Senior Golden Sneakers -March 2011



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    What a gal we have here Maddie. What fun you are having.

    My eating is over for the day Quite awhile ago, in fact. I am a satisfy litlle [old granny too. I am having to used a dinner plate now . used to used a lunchen plate. But had to get a bigger one to hold all of these veggies. I rosted a bag of frozen Califlower and brocolli in my turbo Cooker Put them in a bowl mix 1 T of olive oil, sprinkle Pepper and garlic powder over it. my best food of the day i ate the whole bag 12 oz. So far no craving for a bed time snack. Woot hoot. Tomprrow I am going to attempt to make Strawberry ice cream With 8 oz. greek yogurt, 6 oz of frozen strawverries, 1 t. of lemon juice 2 Pkg of splenda Put in blender and blend till creamy. tomorrow is grocer shopping day got to get more frozen veggies

    Got to tell you what happen today. I got a pkg. from my nuseries. It had my blackberry bushes in it and I thougt we got the weeks ago. I thought they look funny for a blackberry bush well may be that is what they look like . After getting this pkg. this morning We went out and got the lable off of a branch, Guess what it was a black bambo plant so now wehave 2 bamboo plants We planted them in a Flower bed. IHe planted the backberry thornless plants in big pots till March 15 Be sure we wont have anymore freezen weather. It was abosolutely beautiful to day. Sammy and i went walking.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hi Everyone:flowerforyou:

    My posts have been short. It was the weekend, storms, internet knocked out and my mama. Is that enough excuses to be sufficient?:huh:

    We visited friends Sunday. When we do we all sing and play and have a blast. I really enjoyed that! That night the storms moved back in. I mentioned before that I slept through the worst. :noway: My sister lives in a small city east of me about 75 miles. She said the tornado warning systems went off twice. South of us, in Franklin, Tennesse, a man was killed in a tornado yesterday morning.
    I don't know about the rest of you, but our Spring is starting out with a bang..very early. We have flooding and tornado weather that usually comes in April. We have a "saying" in my "neck of the woods" that when March comes in like a lamb it goes out like a lion. Well, today we had 50-55 degrees and beautiful shall see if this holds true for the end of the month.
    On a more positive note...
    I did see my first March lilly aka yellow daffodils, :flowerforyou: blooming today! There are irises, lillies, and daffodils coming up everywhere...that is so exciting.:happy: So many tree frogs were croaking today, making the sound a dull roar...birds were building nests...Spring is such a wonderful time..the rebirth of everything! :love:

    Xyla-if I can get this ticker thing down, I will join your challenge. 4.5 pounds?! Wow! :flowerforyou:

    Marie-I believe you have found your success plan in this food plan. It's amazing what all you get to eat. I am going to have to do something different again. I am losing my momentum. It's very hard to keep it up when you see no movement on the scale. I am having some unusual things again. I am trying my darndest not to dwell on it. I will be home tomorrow after 4 days of being on the I am gonna do what Maddie suggests and get up offa this thing and
    I wanted to tell you too, that I am hoping for the very best for you and Jerry. :flowerforyou: You are handling all of this waiting with grace. You are some Lady!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Connie -:flowerforyou: I hope to get some time in the next 2-3 days to put to use your instructions. It sounds like you have found your groove. That is great!
    How's your trainer?:tongue:

    Barb-glad to hear from you! Sorry that you were sick.:flowerforyou: .I hate that word don't you? I have a smart phone that is smarter than me..:bigsmile:

    Judy--I had forgotten that your seasons are probably opposite to ours. It's wednesday night there now..I believe?:huh:

    Sandy -enjoy your meal!:flowerforyou:

    Elli-that pic is so sweet!..nothing like them is there? Happy Tuesday!:flowerforyou:

    Irene have a good trip!

    Phoebe, Mae, Gigi, Gayla..Barbie :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Happy Tuesday...and may Spring hasten to your doorstep!

