Senior Golden Sneakers -March 2011



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe Yes we did have a Woolworth at the Mall in Mesquite I had several friends working there. at the good counter. I remember one of them saying they made their Jello the night befor and left it settin out all night for the next days. Gosh I hope they didn't
    have bugs. I don't know what they are going to build there nows that they tore down the Mall. We now have a big Mall not too far awy for it and is really closer to our house.

    Better get up for Jerry will be in here soon bugging to go to Wallu world to get our grocer shopping done. Be back later to see

    what our topic is today, That was fun yesterday.Sneakers!!!!!!!!!!!!

    had to come back and welcome Irene home.Welcome back Irene!!!!!!!!!!!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    About oatmeal, there is a brand that puts plastic dishes in their cannisters, but it seems like a cheap knockoff if you are old enough to remember the lovely glassware we used to get. I also remember floursack towels. Now, i have bought the towels without the flour.
    Have you ever gone into the wrong public restroom? I havent done it but Imve seen men do it, my husband included!
    i was in McDonalds, when he went to the restroom, a few minutes later, he kind of swooped down to my ear as he went by and whispered,"lets go! I went into the wrong one!" Well, I didnt get to finish my meal, not because I had to leave, I was laughing too much to eat. He was so embarrassed!

    Does anyone use a juice machine?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :bigsmile: Bingo night!!!

    I also remember loving to eat at the counter of Woolworth, it was a special treat from my mom. :heart: I lived in the city of Chicago and my mom used to take my sister and I downtown on the bus to the Chicago theater where before showing the movie they had a live performance of some kind, singers, comedians etc. I also loved being a teenager and hanging in the diner, just like they did on the show Happy Days!! I would order a 7 up and french fries and we would stay there for hours. :laugh: :laugh: Those were the good old days, nothing can compare. :love:
    Oh yes, they used to give towels or something in big boxes of clothes soap, I think Tide but not sure. :blushing:

    :heart: Gayla, I sure hope things get back to normal in your life sometime soon. :love: I am sure Neil called this morning and all is well, you are entitled to lose your patience a little every now and then. :tongue: Please vent to us as much as you want and know they we love you and know how good you are with Neil and he knows it too. :heart:

    :heart: Lynn, I thought Benadryl was supposed to make you sleepy, am I wrong? You are definitely an angel, keeping us all smiling and/or laughing and giving us word of wisdom. :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Phoebe, I am so happy that you have a smart phone to stay in touch with us, you are such a good friend. :love:

    :heart: Judy, it sounds like lots of calories were burnt mowing lawns in the rain, I hope you gave your self a good treat without going over calories. Loved the joke with the rooster. :love:

    :heart: Barbie, loved the puzzle joke, think you forgot the part about the friends being blond. :laugh: (I am blond) Your leftover food sounded good and healthy. :drinker: I didn't load up on junk food yesterday I stayed within my calories and hope to continue on an upward good trend. :blushing:

    :heart: Irene, welcome back and hope it was wonderful with your family. Did you go say hello to my son?? :laugh: Sounds like you had a working vacation but happy you got to see your siblings. You can use us as much as you like, you bring such joy to us, anything we can to add to your happiness is welcomed. :bigsmile:

    :heart: Elli have a great birthday celebration with your son, he is born on a wonderful day he must be a wonderful person. :laugh: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    :heart: Marie, we will be going to Church today for our ashes so I will light a candle for your family and hope the news about Jerry and Alice is good. What ever is in God's plan there is a reason, He only gives us what we handle even though at times it doesn't feel that way. You are our monarch and we love you, so keep positive thoughts and know that we are all with you today.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:

    :heart: Connie why were all the ponies in front of the stores named Sandy?? :laugh: :laugh: It must have been a trademark name. My 16 year old grand daughter loves to hear about history, she is like Lynn. She loves to ask me about my childhood and what things were like and yes we did have cars in those days. :laugh: :laugh:

