Senior Golden Sneakers -March 2011



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Jeri, I dont get to exercise much. I did join a gym but when working, I dont have time to go. I go when I am home, and generally do the recumbent bike. That is all I feel comfortable with right now. I have a strong dislike for treadmills, just the feeling of never being able to 'catch up' gives me the creeps!
    Marie, please tell Alice how much I admire her for being such a good daughter. She obviously loves you both so much, but she should know that it shows in her actions.
    i know you are looking forward to garden season too. Jim says he wants to do a soil test this year before planting it. I think there may be too many cat 'visits' in there, and the ph is affected. Lol!
    we are doing laundry in a truck stop, e are in the tv room while I type this, the room is full of drivers, watching nascar racing and talking about big animals in the road. Bad language notwithstanding, they are funny stories. One blew his horn at a moose, and the moose attacked his truck!
    Dh loves nascar, so he is happy, and I have my phone and a readers digest. It is the feb issue, on the cover is an article about the new science of dieting. It confirms the met B theories. Very interesting.
    Hope you all are having a safe and happy Sunday. Monday for Judy in NZ.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    So good morning to all of you

    Jerry has got our little bed of garden all ready to plant as soon as this cold front leaves in about a week.

    Alice brought me some bad news this morning. She has cancer of the uteres [ spelling] She is going into the hospital Friday for surgery. I had the same thing when I was about her age..They know a lot more about it now. But I was one of the luckey ones They got it all. this was about 25 years ago. I pray that they can get all of hers it. The doctor seems to think they caught it early

    My grandaughter who is 33 years old. Has been having a lot of problems with her lived in boyfriend. He has beat her up a couple times and is under some kind of order from the police Well last night he struck again. She mamage to called Police and a neigbor call the Police too for her. They arrested him This is the third time And they think He will get sentense to jail He has go Probation. They say this third time is a felony. He beat her up pretty badly
    mess her face up and sone somethign to her foot and is in a brace.,

    Jerry will be going to the hospital tomorrow for his test so maybe we will find out soon what the doctors have found out and to see how they are going to treat him.
    Other than all of this all is fine. I am holing up pretty well.
    Hate to dump all of my problems on you guys. But needed to talk about it.

    Don.'t sound like this is going to be a good week. Just hope I can stay on my diet..
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Oh Marie, I am so sad to hear that about Alice. Tell her she is in my prayers. I am sure that she will be fine, but Im sorry she has to go thru it at all.
    I'm. Sorry and angry for what has happened to your granddaughter. She has given him more than he should have by way of second chances. Hope she is finished with him now. I think it is one of the most cowardly things a person, male or female, can do to another.
    love you Marie
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Haven't read anything but Marie's Post, and Phoebe's reply, but I echo the reply completely! Marie, you must be a saint to keep your wits about you when everything is falling apart this way! Bless your strength, dear gal :flowerforyou:
    I hope Jerry's report will be easy to hear, and Alice has a good chance if hers was early detection, as you well know. As for your granddaughter, what will it take for her to leave this nasty guy? And why do nice women think they deserve anything less than the best? Oh, dear, we all love you and are here for you for moral support, Marie.

    I just finished my tax returns and about to re-enter the world of the living :ohwell: I think it's my most upsetting job of each year. I always say I will be more organized next year, and really think I am until THAT TIME rolls around again! All that's left is shredding the myriad of papers that go with the job!

