Senior Golden Sneakers -March 2011



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    My computer crashed last weekend and was taken away to an engineer's workshop so its hard drive could be removed and replaced.

    I had the same problem about a year ago. What a lot of trouble reinstalling everything. I upgraded at that time to Windows 7 and although I like it, not everything I had was compatible. Computers!!!!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi maddie, glad you ckd in with us. And very glad you are going to the doctor. My aunts best friend finally went to the doctor with her 'cold', and it was pnuemonia. Cant be too careful. Good jokes back a pge or two, buzzs chapstick was a hoot. Maries daughter Alice has uterine cancer, and husband Jerry is going for his first treatment today, or we think it i a treatment. Cant remember all the other posters. Im sure they will catch you up. Judy from NZ was here, and did you read the emial Connie posted from her friends in NZ? Chilling. So many near misses and missing loved ones.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    So the puppy says:

    Why would you even ask me that? I am so insulted !
    Every time something goes missing around here,
    everyone blames me right away ! hmph...


    That's my story and I'm stickin to it!!

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning , Still cool here in the 50's
    Sammy has kept me busy, this morning. He miss his daddy. he like to lay by his side so he can see What's All going on outside.About time to go fix my lunch. Wont be much today just 8 oz greek yogurt And to get my washing started. I rember when we had to go to the washertia to do our washin with the old ringer type washing machines, and then had to come home and hang them out Then they came out with what we have today. A lot less w ork.

    I read an article in Sundays paper yesterday about the history of Dallas getting their Water in the Early days We take our water for grated But they really had to think ahead to build the big man made lakes to keep us supplies and hope the rain keep coming to keep the lakes full. I know Phoebe went thru a bad time in Ga. a few years ago. Our water has been ration too.
    Just wanted to report in to let you all know I am just fine.

    Maddie Hope the docter can help you . You have been missed very much
    Let us know! loved the pooches. What a big smile the bottom one has so cute. Of ourse the one with the lipstick is also a little cutie.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    First for Marie!!! We are here for you for whatever you need!!! We love you!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Darn photo bucket didn't let me upload my picture. Love and hugs to you Marie!!

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: ((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Will be back later to try and address all the posts!! Just wanted to say hi and welcome newcomers.

    Maddie, love your joke!!!!
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    SNEAKER ALERT! ! ! ! !

    Any of you who are on Facebook, you need to know that someone has "cloned" our Elli's Facebook account and if you are on her friends list, you will get a request to "add" this phony Elli to your friend list. If you do, you will immediately get an Instant Message asking if you've heard the "good news" - and then you'll be told about some Government Official (obviously fake) who is giving away $90,000 to people. You can see where this will go - it's like all those phony emails you get.

    THIS IS NOT ELLI'S FAULT. SHE HAS NO IDEA (at least until she next logs on here or on Facebook) THAT THIS IS HAPPENING.

    Everybody on Facebook has an ID number. If you watch the address bar at the top of your browser, the FAKE Elli says: The REAL Elli will say:

    I've left messages for her here, via email and on Facebook but I know many of you are on her Facebook friend's list and wanted to warn you.

    No not add the FAKE Elli to your friend list. And if you already have, edit your list to remove the fake ID. Click on Friends, edit Friends, and then in the drop down menu select recently added. The fake Elli account will show up there. If you select ALL friends, you'll see that there are two Elli's in the list.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Thx Connie, it was just in time too, had a friend request waiting for me
    marie, what will the dentist do about your tooth? And what time do you expect Jerry to get home?
    poor Sammy, he needs a new bone to chew while hes waiting.
    do you buy fresh vegetable or frozen, or canned? Well, canned would have a lot of sodium wouldnt they? Talk to you later.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Barb said:
    I also recall a dream that had Jeff Gordon and Carl Edwards cleaning my kitchen floor, and making comments that sounded like they were from an infomercial.:noway: :noway: :laugh: When I awoke, I soon figured out that my "dream" was just the mind embellishing on what was being said on the tv--an infomercial for the Shark Steam Mop was playing!!!!:laugh: :laugh: I know it was a dream, because the kitchen floor STILL needs mopping, and MY Shark Mop is still sitting quietly in the utility closet, waiting for me to get to it.

