Senior Golden Sneakers -March 2011



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Thank you , Thank you, Thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes. :heart: :heart: :heart: You girls are the best and are the most thoughtful!!!! I feel the love and love you in return!!!!

    I have had a good day with numerous birthday wishes here and on Face Book including all the hard copy birthday cards I received. My hubby and I went to the movie theater where they serve you lunch and/or drinks while you watch the movie in big recliner chairs.
    It is one of my favorite things to do and the movie with Matt Damon was really good. It has been a good day. I am settling in now to just relax and get caught up on TV, I might even do some stepping to gain a few calories, although the lunch I had wasn't too bad. It was chicken skewers savoy and grilled asparagus and was delicious. (I did have a couple of glasses of wine but it is my birthday).

    I have read all the posts and although I am not addressing everyone separately it is always good to hear all the news and read all the funny stuff that keeps us laughing.

    Marie, I will address you personally and tell you that as promised I lit a candle for Jerry and Alice and for the rest of your family to keep you safe in God's hands. I agree with everyone that if possible have someone drive you and Jerry to his first appointment so you can write down all the instructions and any questions you might have you should write down ahead of time so you don't forget.
    We love you, Jerry and your family and will be here for whatever you need. Love you Marie!!!

    Thanks again everyone.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: I am SO embarrassed about being offline 3 days again! I truly can't seem to juggle luncheon dates, Doctor's appointments and Fitness Center all in one day and still come on here at MFP!!! It seems pretty recent that my time flies so poorly. An once I get online here, it takes me 2 hours to get through the latest 3 or 4 added pages !!!!! :ohwell:

    So first, before the day is gone...:love::love: :love: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SANDY DEAR :love: :love: :love: ...I a;so wish I could recall how to put those lovely greeting s into this post, but the heart is in it...please know that!

    To ALL the rest of you, I can't remember everything but indeed, DEE, get that eye checked immediately! BARB is absolutely correct in saying it so clearly! LYNN...YOU light up our lives...and I hummed it right along with your copy!
    MARIE!!! It will be trying times until the treatments for Jerry are over, but the waiting was probably worse! You know we are all here with you and for you both, as long as you want :flowerforyou: !
    I can't got through all the names but I've enjoyed each and every post...and copied the one about Artichokes @Walmart and emailed it to everyone after I got through laughing! You young chicks have such a great humor about you , it is positively catching! Bless your hearts! And yes, LYNN, I take the honors (sorry little sis MArie) for being the official Old lady on this thread! MADDIE, hope you are feeling better, and same for PHOEBE.. ELLI. good luck with that company that wants your product! What a relief that might be! :drinker:
    BARBIE, glad you can eat Chinese food and enjoy it I love it!
    IRENE...happy you're back after your working vacation.
    GIGI..I tried, honestly, I tried to arrange for perfect weather for you...but at least the wind and rain are "balmy"!!! :glasses: :bigsmile:
    GAYLA... just think how lovely your home will be once the fixin's done. It will be so worth it all!:wink:
    CONNIE, it's no wonder you have the correct answer for all our problems, with your extensive background in everything!:smooched:
    Please forgive me for running out of time again, and both Judy's and Jackie (glad you're back) and is it LAURA and all the new faces and names, I really don't mean to ignore any of you, as this is such an important part of my life, even when I'm not online with you!
    The wind is really howling out there, and DH is doing the same inside, as he's so hungry (for a change :grumble: ) so I must post my exercise and food and hunker down for a long evening!
    :heart: you all...
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy you can say the nicest things. Thanks you so much Glade you had a good today. I havent heard of any movies houses around her like the one you talk about. You keep getting younger looking every day Glad you been out having a good time after all its your birthday. You help keep us feeling young too.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANDY!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Barb, I'm calling first thing in the morning to see my regular eye doctor. Thank you so much for your messages concerning this.

    Marie, I haven't met Maddie yet....I don't remember a name like that unless it's the gal from Lancaster - Madagooga. I wonder when she last posted? Yes, I do follow WW somewhat. I've followed it for years and it's just sort of the way I think. After losing my weight in 2003 I was a WW leader until I got sick and I loved it. At the end of the day, I check my points and write that down.

    Well, I did Leslie Sansone for a mile, so I feel really good about my walking today. I feel like I'm getting in the groove. :happy:

  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANDY:heart::drinker:

    Hello ladies, where do you get those fancy pictures from, the BD wishes etc. You are good artists!?
    Had a day of exercise, snow shoveling for an hour, light but long duty. Grocery shopping, walking is still not a easy thing after 3 hours. Yes I did my exercises too.

