Senior Golden Sneakers -March 2011

Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
  • xyla
    xyla Posts: 69 Member
    I love March! In my head, I always think that Spring weather is just around the corner. Of course, in Utah, it usually isn't. However, hope springs eternal in my heart!

    For those of you who are interested in the walking challenge, go to this link to get started.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Happy March to all you sneakers
    MY Goal for this month is to stay on this plan wirh Xyla I e-mail her my menu every day she looks it over and e mail be back what I need to change So I am ready to go the nest day. We weigh in the first of every month. So I weigh this morning recorded it and now I am ready for March. I am learning to drink my coffee black.
    Here is my Menu for today:
    1 protein--- 8 oz milk 1 %
    1 grain---41 oz fiber one cereal the
    1 fruit --! med. banana
    1 Protein 4 oz black beans
    1 fat=== 1 T. butter
    1 fruit
    baked apple
    12 oz of veggies---- brocolli

    1 protein---- 4 oz of grilled fish
    1 fat!---- T of butter
    1 grain ----4 oz of brown rice
    12 oz. of veg mix of green beans, carrots and onions

    Last night I did have a craven for something to snack on but I resisted and kept my mind on other things . This morning I am so glad I did for My blood sugar was 98 Perfect!!

    Thanks Sandy for the new month. A new month and a new healty way of eating. Lets go girls!!

    Thanks Xyla for taken the time to help me. I do plan on starting a walking routine Got to work on my menu for tomrrow and send it to Xyla. Talk to you all later
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    WOW! MARCH! While most of us are looking forward to Spring, Judy has Winter coming. Weird :ohwell:

    I hope everyone at least checks in. With all of the weather situations, it's kind of scary not to hear from someone. For those of you who may believe in the Rapture, pack your bags :drinker:

    Sandy: Making your uncle smile...that's a gift, you make me smile too. Your lost story was so funny. I once went with my Pastor's wife to VA to visit her daughter and we got lost. We drove round and round, it was now dark and decided to just knock on a door and ask for help. Can you believe it,,,,,,it was their house!!! We almost fell off the porch!! :laugh:

    Connie: Earthquakes all around you, how do you sleep at night? And where do you get all of your energy to do all of this exercise???? Is it in the cheese??? Gimme some !!!!:drinker:

    Marie: Tell Jerry that we are all thinking of him in regards to his sister. I am thinking of my aunt who will be gone 1 year on the 3rd. I know she's in a better place but she left me and the rest of her family here to miss her. And tell Jerry's Dr to get on the stick! You can't be too nice with them, you have to almost be a mean bit__ ! And, that's sad.

    Lynn: You noticed the PB, was a passed! :flowerforyou:

    I see that some of you are changing your eating plans. Good luck to all. I'm sticking with what I'm doing. Good Luck to me, too. Maeadair is right about changing up your exercise routine. Your body says, what the???? and then speeds up to keep up with you. And, I am probably one of Richards biggest fans....the DVD's can also be found on Amazon or Collage Video.. I could see myself on the beach in Gigi's picture, it was so calming. I didn't look as good in the white but I was having fun.....And, Elli, those cute!!! My baby is going to the doctor today, he still doesn't feel well. And just what will you be changing your goal to???? I don't get it!!

    Shirley.....hope it gets better in your neck of the woods. To say you had a bad week was an understatement!

    And, Buzz....that is some report. Thanks for sharing. You are so up on everything, how do you find the time and energy to do it all???


  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    smiley-sport033.gifsmiley-sport033.gif:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Hello Everyone,

    It is MIA me.

    Above figures are me tiptoeing and skiing through the posts of the last two weeks to catch up to all of you.:yawn: :yawn: ..and having to stop for a little hydration after all that exercise.

    If you are thinking I am going to be doing personal messages to everyone....think again. LOL If I started now, I might be done by the end of April!!!!:noway:

    However, after reading through the last two weeks, there are a few things I can think of:

    Barbiecat, When you mentioned that Jake was watching a war movie from the 1600's, I couldn't resist commenting..."Gee, I didn't know there were any movies available from that long ago!!!!:laugh: :laugh: I hope your house sells quickly. I would not do well if my place had to be ready for "showing" at the drop of a hat. As I look around my living room, I have a dog passed out on the floor, surrounded by multiple squeeky toys, a dog snoring on the ottoman, next to my feet, and dear old Bradley is snoozing away next to me in the chair.

