Going under my calorie goal while doing insanity

hey guys! this is the second summer i'm trying to lose weight. the first time I did I was on a 1,200 calorie diet. mostly, I ate fruits as if I was on a strict fruit diet but I also have cheat days usually on a Sunday. I lost 5 pounds in a month! I was also doing hiphop abs 6 times a week (didn't follow the schedule though lol)

so to the real problem. I just started insanity (did the fit test a while ago). my main goal is to get a more toned body. according to the 1902837972 articles/blogs/sites I've read about doing insanity, they were all saying that you had to eat more cause of the intense workout and you'll need enough energy. they suggest 1,500 calories but I am still on 1,200. so is it unhealthy and will it stop insanity from being effective if I only eat 1,200 calories or less? I eat clean and don't starve myself. I actually feel satisfied and full most of the times but at the end of the day I only get 800-1,200 calories! it makes me worried cause they say undereating will stop your weight loss :( when I think of eating more I feel like i'll just feel guilty after or I'd feel like i ate too much and become bloated. I also think that I would gain weight or just add more body fat if i eat more :/

more info:
I drink GNC'S 100% whey protein shake.
I weigh 95 pounds and I am 5'3

any advices on how i could reach my goal successfully and in a healthy way?


  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    i actually did insanity, i didn't finish it ,i did 5 weeks only, now i'm doing his t25 which i love as much as Insanity.
    I used HRM and I would lose anywhere from 400-550 cals in 45 minutes. My suggestion to eat these cals back becaue on 1200 cal diet that will be around 800 cal net a day, which is very low especially with an intense workout like Insanity.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Insanity was my way of getting off the couch. I made it through, but I regret doing it when I was trying to lose weight.

    It obviously isn't going to hurt to do it ... just make sure you eat back your calories.

    Buuuuut. I am definitely going to do it when I am at maintenance or surplus to gain muscle. That is really what Insanity is about gaining muscle through different aerobic workouts.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    5' 3" and 95 pounds is already significantly underweight. Why are you trying to lose weight?

    I'd significantly bump up your calorie intake, especially in the carbs and proteins. You'll need to extra energy for Insanity, and the protein to build muscle.
  • CountryBoyLover81
    Eat the extra calories. I'm doing an insane workout burning 1000 calories a day and I add more calories in. I'm supposed to be on 1200 per day but I'm eating more like 1500 per day. Listen to your body, it will tell you if you need more but you should be eating 1200 minimum.
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    my main goal is to get a more toned body.
    "toned" means different things to different people but I think most would agree that you need some muscle on your frame to create the foundation of your "toned" body. Muscle can't be made out of thin air - you need more food to do this. If you keep eating such a small amount of food, Insanity will largely be a waste of time. You know that little Nutrition booklet that comes with Insanity? I suggest you read it, do as it says, and if you want to use MFP, set up a custom goal according to the Insantiy guidelines which will probably be almost 2000 calories per day.
    any advices on how i could reach my goal successfully and in a healthy way?
    Eat more food and get 100g of your daily calories from protein.
  • sugarstrawberries
    sugarstrawberries Posts: 140 Member
    5' 3" and 95 pounds is already significantly underweight. Why are you trying to lose weight?

    Because her inspiration is Victoria's Secret models?

    If you feel guilty eating over 800-1200 calories, which is already a very low calorie diet that is not healthy for someone your size, you need to talk to a counselor or therapist who specializes in eating disorders.
  • SavinnaMarie
    SavinnaMarie Posts: 108 Member
    5' 3" and 95 pounds is already significantly underweight. Why are you trying to lose weight?

    I'd significantly bump up your calorie intake, especially in the carbs and proteins. You'll need to extra energy for Insanity, and the protein to build muscle.

    i know i'm underweight it's just that i want to get rid of my fat stomach and i found out that there is no such thing as spot reduction so i tried to lose weight :) worked the first time i got a flatter stomach (no abs tho) but i gained it back lol
  • Snap355
    Snap355 Posts: 9
    It could be your diet. You're already low in weight and eating a lot less calories. If you eat lean meats/up the protein fats and strength workouts, you'll get those abs. You are right, there's no spot reduction for fat.
  • SavinnaMarie
    SavinnaMarie Posts: 108 Member
    5' 3" and 95 pounds is already significantly underweight. Why are you trying to lose weight?

    Because her inspiration is Victoria's Secret models?

    If you feel guilty eating over 800-1200 calories, which is already a very low calorie diet that is not healthy for someone your size, you need to talk to a counselor or therapist who specializes in eating disorders.

    oh yeahh, about that, i wrot ethat a year ago and forgot to change it. I realized that they were waaaay too skinny and unhealthy. I've been seeing pictures of women that are not super skinny like them but are muscle-y but not too bulky and that's the body I'm trying to achieve now. I also want to do different kinds of sports so getting stronger would most definitely help me w/ sports. I feel guilty eating cause I lost weight while on a 1,200 calorie diet the first time I tried it so I thought it would make me gain weight if i ate more
  • SavinnaMarie
    SavinnaMarie Posts: 108 Member
    i'm also under my protein goal :/ even drinking protein shake is not enough. any suggestions on food or meals that are rich in protein? something I could make or easily get in markets or groceries lol. I eat eggs and tuna to increase my protein intake
  • TanzaMarie
    TanzaMarie Posts: 94 Member
    Not underweight, but have the same question...currently eating 1400-1500 a day. The Insanity fitness guide says I should eat approx 1800. I'm a slow and steady wins the race kind of girl and would normally follow the guide and eat the suggested calories, but I need to fit into a bridesmaid's dress in 6 weeks so my goals are a little different.
  • marathonmom72
    marathonmom72 Posts: 191 Member
    I completely agree that you are underweight! I do understand your goal though. You are wanting to reduce your body fat % while putting on some muscle (not bulky). Good goals to pursue. It will take time and dedication. It will not happen overnight and it will not happen by starving yourself. Your current plan will lead to illness and/or injury. I suggest you look into the MFP groups 'Eat More to Weigh Less' and 'Eat, Train, Progress'. There you will find lots of information about how to determine your calorie needs and other helpful info regarding building some muscle and changing your body shape. The moderators of those groups are also very supportive. Good luck!
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    It is more difficult to build muscle while at a deficit.
    You don't need to lose weight, as you noted.
    Eat at maintenance + half-ish your burned calories, bulk/tone, and then see if you're still unhappy and cut again.
  • Samenamenewlook
    Samenamenewlook Posts: 296 Member
    Eat more food ... At your height and weight you could stand to gain a few lbs, and it you eat good food and work out hard you can make that gain muscle, not fat. Then you'll have that tone you want. Your abs should start to lean out too with increased muscle and healthy eating.
  • SavinnaMarie
    SavinnaMarie Posts: 108 Member
    I completely agree that you are underweight! I do understand your goal though. You are wanting to reduce your body fat % while putting on some muscle (not bulky). Good goals to pursue. It will take time and dedication. It will not happen overnight and it will not happen by starving yourself. Your current plan will lead to illness and/or injury. I suggest you look into the MFP groups 'Eat More to Weigh Less' and 'Eat, Train, Progress'. There you will find lots of information about how to determine your calorie needs and other helpful info regarding building some muscle and changing your body shape. The moderators of those groups are also very supportive. Good luck!

    exactly, thank you! :D and thank you again for the tip. I will check it out :)
  • SavinnaMarie
    SavinnaMarie Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you to everyone for the tips, suggestions and opinions! I will keep them all in mind :)
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    5' 3" and 95 pounds is already significantly underweight. Why are you trying to lose weight?

    I'd significantly bump up your calorie intake, especially in the carbs and proteins. You'll need to extra energy for Insanity, and the protein to build muscle.

    i know i'm underweight it's just that i want to get rid of my fat stomach and i found out that there is no such thing as spot reduction so i tried to lose weight :) worked the first time i got a flatter stomach (no abs tho) but i gained it back lol

    Hopefully someone will post the link to some of the "skinny fat" information, because you sound like a classic case.

    Long and the short of it, 'tho would be more calories (including a goodly amount of protein) and working out. Insanity is good, or if it's a bit much at first, an easier workout like T25 or P90x3 might be good.
  • SavinnaMarie
    SavinnaMarie Posts: 108 Member

    Hopefully someone will post the link to some of the "skinny fat" information, because you sound like a classic case.

    Long and the short of it, 'tho would be more calories (including a goodly amount of protein) and working out. Insanity is good, or if it's a bit much at first, an easier workout like T25 or P90x3 might be good.

    what a conincidence! I was just looking at the "skinny fat" group! :D tomorrow's the first time I'm doing an insanity workout (aside from the fit test) and if it's too hard for me I will try your suggestions. if not, then mybe after I finish insanity I will try t25 or p90x to kind of take a rest from insane workouts but still maintain whatever the results from insanity will be.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    i'm also under my protein goal :/ even drinking protein shake is not enough. any suggestions on food or meals that are rich in protein? something I could make or easily get in markets or groceries lol. I eat eggs and tuna to increase my protein intake

    Any sort of meat. Fish, turkey, chicken, lean ground beef (or even not-so-lean ground beef -- at your weight a bit of dietary fat would so you some good), shirmp. Peas, chickpeas, spinach or other beans are OK, but aren't complete proteins by themselves. Oatmeal, Soba noodles, Quinoa, (see http://www.healthaliciousness.com/articles/grains-highest-protein-carbohydrate-ratio.php).
  • SavinnaMarie
    SavinnaMarie Posts: 108 Member
    Any sort of meat. Fish, turkey, chicken, lean ground beef (or even not-so-lean ground beef -- at your weight a bit of dietary fat would so you some good), shirmp. Peas, chickpeas, spinach or other beans are OK, but aren't complete proteins by themselves. Oatmeal, Soba noodles, Quinoa, (see http://www.healthaliciousness.com/articles/grains-highest-protein-carbohydrate-ratio.php).

    thank you so much!