    Barb, if I were to dream about Jeff Gordon, I don't think he would be cleaning my kitchen floor. Just saying.:smooched:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe......will take about an to get up to the hospital then at least and an hour back I have no ideal the test will take i would say 3 hrs. I am looking for him home about 3 or 4 PM He does have an appt with his doc This Wed. So maybe then we will know. Alice will have a scan done tomorrow. Her sugery is Friday. I had a nice call from my son today He has lost 67 lbs. so far with his lap band surgery. . I think this is his 4th month.real proud of him.

    I eat mostly frozen veggies. I like the fresh veggie will good when I run out i eat the frozen. I have eaten some canned ones Like tomatoes etc. I have to count the juice in my tomatoes I do eat canned beans rinse off real good And I had fat free fried beans on some oven bake tortilla with a couple oz taco sauce have to count the sauce as part of my allotment of veggies. the beans count as my Protein.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Lynn asked:
    Has anyone heard from Irene?

    Irene's son, Joe, posted on her Facebook page that she is there (Portland, OR) with him, and doing fine. The day he posted (Sunday, March 6) she was spending the day with her brothers and sisters.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Gorgeous day here in Florida...75 degrees, and so dry I was enticed into an early morning short walk. Hope GIGI has more of the same when she arrives! :smile:

    Welcome, JERI, I look forward to readingmore about you and JUDI...welcome to both of you :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: And by the way, Judi, that towel holder is a hoot!:laugh:

    SANDY, enough said about Bryanna's new "toy", but I'll add "What a lucky young lady!" :bigsmile:

    LE, your enthusiasm fo babysitting little KodiGrace is infectious! I hopw all went smoothly for you two :smooched:

    PHOEBE... you among all the guys out there? Hysterical to visualize :laugh: ...So maybe further along I'll discover what you meant about
    new science of dieting. It confirms the met B theories it's a new one to me. If no one else asked, can you explain it?

    MARILYN, yes indeed NO chapstick with 5 tiny behinds around! Funny...:bigsmile:

    GAYLA, once the dust and dirt are gone, you will be the envy of many of us with your new efficient appliances and lovely kitchen! WOW :drinker:

    GIGI- best wishes for your Mom; sounds a if maybe the doc got a handle on the problem, I hope. You and your siblings are doing a wonderful thing supporting your Mom's need to be in her own home! :flowerforyou: You will love being down here at this time of year, of course. Evenings coolish but balmy, and today is perfect! Sunrise is not too far, we used to stay down there occasionally before moving here 17 years ago. I recall some great deli restaurants, which I no longer eat but miss...and haven't touched a real bagel in years! Just have a great visit!:wink:

    ...I had an operation 20 years ago and have never looked back
    ..what a blessing the 20 year passage is! My dear younger sister was given 3 months after she found out she had Ovarian CA...and that was 11 years ago! She was considered to be in stage 4!!! Such strides have been made, and we will all be sending good thoughts to MARIE and her daughter!

    So this brings up MARIE, and I know this will be a day of fear and hope, and wouldn't it be great if you learn something wonderful today about Jerry? Probably results will be delayed, and we are ALL mentally hugging you, dear :flowerforyou:

    XYLA- having been way behind myself the passed several days, I was concerned that you had left us! :noway: So glad to hear it is not so; being busy is much better, as we would miss you too much if you deserted us! I wish I had MARIE'S fortitude to eat the OA way, but I will discus a compromise with my nutririonist when I see her.