    Hey Buzz- thanks and take care of those pretty eyes!:flowerforyou:

    Maddie-:smile: -Thanks for the pics and the song! I'll have to see if I can find that on youtube or somewhere to listen to it..that will bring it to "life."
    I plan to dance tomorrow..and looking forward to it.:bigsmile:

    I have to tell this story on my sis. I don't believe I have told you this before. My sister and her husband are meticulous with their person, home and belongings. We tease her that you could eat off her floors. They had a new roof put on their house last summer. It had left debri in their attic. It's an attic with pull-down door and spring loaded stairs. My brother-in-law took a shop vac up there to vaccum up the debri. In the meantime, my sister put the door up to keep dust from coming down into the house. She was cleaning downstairs. She picked up the phone and cleaned it well. After that, she decided she had time to get in the shower while he finished up. The phone rang, she looked at the phone and it said the county name and no number so she thought it was a solicitation call and didn't answer it. She went on in to the shower. In the meantime, my brother-in-law turned the vaccum off and heard some yelling. He was wondering who in the world could be yelling. He cautiously pushed on the door and opened it a few inches. A policewoman was looking back at him with her hand on her gun. She asked if he had called 911...he said, "no, ma'am." She asked, "Are you alright up there?"
    He said, "yes, ma'am." She then proceded to ask if the person in the shower was okay..and he told her to the best of his knowledge, she was. The policewoman then told the other policman not to knock the door down..everything was okay.
    My brother-in-law then asked the policewoman if she would open the door so that he could get down.
    The police then left.

    My sister came out of the bathroom, after her shower, and she saw her husband and asked him how in the world he was able to get himself down. He told her the police let him down. She was like, "No Way!" .:noway: ..he said, "Yes Way!"
    So after discussing the matter, they come to the conclusion that while cleaning the phone, she had dialed 911.
    That was how my sister narrowly escaped being carted off to jail on Fourth of July weekend for locking her husband ind the attic..on a regular basis. That was how she narrowly escaped being in the shower naked and having a policeman breaking her door down to see if she was okay???!!!:tongue:
    Needless to say...they will never live this one "down.":laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Again...some of the funniest stories are real!:bigsmile:

    Sandy, thanks so much for keeping this thread going for all of us.:flowerforyou:

    To all I have left was an accident!

    (I have Arnold on the brain today) I will be back!:happy:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Sandy, thank you for starting the new thread

    :flowerforyou: Marie, with your new plan ahead meals and starting a new walking plan, those pounds will come off

    :flowerforyou: Maddie, I am a huge Richard Simmons fan. I have a set of five DVDs of “Sweatin’ to the Oldies”. What I remember most about him on TV was that he used to go into grocery stores and stop women and look in their carts and comment on their choices. Every time I go grocery shopping I think about what Richard would say about my purchases.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, sorry that you haven’t been well. We have a routine to get the house ready and the Realtors know that we have to have two hours advance notice. The biggest chore is kicking the

    :flowerforyou: Elli, I eat 1400 calories plus most of my exercise calories so sometimes when someone comments on my eating I let them know that on a good exercise day I eat 2000 calories of healthy food….your granddaughter on your profile picture is darling

    :flowerforyou: Connie, your exercise program is awesome

    :flowerforyou: Judy, it will be interesting to follow you into fall and winter and we head toward spring and summer

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, thank you for the kind words… are such a support and cheerleader for all of us

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Looking back at February’s goals I had a mixture of great success, moderate success and absolute zero.

    :bigsmile: We finished packing everything we could and put it in storage and got the house clean and tidy and absolutely ready to be shown…….now it is in the hands of a Higher Power to find a buyer.

    :bigsmile: I did great exercise indoors and counted over 10,000 steps every day in the month even when I hardly got outside.

    :bigsmile: I did some work in the yard when the ground wasn’t frozen.

    :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: But, alas, I did absolutely no yoga.