    Welcome to the newbies who have appeared since my last post in the middle of February.

    Leigh, you mentioned having a 20 lb. Shih tzu. I have one of those, also. If you look at the pics stored on my profile, he is the mostly black with white little character, who appears with snow on the end of his nose. My other two are a Lhasa Apso, whose love for the groceries has earned her the nickname "Piglet Girl," and the third canine member of my household is a 15 year old "Yorkshire Terror." Collectively, these three are known as "The Three Little Pigs." They have some other names that are not appropriate for a message board!!!!

    Marie, I am sorry you and Jerry are playing the waiting game for his medical tests results, and the additional tests. I hope things turn out okay for his sister also.

    Judz, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your countrymen. If we can send a man to the moon, we ought to be able to figure out how to predict earthquakes.

    Phoebe, Sorry you didn't get home as you had planned. Maybe it is just as well, if the weather hasn't been good in your home state. Not sure if it has been good ANYWHERE.

    Here it is March 1st, and all the school districts outside the lower elevations of the urban area where I am are closed due to SNOW!! This is almost unheard of. The latest we ever had a significant snowfall in all the years I have been here was Feb 19th. This year, it seems the weatherman is stuck in sort of a "Groundhog Day" scenario, where we just can't seem to get rid of wet/snowy weather. It hasn't been too bad in my immediate vicinity, but at the higher elevations, and north of me, in Barbiecat's neck of the woods, they have had multiple snow events this season. There was an avalanche yesterday on the main highway through the Cascade Mountains between the Seattle area and Central/Eastern Washington. A few days ago, I saw news footage from a town about 50 miles south of the Canadian border where the people were walking on a sidewalk that had snow up to their knees!!! Enough already.

    As for me, I have mastered my new Android phone. I have been sick for the last week with a respiratory virus, so have had plenty of time to play around with it. One of the handiest aspects is that I can go online without getting out of long as the phone is in the bedroom with me, which it always is.

    I didn't seem to be getting any better after 4 days, so I went to the doctor on Friday afternoon. While I was in the waiting room, I found a recipe in a magazine and wondered if it was available on the Cooking Light (magazine's) website. I was able to easily check their webpage, find the recipe, and use the information to pick up what I needed at the store. It was a variation on roasted chicken....excellent. I also looked up a recipe on the Rachel Ray website that I had seen on her show. It was eggplant rollups, but I made it as an eggplant lasagna--delicious, got two meals out of it.

    Marilyn, Sorry to read about your back injury. It sounds like you are on the mend.

    Irene, You picked a great time to visit our area, assuming you made the trip you mentioned you had planned for this week. I hope your visit with your family goes well.

    I enjoyed reading the stories of the various missteps of our members. When I have more time, I will have to share one of my own.

    Keep well, everyone.

    Barb (and the snoring piggies)
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh BOY - happy March - happy Spring on it's WAY!!!!!!!

    MARIE - you are downright inspiring with your food and exercise plan! Not sure i can keep up with you!

    MADDIE - ok, you convinced me - i'm going to start dancing!:wink: Really! I think i may look for a Zumba tape 'cause i don't seem to be able to find a class...I was thinking of changing my goal weight from 115 to 110. But i'm just going to keep on doing the food thing i've been doing - trying to get my calories back up to 1200 - maybe change up my exercise routine - freak my body out like you said. I know - i NEED to get back to hot yoga.........just so far away and time consuming. I need to quit making excuses!!!!!!:blushing: Hope your little guy will be feeling better. I get to go see my little Kodi today after workout. AND bring the blue heeler grandpuppies home for a sleep over.:laugh:

    BARB - glad you're back, sorry you've been sick - get better. Impressed that you figured out the Android - of course, you ARE one of our computer wizards! ummmm - cooking light website! i'll have to check it out!

    Happy Tuesday everybody! ttly. l, e
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Goooooooood Morning Sneakers!!! Glad you were able to find us!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barb, so nice to hear from you and your piglets!! :laugh: Somethings never change and they are still as cute as ever. :heart: What is going on with your weather, I am so sick of snow and I am hoping March brings sunshine and warmer weather. :flowerforyou: Sorry to hear you have been sick, but some good came of it with mastering your new phone. :bigsmile: Keep in touch we miss you when you are gone. :cry:

    Maddie, you go girl, looking hot in your new pinup poise!!! :glasses: I love your lost story, how funny is that? It is a good thing we all have a good sense of humor for the dumb things we do!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Marie, I agree that doctors think they are God or something, like we have nothing but time on our hands and can sit around just waiting for them. If we had an appointment and told them we were going to lunch first they would cancel our appointment in a heart beat. :grumble: It is not worth stressing over though so just take it one minute at a time. I hope Jerry gets his results and his scan soon, our prayers are still coming your way. :heart: :heart: Your new diet sounds great but I need variety and as long as I count calories and watch the sugar I think I am doing good. :drinker: :drinker:

    Xyla, I am with you on the ides of March, Spring has to come soon. :heart: I joined the walking challenge and will start with Leslie's DVD today. Keep me honest and challenged, we can do this together. :bigsmile:

    Phobe, I told you when you go to bed at night you wake up to a new month. Time goes toooooooo fast as we get older. :angry:

    We have dinner plans this evening with good friends. I plan on doing a lot of exercise today, but will still watch what I eat at the restaurant. BTW Gigi, my nails look wonderful thanks to you and I am hoping to get a manicure today. :blushing:

    Have a wonderful day and a great new month.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    WOW! MARCH! While most of us are looking forward to Spring, Judy has Winter coming. Weird :ohwell:

    I hope everyone at least checks in. With all of the weather situations, it's kind of scary not to hear from someone. For those of you who may believe in the Rapture, pack your bags :drinker:

    Sandy: Making your uncle smile...that's a gift, you make me smile too. Your lost story was so funny. I once went with my Pastor's wife to VA to visit her daughter and we got lost. We drove round and round, it was now dark and decided to just knock on a door and ask for help. Can you believe it,,,,,,it was their house!!! We almost fell off the porch!! :laugh:

    Connie: Earthquakes all around you, how do you sleep at night? And where do you get all of your energy to do all of this exercise???? Is it in the cheese??? Gimme some !!!!:drinker:

    Marie: Tell Jerry that we are all thinking of him in regards to his sister. I am thinking of my aunt who will be gone 1 year on the 3rd. I know she's in a better place but she left me and the rest of her family here to miss her. And tell Jerry's Dr to get on the stick! You can't be too nice with them, you have to almost be a mean bit__ ! And, that's sad.

    Lynn: You noticed the PB, was a passed! :flowerforyou:

    I see that some of you are changing your eating plans. Good luck to all. I'm sticking with what I'm doing. Good Luck to me, too. Maeadair is right about changing up your exercise routine. Your body says, what the???? and then speeds up to keep up with you. And, I am probably one of Richards biggest fans....the DVD's can also be found on Amazon or Collage Video.. I could see myself on the beach in Gigi's picture, it was so calming. I didn't look as good in the white but I was having fun.....And, Elli, those cute!!! My baby is going to the doctor today, he still doesn't feel well. And just what will you be changing your goal to???? I don't get it!!

    Shirley.....hope it gets better in your neck of the woods. To say you had a bad week was an understatement!

    And, Buzz....that is some report. Thanks for sharing. You are so up on everything, how do you find the time and energy to do it all???



    Wow Maddie I am going to dance my *kitten* off. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    While I got my mind on it,That Grandbaby picture is so odorable So alert looking. such a sweetheart What a beauty. I got to get their names down good. The oldest name is? The yougest name is????????? tell them they have got a bunch of cyber space Grannies. We will wach them grow up
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Hmmmmm .....something else to do with lemons:


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    For those of you who are interested in the walking challenge, go to this link to get started.

    I did 3.49 miles so far Xyla......I am excited!!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :flowerforyou: Bump:flowerforyou: Just so you know I'm among the living.:bigsmile: It's been computer, internet down week. Gotta' see my mama!:tongue: So, don't have time now to post. I will be back!:wink: (yeah, I watch Arnold):happy:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    MARIE - right????? I'm with you! let's dance our butts off!!!!!!! Is it "my" babies you're referring to??:bigsmile: The one in my profile picture is Leena - the almost 7 month old! She's who i went to visit last Wednesday, and that picture? My whole DAY was like that:happy: The baby is Kodi - she's 6 weeks old. She's the one who lives nearby and i get to see her 2 or 3 times a week. Thank you for your interest! They are the light of my life! I'm so so blessed. Sorry you guys - don't get me talking about the grandbabies!:blushing:

    SANDY - nice with the walking!!!!!!!!!

    LYNN - glad you're alive and well!

    MADDIE - i'm so happy to say (i don't think........)i don't HAVE any enemies! or ELSE - they'd be getting the lemon juice in the eye!

    l, e
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member

    It's only 50 here but its headed for 64 today. The sun is shining brightly. I did a walk around the yard after lunch. My single twig Lilac bush (it's a baby) is budding. The Autumn Splendor Sedum I divided in fall is poking its way through the ground everywhere I planted it. Should be a beautiful display this summer. The Naked Ladies are six inches out of the ground and the Artemisia 'Silver Mound is also poking its way through last year's sprigs. I sure hope our snow is gone for good.

    I'm excited to see the garden in bloom this year as I exchanged Iris tubers with several friends so there will be new colors to see and new varieties. It's such a nice way to add variety to a bed.

    Exercise today was mostly cardio and I managed to stay in the "fat burn" zone for 75 minutes.. The balance and strength building exercises drop me out of the zone unless I do jumping jacks or something else with them. And since I can't walk AND chew gum, that isn't likely.

    Everyone seems to focused these days. That's a good thing.
  • xyla
    xyla Posts: 69 Member
    I did 3.49 miles so far Xyla......I am excited!!

    Way to go, Sandy! I had to be at a meeting at 8:30 this morning and from there to another meeting. It is now almost 1:00 in the afternoon here and I just got home. I have to go to work tonight at 5:00 so I am going to try to get my walk in between now and then.

    I lost 4.5 pounds total this month, but because I had recorded a weight loss in the middle of the month, it shows me at only one pound. Marie and I are doing the OA 90 day plan together so I will now be only weighing in once a month.

    I hope y'all have a great day!! :flowerforyou:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    XYLA - 4.5 pounds in one month?!?!? That is AWESOME!
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Hi to everyone - just checking in for's been a good morning so far (Wednesday) I've done 40 mins on the treadmill, mowed the lawn ,30 mins and it's only 10 am...time for a well earned coffee. Will have to get my zumba DVD's out of storage for a bit more variation...bought them last year and have only watched 1, 6 more to go.. I bought them when we were in Thailand for a fraction of the price I would have paid in NZ

    Catch you all later.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    :heart: :heart: :heart: THANKYOU EVERYONE FOR THE BIRTHDAY WISHES:heart::heart: :heart:

    Hello again gals, yes March is here and so the winds blow and the chills run up and down us, as we slowly make the change from cold and damp to cool and wet. Did the exercises again today, brought the book upstairs for a new list to do. I have shrunk some of the beginning ones into the second set and some of them into the third set, all still giving me a good warm up and a decent workout.

    Still having some problems with the portioning but, at least I am drinking water in-between meals so I will not eat a whole lot.Tomorrow is work from 6-10, and then a quick run to the mall for some supplies, then home then walk to physio. I should be very tired by bed time. It is hard to walk after 4 hours, the knees and hips are the first to complain, the small of the back starts up just a bit after. I may have to look into getting gel inserts for the work shoes.

    Well time to get on with thinking about supper, my son and his lady are on their way here, so we will have supper at the table tonight.

    Take care all, catch you tomorrow

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ELLI said:
    we have a product called TV ears. Jerry could have the tv as long as he needs it without actually blaring it
    Indeed, Mike and I each have our set of TV EARS for years, and they are wonderful! Couldn't be without them, and now the TV
    doesn't need to make a sound! :happy:

    BARBIE's so disciplined!
    I have to turn away and not listen to people who tell me that my weight is fine and so I don't need to be so cautious about what I eat and how much I exercise.
    ...I need some of that, Barbie!

    MAE...What a delight to read your long post! You certainly have learned very quickly the who and the how of us all on this thread!
    Delighted you are here! least it sounds as if your lives are slowly returning to normal...I hope! Let it even get hum-drum for a bit! :wink:

    LYNN... Glad you slept through the storm. They must be very frightening! And happier YOU are OK! :flowerforyou:

    GAYLA... Cold is cold! And I know how you feel about Richard Simmons! As hokey as he can get, he's a very sincere person who
    is coming from a place of knowing what it was to be fat! Yes, that's why he's so good at what he does! He conquered it, and
    wants to help the rest of us do likewise! And the music keeps us moving! :bigsmile:

    SANDY: Bless you for starting us in March. I knew my REPLY would not post to February, even though that's where I
    started it, so you saved the day...again! :drinker:

    XYLA: wish I could motivate myself to join the challenge; it's exactly what I need! Go for it, gal!

    MARIE! Great blood sugar count; congratulations.. And your menu looks great, too! Keep up the good goals, girl! :flowerforyou:

    MADDIE: At least next time you doff your duds, make it the Queen of Hearts!!! :bigsmile: Actually, luv, I don't seem to find time to even read all the posts! I have so much catching up to do, it'll never happen! Hav a Town Hall Meeting (BORING) tonight we dare not miss so gotta run...

    Had my yearly Mammogram this morning, and my Dr's office just calle to say it is normal! With Ovarian CA (my lovely sister, who survived stage 3, 11 years ago) and loads of Breast CA in my maternal family, it's always a big relief when I get the results and they fine! Also got my hair cut and lost ALL that EXTRA WEIGHT!!!:laugh:
    Have a great night, y'all!

    and I didn't forget the rest of you,...just running out of time! love ya all
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    JUDY - please let me know how you like the zumba - i've been so intrigued by it.

    BUZZ - congrats on the good mammo. that has to be scary with so much C in your family. My sister in law died of breast cancer way too young. boy do i miss her. and worry about my niece, her daughter. I'll be going for all my annual stuff probably in april - after we're done with the business meeting this month.

    I just got done with an hour long walk outside with the dogs - we have 55 degrees today - SO nice! don't know if i'll hit the gym. I'm thinking of maybe doing a pilates dvd, then going over for a visit with Kodi!

    Have a great night everybody. l, e
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    I actually downloaded some new music from Amazon and danced in my office for about an hour. No joke this time.:laugh: .ya know, I like some of the songs the way the Glee cast did them, so I downloaded a couple of those.

    I'm a little stinky right now.....the smell of success...that's what sweat is !!! :wink:

    LYNN: I throw my hands up in the air sometimes
    Saying AYO
    Gotta let go
    I wanna celebrate and live my life
    Saying AYO
    Baby, let's go

    I came to dance, dance, dance, dance
    I hit the floor
    'Cause that's my, plans, plans, plans, plans
    I'm wearing all my favorite
    Brands, brands, brands, brands
    Give me space for both my hands, hands, hands, hands
    You, you
    Cause it goes on and on and on
    And it goes on and on and on

    I throw my hands up in the air sometimes
    Saying AYO
    Gotta let go
    I wanna celebrate and live my life
    Saying AYO
    Baby, let's go

    'Cause we gon' rock this club
    We gon' go all night
    We gon' light it up
    Like it's dynamite
    Cause I told you once
    Now I told you twice
    We gon' light it up
    Like it's dynamite

    I came to move, move, move, move
    Get out the way me and my crew, crew, crew, crew
    I'm in the club so I'm gonna do, do, do, do
    Just drop the phone, came here to do, do, do, do

    Yeah, yeah

    Cause it goes on and on and on
    And it goes on and on and on
This discussion has been closed.