    I got a bit of a story for you. A sweet ol' lady goes into the bank. The teller asked her how it is that she has so much money, living on a modest income? She said that she makes bets. Oh he replied. She said, In fact, I will bet you that your jewels are square(family jewels), He thought for a moment, and said, okay your on. $2,000.00, will be the bet. She agreed to meet him next day at noon. She said also that her lawyer would be with her. He agreed. Next day he and the lady and the lawyer went back into a private room, the teller dropped his drawers. The lady said, see, yep they are round. She looked at the lawyer and said you owe me 1 million. The teller looked dumb at her, and she said, oh, I bet him I could get you to drop your drawers. :noway: Compliments of my sister.:bigsmile:

    Anyhoo ladies, catch you all tomorrow, laugh, love, and live it up!

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Maddie is Madagooda or whatever...I call her Lady of Many Names...:wink:
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Marie:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I'm sure your Jerry will be in safe hands. Gone are the days when doctors zapped patients with radiation without being sure if it would work or not. The doctors will have worked out exactly how much they need to use from earlier examinations and it's an amazing science that works tremendously well these days. A close friend of mine had throat cancer about 3 years ago and was completely cured by doctors using this technology and although I know everyone is different I just want to hopefully reassure you. It may not be a pleasant experience for Jerry but when he comes out the other side I bet he'll be the first to say it was worth it.

    I love your asparagus recipe but unfortunately over here the season is very short and we can only get imported spears from Peru of all places at a ridiculous price. A bunch of 8 spears is the equivalent of about $5 although probably most of that pays for the air flight alone. I've just purchased my own root stock and will be planting it up just as soon as the temperatures climb above what feels f-f-freezing. The way our food prices are soaring I'll be found sitting by my own vegetable stall out by the road in the summer undercutting the Peruvians!!

    Phoebe, we are lucky here to have sports centres run by our local authorities so our taxes pay for these facilities. Until recently it was free for the over 60's to swim but our new government has stopped that as they say it's no longer affordable so I pay £2.50 and can swim as long as I want for that. We do have private gyms, some with pools but the annual fee is often extortionate and I wouldn't be able to justify the cost on my pension!

    Way past my bedtime so I'll say goodnight to you all.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jackie Thanks for the good report on radiation. The doctor did say it was cureable.But cancer is such a dreded word.I don't know if we can grow then here are not. Wish we could. Will check it out. I did see some at Walmart the other day. does anyone know anything about them? Connie?
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Marie, what was that you had the other night that was some kind of okra recipe, was it roasted okkra? How did you prepare that?
    You are getting good advice from around the world!
    dee, maddie is short for madagooga, she is the one who advised you to check your eye.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe. I jist took 12 oz of sliced frozen okra Spray me pan with butter spray and broiled them in my turbo cooker. They wasn't bad Butno comparsion to Fried okra, Nex time I am going to buy the whole okra and see how that work. They were kind of dried out. but I ate every one of them. Anybody got a good recipe for okra beside fried? I had 12 oz of spinach tonight. gonna turn into POPeye
    But I really like it.I want to make cream spinach one night. Have to figure out how. I can have some cream cheese have to count it as part of my protien.
    When will you be arriving home.? Gonna watch American Idle so gotta go.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    My daughter just shared a great idea for spagetti squash that she found in her group:

    My whole family, even my picky teen daughter likes it this way:
    Cook as usual, scraping your noodles out and putting them in a bowl. We then make individual servings by adding
    a Laughing Cow light swiss wedge, some butter spray, garlic powder & salt. Heat in microwave for 1 min to melt cheese and stir.
    Top with grated parmesan cheese and stir. ENJOY!! We think it tastes like alfredo "noodles". Very good...promise!

    I thought this sounded yummy. I used to use spagetti squash a lot.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    By the way...I have forsythia bushes blooming now and snow flurries predicted tonight:noway:

    I wish I could send you some forsythia blooms and daffodils, Sandy.

    I am so jealous!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thans Dee for sharing the recipe for the squash I have copy it and poted it to the Sneakers recipe thread If anyone have a recipe they would like to share please post it. Dee thank you fo sharing If anyone need the link lets us know

    this one sound delicious I can hardly wait to try it. Thank you for sharing this with us

    Quash recipe from Dee,
    Cook as usual, scraping your noodles out and putting them in a bowl. We then make individual servings by adding
    a Laughing Cow light swiss wedge, some butter spray, garlic powder & salt. Heat in microwave for 1 min to melt cheese and stir.
    Top with grated parmesan cheese and stir. ENJOY!! We think it tastes like alfredo "noodles". Very good...promise!

