Senior Golden Sneakers -March 2011



  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Where is Marie?
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Elli: Of course the Queen of Hearts used's ME !!!!! :laugh:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    MADDIE - well, duhhhhhh:blushing: I know that!!!!!!!!

    LYNN - thanks - we think that baby's pretty cute too! her mom is SO good about sending me a picture every day!

    PHOEBE - i have a good cholesterol 1 too - i have high cholesterol, i have to take............something...........I haven't eaten any red meat or poultry in over 37 years! It's SO hereditary! I buy fat free cheese at Sprouts Market. don't know if you have any of those.

    k - gotta run "see" you all tomorrow!

    l, e
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Where is Marie?


    I think today is her day out, shopping,etc. Hopefully, she will check in before bedtime
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :angry: I have high cholesterol, too. :angry: When the doctor first told me that it was high, I thought maybe I could control it with diet and exercise and then he went back and looked through my old records and found that my cholesterol was high when I was in my 30's and my weight was in the 130's and I was doing Jazzercise three times a week and working out at a gym three times a I reluctantly went on medication and it's been fine ever since (and better since I lost weight)

    :flowerforyou: I wear a pedometer from the time I walk the dogs in the morning until the time I go to bed so the 10,000 steps is all the walking and dancing I do all's true that I don't sit still very well and add steps to every chore and activity I do, but it's not all vigorous walking.

    :flowerforyou: The Realtors loved the house and said it was clean and neat and smelled great (we boiled chocolate on the stove before they came) 11:15 someone showed the house to a potential buyer so Jake and I met up and went to Subway for a veggie delight for lunch.......we came home and got everything out and got relaxed and then got a phone call from another Realtor ( a woman we know from the dog park) and she'll be showing the house at 5:30 so we'll have our Isagenix shakes for supper, wash the dishes, hide the clutter, put the cats out, hide the litter box, and load the dogs up and go for a ride.

    :flowerforyou: the Higher Power seems to be doing His part in looking for a buyer for us :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I had to leave the house pretty early this morning so I had time to take a walk at the park before line dance class. I walked a route that I usually walk with dogs only this time I got to see the birds, ducks, and geese because there were not dogs to bark and scare them away :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: My friend who usually comes over from Seattle on Wednesdays to walk with me, had to cancel because of the rain so I had to dance in front of the TV and ride the exercise bike to make up for it.

    Pq, I looked at your food and exercise seem like an amazing exerciser and a healthy eater......we'll learn a lot from you.......I'm a knitter but since I started adding exercise to my day, I don't knit as much as I used to.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    This was posted on my "friends" status listing this afternoon so I thought I'd share:

    For all Jackies friends....I Walked with Jackie today..all is okay...her computer has crashed & has had to go to hospital..she'll be back as soon as she can get online.

    Jackie is pinkperil, from the UK, in case the proper name doesn't ring a bell.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    A Golden Sneaker welcome to Judi, from the United Kingdom, and ti Piquilter (surely you have a proper name) from the Cold Kingdom of Minnesota! As my tag line reads, I'm an escapee from chilly Wisconsin now living in the Ozarks, land of tornadoes, earthquakes, short winters, long springs short summers and long autumns.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My computer is acting up, will hopefully have it fixed tomorrow. Hope all is well with everyone!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    My computer is acting up, will hopefully have it fixed tomorrow. Hope all is well with everyone!


    Hi Marie, thanks for letting us know you are safe!
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    Wow, this group is exactly as advertised, very very welcoming and friendly :happy: :happy: :happy: Yup I do have a 'real' name :laugh: it's Jeanne :smile: Another of the MANY great things about his site, I feel brave enough to use the real name :smile: Thanks for the warm welcome:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey this is me the real me . the earlier post was by my daughter. I had her to report in for me on her computor I thought some one may have missed me. We spent 2 hours at Best and they work on it got home the same thing Could not get on any site.
    Alice my daughter ran thru a whole bunch of stuff and nothing work. I came in here and notice a little bitof something going around and I click on it and guess what it was there all the time My zoom was down to 10 % It was just too small for me to see it. I knew my eyes are really getting worse But that was smaller than the eye could see =

    Try it and you can see what I am talking about Don't know how it got to 10% for I haven't got use to using . The ctrl + % _ like connie show us. I have a place to click on zoom and it only goes down 50% So you guys were there all along.