    :flowerforyou: My goals for March:

    :flowerforyou: Yoga (if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again)

    :flowerforyou: Squats (I’m not going to set a number until I have some idea of what I can do for starters)

    :flowerforyou: Dancing (either practicing my line dances or dancing while watching TV or movies)
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Just l'il ole me poppin' in to say good night. I had a day of running around for materials. I did not come home with a vanity top for our guest bathroom which did not make dear Dave happy. We had a lot of sulking going on here tonight (me). I thought he should appreciate my effort. May tomorrow be a better day. The weatherman says the temperatures will not be getting better for a long time. I forgot to tell you that we saw a guy pedaling his bicycle yesterday. I was so bundled up (in the car) that I could hardly move so really had to give the guy credit although I hate when they ride along beside the car on these icy roads.
    Neils voice was a little weaker today and he was quite cranky, not sure if one caused the other or not. Marie, I pray that Jerry recovers his voice. I know how exasperating it is.

    Barb -- sorry you have been ill. Hope you are feeling like yourself soon.

    Barbie -- it is interesting how much of an impact Richard Simmons has had on so many Sneakers.

    Lynn -- Very funny store about your sis/bil. I bet the police had fun with it too.

    Maddie -- Keep on singing and dancing. It will do the trick and you will have fun getting there.

    I did my mall walk today (while I was supposed to be finding a vanity top :wink: ). Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Whew, what a day. Drive,sleep,drive. Now Im supposed to be asleep, but here I am! Glad to read all of your busy posts. I am a little tired and I will just say that I read all of the posts, enjoyed them, goodnight!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Just had to tell you that story about your relatives, the attic and the 911 call was hilarious. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. I think that would have made an excellent plot for an episode of "The Honeymooners" --except that I don't think Ralph could have climbed up in the attic!!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: After all, this was before MFP!!!

    BTW, I realized in my last post, I failed to tell Maddie how funny her stories and pics are. At this rate, you guys will hardly notice that I am not posting as often as I was.

    Good night all.

  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Could I join please? I'm 60, retired last July and madly trying to make up for all the exercise I used to do at work. (physiotherapist) Here in the UK things are starting to feel more like spring. The snowdrops have been out for a month and my hellebores are bursting into flower.
    I'm just off to my slimming club to weigh in, so fingers crossed! Judi.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome Judi! We are pleased to meet you. We are proud to say we are opeople of all shapes, sizes, goals, and nationalities! Plz excuse my typos, they are always with me!
    im just waking from a nice long 'nap'. It is about 3am in California, and we have just arrived at our destination. Paperwork to finish, so I will check back later when all you sleepyheads wake up!

    P.s. barb, we have missed you terribly, never doubt that! You know you are a VIP here!
    no leaving us for so long again!
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Well what the h e double hockey sticks is going on in here????? If we were in class the teacher would put gum on our noses for talking so much!!! Woo Hoo !!!

    Lynn: You're nuts, your friends are nuts and your family is nuts.....I think we could be related! Did you see the movie "Christmas Vacation" with Chevy funny, so so funny with an attic scene like similar to yours!!!

    Everyone: Look up the song I posted, Dynamite by Taio Cruz on YouTube and dance off some calories ! :glasses:

    Judi: Of course you can join in. If you can get a word in edgewise....:laugh:

    Buzz: Queen of Hearts....

    BEFORE: 52lx11t.gif

    AFTER: queenofhearts.jpg

    Baby Nate coming today.....Good Morning everyone.....If you want to look like me....Get up offa that thing and dance till you feel betta!!! :laugh:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Good Morning,

    Buzz, I just wanted to tell you that I am glad your mammogram went well..those things are not fun. :noway: The apprehension is enough to kill you.:huh:

    Speaking of the "kill you" line in that sentence.
    My oldest grandson is 13 and will be 14 in July this year. When he was 3, he came in where I was preparing lunch. He started hugging me and saying, "Grandmother, I love you." I said back to him, "Brandon, what have you done?" He said, "Grandmother, I cut on my hair." to which I replied, "Brandon! Your mama is going to kill us!" He looked up at me and asked, "wiff a gun?" :happy: It was serious business to him. It's funny when they start learning the meaning of words and take everything you say literally.