    BARBIE, as usual your ideas bear fruition for me! I've been getting annoyed at taking out time with the Leslie Sansone and Jane Fonda tapes, and the repetition gets so darn boring.:ohwell: I'll follow your lead and just bounce around while enjoying my choice of TV channels, and let the clock inform me when my time is finished! Thanks again! And yes, I'm actually smiling and feeling human again today. I couldn't work on the taxxes 1 hour each day as I'd forget where I was and what I needed to do!:embarassed:

    BARB---you're sounding much better than your earlier posts! That's great, and I hope each day feels better yet ! :heart: I always enjoy reading your missives, and your memory is pretty darn sharp! No apologies necessary!

    JACKIE, so sorry about your cyber problems; we missed you! You sound like you know how to handle such things, though, so I hope your up and running very quickly so we keep in touch :smooched:

    Oh my gosh, MADDIE :love: ...since I was also mostly not here, I didn't realize you've been under the weather! I hope it is nothing serious, and you are your funny and entertaining healthy self right away. Please keep us posted! And your "lipstick puppy" photos are a good belly laugh! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Oh my Goodness, CONNIE, thank you for the Facebook warning re: ELLI and anyone else on FB! I've never been comfortable with Facebook, and yet it has become a "Way of Life" for most businesses and people! I seldom go on it. Re: what you would be doing with Jeff Gordon:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , you holy terror, you!

    The show we saw last night had us in stitches for about 45 minutes straight! This stand up comedian,, Mal Z Lawrence, was a real Catskill comedian; in fact he was in Catskills on Broadway for a few years. I think Billy Crystal started in the Catskills, too, though he's younger than Mal. This fellow's delivery is fast and furious and he doesn't appear to breathe the entire time he's whipping out barbs at all our foibles, and the remarks about couples and aging are hilarious, rather than annoying! We identified with at least half the situations he joked about, and made us view life as one funny thing after another! Ordinarily, I'm put off by "Borscht Belt"(another name for Catskill) humor, but we really had a great time; and the brass orchestra with all the jazz from Gershwin forward was delightful! Really brightened my spirits! OK, back to reality.

    MARIE...:flowerforyou: :love: :heart: and:drinker: to your GOOD news. We're here for you, love!
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Dr says a round of Zythromax and a round of steroids should do the trick. This happens about once a year and it just reminds me that I do have COPD. Crap, crap, crap! However, she pointed out that I had lost about 9 lbs since I was there to have a growth removed so YEA! MFP Sneakers and all of my friends. I feel stupid not being able to work out at all......I hope that fat I lost stays lost!!!
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello everyone!

    Today was a day of getting ready for the trip tomorrow:happy: :happy: :happy: already packed, got my nails done and now I planning dinner, worked out today and got great results, hope I can keep this up in Fla:noway: :noway: :noway: on wednesday I'll be taking my Mom to the Dr. looking forward to be able to talk to the Dr. about her condition and maybe I will be able to see some the Kitney's Test, specially the Lab one.:bigsmile:

    Sandy - I have been meaning to ask you, how is the Nail Hardener working out for you. my results are fantastic:heart::heart: :heart:

    Jackie - Welcome back - so sorry about the crashing of your computer, this happen to my husband a few years back, was no PICNIC:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    Maddie - precious pictures of those adorables doggies.:love::love: :love:

    Marie - keeping my prayers with you and Jerry, hope the test went well.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Have a great evening everyone:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: I'm going out to dinner tonight to celebrate a special occasion with a young friend and a dozen other people. We're going to restaurant that I like but haven't eaten it for years because everything they serve is not anywhere near my food plan but tonight I'm planning to eat. Just for fun, I tried posting a meal that I might eat and the calorie count for the meal came to over 1500 calories :grumble: :grumble: :noway: :noway: :noway: There's no way I could burn that many calories:noway: so it will be a challenge and a change for me.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Jeri, we live a few hours away from Mt. Vernon, WA (45 minute drive, 30 minute ferry ride, 45 minute drive). Mt. Vernon is usually the place the Seattle TV stations send their reporters when it snows because they get the most snow. We had a few days of snow here recently that resulted in line dance being canceled for three days and schools being closed for two.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, your most recent post sounds more like your usual cheery, upbeat, healthy self........I'm happy for that

    :flowerforyou: Jackie I missed you and I know how much you missed your's like having a beloved family member gone.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, when I had my first apartment I had to share a laundry room (one washer and one dryer) with five families so when I bought my first house and had my own washer and dryer I was grateful every day and haven't lost that sense of gratitude at being able to do my own laundry when I want to........I'm thinking good thoughts for Jerry today......I know how Sammy feels because the poodles are like that when Jake is gone.