    Have tickets for a really fun show tonight so I must get prepared, but I'm anxious to see ALL the posts I've missed!
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies;

    BARBIE, put that peanut butter fantacy into real yummy quarter sized peanut butter cookies, you have options to cut out ingredients and replace with lower fat and sugar, one every now and then would be nice, especially as a treat for keeping your health strong.:happy:

    CONNIE, thankyou for sharing the letter, best wishes to your friends. :heart:

    BUZZ, I'm hiding my chapsticks from now on. Grandchildren can make surprise entrances into our lives, so I'm getting practiced, I have five cats in the house!:laugh:

    JERI, welcome, I have a sister that is gluten intolerant and another sister who is lactose intolerant. I do know of some of your woes, but hang in there, you can make some healthy foods that are very filling. If you find you are under a bit of pressure by trying to loose weight and exercising at the same time, try to tell yourself you are portioning your foods better, and substituting better filling foods to make the calories work for you. The exercise is there so you can see how the better choices are working the calories to shape the body better.---There is always a better side of the truth that is not so bad to listen to.:wink: Good luck in your journey!:drinker:

    MARIE <<<HUGS>>>:heart::flowerforyou: Alice will have a good chance if the doctor is right. :flowerforyou: Hopes to your granddaughter that she can get help with her emotions and recuperate to a stronger person. Is there a womens' shelter around her somewhere she can get help from. They can do a lot for her, set her up with a safe home if the boyfriend gets out on bail or what ever the case in the near future.. if she feels he will come back for her. My hopes something works out for her.

    Well so far so good on the exercises, my pelvic muscles are getting sore from using, so I am lessoning my sets to do just a few, tomorrow I will go back to the routine. Forgot to weigh in this morning, will do tomorrow. To all a good day, catch you tomorrow after the dentist!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    MARIE - oh wow - don't you ever worry about telling us your troubles! I'm SO sorry about Alice. I'm praying for her that like with you, they caught this early enough and will be able to erradicate it. Very scary!!!!!! And your granddaughter - like everyone else any kind of abuse makes me sad and angry. Especially against women and/or children. It's a vicious cycle. Hopefully this guy will be going away for a long time so he won't be able to get to her and she'll get some help and realize she doesn't deserve to be treated badly.:angry: I'm a believer in forgiveness - it's a good thing to forgive the people that have hurt us but we sure don't want them in our lives anymore! Hang in there Marie. Your family is lucky to have you. Love

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: WOW! Read ALL the posts to here, and enjoyed every one, met new members, learned new veggie tricks, almost lost my breath along with Barb's wallet , and Connie, what a wonderful story (real) from NZ!! I can't recall everything but it was good to be with you all again, and loved the song we had to "Get up" with until it made me go P from all the shakin'! HELLO again.
    Wanted to ask GIGI where she stays in South Florida that she prefers coming into Ft Lauderdale. That airport drives us nuts, it's so huge, and we love Palm Beach International Airport, which is north of where we live, and smaller. Let me know where, and I hope your Mom can get the help she and her kidneys need! Appreciated your story about Rome airport and your Passport. Almost a nightmare :sick: !
    As I said earlier, we have tickets to see Mal Z Lawrence tonight and he can be so funny...which I need tonight! So gotta cover all those black and blue marks (still there on my cheekbones!) and dress in my best jeans, and strut on out! Love you all...
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to you all from sunny and cold Saskatchewan. It is very noisy and dusty here as they tear out the kitchen flooring. I guess it is time to go buy some appliances. My allergic nose is running like a tap, interrupted onlyby sneezing. I will be so happy to see the end of this but Dave will be even happier I expect.

    Marie -- I am so sorry to hear your news from Alice and hope it will soon be a bad memory. You are living proof that the outcome can be positive. I will include Alice in my prayers. I also pray that Jerry gets good news tomorrow and the treatment will start soon. It is so hard not to have a voice. Take care of you and please share your worries with us anytime. That is what friends are for, after all. I wish I was close enough to give you a big hug. ((((Marie)))) :heart: :heart:

    Gigi -- I hope your Mom is feeling some better.