    Phoebe, you posted as I was writing and yes I have gone into the wrong restroom and only realized when I saw the urinals. Thank goodness no one was in there it was embarrassing enough running out. :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

    Today is Ash Wednesday and the first day of Lent. My husband and I will be going for ashes at the noon service today. I will be disciplined today and only eat three meatless meals so for the next 40 days if I am good I should reach my goal. :bigsmile:

    Have a great day!!
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    THANK YOU ALL FOR ANSWERING MY QUESTIONS. INTERESTING! I remember Murphy's because I used to buy my mother a smal; bottle of Blue Waltz for Christmas, I can actually still see the counter in my mind. And they had a basement where they sold plastic drapes for about a buck. I lived in a really small place and I could change them almost every week. You actually had to touch them to know they were plastic.

    McCrory's had a really wide staircase that led downstairs. And as someone else mentioned, they used to sell the colored chicks there every spring. When I think of all those little chicks being killed by all of us kids, it makes me very sad. I only ever knew of one that made it and it turned out to be a rooster!! They also tried to section off a space for kids to play the jukebox and dance but as I recall, I was the only one that ever was there. Stevie Wonder, Finger Poppin.....Didn't last long.

    Woolworths had the section with all of the small things that you needed but couldn't find. Kind of like today's Dollar Stores and we never went to Grants. They had the rep of being too expensive!!!

    All four had the wonderful lunch counters and the small sundaes in cute cups!


    I saved Green Stamps. I used to get household items until I found out you could get cash! I lucked out one time when I was cleaning out a closet in my kitchen. I found a stack of full books and when I took them to the store, they said they were worth 50 cents a piece. I said, "Excuse me, my books say $4 each." And they had to pay me...LOL

    My mother used to get dish towels and flowered drinking glasses in Duz detergent, glasses from jelly jars..all of that. But the coolest thing is that she would take her receipts to the A&P where you could purchase pieces of china when you spent a certain amount. She managed to collect 3 sets of 7 settings before it ended. One day, just a few years ago, I went to a flea market and we went in a back door. At the first stand I saw, the lady had a stack of various pieces of that china. I bought it all, completed my set and have extra pieces. How cool was that. They are in my china cabinet today and I love them.

    I think I must feel a little better today....hmmmm....maybe? What do you think? :glasses:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    About oatmeal, there is a brand that puts plastic dishes in their cannisters, but it seems like a cheap knockoff if you are old enough to remember the lovely glassware we used to get. I also remember floursack towels. Now, i have bought the towels without the flour.
    Have you ever gone into the wrong public restroom? I havent done it but Imve seen men do it, my husband included!
    i was in McDonalds, when he went to the restroom, a few minutes later, he kind of swooped down to my ear as he went by and whispered,"lets go! I went into the wrong one!" Well, I didnt get to finish my meal, not because I had to leave, I was laughing too much to eat. He was so embarrassed!

    Does anyone use a juice machine?
    I go into the wrong restroom a lot !!! The women's always has such a long line and the men's don't. They usually have at least one sit down with a door, I guess in case a guy has to poop! Works for me!
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Good evening ladies! Yesterday got away from me, so I didn't drop in to see what was going on. What a cheerful lot you all are! I'm struggling to identify all the names so forgive me if I only pick a couple out. My concentration is not what it was! Brain Fog I think they call it!
    Jeri I hope your cystitis is improving. It's abit like passing razor blades. Cranberry juice might help.
    Bab I've never heard of green barley noodles. I'm curious.
    All our Woolworth stores closed a couple of years ago. They were notorious for assistants who talked between themselves and ignored the customers. The pick and mix sweets were a feature, and when I was small I remember going in with my mother and buying Jewish bread (very exotic) and big hunks of "slab cake" These were just cut off a huge piece and weighed
    I suppose the things I miss most were cask butter. A great mound which had bits hacked off it in winter and scooped off in summer! We came very late to air conditioning over here!
    We had a French onion seller in the summer. Beret and navy and white striped top on a bike with all the strings of onions, and twice a year we had a knife grinder come round. We had gas lamps down the street and a lamplighter! (man)
    We used to go up to Scotland to my aunts on the train. From Leeds to Glasgow we had one steam engine, but beyond Glasgow they had 2 to cope with the gradients, and if you looked out of the window you could see them both. Then when we got to mallaig we took the ferry over to Skye. It was quite an adventure. Till we had to deal with the midges.
    In the 60's my favourite piece of underwear was my paper nylon underskirt which crackled as you sat down! I wore it when I went to see The Beatles.
    When we got married my in-laws cashed in all their greenshield stamps (from cigarettes :sick: ) to buy us a cot! I don't remember ever really collecting them.
    By I've rambled on!
    Up and down day today. Lost 1/2lb at weighin, chose some spectacle frames but they couldn't fit varifocal frames into them so I came away in a bad mood. BUT, I got a lovely black lacy bra 2 years ago and I put it by until it was the right size. When it would have been I couldn't find it! Anyway this morning one of the drawers in the chest of drawers stuck so I took out the top one, and there at the back what did I find? I'm wearing it now, it's a perfect fit!
    I want you all to take care, I shall ask my Angels to look out for you all, hugs Judix

    Oh just as a matter of interest I calculated our petrol price as the equivalent of $9.72 per gallon.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :sad Maddie: Does sound likeyou are on to recovey. Thanks for laughs

    About the mens rooms I went into the mem's at Wally world once. Felt so stupid.:sad: :sad: :sad:

    Irene I have been eating 24 oz of veggies a day since you have been gone. Your ticker remind me of that. Lots of veggies but so good for you If cook in a healthful way/. 12 oz at lunch 12 oz at night. Thats is a lot. my 12 oz of veggies t lunch was roasted okra

    Xyla I Have been eating a cereal without sugar The original fiber one does not have any. I had thew the box out after i put them in a big jar with a lid. But check it out on internet this morning. Fiber one do not have no sugar and wouldn't you know Walmart did not have any. This morning. Will pick sme more up Friday when we go to get a few items. Don't know why they put so much sugar in cereal.

    Jerry just left for his Doctor appt. . Butterflies are flying around in my tummy.See you guys later
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Jeri (oldtyke) said:
    We used to go up to Scotland to my aunts on the train. From Leeds to Glasgow we had one steam engine, but beyond Glasgow they had 2 to cope with the gradients, and if you looked out of the window you could see them both. Then when we got to mallaig we took the ferry over to Skye. It was quite an adventure. Till we had to deal with the midges.
    I'm guessing midges are some kind of bug - like a mosquito maybe?? I absolutely love words, and reading your posts has piqued my interest even more.

    Marie (Caliecat) said:
    My father had a grocer in my teens and somehow you got cookwear and difference thing if you spent do muuch
    Oh, Marie, my dad was a grocer, too. He started with a small corner store but by the time he retired he had grown them into a small chain, and then sold them all to build the first "supermarket" in my home town.

    In the late 50's, Fleers (makers of Double Bubble Gum) packed a piece of flatwear in each box of 100 pieces. Since our stores sold the gum by the piece, I always got the flatwear. The drivers from the candy distributor knew I was collecting it for my "hope chest" and would dig thorugh the stacks of boxes to find ones with the pieces I needed most. It took a long time to collect a service for eight, but I did it - thanks to them.

    Lynn (Nyll54) said:
    Connie your story was funny too! What haven't you done in your life, girl?
    Here's my list of jobs for which I got paid. Grocery store clerk, girl Friday in the advertising department of a lawn mower manufacture, secretary in the sales department of the same manufacturer, Girl Friday at a radio station, secretary at a large coal company (had 15 ships on the Great Lakes), Avon Lady, restaurant waitress and hostess, dining room manager at a private club, writer (I've had several short stories published for which I got paid), Billing clerk in a school bus company, travel agent (which included tour planner and leader), Travel Group Department manager, American Family Insurance Agent, Graphic designer, and web site designer.

    Then there are the jobs for which I never earned a dime. Meals on Wheels delivery driver, Senior Center computer tutor, American Cancer Society public speaker, Group workshop leader, Music Festival Chairperson.

    Whew. I've been busy.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    OldTyke: Your story was wonderful...there are a few words I didn't get but I got the idea. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I would love to see Scotland someday! :happy:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Good Afternoon....

    JudiX :flowerforyou: -I loved reading your story! I have read a lot of books that have a Scotland "setting"...I didn't know what some of the words were either such as midges? I feel we are all priviledged to "talk" with each other and learn things we probably wouldn't have learned.

    Connie--Wow! You have been busy. I had you "pegged" correctly as a smart lady!:flowerforyou:

    Maddie_I am certainly glad you feel better!:flowerforyou:

    Irene-We are glad to see you back!:flowerforyou:

    Jeri-whew:tongue: ...I have that sometimes too...very annoying. It will work on the nerves. Hope you feel better.

    Marie-I will be hoping for you today!:flowerforyou: Take some deep breathes....
    And all those veggies are going to make you healthier!

    Okay...a bathroom story..Yes, I have goine in the men's restroom. I am like Maddie. If I am at a place that has a lock on the door it doesn't bother me to go in the men's restroom. However, I took my DIL to the doctor when she had a broken bone in her foot. We were late. I took her up to the door then I went to park. It had been a while since I went to the restroom. I went bee-bopping in and saw a restroom sign..didn't look closely at the little figures..:noway: .'cause I had to go! :tongue: When I pushed open the door an old man with a cane was on his way out...I said, "oops, I am sorry!" He just winked,:wink: smiled and said, " that is made my day!":bigsmile:
    I could barely get in the other room, in time:noway: (if you know what I mean) for laughing at the situation. The more I thought about the look on his face and mine, the more I laughed. :laugh: Of course, I saw him later getting on an elevator. (what is it with me and elevators?:noway: :huh: ) He smiled and nodded.:laugh:

    I have got to run...
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    9.72 per gallon!!! We would all be walking!! Healthier, though! I told my husband, we are so very fortunate that we dont have daily commutes in our cars. It is what makes us able to afford to keep doing this job vs a stay at home job. It costs some plenty to eat on the road, and we limit our food in the truck to not do much cooking, because we dont want to take the time to sit still while cooking it.
    of course, if I had a choice, I would be a homebody!
    Marie, I am thinking of all of you. What are you doing to stay busy?
    sewing? No no, not soap operas! Lol! I dont like soaps.
    Sandy, I have loved your explanation of Catholic customs. All those names are familiar, but I didnt know what they meant. For instance, I thought Fat Tuesday was part of Mardis Gras! Oh dear, well now I know!
    i went into a restroom and frozw when I saw the urinals, all the ladies laughed at my face, they said, yes you are in the right place, we did the same thing when we came in here! They were remodeling the womens room, and had moved the men to a location upstairs. Whew!
    connie, I love all the new words we are learning too. And the cultures. You are a Jane of all trades!
    got to go to work, my turn to drive
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    From PHoebe's post/
    Marie, I am thinking of all of you. What are you doing to stay busy?
    sewing? No no, not soap operas! Lol! I dont like soaps.

    I am reading your post . What else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I will phone ahead and tell everybody to get off the road for Phoebe is coming thru!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    From PHoebe's post/
    Marie, I am thinking of all of you. What are you doing to stay busy?
    sewing? No no, not soap operas! Lol! I dont like soaps.

    I am reading your post . What else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I will phone ahead and tell everybody to get off the road for Phoebe is coming thru!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ha ha you probably should!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Phoebe....Fat Tuesday also is Mardi Gras

    Mardi Gras, literally "Fat Tuesday," has grown in popularity in recent years as a raucous, sometimes hedonistic event. But its roots lie in the Christian calendar, as the "last hurrah" before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. That's why the enormous party in New Orleans, for example, ends abruptly at midnight on Tuesday, with battalions of streetsweepers pushing the crowds out of the French Quarter towards home.
  • LJT2
    LJT2 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi - New here. I was surfing around on this thread and wondered how old you have to be in order to qualify for being a senior? I'm 58, will be 59 this summer. OK to be here?? :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jerry: s report

    One more trip to McKinney He has to have another scan.As soon as they can get him one.
    We are getting real impatience over this. He has another appt with the doctor in two weeks..
    his has been going on too long. So still a waiting game for us.

    A guy that live on the street from us just push his lawnmower down here to see if Jerry could fix it. One look at it and Jerry told him he needs a new sparks plug his was so old and coroded Jerry put
    one in for him and it run perfect. He is always wanting Jerry to help him on something. And his son lives next door to him . Poor guy!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome Laura! You can be any age at all! We love new people, and are mostly chatterbugs and great support.

    Sandy, thx for the clarification. So you are on hungry Wednesday now surprising how filling vegetables can be.

    Hang in there Marie and Jerry. Take it one day at a time, right. Now to focus on Alice. We are thinking of you all.
    Jim is a fix it man with lawnmowers. Except for the one his sis gave him, he is having the motor rebuilt on it. Good thing Jerry was able to get it going for the neighbor.

    Now it is really time to drive
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Marie: May I just say in plain English that the situation you are stuck in PISSES ME OFF! Where did all of the concerned, good Doctors go??? Did we ship their jobs to China, too???? I would say hang in there but that's not what I would do. I would call them, be loud, rude and threatening.....that's the language that they speak! You are so sweet that you may have to hire someone....I have gone with my family and friends but I do it for free!!

    One of the times I took my mother to ER, the service was so bad that I let them have it. The Dr. started to tell me about how short handed they were and bla bla bla....I told him that my job was to see that he took care of my mother and if the staff couldn't handle it they should close the ER !!! :explode: Mom did get taken care of. I didn't give them a minutes peace!!!

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    I've been missing in action. Don't know how the rest of you keep up. We had a fun morning taking 4 of our 6 grandkids to gymnastics and lunch afterwards. Our daughter took the other 2 to the dentist. The grands range from 18 mos. to 10 years and our dd is expecting another in 2 wks. Busy, busy family. We are babysitting the 3 oldest all weekend and they come tomorrow. That should be so much fun.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Oh just as a matter of interest I calculated our petrol price as the equivalent of $9.72 per gallon.

    Is that based upon the Imperial gallon (which is a quart larger than the US gallon)? Regardless, it is still SPENDY!!:noway:
    Phoebe....Fat Tuesday also is Mardi Gras

    Mardi Gras, literally "Fat Tuesday," has grown in popularity in recent years as a raucous, sometimes hedonistic event. But its roots lie in the Christian calendar, as the "last hurrah" before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday.

    Another term for the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday comes from the Irish "Shrove Tuesday." Not sure what a "shrove" possibility I thought of was that someone couldn't spell and it is really "Shove Tuesday"--as in "shove" as much in your tummy as you can, since the deprivation of Lent is just around the corner.:laugh: :laugh:

    Phoebe, All I can say is "Keep on Truckin'!!" :wink: And, of course, watch out for all the doofus's who don't understand that it is NOT smart to pass a truck on the freeway and then jump in front of it and slow down!!! I have a friend who also drives (locally), and he has commented that many people don't have a clue about how dangerous that can be.

    Maddie, Remind me not to get you mad at me!!

    Marie, I am thinking of you. Hang in there.