    :flowerforyou: I eat both fresh and frozen veggies........I completely gave up the canned ones when I found out how much sodium they have.

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, it's a beautiful day here in NW Washington
    48 degrees and sunny so the dogs and I had a fabulous time at the dog park:bigsmile: I'm glad you liked my idea about walking and dancing with favorite TV's a great thing I can do whether I have only a few minutes or half and hour.

    :flowerforyou: So, I could be trying to burn some of those 1500 calories I need for dinner or go lie down and read my book and maybe fall asleep :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: I think the book will win :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Jerry got home about an hour ago.He was starving had to go up without breakfast. He will go to the doctor Wed so maybe we will kno something then.

    Barbs, the doctor told alice that he may not be able to do the one with the holes in her stomach because of her weight, Wont know untll they get her in surgery. .

    Maddie you take your medicine and get well. How s your mother doing?Thanks again to all of you for your great support. Enjoy getting your Pm notes.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    42 years ago today I lost a whole lot of weight. His name is Hal Jon and he was our second, but not last son. Whenever my kids celebrate a birthday, I try to remember what it was like when they were born. After all these years, I don't remember much, but back then they put women in labor to sleep. No epidural in 1969.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie. I think Labor pains are the worst kind of pain there is.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    This is a link to that Readers Digest article on Metabolic Syndrome Phoebe mentioned (MetB diet); it's important to read ALL the comments regarding that article, and its dangers!!!

    <; (Copy and Paste into your address bar)

    ......Eric Westman, MD, who directs the Duke Lifestyle Medicine Clinic in Durham, North Carolina has been very misquoted! by Readers Digest; read the following comment after you access the link

    Dr. Westman does say that eating fat helps you from feeling deprived, but IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM DOES HE GO ON TO PROMOTE BACON, CREAM, and the like as healthy fats. The horrible author of the article took it upon themselves to say those are healthy fats, when the truth is, the healthy fats come from nuts, seeds, avocados, etc. I repeat, Dr. Westman DOES NOT say to eat as much bacon as you want. That is Reader's Digest allegiance to the drug companies who advertise in it and the dairy and meat industries who also advertise in their magazine. It is beyond shameful and irresponsible. Reader's Digest, you have hit a new low. You must be embarrassed. I would be. 2011/2/8– Fla
    This is such a horrible article, but no surprise, really, since I saw it first in the print version and guess what comes before it? A FOUR PAGE AD FOR LIPITOR!!! People should look into the research of DOCTORS John McDougall, Neal Barnard, and T. Colin Campbell before buying into this poppycock. Particularly Dr. McDougall, who regularly cures type 2 diabetes in his patients in ONE TO TWO WEEKS. Google it. And shame on YOU, Reader's Digest!
    I agree that this is irresponsible reporting. Do some research on ketosis and the effect on your kidneys, among other things.

    OK...This is me, BUZZ, commenting! I knew Dr Macdougall back in Hawaii, and he was helping people with Cancer and myriad other problems, and now lives somewhere on the West Coast. He advocated eating locally grown unprocessed fresh foods, I believe it was called the Macrobiotic Diet, and a friend of mine on Oahu was actually "cured" of a late stage stomach cancer working with Dr Macdougall! I bought several of his books,, but it became a chore to cook as purely as he suggested. In no way would either he nor Dr Westman recommend eating animal fats, like bacon! Plant oils were the only fats recommended. The statement (or rant) re advertisers calling magazine policies is so true, it hurts. Because in the end, it is we, the consumer, who gets hurt!.
This discussion has been closed.