xyla Member


  • I was going to say, "Good morning", but it is actually already afternoon. Marie, I found you on here, but now cannot find my way to Golden Sneakers. Can you send me the link? I read all of the various "mature age" problems that everyone has and knew I was in the right place. I have been trying to lose weight off and on for…
  • Caliecat, I would love to join. Is there a specific plan that you have decided to use or is each person just doing their own thing?
  • What is the 20 lbs. by Easter challenge?
  • Kate, I was there when the conversation took place. What she actually said was that you would be out of place in heaven because everybody else there would have a big body to house their big soul. The way she said it, it was a slam. However, I don't think she meant it that way.
  • Sandy, I noticed as I ran down through your birthday lists that you lost some along the way. Bada_bing is on Dec. 9 and mine is on Oct 4.
  • You and I have laughed many times over that remark. It was just so silly - however, it has, also, served as motivation for us to get back on the program and shrink our souls again. If we had been smart, we would have hung on to our tiny souls instead of expanding them by eating too many goodies. Keep posting your…
  • I ran across this quote from Confucius the other day: "It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop." That certainly applies to weight loss and other goals that we may have. The point is to keep on going, just like the point Cricket made in her Goofy story. Too often, I let a set back take me off course…
    in Just for Today Comment by xyla June 2011
  • This looks really good, Marie. Keep up the good work!
  • Maddie, I am so sorry that you are not able to go see your mom right now. It is so hard when you want to be there for her and yet cannot go because of the damage it might do to both of you. Are you able to call her and talk to her on the phone? You and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers. I finally figured out that we…
  • Just for today: I will accept my limitations and do what I can do, not worry about what I cannot yet do!
  • WOW! I just read through everyone's posts on this new April site. Now, of course, I can't remember who said what! :blushing: Oh, well, that's what I get for taking two weeks off. As you can see, I survived my surgery. For a while there, I thought that it was going to be a case of "the surgery was successful, unfortunately,…
  • I love that thought! That is so hard for me to do.
  • Connie, I hope you will be feeling better soon. Get a good book, snuggle up and take it easy. Get well soon!
  • Marie, I would never drop you as long as you want to continue. Keep sending me your meal plan and I will get back on a computer as soon as I get out of the hospital. I do not know yet how long that will be. I am having a complete hysterectomy, a bladder repair, and a rectocele repair. Has anyone had this done? I would be…
  • Just for today, I will remember that every day is important and it is the everyday decisions that make us who we are.
  • I know that you will catch up, Sandy. The hardest part is getting started again. :bigsmile:
  • I was behind on my walking, but I walked a little over four miles this morning so I am now a little ahead. Thanks to all of you. I love reading your posts!
  • If you can pledge to keep your sense of humor at 5:00 in the blessed AM, you are much stronger than I am! Just for Today: I will not think negative thoughts about myself.
  • I walked a little over two miles this morning. I am now caught up! Yeah!!! This challenge is the only thing that keeps me getting on the dreadmill. Thanks to all of you!
  • You can do it, Sandy!
  • Marie, I am so sorry about your daughter and granddaughter. You really do have a lot going on in your life right now. I will be praying for you and your family. Take care of yourself. You cannot take care of others if you are not well yourself. Eat right and be sure that you get enough rest. I have been really busy the…
  • Mel, I would love to go walking with you in Sherwood Forest. It sounds lovely. :happy: CricketKate, I wish that I had a giraffe with pink and blue spots. You have so much fun with your exercise. :bigsmile: I just got on my dreadmill and listened to music - no lovely forest or fun giraffes. :ohwell:
  • Y'all are great! I needed some new healthy recipes to try. Now I have some. Thanks to all of you!
  • I did 3.49 miles so far Xyla......I am excited!! [/quote] Way to go, Sandy! I had to be at a meeting at 8:30 this morning and from there to another meeting. It is now almost 1:00 in the afternoon here and I just got home. I have to go to work tonight at 5:00 so I am going to try to get my walk in between now and then. I…
  • I love March! In my head, I always think that Spring weather is just around the corner. Of course, in Utah, it usually isn't. However, hope springs eternal in my heart! For those of you who are interested in the walking challenge, go to this link to get started.…
  • My new ticker is made and I am ready!! This challenge has made all the difference in getting me out and moving.
  • I am looking forward to this month. Thanks so much for this challenge!
  • I really enjoy reading and trying to apply your "Just For Today" thoughts. I find that reading this board is a great way to start my day.
  • Cricket, I love your new tracker. The picture of the four little darlings is wonderful!
  • Yeah!! I made my goal this morning. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Virgo, for this challenge. I have never been able to sustain a consistant exercise program. I will be 60 this year so you would think that I would have mastered it before now! However, your challenge has kept me going and while my goal was small (only 28…