    Hello Fancy lady My daffodills are blooming and the tulips are beginning to bloon I just love it when the spring flowers are blooming.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Marie said:
    Jackie Thanks for the good report on radiation. The doctor did say it was cureable.But cancer is such a dreded word.I don't know if we can grow then here are not. Wish we could. Will check it out. I did see some at Walmart the other day. does anyone know anything about them? Connie?
    If you're talking about asparagus, of course you can grow it in Texas as long as the soil has good drainage. Asparagus doesn't like a soggy bottom. It's best to buy one-year old crowns from an established grower. Most of the seed catalogs have them. If you do, they should send directions for planting with them. Good crowns are not cheap but it is a perennial so once it starts to produce, it will do so for as long as 15 years. Back in Wisconsin it was a ritual of spring to hunt wild asparagus. I found it growing in the sand dunes along the Lake Michigan shoreline. If it can grow in sand, it can grow anywhere! Soil needs to be at least 50 degrees before you plant it so mid-April should be good. You won't have a crop the first year. You need to let it go, and go to seed. Next spring you can start cutting. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

    In Germany and Austria, as soon as the spears begin to appear they are covered with a heavy layer of straw, then another and another. The resulting spears are pure white, so tender they melt in your mouth (and very expensive to buy.)

    You can also plant it from seed but it is a tedious, lengthy process and you won't have anything to eat for at least two years.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    cConnie what aout rubard. I never see it in the stores. Used to get frozen ones But That store went out of business
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MARIE, you had asked in an earlier post if I knew about OA diet, and yes indeed, I knew a young couple many years ago who went to OA since they could not afford WW, and they both lost a great deal of weight and felt wonderful! I would like to try it with my nutritionist's blessing, but I found the food preparation a bit daunting! Remember Li'l Sis, I amd older than you!!! :laugh:
    As far as asparagus, my DS grew it very successfully in sub-tropical Hawaii. CONNIE is correct about the first year. But I didn't know why the asparagus at the German Farmers' Market was white! I thought it was a different species! The markets in Gros Auheim and Wiesbaden were incredible, with flowers that were such deep intense shades, I had never seen anything similar! And many fruits i did not recognize. And what amazed me most was how perfectly CLEAN the square were within 30 minutes of the markets closing about noon. Spotlessly clean, that is!
    SANDY, your birthday celebration sounded lovely. You deserve it :wink:
    I hope I get to post earlier tomorrow, though it is a day with 3 appointments plus the Fitness center, and a pedicure, since I draw blood when I try to cut my toenails! Besides, I just love that massage, so it's an excuse for me to enjoy it!
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: and off to sleep...
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member

    Rub it in about your spring flowers. Oh well, the snow melted somewhat today. I was going to go out and see if it melted enough for a hint of growth on my spring crocuses, but no luck. Lol
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning everyone. Another awful earthquake in the Pacific and tsunami warnings out. The news pictures of water and rubbish rushing across the fields of Japan look terrifying. Prayers go out to anyone living in that region.

    Connie ~ Thanks for mentioning that the asparagus will not crop the first year. I hope to have growing instructions with my root stock but if not I would have been digging it up at the end of summer thinking it had died!! And can I just add who does like a soggy bottom???:laugh: I think I will try the German way of piling on straw once spears do appear and see if I can grow some tender white ones. Picking wild asparagus in the sand dunes evokes a wonderful image!

    Marie ~ I grow rhubarb and understand it's a plant that doesn't mind the cold and in fact quite likes it. I do know you have to leave the sticks to die back in the first year and this year for me will be my first for pulling. The roots were given to me by a man who is a gardener for a grand house in Devon that I met on a beekeeping course. He said he realised from conversations that I was a keen gardener and was in the process of clearing an acre of rhubarb in order to split the roots and replant but had too many left over. They are strong healthy plants and are already growing nearly 10 inches high. I have a rhubarb and date chutney recipe that was very popular the last time I made some.

    Time to do some housework. I planned to hoover around the bedroom this morning but my cat Jasper is sprawled out across the duvet and I hate to disturb him!!!

    Thinking of any of you on a Pacific coast. Take care.

    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    The world is a very scary place this morning! Irene, do we need to worry about you there is Washington? Anyone else is the path? I said on the home page that I'm glad this morning that I'm on the East Coast but I live only 10 miles from Three Mile Island so you never know. I told my mother that if that thing blows,we'll never know will be that fast !!!!

    I'm feeling better but I still have my cough. Starting the down slide with the steroids today so that's good.

    Confession: I found myself starting to binge in the evenings. This is what I was doing before I came here. The food is different but the action is the same. Especially when I don't feel's pity me food. I'll be sitting there trying to decide which snack to have and I think that I decide but after I have it I think I was wrong so I have another and maybe another. I'm so glad that I saw myself doing it and I'm nipping it in the bud! You know the saying, "Onwards and Upwards", well not on this's 'ONWARDS AND DOWNWARDS'......Woo Hoo!
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    NAME CHANGE: I didn't realize until I read it here that anyone could google your user name and see everything that you do here. A lot of people know about Madagooga and I don't want to share anything here with them. So, I changed it. However, for all of you, I AM STILL MADDIE!!! (Tried to use that name but someone has it and they never even sign on)

    Anyway, LUV2CRUZ is the name of our boat. That should work!!