    Gosh you all have been busy today. i see you have recuited 2 new Sneakers
    Will catch up witth you all in the morning
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening everyone. I am tired today after shopping, shopping, shopping with the husband. We finally found a vanity top/sink that will be suitable. Funny the things that Dave is so fussy about. I am not a decorator but I think I did all the decorating when we built the house 20 years ago and it just surprises me that some things are so important to him and so not to me. Oh well, we are all under control now.
    We had a meeting at Neil's home for his care plan. I feel really good that in a positive way I was able to get my concerns expressed. I was glad that we had many nice things to say as well. His voice seems fairly good today. For the new folks, Neil is my son.

    Welcome to Judi and Jeanne. I hope you love your time here. I can't believe how we keep adding more and more of the nicest people around. I haven't posted as much as I like to the last while as there have been so many distractions for me. Guess that is the way retired life is!!

    Marie -- Glad the computer problem wasn't major. Hi to Alice!

    Sandy -- Neil got your card a few days ago and it is pinned up on his cork board. He was very happy to get mail. Thanks so much.

    Phoebe -- I thought you would appreciate this. We stopped at the gas station this morning, temp. -39C (-38F) and the guy pumping gas had a ski mask on. Actually he looked like he was heading for the slopes, dressed up from head to toe. I thought the mask was a good idea and would keep his eyelashes from freezing to the lower lashes. Now that is a strange sensation.

    Barbie -- I hope the house sells quickly. I know it is such a pain to be constantly getting it ready to show.

    Hope you all have a great Thursday and I hope that I get here a little earlier tomorrow!

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Gayla...your lashes actually freeze together? :noway: Wow...that would be scary:noway:

    It sounds like your remodeling project is coming along.:flowerforyou:

    Marie :flowerforyou: I was glad to know you are okay!
    Now if Buzz and Irene will check in....:smile:
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Welcome to Judi and Jeanne...I'm fairly new on here but have found everyone incredibly friendly - you will love it. I live in New Zealand and find it so interesting to "talk" to people on the other side of the world..where would we be without our computers...glad you're back on air Marie.

    It's now 10 days after the Christchurch earthquake and they have only released 12 bodies as identifying them visually is proving to be too difficult. 160 lives lost and that figure will rise as over 100 still missing..I just watched the 1st funeral on TV - a little 5 month old baby who was killed by a TV falling on him. His father carried his little coffin in his arms. It was just heartbreaking. A so called expert has predicted another one for around the 20th of March so everyone is hightailing it out of the city. Well, we'll know in a few weeks if his prediction is right or not. I hope not as we are on the same fault line!!!

    I had to force myself to go on the treadmill this morning but once I got started I was fine...even managed to do a bit of Zumba..Elli, have a look at the videos of it on Utube to see if it's right for you .. I haven't always got my co-ordination right but did go to salsa lessons about 10 years ago so just do those moves. As long as you keep moving I think - it's all good.

    Well, dinner time for us here so hope everyone keeps safe:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Wow, this group is exactly as advertised, very very welcoming and friendly :happy: :happy: :happy: Yup I do have a 'real' name :laugh: it's Jeanne :smile: Another of the MANY great things about his site, I feel brave enough to use the real name :smile: Thanks for the warm welcome:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Thanks, Jeanne, for trusting us with your proper name! I keep a log of everyone who posts attaching a given name to the user name, listing their age (if given) and their location. It helps to keep track of everyone.

    Where in the UK are you? I was lucky enough to travel some in Southwest England some years ago. I was in the travel business and had a large group that wanted to visit Chillington. It afforded me the opportunity to do some exploring ahead of bringing the group. We had a ball.
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Oh Judy, it's all so terribly sad about the lives lost in the earthquake. When I heard it on the radio my first thought was "but they've only just had one". But of course it was some months ago. The scenes of the devastation are awful.I never really thought of NZ being earthquake prone, even tho there are geezers (?spelling)
    I love the way the internet makes the world smaller! Talking to people all over the world. Who would have thought it when we were young?
    Another grey day in East Yorkshire, with a cold wind. I'm not feeling very motivated to do anything today,but I shall (as we say in Yorkshire) "frame" myself and do some exercise this afternoon. I think it'll have to be some wii freestep watching a comedy dvd, I don't think I could bear Jillian shouting at me today!
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    My home page is a mess. Everyday, it's something and still life goes on. How can that be???? My most important home page is messed up !!!!! Shouldn't the skies light up or something.....geeessshhh, it's such an important part of my day and it's like, not even important :mad:

    Anyway, Good Morning ! Little Nate coming. Hope he feels better today. He was a handful yesterday...:cry: I'll be back later.....I hope my page is page oh my page :sad:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :bigsmile: $17.00 win at bingo!! :tongue: Better than nothing!! :blushing:

    Maddie, not sure what you mean by your home page being a mess, but maybe just restart your computer. :ohwell: Nate will certainly bring sunshine into your day. :flowerforyou: BTW, I knew exactly what you meant about Arnold. :laugh:

    Judi, dreary days are sure to get you down but we will keep you motivated. :laugh: I enjoy the Wii freestep while watching TV, it is a good way to exercise while enjoying some TV. I sometimes do it for an hour so really get a workout and calories. :drinker:

    Oh Judy, watching that funeral with that dad and his baby had to be more than heartbreaking. :brokenheart: I can only keep praying for those in Christchurch and hope the prediction of the so called expert is wrong!! :cry:

    Gayla, glad you finally got the vanity/top sink to make your hubby happy. :tongue: Men, you can't live with them and "sometimes" without them. :laugh: I am happy that you got to express your feelings at Neil's home and you both are on the same page. Our prayers will continue for the full recovery of Neil's voice. Glad he liked my card, I will send another soon. :heart:

    Marie, we missed you yesterday, but I am glad you are back online!! And all those experts couldn't figure out what you did, so you are a genius!!! :love: :love:

    Jeanne, glad we made you feel right at home and shared your name with us. :love: We might be nosy but we are fun. :laugh: My daughter is from Chaska, Minnesota, so we are connected. :wink:

    Phoebe, hope you got rest and are heading home soon. :heart:

    Connie, thank you for letting us know about Jackie, hope she gets that computer fixed soon. Also please send me the list with every one's handles and real names, I am getting so confused. :laugh:

    Barbie, I am going to try and wear my pedometer all day to see how many steps I actually walk on one day. It all counts as exercise correct? :tongue: I am one of the lucky ones (so far) I take no prescription medicines for anything, but do take a lot of over the counter medicines for my general health. :ohwell: Your house sounds beautiful and hopefully you will get a buyer soon. As you say it is in God's Hands. :flowerforyou:

    LE, great day of exercising yesterday, if we keep it up we might reach our goal after all!! :blushing:

    I think I caught up from my last post, unless someone sneaked a post in while I was typing this. :grumble:

    It is my meeting day so I better get moving. Moving and Grooving, our new slogan. :laugh:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Good morning Sneakers. Hope you are all busy with something good.
    judy in nz, we saw a newscast yesterday about los angeles crews helping with demolition. I call it that instead of rescue now coz they think that is over. The damage to this tall building was only believed by seeing it. But the building was still standing, a major danger now is the clean up causing more injuries. I dont know how an earthquake can be fforecasted for a certain date and no warning given for the one that just occured. Must be something the scientists understand.
    your description of the babys' funeral was so sad. I cant imagine going thru that.

    On a lighter note, Marie, I wonder what you thought when the zoom was shrunk to 10% ? Lol, I keep seeing a tiny little web page with seniors golden sneakers scrolled across it. Like, Honey, I Shrunk My Cyber Buddies! Lol!
    maddie, Im not sure what happened to your home page, but it sounds like it had better fix itsef before you make a new one!
    hope you have an easier day with baby nate, but I doubt it!
    Jeanne, what is that wii you mentioned? I have one step program, bui dont know how to do it and watch a movie unless it was on two tvs. On a cold day, with winds, I can barely imagine getting past two pots of coffee, much less do any outdoor activities!
    sandy, Barbie, Elli- hope you are busy as usual and getting my share of exercise done for me! I would so appreciate it. Lol!
    we havent heard from Pam in a while.
    back to work for us, technically, we haven't stopped. We just had to layover for a day. Now we are gone!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Jeanne, what is that wii you mentioned? I have one step program, bui dont know how to do it and watch a movie unless it was on two tvs.

    On the Wii Fit Plus they have a free stepper that lets you switch to regular TV and the remote keeps track of your steps.