    Phoebe--sounds like you need to be sleeping:yawn:

    "Talk" with you, Ladies, later.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: the Realtors' Tour is coming to see the house in a few minutes so we've been up since six cleaning and putting away the clutter.........the cats are out, litter box in garage, I'll be going to line dance and Jake will take the dogs with him to go to a business appointment so we will all be gone when the Realtors get here :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :bigsmile: Bingo Night!! :bigsmile:

    Our dinner was wonderful with great friends, I had bass and it was delicious. I think I stayed under my calories since I gained over 500 with exercise, but I am never exactly sure how many calories are in restaurant foods. The wine used up a lot of calories but since it took me 5 years to get these friends to go to dinner, it was worth it. :tongue:

    Welcome Judi, we welcome you with open arms and big mouths. :laugh: I believe you are the third member from the UK on our thread and we love hearing your accents from your words. :laugh: Good luck on your weigh in and keep coming back. :bigsmile:

    Maddie, I love Glee and I ride my stationary bike while watching it, the music does pump me up!! :tongue:

    Lynn, that is one funny story and one that will be passed down from generation to generation. :laugh: It is so true what we say to little ones, they take it to heart and we have to be careful what we say. :noway:

    L that new signature. :love: I think those grand kids will keep you both trim and young. :bigsmile: If you have Comcast on Demand you can go to their exercise channel and see a sample of zumba, it is a fast moving dance, that I think would be too hard on my knees, but you would probably love it.

    Connie, I am jealous of your warm weather and the start of spring with the beautiful flowers. I don't plant any flowers until after Memorial Day since we can never be sure we won't get any freezing. :grumble: I don't have any perennial flowers, all of my flowers go in planters. :ohwell:

    Xyla, I plan on another 3 miles with Leslie today, just have to get myself motivated. :tongue:

    Judz, you sure were a busy girl this morning, you must be resting tonight, at least I think it is night there. :noway:

    Marilyn, hope your birthday was great, mine is coming soon although we could skip it. :laugh:

    Buzz, you are more than a delight, you and Marie are just our golden sweethearts. :heart:

    Marie, you are doing great on your new food plan, it sounds like it works for you!! :drinker:

    Barbie, it is amazing to me that you can reach 10,000 steps everyday, that is a lot of walking. I am doing the walking challenge but only committed to 100 miles for the month of March. I will work my way up as the weather gets warmer and I can walk outside with Daisy. :wink:

    Gayla, did Dave even know you were sulking? Sometimes we spite ourselves to spite those men. :laugh: I hope Neils voice was a temporary setback and it continues to get stronger everyday. :heart: Good work on the Mall walking, you are doing a great job. :flowerforyou:

    Phoebe, you are posting when we are all sleeping, I hope you got some sleep yourself. :yawn:

    Barb, don't you even think of not posting, you have been soooooo missed and as Phoebe said you are a VIP!! (go ahead and figure something out for those initials) :laugh:

    Wow, it sure takes a long time to try and acknowledge everyone, I just hope I didn't forget anyone and if I did I apologize. :glasses:

    Time to move and groove.
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Thankyou for the welcome ladies! I lost 1 1/2 lbs this morning which was a boost. I upped my exercise last month which slowed my losses right down, but that seems to have passed. You'd have all laughed watching me doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred this afternoon. I had 2 bras, my normal one and then my sports bra over the top of my vest, plus some control knickers, to stop everything going in all directions when I did the jumping jacks!:noway: I can't do them all, so I march on the spot for abit. I hate that woman :angry: but the results seem to be worth the effort. I'll let you know!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Thankyou for the welcome ladies! I lost 1 1/2 lbs this morning which was a boost. I upped my exercise last month which slowed my losses right down, but that seems to have passed. You'd have all laughed watching me doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred this afternoon. I had 2 bras, my normal one and then my sports bra over the top of my vest, plus some control knickers, to stop everything going in all directions when I did the jumping jacks!:noway: I can't do them all, so I march on the spot for abit. I hate that woman :angry: but the results seem to be worth the effort. I'll let you know!

    I have done the 30 day shred although not for 30 days. :laugh: It is great but a little hard on my knees, I think I got sciatica and had to stop doing it so maybe I should try it again, I do know I felt really good after one session. :bigsmile:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    I dont have any of Jillian Michaels stuff. I just figured it would be too much for me.
    Judi, yes, truthfully I would have laughed at the sight of you with two bras andyou would have had to collapse on the floor laughing if I had tried to do a jumping jack!
    Sandy, wow, 100 miles seems like a lot of walking. It makes me wonder though, how far is 10000 steps?
    maddie, where do you get all of your artwork? Be safe today.
    i dont know what is blooming at home, but I told dh it will be time to mow the onions when we get back! We have moreonions growing than weeds. Or would they be weeds too?
    marie, you must be shopping, have fun.
    lynn, kids are the best!
    elli, I love your baby photo there in your profile, she takes after her Gran!
    Barbie, the cats are probably saying 'here we go again!'
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member

    Sandy, wow, 100 miles seems like a lot of walking. It makes me wonder though, how far is 10000 steps?

    I did 4551 steps for the Leslie walk and that was 3.44 I presume 10,000 is around 6 miles. And Barbie does that every day, makes me tired just thinking about it. :laugh:
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    Hi everyone! One of my MFP friends told me how great this group was so I figured I should join in. I'm from MN, 58, and on February 16 celebrated my second year of retirement :smile: :smile: I was an elementary librarian for almost 35 years, but a freak back injury 9 years ago sent my life down a totally unexpected road. :cry: Short version of the story is I ended up on partial disability and was allowed to work only 5 hours a day, my 8 hour job was then condensed into those 5 and the emotional & physical strain was terrible. I just couldn't do the job the way I'd done before and just prayed for the strength to get to the point where I qualified for retirement. When I got there I bid adieu and really haven't looked back since. :wink: The pain is easier to manage now. Although there are a lot of things I can no longer do; I have found a 'bunch' of other things to keep me busy :smile: People ask if I'm bored with retirement and I'm like, "uh NO!" About 5 years ago I learned how to quilt (my sewing room is a MAJOR disaster right now though :noway: ), I've pulled out the knitting needles & now the crochet hook again, taken up digital photography & trying to learn how to do digital scrapbooking (if I started another 'messy' hobby my dh would kill me :laugh: :laugh: ), and am Nana to the most beautiful amazing almost 2 year old 'Mr. Man' ever :happy: words of every Nana, Granny or Grandma :love: :love: I probably won't post much for the time being because I'm "buried" in pictures! I'm the "official, unofficial :laugh: " photographer for a high school & college basketball teams. Our best friend coaches one & his amazing daughters play on the other. I've been down the weight loss road more times than I care to remember, but this fall finally had an epiphany over issues with my mom who has been dead 11 years. I finally realized I am defined by neither my weight or my looks and if I continue to think that way then she wins. I joined MFP in September after my yearly physical which turned up terrible cholesterol numbers & dr. wanted to put me on medication. I decided on my own that I was on enough medication because of my back & I needed to take control of my eating. I lost almost 30 pounds between then and Christmas & by the beginning of December had lowered cholesteral from 226 to 179. I've been struggling since beginning for January, MN winter has been REALLY long this year & I've gotten lazy about journaling (who wants to journal a binge?:cry::cry: ) but I need to get back to the 'fanatical' journaling I did last fall :smile: This will be the final time I take this journey & right now I've scared myself as I see the weight slowly creep back. Well, off to fill my water bottle :drinker: and get back to those pictures :smile:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hi everybody - happy wednesday. half way through the week. my bill paying day at work, which i better get to in a minute!

    Welcome newbies!

    JUDI - great job losing 1/1/2 pounds! the bra idea sounds intriguing! the jumping jacks, not so much! when i'm doing a dvd and jumping jacks come on i always substitute something else - even marching in place. The whole dang room shakes if i start jumping up and down! things will start crashing! and breaking!:noway: can't have THAT!

    PIQUILTER - welcome to you too! omg, that QUILT! it's gorgeous! and that little dude! he's SO adorable! All of us grandmas in here talk lots about "our" babies. I'm new to grandmadom - 1 almost 7 month old and 1 almost 7 week old. it's the BEST! I'm so sorry you were injured, but ok, yes, i'm a little jealous that you're retired. oh the things i could get done if i only didn't have to work!!!!!!!!!! I do scrapbooking too - i have the feeling you're probably way more creative than i am. I have a group of friends that gets together once a month - we have great fun - fix great good, solve world problems (along with some of our own) and even get some scrap booking done!

    LYNN - your bil in the attic, sister in the shower and the cops setting him free.........:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: SO funny! oh yea - who's Arnold?

    BARBIE - how'd the realtors tour go? SO great i hope! Thanks for your insight - right now i have the fear factor going on - I lost the 13 pounds by eating under 1,000 a day. Now i'm TRYING to get back up to 1200 but i'm not doing it 'cause i'm not losing the last dang pound so i keep thinking i'm eating too much when the numbers say it's not so. darn head of mine anyway!:huh:

    PHOEBE - that's why i was an awful team driver - drive, sleep, drive, sleep........i could never get the sleep part down so i'd be doing drive drive drive drive which my husband at the time thought was pretty darn fabulous!!!!!!!!! not so much!!!!!!!!:yawn: i did way better solo! Thanks for liking the pic of my baby girl! She's SO funny - her facial expressions are constantly cracking us up!

    MADDIE - yay for baby Nate! is he better now? wasn't he sick? have fun with him! I'm going to see Kodi after work today. Wow - the queen of hearts - did she use MFP?? her after picture is just GREAT!:bigsmile:

    SANDY - i always use l, e on e mails. it not only stands for "elli" but also: love, elli. No comcast on demand so i'll look for a dvd. my knees aren't that great either, but i can usually do almost anything for an hour. You are rocking the heck out of the walking and the bike! omg - i can't believe Barbie walks 6 miles a day!:drinker: oh, wait a minute - it's Barbie - yes i can. have fun at bingo tonight and win lotsa money!!!!!!!!!!!!

    sorry whoever i missed - i better get back to work - here alone today. have a great one! l, e:flowerforyou:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi piquilter and welcome. You are definitely a busy retired person! I guess this is basketball season isnt it?
    Do you go to every game?
    your cholesterol level really came down to a great number. My dh and his family all have high cholesterol, but it is not all coz of weight. Even his skinny aunt is way over 300. He is on meds for his, and thank goodness they work coz he has trouble losing weight.
    which reminds me, I cannot find reduced fat cheese in my local grocers. It seems to have disappeared from Walmart and our grocery store shelves. Has anyone noticed this?
    piquilter, post as often as you like, we all do! Lol, and some, like me, come back more than once per day!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Ellie- "I'll be back" is a famous line from an Arnold Schwarzenegger film. :wink: Whenever I say that pops back into my head.
    That baby is adorable!:love:
    Pq- You underestimate yourself. :flowerforyou: All the excercising you do through the pain is an admirable feat.:tongue: My DIL is a photographer. She photographs a lot of teams. This is a busy time of year for that occupation.
    I hope you enjoy this forum as much as I do. Welcome...:smile:

    Sandy -you are on a roll today with your walking. :flowerforyou:

    Old Tyke-contrats on your weight loss.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie -good luck with the Realtors.:flowerforyou:

    I have some more stories but I can't tell them all at once....:happy: