Senior Golden Sneakers -March 2011



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey I am back. good report from Alice. Everything turn out fine. and no cemo or radiavtion. he did find her Blood augar running high. need to go to the doctor to get it check out. I am so relieve. Thanks for all of your support. You all have been just. great. Now to get Jerry problems solve.

    Dee let us know about your friends in Japan.

    All of our dear freinds on the West Coast Stay alert and get out of harms way.
    I am going to go and propped my legs up snd watch TV. Chat with you all tomorrow
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Lynn said:
    Maddie brought up a subject this morning about our privacy on here. We all know we are on a public forum here. We know when you look at someone's profile page, you can see their friends, their pics and somtimes their diary. However, their activity on their Home page is not open to viewing unless you are a friend. What I didn't realize until Maddie brought it to my attention, was that when someone Googles(Bings) or whaterver, they can see your Home Page activity, UNLESS you are logged off. I thought you might want to know that UNLESS you are logged off that is open to the public.

    Seemed strange to me so I checked and Lynn is absolutely right. If you are signed in at the time someone Googles your MFP user name, they will find your Home page here on MFP. Imagine my surprise when it also found all sorts of other things I had completely forgotten about like a storage folder on the server at an internet service provider I haven't used in almost four years. I took a look inside and here's what I found.

    Any one know who the fellow with me might be? If you're about my age, you should.
    I give up!! Who is it????
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Good Evening,

    Marie I am so glad things went well for you.

    We have a newbie but I am not on my notebook to remember your name. Welcome.

    I am including a joke in this post. I was reminded by Maddie that we all need laughter every day.

    I had one of the worst case of shingles most anyone has heard of. There are others who have had bad ones but no one I have met or heard of that has had worse. Maddie's brother is recovering from them. Others on here have had them too. I thought we could have a good laugh at shingles. :wink:

    Bubba had shingles.

    Those of us who spend much time in a doctor's office should appreciate this! Doesn't it seem more and more that physicians are running their practices like an assembly line?

    Here's what happened to Bubba:

    Bubba walked into a doctor's office and the receptionist asked him what he had. Bubba said: 'Shingles.' So she wrote down his name, address, medical insurance number and told him to have a seat.

    Fifteen minutes later a nurse's aide came out and asked Bubba what he had. Bubba said, 'Shingles' So she wrote down his height, weight, a complete medical history and told Bubba to wait in the examining room.

    A half hour later a nurse came in and asked Bubba what he had. Bubba said, 'Shingles.' So the nurse gave Bubba a blood test, a blood pressure test, an electrocardiogram, and told Bubba to take off all his clothes and wait for the doctor.

    An hour later the doctor came in and found Bubba sitting patiently in the nude and asked Bubba what he had.

    Bubba said, 'Shingles.' The doctor asked, 'Where?'

    Bubba said, 'Outside on the truck. Where do you want me to unload 'em??' :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Good morning to all you recycled teenagers!!

    Loved that joke Lynn..Jake had a bad case of shingles when doing his exams last year..stress can trigger them can't they? One of the guys going on the trip with my husband had to pull out due to having them in his eyes....very painful.

    I heard from a friend in Japan who is OK but says it was really terrifying - she hadn't been in a large earthquake before - we had a tsunami warning for all of NZ but it hasn't come to anything serious thank goodness.

    Hope you on the East Coast are all OK. It' certainly a worry with what's going on in the world.

    Glad your daughter is OK Marie.

    I think we may have agreed to the terms and conditions when joining MPF - who always reads the small print? Not good though.

    Well, I'm going to make the most of the sunshine - will check back later..
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    :happy: Marie, that's wonderful news!!!!!

    :ohwell: Lynn, I tend to stay logged on all the time. Guess I'd best change that habit!

    :cry: Haven't heard anything about our friends. Will report in as soon as I know anything.

    :glasses: Had my eye appt. and I do have a visceral (sp?) detachment. Otherwise my eyes are in good shape. Have to go back in 8 weeks unless the floaters get worse or flashing lights appear. Thanks for your concern. I wouldn't have treated it as seriously if you hadn't warned me.

    I had a good eating and exercise day so I'm a :happy: camper tonight. It feels good.

    My eyes and head hurt from the drops they put in my eyes, so I'm cutting this short.

    Keep those jokes coming!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, did a bit of food posting today, nothing on there except for the raw vegetables is what the real food is I have eaten, I really don't like eating something that I did not, however maybe with luck it will balance out in calories to the amounts I have here.
    Did my exercises today and they went well, I am getting better I think.

    Rain and more rain, lots of snow has melted, my sis says more to come from the west.

    Someone here has friends in Tokyo, I'm sending <<<<healing vibes, calm vibes and hopes>>>>>> my prayers will include them tonight.

    That is it for the night gals, I'm tired and it is getting on the evening.

    Good Night all.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MAE...actually, I bet I was not the only one to read and enjoy your long post! It certainly takes ambition to catch up with this lightening thread, eh? Glad to see you back.

    SS88. I need a name to associate with your nice introduction! I'm sure you'll remain vibrant into your 80s; just look at MARIE, and I don't know about fit (ouch!) but I attempt a bit of vibrant when awake :ohwell:

    oldtyke...I know I should know it, but my memory fades fast sometime! What is your name? We all agree about your sentiments re the quake...MAJOR!!!:sad:

    LYN... miss your humor, but you are so sensitive to the earth and its inhabitants! Bless you :love: OK...just read
    your Bubba story...Hah-hah...I feel better already :bigsmile:

    CONNIE:...scary information you discovered! Don't chang e the dog pics or I'll never remember your new ID!!!
    OK, I give up (and I'm MUCH older than you!:bigsmile: ) WHO IS HE???

    MARIE: Hooray for news about Alice. To be followed by good news about Jerry!!! Please??? Now take care of yourself !

    JUDY, thank goodness you escaped a tsunami! NZ had enough already! Enjoy that sun...

    Feet up, loved my pedicure, will watch a Netflix movie tonight...who cares which one!!! CONNIE. WHO IS IT?

    luv, Buzz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member

    Hi Sandy,

    I was so busy and self involved yesterday that I didn't even read any of the posts or remember that it was your birthday, so please accept my belated best wishes.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    hugs to you :love: :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thanks, Lynn, for sending me a message to see if I was first I didn't understand why someone would be concerned just because I didn't post for a day and then when I read through all the Golden Sneakers postings, I realized that you were concerned because of all the tsunami warnings along the Pacific Coast.......they did put out some warnings here but all is fine......we are actually at the top of the Olympic Peninsula rather far from the Pacific Ocean and we live a mile or so from the coast and a bit above sea level so I haven't really been concerned about tsunami danger but, of course, you all don't know thank you for your concern.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Marie, you have gotten some good suggestions from others so all I will add is to take life one day at a time and walk through Jerry's treatment as it comes........I'm glad to hear that the news about Alice is positive.....enough is enough.

    :flowerforyou: we have been busy with meetings and appointments including the eye doctor yesterday.....I always worry about that one because my mother had glaucoma, but all my results were good :bigsmile:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I am loving all the jokes and made Jake come in and let me read some of them so he could laugh too.

    :flowerforyou: we'll be at another all day meeting tomorrow an hour and half away with a catered lunch so lots of sitting and lots of calories.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member

    Feet up, loved my pedicure, will watch a Netflix movie tonight...who cares which one!!! CONNIE. WHO IS IT?

    luv, Buzz

    Not my husband but my friend, Dion DiMucci. Some of you might remember him... Dion and the Belmonts? (Runaround Sue, A Teenager in Love, I Wonder Why). The how and why of our friendship is a story for another day. He's a great guy. Not doing much music these days but spending a lot of time ministering to the inmates in prisons in New York and Boca Raton, Florida. Being Italian-American, he has a strong Roman Catholic faith (wasn't always so).
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Marie -- I am so, so glad that Alice is doing so well. I know you must be very relieved. I hope Jerry does great as well. He knows he has you in his corner and that would feel pretty darn good!

    Take care everyone. If I ever get these appliances bought I will be back here! I am so indecisive. I think I have it all figured out and then I change my mind. I am changing all appliances except for my fridge which is running great. I had planned to get stainless steel but my fridge is white with some black. So the stainless steel would not work so well. But I know that I will be upset with myself if the fridge breaks down in a month!! Good to have small problems. My heart goes out to the people in Japan.

    Gayla :heart:
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh drat, more computer problems and the 3rd visit from the engineer.:angry: He didn't charge me last time so I gave him half a dozen of my hens eggs and today he was happy to go off with one egg in his hand, no doubt planning boiled egg for lunch!!! I think it may be sorted now but am beginning to not trust it at all. One good thing is he pointed out that if I select control and the + sign it increases the page so it's easier to read, then control - to put it back. That will stop me peering at the screen!!

    Mae ~ Yes, I too lost all my photos but thankfully those I took in Scotland on holiday last year had been transferred to a CD. The rest have gone and it's so frustrating.

    Connie ~ Dion and the Belmonts!! Now that's what I call a blast from the past and a wonderful one too. Love that kind of music; gets me singing and jigging around the room.:happy:

    Big international rugby tournament continuing this weekend so I'll be sat in front of the tv for most of it but do at least plan a morning walk around a local lake with a friend tomorrow. We think it's about 3 miles so that will be my good deed of the day for me and my midddle-aged spread!!!

    Have a great weekend everyone and don't watch too much news. All looks a bit dodgy around the nuclear power station in Japan. Doesn't bear thinking about.

    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Connie: RUN AROUND SUE! Loved that song......Had to go to YouTube and listen to it. Didn't the bands look different back then !!!! And how did that audience sit still.....then, of course, I had to stay awhile and listen to some more stuff. "Memories, like the corners of my mind......."

    Well, it's going to be sunny and nice here today or so they say! We're gonna go to the RV show. I like to pick on the fabric choices and I like Accessories Row. There are so many cool things! I got the best shower head there about 10 years ago for $10 and it is still working like a charm!!

    I'm going to try not to complain or worry and get upset over anything today. I look across the world and I see that my little corner is the best place to be for now.

    Have a good day!!!


  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! :smile: It's sunny here today and is supposed to get up into the 50s. I'm looking forward to my walk. I'm having a bad tummy day and I can't figure out why. That's the way gastroparesis something one time and you're fine, eat it the next time and OW! It'll be a liquid day for me today. I'm used to it, tho, and it won't stop my day. Got lots to do as my husband's wrestling buddies (guess I should explain that they follow high school wrestling and the state finals are in Hershey this weekend) always come here for chili and cornbread. I'll get everything made and then disappear so they can just be guys. Dan doesn't get to just relax too often, so I'm happy he has this to look forward to.

    Mae - haven't met you yet. I'm Dee, newish, and loving this site. I have a few more pounds to lose and then maintenance. Loving the support I get here. All you gals are awesome.

    SS88 - welcome

    Barbiecat - looks like we both had good "eye" days yesterday. :glasses: My big floater is still there driving me nuts, but at least I know everything's good otherwise. Glad the waves didn't make it any harder to the west coast.

    Jackie - I had to laugh about the eggs. :laugh: I get fresh eggs from friends at church every week and sometimes they're free when I go over to help them (she has bad RA) even tho I try to pay them. We have breakfast for lunch almost every week. Those fresh eggs are awesome.

    Connie - Dion? I remember going to one of his concerts! A blast from the past.

    Gotta go clean for the guys....yes, I'm nuts, but I also have two long-hair cats to vacuum up after. My next cats will be either shed-free or naked! :happy:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Saturday morning Sneakers.

    Dee:smooched: you are making us a wonderful Sneakers You are so sweet. and nice,

    Gayla:flowerforyou: you are going to have a beautiful kichen when you get thru..

    Jackie. :flowerforyou: i lost all of my pictures at one time when my computer crash. I hated that.

    Barbiecat:flowerforyou: You know we do worry when we don't hear from our dear friends.

    Connie:flowerforyou: seeeing your post on facebook made me hungry for ruhbarh pie.too. Tho I have not eaten much of them . Ruhbarh must not grow well here.

    Judy,:flowerforyou: I found some NZ apples yesterday at the stoer. I brouht 3 of them . They are beaitiful and were so shinng. will have one for lunch
    Well I got to move along and get busy. See you all later.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi all is well
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Hi Sneakers!! It is a gloomy, very windy day here but nothing we can't handle compared to the East. :cry:

    I had a busy day yesterday with getting a massage, a no chip manicure and spending time with my 16 year old granddaughter. :heart:

    I listened to Barbie and if I don't get my regular exercise in during the day I am now free stepping on the Wii for 60 minutes while I watch TV. I love that it counts your steps and calories for you and you can switch to watch TV. I burned almost 200 calories doing that last night and that kept me under calories. :drinker: Since Lent started on Wednesday I have given up eating all snacks except healthy snacks like fruit, jello, yogurt etc. I love the mini rice caramel cakes but I was eating them too much as I was the vegetable sticks. I had gained back a couple of pounds and never changed my ticker but this morning I am down to what my ticker says and happy that things are moving downward. I think I am going to try the 30 day shred again if it doesn't bother my knees, I might have to make some adjustments in the workouts.

    This afternoon we are going to see Blue Man Group and have dinner after the show. It is a girls thing, with three adults, two teenagers and one 5 year old. I heard pros and cons on the show so I hope it is enjoyable.

    I have read all the posts and again thanks to all for the birthday wishes, it is so nice to have good friends. :heart: I loved all the jokes and felt so bad with all the sad news. If I could take everyone troubles away I would but just know anytime you need something we are here to listen and if a prayer or good wish is needed it is automatic from my heart.. :heart:

    Marie, I either didn't read it or I missed it, but did Alice have surgery on Friday? I am glad everything is good with her and pray the same for Jerry. :love: They are so lucky to have you in their lives, you are an angel on earth.

    Gayla, are you putting in a built in range and oven? If so my advice would be to get the stainless because your frig will probably go before the new appliances and besides stainless goes with everything. I have stainless range and oven but my frig is black and it looks great. Just my opinion. :blushing: :blushing:

    Connie, can you send me another updated list? We have some new people and I am confused. :tongue:
    Correct me if I am wrong but I think I am welcoming, Dee,and SS88. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I loved that song also, sure brought back memories from my teenage years. :laugh:

    Dee, what a wonderful job you have done in losing weight, you are to be commended. I am glad you listened and went to the eye doctor and hope it clears up soon. When I had my cataract surgery I paid extra for special lenses which the insurance did not cover but they attach more to the muscle and I was able to read without glasses but wore glasses for distance for night driving. That was years ago and now I find myself using reading glasses more often now for smaller print.

    Maddie, Lynn and Barb, you are such funny ladies, you brighten our days with your wonderful sense of humor.

    Barbie, dollars to donuts you do not consume "lots" of calories today. :bigsmile:

    Phoebe, thanks for checking in. :love:

    Maddie, there is no use in complaining about anything or getting upset, life is an attitude and not in our hands. Live each day for each day, you never know what tomorrow brings. :heart:

    Jackie, sorry you are having computer problems and hope you get them resolved soon. You missed our lesson on the zoom with the control + just don't do what Marie did and shrink us so much you can't find us. :laugh: :laugh:

    Buzz, I loved my massage and decided to go for a no chip manicure so I really pampered myself, it was wonderful. :blushing:
    I hope to be able to have a pedicure before going to Arizona on the 31st. but I have a problem with my toe nail, it fell off and doesn't seem to be growing back. (is that TMI?) I hope they can put an acrylic on it to make it look normal. :blushing:

    Marilyn, glad you are feeling better and getting back on track, take it slow.

    Judy, happy your friend in Japan is ok. I called my son in Portland yesterday because I panicked when they mentioned Oregon on the news, but he of course said he is in no danger thank goodness. :love:

    I am another who stays logged in to all my sites but I am too lazy to log in and out. I don't have my address or any other vital information listed anywhere, not even on face book so I think I am okay.

    Time for breakfast, have a great day!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everyone, gorgeous 70 degree sunshine here in Florida today! Nothing new, though Jackie mentioned my breakfast sounding good, so maybe I'll say I use:- - -
    1 whole egg, 2 egg whites, and a bit of Greek seasoning, and shred into it
    1 oz of Cabot 75% Fat Free Cheddar cheese.
    Meantime, in 1 tsp (or less) Olive oil, I place
    1/4 cup chopped onion
    3 oz (1/3 bag) fresh spinach leaves, and cover til it cooks down, but not too soft.
    Remove veggies to dish, pour eggs into pan, cook covered till puffy...
    Place veg's in center and fold egg over, cover another 1/2 minute to set..and
    Just enjoy eating!

    SANDY- It sounds like you had Crystalenses installed after cataract surgery..and Medicare did not cover mine either! Can't say I blame them, but I don't regret it, since those little unseen hinges allow us to read and see without glasses! Amazing. I've had to make a lot of adjustments since I got them, but it's really worth it to not have glasses digging into my cheeks or sliding down my nose, or removing glasses and putting them back on for everything ! I love them! Also, that no-chip manicure is called a "shellac" manicure here. Never had one, but it's tempting, as I always chip my weak nails! That coat mentioned (the Colombian nail strengthener) did nothing for me, plus I hesitate to use formaldahyde, though I know it's a strengthener! My nails are my biggest problem, and rather ugly, but useful for crafts etc that I enjoyed all my life, so no complaints!

    CONNIE...His day was long after "my time", but it sounds familiar....Probably my kids listened to his music!:ohwell:

    Running off for errands. Have a great day everyone:flowerforyou:
  • viliberty1957
    Hello, everyone. Just a quick note to let you know I am fine, but I won't be on MFP much except for tracking food and exercise I have just found that I have too much going right now and I have to cut down somewhere. I cut the number of my facebook friends in half. I'll still be here, just not as much, but not because anything is wrong. Love you all!
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Quick Note: We heard from our missionary friends in Japan. They are fine. We don't know details. Wanted to let you know because I know you've been wondering.

    Made gluten-free cookie brittle this morning. It was a BOMB!!!!!!!! :ohwell: :ohwell: