Senior Golden Sneakers -March 2011



  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello Connie,

    So glad that I made you laughed - this is the first time you responded to any of my post so good to hear from you.:cry::cry: :cry:
    It's very hard to be thinking all the time about someone you love and not even able to give her a hug when she needs one.
    Hope everything is well with you and yours.

  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Afternoon my Lovelies! You all sound very busy. What a lovely friendly board this is!
    We have sun! But it's still cold, so the coal fire has been lit. Just finished Day 5 of the 30 Day Shred, so I have a glow of my own! Only 1 bra today!
    We often have a tray of roasted veg. BNS is a favourite, but I do chicken with BNS courgettes,red onion wedges, carrots and baby potatoes with frylight (low fat spray) garlic lemon zest ,juice and balsamic. Just bung it all in the oven for 35-40 mins at 190c. Actually a recipe from Slimming World, a club over here which I think started in Florida last summer. I like it cos you don't have to count calories.
    I'm trying to grow as many veg as I can, this will be my 3rd full season.I don't know about the US but food prices in the UK are rising at a rate of knots!
    Take care and I'll ask my Angels to watch over you, Judi x
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Happy Friday!! :bigsmile: Rainy day here so not the best day, but will make the best of it!! :flowerforyou:

    Staying pretty much on track with calories and exercise. :bigsmile: I love that Xyla told us about the walking challenge, if I do nothing but walk my 3 miles a day, I am still moving, any extra exercise is a bonus. :tongue: I love "my home" page on MFP where every one is so encouraging and motivating. :love: If you are not a person who does not like to write too many posts it is a good place to just give one sentence comments, just make me your friend and you will see what I mean. :heart:

    Gigi, glad to hear from you and hope you are able to give your mom a big hug from all of us. Have a safe trip and keep positive thoughts. Our prayers are with you and your family. :heart:

    Judy, it boggles the mind that you are ready for bed when we are just getting up. :noway: When my son was in London for business we had to adjust to the different time zones in order to talk to each other, saying good morning at night was weird. :laugh:

    Barb, those piglets are still just funny little critters, they must make you smile. :bigsmile: I can tell you aren't your chipper self, but please try to pull your bootstraps up and get out of the house.:heart: Go to the mall, walk around, go for a massage, do something fun for yourself. :blushing: I love the story about the black terrier, true stories are so much fun. :laugh:

    Phoebe, so happy you have a smart phone to check in with us even on the road. You are such a positive person and just a nice lady. :heart:

    Barbie, I thought your advice to Elli was great, not necessarily true but funny. Work like two people eat like two. Don't do this at home unless you burn enough calories for two people. :laugh: :laugh:

    Connie, if that is a cheat meal then I must cheat every Saturday because we have pizza after Church every Saturday. :ohwell:
    Am I wrong in eating whatever I want as long as I stay under calories??? I eat mostly healthy foods, don't over do most time, don't eat desserts, watch the sugar on all food, add extra calories even if I want a glass of wine, so I don't deprive myself of any food so I don't lose interest in following this way of life. Am I wrong???? :ohwell: Thank you for sending me the list.

    LE, you have been working so hard you are probably burning more calories than you know. :happy: Just playing with your granddaughters keeps you busy and active. :tongue:

    Buzz, your encouragement to us is what brings you your encouragement, you are such a nice lady and always have nice things to say. :flowerforyou: Don't worry about posting too much, just come in and say hello, some get discouraged because they think they have to post and talk to us everyday, which is not true. If you post your calories and exercise that is all that is needed. A quick hello here is sufficient just to let us know you are okay. :heart:

    Maddie, I am a day late, but feel the :heart: and ((((((hugs))))). I love what you did for your Aunt and what you want your niece to do for you. What a great sight it must have been to see everyone dancing. :heart: :heart: Is there such a song as Get Up Offa That Thing and Dance Till You Feel Betta??? I will go to You Tube to check that out. :wink: Hope today makes you smile.

    Marilyn, I am so sorry about all those health problems, it is hell to get old, but beats the alternative. :noway: I hope the exercises work for you and the dentist gives you a sparkling smile. :bigsmile: Your story was hysterical, I am so glad you didn't coming running out stark naked. :laugh: And of course it wasn't you who soaked the mattress. :wink: :wink:

    Marie, continued prayers are with you and Jerry on his tests Monday. Nice that they take him on a bus so he doesn't have to drive. Is your daughter going with him or will he be going alone? The rest of your "daughters" will be thinking positive thoughts for both of you. Your "older" sister Buzz, I love that and we love you. :heart:

    Judi, Judi, Judi, I love the way you talk or should say write, I can just hear your wonderful accent. :love: I give you so much credit for doing the 30 day shred, it is so hard. :grumble: It really works though, I have friends that look wonderful because of it, even if they are in their 30's. :noway: All the vegetable talk sounds wonderful, but as I am not a cook I use Green Giant Steamers and love them all.:drinker:

    Again, if no one has added to the thread since I started I think I have caught up. Good thing I am retired or I would never have enough time to respond to all of you. :laugh:

    Picking the 5 year old granddaughter from school today and she will spend a few hours here. She told her mom we have to exercise together which sounds good to me. :tongue:

    Have a good one!!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    To all the Pretty Ladies...:flowerforyou:

    I had a wonderful day yesterday.:smile: I walked, I played with my grandchildren, I went shopping, I was in the Sunshine (capitals on important words like Sunshine:bigsmile: ) and I went to Walmart:bigsmile: :laugh: lol. How can you beat that?:noway:

    I feel good today...that is always great. To just be able to say one honestly feels good. My eating is under control again...:drinker: I am averaging at least 6000 steps on the pedometer...I have to tell you something funny about that. In spite of warmer temps, last night I was feeling slightly chilled, so I put on pj's. I decided to wear them to bed. Now, on these pj's is my pedometer because I put them on about 6:00 pm. I climbed into bed, my DH turns over and puts his arm across my waist...and he said, " are you measuring your acitivites in bed too?":laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :noway: I started laughing...I still had on my pedometer...Barbie, I bet you can't top that one...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Phoebe - I agree with Sandy, we enjoy all your posting and updates on where you are, as well as, your humor.:flowerforyou:

    Maddie - I am sorry you were having a tough day yesterday....

    Marie-I hope Jerry does well today with his trip..:flowerforyou: I actually tried taking down the screen and I couldn't help but smile....:happy:

    Buzz - Again I agree with Sandy (great minds think a like :happy: ) You could never post too much, as far as I am concerned.

    Gigi- Have a safe trip~

    Judy - hope your SATURDAY...doesn't that seem weird? a great day. I love weekends...but I have to be more watchful about eating because we tend to eat out a lot on the weekends.

    Barb - your humor is wonderful and perks up things on here. I really like how each person has something to add. If everyone was alike, the world would be a boring place:noway:

    Connie-be a little kinder to yourself...You are a smart, diligent person with a lot to offer to yourself and all of us.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie-hope the house deals are going well.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Mae posted on the February thread but I left her with directions to March..... Mae said:

    Oh MY!!!! 10 pages already....phew! Been down with GI upset and allergic reaction to antibiotic (on for dental work). Will try catch up Saturday nite. Hope everyone is well. :-) Mae

    Hope she finds us.

    Just a note to Barbie, I read your post about your pedometer posting on the computer and realized I had one like that so I just downloaded all my information and it made me feel good about myself, knowing how many steps I have done. Thank You.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Judi-you make all those veggies sound good. I like to cut up a variety and put them on the grill...mmmm....they have a taste that is so good!

    L, are working harder, it sounds like your business is doing well again...I am certainly hoping that for you.

    Mae...I will be looking for you. Hope you are feeling better.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Where are you Irene?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning friends, What a lot of good ideals for using veggies. I would never have thought of using Balsamic on veggies . sound like a good ideal. Thanks, Phoebe I have been thinking about some okra and tomatoes. Judy how do you make Kewi and fish.. Your cole slaw sounds delish. I will be posting some of these on our recipes thread.
    Buzz, hello sister. you do need to slow down . You are burning too many fires in you everyday living.
    Lynn. It is alway a pleasure to read you post you are so Kind to everyone.
    Sandy is always burning the candle at both ends she will need to slow down in a few years. But she will always be young at heart. Hats off to you Sandy dear.
    gigi. How is reitrement. In times you will wonder how you had time to work. Your days will be fill up
    Barbs nice to see you this morning. sure hope you get to feeling better soon.
    Well this is far as my mind will go this morning
    See you guys later.

