
    I particularly like borlotti, canelloni beans and chickpeas.
    I myself am not vegan but trending back towards vegetarianism after my oldest son expressed an interest.
    Perhaps my son and I will explore veganism together - who knows?
    kind regards,

  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Im a vegetarian that doesn't like milk too much :laugh:
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    What's wrong with meat?

    If you need a perfect source of natural protein, eat fish, shellfish, lean meat, grass fed beef, organic chicken etc.

    Read "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes and you'll see the difficulty with being a vegan and how it contributes to many health issues.

    Sorry, but I find the vegan and vegetarian movement can be a bit misguided by lack of credible science to support a non-meat diet. It seems ethically driven rather than nutrition driven. Sure veggies and fruit and nuts are good for you, but grain and legume based diets wreak havoc on your digestive system which was designed for eating protein from flesh.

    Read that book and see what you think.. I was a vegetarian, eating a low fat grain based diet, and had high cholesterol, was gaining weight , and had such low B12 I needed to get vitamin shots from the doctor. Went back to meat / fish and got so much healthier.

    Unfortunately I have to agree with this. If you're going to be on an intense diet like vegan you need to have a very good understanding of foods, nutrition, and what you're body really needs. When you cut out entire food groups or sources of nutrition (and meat) you need to know how to replace them correctly or your body may not function well over the long run. Just looking out for you. Do your research, read some books, don't be afraid to Google, and don't stop asking questions. I wish I could be more helpful with information, but I do eat quite a bit of meat and dairy.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Im a vegetarian that doesn't like milk too much :laugh:
    haha yeah I stopped drinking cow's milk in like 2006. I usually prefer to have rice milk.
    Cheese is the #1 thing that will keep me from being vegan. I won't give it up.
    I eat pretty healthy otherwise though. :)
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    What's wrong with meat?

    If you need a perfect source of natural protein, eat fish, shellfish, lean meat, grass fed beef, organic chicken etc.

    Read "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes and you'll see the difficulty with being a vegan and how it contributes to many health issues.

    Sorry, but I find the vegan and vegetarian movement can be a bit misguided by lack of credible science to support a non-meat diet. It seems ethically driven rather than nutrition driven. Sure veggies and fruit and nuts are good for you, but grain and legume based diets wreak havoc on your digestive system which was designed for eating protein from flesh.

    Read that book and see what you think.. I was a vegetarian, eating a low fat grain based diet, and had high cholesterol, was gaining weight , and had such low B12 I needed to get vitamin shots from the doctor. Went back to meat / fish and got so much healthier.

    Unfortunately I have to agree with this. If you're going to be on an intense diet like vegan you need to have a very good understanding of foods, nutrition, and what you're body really needs. When you cut out entire food groups or sources of nutrition (and meat) you need to know how to replace them correctly or your body may not function well over the long run. Just looking out for you.
    And you're just going to assume people that are vegan or vegetarian haven't done any research on nutrition or how certain foods affect their body & what they need to consume?
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    What's wrong with meat?

    If you need a perfect source of natural protein, eat fish, shellfish, lean meat, grass fed beef, organic chicken etc.

    Read "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes and you'll see the difficulty with being a vegan and how it contributes to many health issues.

    Sorry, but I find the vegan and vegetarian movement can be a bit misguided by lack of credible science to support a non-meat diet. It seems ethically driven rather than nutrition driven. Sure veggies and fruit and nuts are good for you, but grain and legume based diets wreak havoc on your digestive system which was designed for eating protein from flesh.

    Read that book and see what you think.. I was a vegetarian, eating a low fat grain based diet, and had high cholesterol, was gaining weight , and had such low B12 I needed to get vitamin shots from the doctor. Went back to meat / fish and got so much healthier.

    Unfortunately I have to agree with this. If you're going to be on an intense diet like vegan you need to have a very good understanding of foods, nutrition, and what you're body really needs. When you cut out entire food groups or sources of nutrition (and meat) you need to know how to replace them correctly or your body may not function well over the long run. Just looking out for you.
    And you're just going to assume people that are vegan or vegetarian haven't done any research on nutrition or how certain foods affect their body & what they need to consume?

    ACTUALLY as you replied to my post I was editing it, apologizing for not having any real information to give. I wish her luck, I'm just stating something I've heard along the way, that you DO need to have an understanding of food when you choose a lifestyle like this, because a lot of people just treat it like a fad. I'm not assuming anything. Chill out girl.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I kinda think people need to have an understanding of food regardless of what dietary lifestyle they choose to live. It's good to know how to be healthy.
  • heidi555
    heidi555 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm vegan just added you as a friend :) My diary is open to friends...
  • michcor
    michcor Posts: 52 Member
    Lol, some of these comments are pretty funny.
    Before I do anything, I research like crazy. So trust me, I've done my research.
    I have NEVER in my life felt healthier than when I became vegan.
    I try really hard to stay away from soy; and the other products, I just don't care for.
    I rarely eat processed foods.
    I eat quinoa most days of the week.
    I eat nuts every day.
    I eat plants everyday, usually in the form of a spinach smoothie and a large, large salad.

    I was basically looking for some new food ideas that are high in protein.

    I really really appreciate everyone's input! But yeah, I'm definitely not malnourished over here :) Being vegan has been the best lifestyle change I have ever made.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Yeah, watched it recently. I'm not convinced by the China Study. I guess that is why I brought it up... I don't think they isolate the 'plant based diet' enough - and it showed issues with non-meat eating diets..... that doesnt fully support a total plant based.

    I'm just raising it because I was a bit shocked by the Taubes book.

    If that doesn't convince you perhaps you should talk to some vegans here on mfp and get their personal accounts on how a vegan diet has affected their health?
  • Mrs_Bones
    Mrs_Bones Posts: 195 Member
    I'm vegan! Well, I'm a fairly new vegan but I'm absolutely loving every minute of it.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    I've been a vegetarian since birth, if I wasn't I'd be dead right now. Wouldn't have made it past infancy.

    About 2 years ago I decided to "limit" myself even more, and I became a vegan. I don't miss animal products, the thought of consuming any animal products disgusts me.

    I am also soy-free. :)
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    Hi michcor

    All the best with veganism.

    I suggest you investigate quorn and beans.

    most quorn is made with egg whites...
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    What's wrong with meat?

    If you need a perfect source of natural protein, eat fish, shellfish, lean meat, grass fed beef, organic chicken etc.

    Read "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes and you'll see the difficulty with being a vegan and how it contributes to many health issues.

    Sorry, but I find the vegan and vegetarian movement can be a bit misguided by lack of credible science to support a non-meat diet. It seems ethically driven rather than nutrition driven. Sure veggies and fruit and nuts are good for you, but grain and legume based diets wreak havoc on your digestive system which was designed for eating protein from flesh.

    Read that book and see what you think.. I was a vegetarian, eating a low fat grain based diet, and had high cholesterol, was gaining weight , and had such low B12 I needed to get vitamin shots from the doctor. Went back to meat / fish and got so much healthier.

    Vegans and Vegetarians most often choose to not eat meat (or dairy/eggs in the case of a vegan) because of animal welfare.

    I am a vegetarian. I haven't consumed meat since June 2012. I am healthy... I get the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients I need (the only suppliments I take are a B12 and a flaxseed oil one).

    What's wrong with meat? How about the fact that a lot of vegans and vegetarians don't feel right eating meat because they don't want to eat an animal. How about the fact of how those animals are treated? How they are slaugtered? Etc. There are a lot of things good and bad when it comes to meat... it depends on your views. Some it doesn't bother... some don't agree with the way the animals are treated and some want to help reduce their carbon footprint as raising animals for meat does create a lot of waste and pollution.

    I don't eat meat because of how the animals are treated. I choose not to eat another living thing. I also knew that while it might be a bit more difficult I can get the nutrients from meats in other foods. I still cook meat in my house because my husband eats it and I don't believe he needs to eat the same way I choose to just because I cook (he does eat a lot less meat now that I don't eat it though). I have no issues with others eating meat, I choose not to. Just don't try to tell me that your way of eating is better than mine.

    Just because you didn't become a healthy vegetarian doesn't mean everyone isn't. If you are proprely informed and eat the proper foods you don't need meat or fish... meat and fish don't make you healthy.

    I have thought about becoming vegan however at this time it isn't in the budget for us as it would require far too many different purchases at our weekly grocery shop.

    You should see the amount of incredible healthy vegans and vegetarians. Of course there is also a lot of unhealthy ones out there as well who don't eat the proper things. Understand and research whatever diet you choose to do so you know how to be healthy.

    Also, I'm not a fan of Taubes... one can point out a lot of faults in his work. He is just another author trying to get rich on making some diet book whether it's good or not.
  • Leo_Joy_HG
    Leo_Joy_HG Posts: 57 Member
    . It seems ethically driven rather than nutrition driven.

    And??? I am vegan, mainly for ethical and environmental reasons. I want a fairer, more sustainable world and i can do my bit by being vegan. I can survive and thrive eating this way, so i will. Yes, humans have evolved with the ability to eat meat but in this day and age it is a choice, i chose not to.

    .I was a vegetarian, eating a low fat grain based diet, and had high cholesterol, was gaining weight , and had such low B12 I needed to get vitamin shots from the doctor. Went back to meat / fish and got so much healthier.

    A vegan diet does not contain any cholesterol at all.
    Of course you can gain weight, especially at first as your mind and body needs to adjust. It's up to you to gain, loose, maintain weight whatever your diet consists of.

    I also struggled with B12 at first and had to have injections. It smartened me up - i now drink much more fortified soya milks and take supplements. Yes, this is one nutrient that you may have to supplement, ONE! Not a big deal!

    I'm gald you go healthier. For me, veganism has nothing to do with my health.
  • TanzaMarie
    TanzaMarie Posts: 94 Member
    I'm not vegan but I'm thinking about transitioning to a vegan diet because I've recently noticed how negatively dairy foods impact my body.

    That's why I transitioned over a year ago. Every once in a while I'll have a piece of meat, but that's almost never. If I do "break vegan" it's usually for sushi. So many good dairy free options out there.
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    Vegan 3 years, vegetarian 13 years before that; yesterday was a big off day ;) but hopefully you'll like the other days, I added you. I personally don't eat much in the way of meat substitutes though, I've never once had any problems with my diet being deficient in anything, based on blood tests. The only health problems I've ever had was sore throats; even after having my tonsils removed. Haven't had a problem since I stopped eating foods that are designed for calves ;) Based on my experience with meat diet, as a peskatarian, vegetarian, lacto vegetarian and vegan, I feel miles better as a vegan
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    Hi michcor

    All the best with veganism.

    I suggest you investigate quorn and beans.

    most quorn is made with egg whites...

    or cheese; not one single quorn product here is vegan, I hear they launched a burger last year but so far nothing here. Never liked it anyway though. Linda McCartney sausages are vegan though, but they're too realistic for me
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    Hi michcor

    All the best with veganism.

    I suggest you investigate quorn and beans.

    most quorn is made with egg whites...

    Linda McCartney sausages are vegan though, but they're too realistic for me
    LOL. A Canadian company came up with a no peanut product that looked and tasted like peanut butter but the school board still banned the product saying it still looked like peanut butter. Same same but different. A real head scratcher.