    Take care everyone. :heart:
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello again,

    Marie - you're a rock girl so much going on in your life and I'm so glad you're sharing with all of us, I know that helps the stress and gives some relief to be able to help your love ones:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: So very sorry about Alice I know in my heart she will be fine, I will burn a candle for her on friday morning at the church, so our prayers will be with you and Alice, your granddaugther needs to get out of that relationship, needs help and hope she gets it.:noway: :noway: hope she got all the help she need for take care of her face. What a jerk:explode: :explode: :explode:

    Buzz - We're staying with our daugther in Sunrise, we're flying into Miami Airport because we did not have any other way, flights were not possible during the time we needed to come, the Fort Lauderdale airport is much smaller and a lot close to Sunrise.
    My Mom was take to the Emergency room yesterday because she was in a lot of pain, got a precription and she is feeling better
    today, I will be taking her to the Dr's on wednesday afternoon, I will feel better after I get to talk to the Dr.:angry::angry: :angry:

    Jeri - I go to the Gym at least 4 time a week, that works for me.

    Hope everyone will have a good evening,

  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Marie - just want you to know I'm thinking of you - you're sure having a rough time but I'm sure you're daughter will be fine...I had an operation 20 years ago and have never looked back...your granddaughter will need to have a big rethink about being in a relationship with an abusive partner and hopefully she finds the strength to get him out of her life...big hugs to you. - Judy
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks you all for your surport You are all so kind. As for my grandaughter she is no angel by no ways. Her Mother [ my younest daughter, Kathy.] and father Let her live in a house that they did live in.After they built out in the country they let her stay in the old home.. But no one should be abuse especailly by a man. I will always worry about her.amd love her. She has been in a lot of trouble herself.

    Gigi I hope you will find your Mother better. Who does she stay with.?
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Dear Marie,

    My Mom share a home with her sister, her sister is 83, we have a lady there with them all week and she stays overnight, on
    the weekends we have another lady for Saturday and Sunday day, the regular lady comes on Sunday night, my cousin, my brother and I share the expense of these care taker, is the best for both of them instead of a Nursing Home.:ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell:

    Take care I'll be praying for your family, good luck to Jerry at the Dr's.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gigi. that sounds like a wonderful arrangement for your Mom and her sister. We could not find anyone here in our area that would do that. for our Mom. We tried a few but they did not work out at all. If we had it to do over again We would look harder for I still have horror memory of that home. And it was known to be the best in our area. Do any one lived close by them. I was in the hospital when she pasted So I didn't get to be with her in the end. I had just had a stroke. My two brothers and their wives came into the hospital room at 600 am in the morning and I knew what had happen, It was a very sad moment.

    Ok In the morning I will be in a better frame of mind i promise you. Anther bad thing befor I get in a happy mood. I broke a tooth in my dentues this morning. It happen early this morning. I had indigestion and chew a couple of tums. After i woke up and gone to the bathroom I felt something in my mouth. it was my tooth. its a wonder I din't swallow it in my sleep.. But that can be mended.

    Zyla You quit visiting us here, Miss you. I want to thank you for intoducing me to OA. Thanks for sponsering me. and I have enjoy our e-mail with you every day. It sure help to have somone to share this plan The only thing I don't like is too much cookin'. Never any left overs besides Protein. I read a recipe marinated frozen steam veggies and it said it serve 6. I had a laugh over that for I surpose to eat the whole pkg. I have it in the fridge now for Tues. And I do eat it all. I have a dig. food scales and that really comes in handy for measuring my foods. Didn't used it much before. Now I can put a big bowl on it and keep adding food till I get 12 oz.if I am using fresh veggies Barbiecat have been telling me how to eat for 2 years but wouldn' listen to her. .
    But I do like having a stuctures like this diet.
    Good night
    sleep tight
  • xyla
    xyla Posts: 69 Member
    Marie, I am so sorry about your daughter and granddaughter. You really do have a lot going on in your life right now. I will be praying for you and your family. Take care of yourself. You cannot take care of others if you are not well yourself. Eat right and be sure that you get enough rest.

    I have been really busy the last several days and so I have been unable to read everyone's posts. I will try to get caught up tomorrow.

    Good night, all! :yawn:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Elli, I've been using Isagenix products for more than two years. I was a skeptic at first but when I tried the shakes as a meal replacement I liked them and found that they kept me more satisfied and energized that similar calorie healthy meals that I'd been eating. I did my first cleanse day thinking that I would hate it and never want to do it again, but it wasn't too bad and I liked the weight loss results. I have developed a ritual of projects that I do on cleanse day and the day becomes a rest day and spiritual retreat that I look forward to. I do a cleanse day about two Sundays a month. Since Jake and I cleanse on the same day it works great. I have a friend who found that she couldn't do a cleanse day at home on Sunday because her husband cooked tasty meals for himself or wanted to go out so now she cleanses at work on Mondays.:flowerforyou: When I started my weight loss journey I decided that I needed to change my whole outlook on "recreational eating". The longer I do this, the more I feel the need to eat healthy and moderately and on those occasions when I've eaten for entertainment, I'm always glad to back to my usual healthy routine.

    :flowerforyou: Jeri, I live in NW Washington where the weather is not nearly as cold as Alberta but I do a lot of exercise indoors. I walk, jog, and dance while watching TV......I did Leslie Sansone "Walk at Home" videos for awhile and then figured I could make up my own routines to do while watching favorite TV shows or movies and the time goes faster. I have yoga DVDs and Richard Simmons "Sweatin' to the Oldies". I have an exercise bike in the living room that I can ride while watching TV.:flowerforyou: I take my dogs to the off leash dog park so they can play. They don't mind the rain and they love the snow so weather doesn't interfere unless the roads are glare ice and I can't drive.

    :flowerforyou: Judy, I see that you are losing on the eating plan that you have even if it isn't a diet.......the best food plan is the one you'll stick to so you must have found the right combination for yourself.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, your family has certainly been dealt a pile of challenges this week.......stay close to us and don't let the stress send you on a bad eating adventure.

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, congratulations on finishing your taxes......I worked for an hour a day for weeks getting the numbers and documents ready to send to the accountant so I know the sense of relief you are feeling.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :drinker: :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Marilyn, thank you for the suggestion about the peanut butter cookies but since I don't bake anymore, I'm better off just having peanut butter on a banana on a day when I exercise enough to be able to afford the extra calories.

    :flowerforyou: Gigi, glad your mom is feeling better:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jake bathed and groomed the dogs today so we didn't go to the dog park. The dogs look beautiful and Jake is exhausted. We took a nap this afternoon and then watched a movie. I'm going to have to get up and move around if I want to get anywhere near 10,000 steps today :bigsmile:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions and welcomes.

    :heart: Buzz, I loved that story. That is just so funny.

    :heart: Marie - Best wishes and my prayers. Hard times for sure.

    :heart: Judy that cruise story is downright scary. We had rough water the first night of the cruise, but it was pretty good after that.

    :heart: Barbie. I my sister lives in Mt. Vernon, Wa She had lots of snow. Did you?

    Anyway. I had a good day today. We went out to visit one of our daughters (we have 2) and played with our 1 yr. old grandson. What fun.

    Best wishes to all,

    Jeri in Calgary, Alberta
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome Newbies!!

    I didn't take notes, because I am feeling lazy, so I can't remember names of the new folks....except:

    Jeri in Alberta,

    I know you asked Barbiecat about the snow, but as far as Mt. Vernon is concerned, I am about 190 miles south of there, and thanks to the news footage from one of the Seattle stations, I saw video of people in Mt. Vernon using snowshoes and cross country skis to get around. There was also footage of people walking in snow up past their knees!!!

    I have family north of there, just inside the BC border, and they all have had multiple snow events this year. On the other hand, my area (near Portland, OR) has only had a brief incident of about 3 inches, which melted by late afternoon. The mountains around us are another story, as they have really been dumped on, but the only significant snowfall we had didn't come until the third week of February, which is late for us. Our best (if you want to call it that--LOL!) chance for wintery weather is usually from mid-December to late January. I know Barbie has had more snow than I have.


    I am so sorry to hear about Alice. Since it sounds like they caught it early, she has an excellent chance for a full recovery. I hope they are going to do laparoscopic surgery (where small incisions are made and tools and a camera are inserted). That is what they did when I had my hysterectomy, and the healing time is much quicker than with a traditional surgical incision.

    I will be thinking good thoughts for Jerry, as I know he goes for his appointment on Monday. Hang in there, we are all thinking of you.


    I didn't think anyone could top Lynn's "frog" yarn, but your chapstick story is right up there with it--maybe even funnier, as it actually happened. :laugh: :laugh: It reminded me of one I heard where the parent's toothbrush was out of place in the bathroom, and AFTER brushing, the toothbrush's owner speculated, in front of the kids, how it had come out of the holder and was laying on the countertop. A child piped up and informed everyone that was where it was placed after it FELL IN the TOILET!!!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh: :noway:


    I was right there today with those truckers, watching the NASCAR race, except that I fell asleep with about 100 laps to go and didn't wake up until about an hour and a half after the race was finished!! I vaguely remembered "dreaming" that Carl Edwards had won, and after seeing the sports news, realized, I must have been awake enough to hear that while I was dozing. I was disappointed that a local (to me) guy, Greg Biffle, had some pit stop fueling problems that kept him from staying up front.

    I also recall a dream that had Jeff Gordon and Carl Edwards cleaning my kitchen floor, and making comments that sounded like they were from an infomercial.:noway: :noway: :laugh: When I awoke, I soon figured out that my "dream" was just the mind embellishing on what was being said on the tv--an infomercial for the Shark Steam Mop was playing!!!!:laugh: :laugh: I know it was a dream, because the kitchen floor STILL needs mopping, and MY Shark Mop is still sitting quietly in the utility closet, waiting for me to get to it.

    Hmmm, I wonder if I sent the guys a "twitter," and told them the door was open and to lock up when they finish the floor, if it would be clean in the morning?? Yeah, right!! The only automatic floor cleaners I have around here are Bradley, Mai Li, and Pepper!!!


    Thank you for sharing the message from your friends in New Zealand. Thank goodness they changed their plans for that day.

    I should be going to bed, as I am still having trouble getting back on a normal sleep schedule. Sleeping for a couple of hours this afternoon is not making the process any easier.

    To anyone I missed, it was not for lack of interest, just lack of memory.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh how I missed you all!! My computer crashed last weekend and was taken away to an engineer's workshop so its hard drive could be removed and replaced. I'm now having to load programmes and find my way around a new system so will catch up properly in the next day or so although I may not have a chance to read all the posts I missed. I can't wait to begin logging my diary again because it's surprising how many temptations creep up when I'm not able to keep a check. I will do better this coming week ~ hopefully!!:tongue:

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome back Jackie, we missed you too! I hate having to begin again with a new or repaired computer. Even with an external back up, there are still all those programs to reload, and oh my, the downloads! Probably why I hang on to a computer until it cpsts more to fix it than replace it. Weve been busy while you were away.

    Marie, we are with you, waiting for Jerry to go thru whatever they have in store for him. So,post away, Ill check back often today.
    Barb, you have some pretty good dreams! I can see you telling Jeff Gordon, you missed a spot, honey!
    that was some good napping you did, I like that kind, where you are almost aware of whats going on.
    its a pretty day in TN, cool,but sunny. Xyla, good to hear from you, and Marilyn with a case of chapstick!a
    be sure to mark the box cats only!
    Ck back later
    missing Sandy, Birdie,Pam and Joann. Thats all I can think of for now.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Good Morning...still not feeling well. I'm going to the Dr this afternoon. Any time anything gets in my chest it scares me due to my history. My doctor understands this and always gives me an appt as soon as I call. I will never catch up! Someone want to write a brief synopsis of the past two pages????? :noway:
This discussion has been closed.