    Lynn Who is E L I sort of think it is Elli for she is the only one of us who has a business Beside Barbie and Jake.
    Have a wonderful day all of you. Love ya Marie

    PS Irene you have been missed. Busy Getting you son books in order.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :smile: Marie...thank you.:flowerforyou: ..L,e is something I picked up from Ellie when she signed her post in a hurry...I sort of liked it and have been using it too.. :smile:

    I read somthing about eating fruit that I found interesting. It was reported that if you have problems digesting fruits, to eat them first. The article said that fruits are a natural cleanser that digests, by themselves, somewhat quicly. However, when you swallow them and layer them on top of meats, cooked veggies and/or complex carbs, they set in there too long and they ferment. This causes bloating and gas. I found this interesting. Needless to say, I changed the order in which I eat my fruit.:bigsmile:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Where are you Maddie?
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello Ladies,

    Ugly day in Illinois but the temperature is a little higher 40's:grumble: :grumble: today I went to the Gym that was my four time for this week, that is my goal for the month, I have been working on cardio and this are the machines I have been using, treadmill fast walking between 3.7 and 4.0 for 30 minutes, then to the Treadclimer for another 30 minutes, this is my favorite:love::love: and the last one is the Elliptical Trainer and I do this one for 20 to 25 minutes.:flowerforyou: when I get to Fla hope to go with my daugther to the Gym.:happy: :happy: :happy:

    Lynn - the bed time story was priceless:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: you're correct no one can't top that one, you're fantastic.

    Buzz - don't ever think you post too much, I love reading all your post, keep it up:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sandy - you're so sweet I'll give my Mom many hugs from all of you ladies:flowerforyou: :wink: :wink: :wink: Thanks for the prayers -I agree on eating what you want as long as we stay under calories, weekend are hard because we go out to dinner but I'm careful - you're not wrong.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Irene - how are you - How are the quilts coming along, we all miss you, take good care of yourself.:heart::heart: :heart:

    Barbie - you're an exercise machine, so proud of you:drinker: :drinker: :drinker What is going on with your move..

    Marie - hope things will go well for Jerry at the Dr's this time- retirement is AMAZING:wink::wink: :wink: you're so right not enough hours in the day to get everything done, but the most important is keeping up with all of you ladies:happy: :happy:
    this is a great group, I look forward to reading everyones post.

    Judy - how're things in your hometown.

    Right now I am going to get some work done at the house, keep having fun and hope everyone has a great weekend.

  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Wow ladies! We are all on different time zones! How brilliant! I am going to an auction tomorrow and hope to get crystal glasses for not alot. We Yorkshire folk are known for not spending alot! Or as they call it in the UK being tight! I''m just "careful with my money!"
    I did day 5 of the 30 day shred today, and managed to do all the jumping jacks without a rest! Something must be working!
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello oldtyke!!
    Good job, 5 day shred and jumping jacks without rest, you're doing gre8, keep it up:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Pq- didn't mean to leave you out today..hope things are going well!:flowerforyou:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Options all are too quiet. :tongue:

    This one is dedicated to Maddie and..... Yes, there is such a song :bigsmile: OH!

    Say it now!

    I'm back!

    I'm back!

    I'm back!

    I'm back!

    Get up offa that thing,
    and dance 'till you feel better,
    Get up offa that thing,
    and dance 'till you, sing it now!
    Get up offa that thing,
    and dance 'till you feel better,
    Get up offa that thing,
    and try to release that pressure!
    Get up offa that thing,
    and shake 'till you feel better,
    Get up offa that thing,
    and shake it, say it now!
    Get up offa that thing,
    and shake 'till you feel better,
    Get up offa that thing,
    and try to release that pressure!
    Get up off!
    Good God!
    So good!

    Everybody ready?!

    Follow me!

    Get up offa that thing,
    and shake 'till you feel better,
    Get up offa that thing,
    and shake it, sing it now!
    Get up offa that thing,
    and shake 'till you feel better,
    Get up offa that thing,
    and try to release that pressure!
    Get up offa that thing, (Ha!)
    and twist 'till you feel better,
    Get up offa that thing,
    and shake 'till you, sing it now!
    Get up offa that thing,
    and shake 'till you feel better,
    Get up offa that thing,
    and try to release that pressure!

    Get funky!

    So good, Uh!
    I'm first to stop, ha!
    I've told them now, ha!
    [I'm not sure about those last two lines]
    Ohio player! (like the band, or maybe 'Go higher player!')
    Can you hit it one time, from the top?!
    Get up offa that thing,
    and dance to try, you better! [?]
    Get up offa that thing,
    and... Help me!
    Get up offa that thing,
    and dance 'till you feel better!
    Get up offa that thing,
    and try to release that pressure!


    I need it!

    That's the wise old brother at the side start good! [that's what is sounds like]
    C'mon Clive do it!

    Do it!

    Good God!
    God Good! [that's not a typo]
    Feels good!
    Feels good!
    Do it to me!
    Good God!
    I want you all in the jam! [i think]
    Gonna get you all in the jam!
    Play that bad funk! [?]
    Show 'em how funky you are!
    Play it JB's!
    Play it now!
    Get up offa that thing,
    and dance 'till you feel better!
    Get up offa that thing,
    and dance 'till you, help me out!
    Get up offa that thing,
    and dance 'till you feel better!
    Get up offa that thing,
    and try to release that pressure!
    Get up offa that thing,
    and shake 'till you feel better!
    Get up offa that thing,
    and try to release, say it now!
    Get up offa that thing,
    and shake 'till you feel better,
    Get up offa that thing,
    and try to release that pressure!
    Get up and... call it!
    I feel good!
    [Fade out]

    Maybe this will pull you in here!:happy:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    There are so many people posting here, which is great! However I wont be able to address all of you individually. Just not enough time or memory either!
    marie, do you mean a recipe thread on mfp? I didnt realize there is a recipe thread. Plz post a link so I can bookmark it. I love to read recipes when we are not busy.
    Barb, bless your heart, I felt your blues right thru your post. You are entitled to feel as good, bad,or sad as you please, but plz dont feel guilty about it. Personally, when I get home, I dont want to leave for anything, not even the mail. Now that I joined a gym, it takes lots of effort to get me there! I can think of more reasons to skip it than there aree stars in the sky!
    but you seem to be affected more by the weather than by 'homebody-itis'. I've. Heard people try closing curtains and then turning on as many bright lights as they can. Plz know you are important to us, and we miss you.
    hi happy Lynn, you know, you could give I Love Lucy a run for her money! Lol! Thats a good thing!
    sandy, hope you are having a good day. No, I dont think there is anything wrong with staying within your calorie goal. So many people do it and thrive. The only reason I am doing my low carb plan is to help get my insulin and related issues under control. Id much prefer just cutting calories. I probably will do that later.
    sorry to miss the rest of you, but so far, Ive read all of the posts. Be safe and warm, except Judy in nz, you stay cool!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Sandy, the major reason that I'm so careful about what I eat is that a lot of entertaining foods (like pizza and Mexican food, for example) make me want more, so I stay with eating foods that are nourishing and satisfying........I like that the amount chicken and veggies I can eat for the same calories as a piece of pizza is so much greater and I like having a big pile of food on my plate.......most importantly is the idea that the best food plan is the one you'll stick to so if something is working for you, it doesn't matter whether other people agree with you.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Barb, I'm sorry that the combination of lousy dark weather and not feeling well is getting you down......I know your "piggies" are doing their best to drag you out of your funk.

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, does your poem have a tune or is a chant like rap music?

    :flowerforyou: oldtyke, I love all the different time zones, it means that there is always someone posting....when I get up in the morning I love reading the posts from all of you who are east of me and have been up for hours.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I took the dogs to the dog park in OK weather and 20 minutes later we had hail, freezing rain, and so much wind that I had to be careful that the car door didn't slam on the dogs.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Barbie - this is an old James Brown song. Maddie brought it back out of the archives of my memory. If you go to and watch James Brown perform will see his dance moves and know why He wasn't fat! :bigsmile: Maddie goes around telling everyone to "get up offa that thing and feel bettah". I think she is feeling bad today... You would enjoy watching him dance...:happy: :tongue:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Get up offa that thing and dance till you feel betta is by James Brown. You can go to YouTube and put it in search to hear it or any song that we mention here. This one just makes you feel like doin a little movin! :happy:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    AH HA! Gotcha' in here!:bigsmile: