Senior Golden Sneakers -March 2011



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Naddie, enjoy little Nate today hope he is feeling better.
    Where is your "Joker Boy" ?We would like to see your boy friend too.. Wouln't we girls.

    Hello to Judie, and Jeanne Hello to all the rest of you sneakers

    You gals are really ROCKING lOVE ALL OF THE POSTING you all have been doing. You make my life richer Thanks you all.!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Update on Jerry. Now we are waiting on the hospital to call and set up an appts. for his appt for his tests..
    Updat on his sister, They did do surgery on her and sent lab to be tested.Waiting for that to come back.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member

    On the Wii Fit Plus they have a free stepper that lets you switch to regular TV and the remote keeps track of your steps.

    Oh, now I see what you mean! Thanks. Sounds like wii fit plus is worth it.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Naddie, enjoy little Nate today hope he is feeling better.
    Where is your "Joker Boy" ?We would like to see your boy friend too.. Wouln't we girls.

    Hello to Judie, and Jeanne Hello to all the rest of you sneakers

    You gals are really ROCKING lOVE ALL OF THE POSTING you all have been doing. You make my life richer Thanks you all.!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Update on Jerry. Now we are waiting on the hospital to call and set up an appts. for his appt for his tests..
    Updat on his sister, They did do surgery on her and sent lab to be tested.Waiting for that to come back.

    Prayers and Love going your way Marie. It is all in God's Hands. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Connie, thank you for letting us know about Jackie, hope she gets that computer fixed soon. Also please send me the list with every one's handles and real names, I am getting so confused. :laugh:

    Sent to the email address listed on your Facebook info page.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    My boyfriend huh....wanna see a picture do ya???? Go to my profile page and see my hubby.....he's still my boyfriend !!!! Ahhhhhh:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, it is a bright cold day today, but it is to warm up in the next few days to come. Had a nice visit with my son and his lady. She clipped all the animals nails for me. As of now I have a garage back, the son fixed his tibraun got it reinsured, licensed, now it is heading for Kingston for a exhaust test. Hopes it will pass so he will be able to drive it form now on. Sweet little bug it is.

    My visit to the physio therapist was a eye opener. He told me exactly what was going on with my back. He is thinking since my surgery in 2002 that all my upper pelvic muscels have weakend to the point that they no longer work. My mid back muscels and upper glute muscels have been keeping me upright and mobile. But they lock when my spine gets pushed too far. A pronated disk is at large at the moment and has dished out new exercises for me to do. I'm hoping I will be stronger at the next session. My son is in college taking a personal trainer course, so I asked him on some advice as to the calorie intake I should set, to keep the pounds, since I can not do any exercises as before. We settled between 1500-1800, I have to walk with my glutes tight, and abs in contact 30% and then practice breathing and moving my legs with out moving my back, pelvis, stomach, or hips. As of now I can not do it. This was in the Pilates book but it was not clear to me the goal I was to achieve. Pilates the doc said was a good choice, however my injury needs some more preparation before I do more exercises.

    The dentist has given me $1,800.00 worth of good looking teeth, Three hygienest working on me today. Going back on Monday to finish the last four bottom teeth. I'm hoping I will not have any more problems for a while. The syliva in my mouth has been eating my gums and teeth, probable due to my bodies quiet little trama since last year. I have to re-learn how to brush my teeth now, no more using the manual brush.. power brushes, and slim brush and pick for the bottom ones that collect tartar for a hobbie. I have heard that teas help the teeth resist tartar. Green tea mixed with Tim's Chai tea is what I have been drinking, and it is working. The Chai has ginger in it as well to help with the motabilism.

    So another trek for me, :ohwell:

    MARIE, waiting is a stressfull time, my prayers for good news .

    Reading a bit back on accidental emergencies, I remember a long time ago, I was about 17 years of age. I was boarding with a friend at the time, I had a job closer to her house than mine so I stayed there until I was able to find another place. She had two very good looking brothers and well you remember the terminology, hot, hunks etc... The boys fit them all, and their friends too, we were two very lucky girls to be able to hang out with them. Anyway, one week the family was heading out to the cottage, I was left behind because of my job. One night off work at 1am , I proceded to shower, so I could lounge until I settled down enough to sleep. Well I walked out of the bathroom with just a look of terror, to find the firetruck, firemen running around the house looking in with flashlights etc.. I tripped over everything in my room to find my clothes, what a panic my heart was doing the olympics, finally I ran out of the house wearing ...I'm not sure, but only to find the truck and personal had left. Well each day I left or arrived at the home I inspected everything to make sure nothing was going to happen. But in the back of my mind I wondered what happened or who called the fire department, was it a wrong address or ???

    Two weeks later some of the family arrived back at the home, I was greeted with hugs and you should have been there news. Later one night I overheard one of the boys telling his friend on the phone of a certain prank or calling the fire department to a home located at our present address. I'm not sure if the parents knew of it or not, they certainly did not seem like they had any secrets. Well it was all over and done with, so I could not raise any *** so I just played dumb about it. However it seemed that the overhead piping in one of the boys rooms had leaked water, his bed was soaked! Just the matteress though the top sheets were dry, must have happened early in the day.

    Of course that was not me! Okay you gals keep at your goals I will catch you all a bit later tomorrow, work day for me.

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello everyone!!!

    Just a brief note to let you all know how things are going with my Mom, she went back to the Dr yesterday and her kitdney's are not working quite right, so instructions are to be thinking a lot of water and see if this will work.:sick: :sick: :sick: So we got tickets to go on tuesday next week, that is when we were able to get tickets, the tickets are thru American Airlines and we get to be in 3 airports before we get to Miami, we prefer to fly into Fort Lauredale but no connections at all:grumble: :grumble:

    So sorry I have been posting but trying to get everythings going, thanks to Sandy for starting March, I will be posting from Florida and keeping in touch with all of you, I miss you all so much when I don't know what is going on in your lives.:love::love: :love:

    Hope everyone is well, Take care.

  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Just a brief note to let you all know how things are going with my Mom, she went back to the Dr yesterday and her kitdney's are not working quite right, so instructions are to be thinking a lot of water and see if this will work.:sick: :sick: :sick:

    Oh, Gigi - I know it's just a typo but I laughed out loud at the prospect of thinking a lot of water!!! If only it were that easy, my 2.2 liter bottle would be gone in minutes.

    Have a wonderful vacation. Three airports - oh, my! Actually I love airports. They are so full of anticipation, with excited reunions, with hopeful dreams.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    You don't have to read this now. I'm gonna post it to my blog, might be a little long. Might not. Today, is the 1st anniversary of my favorite aunt's death. She had emphysema and basically suffocated when she had no longs left. She had quit smoking 40 years those of you still smoking...take heed. I haven't smoked since my last time on the vent, 5 years ago.

    This is the day that I found out the my favorite cousin was actually my brother and that the other two siblings I remembered from my childhood were real. Over this past year, there has been a lot of forgiving and bonding but the one regret is that I didn't find out in time to tell her that even though she had wronged my mother (my mother forgave), that we would all follow her lead and do the same. Secrets kept are painful when revealed and if you wait until you die, you are a little bit of a coward because you really should accept responsibility.

    We write our thoughts on here everyday, sometimes we're doing good, sometimes not. But we are all in a hurry to get this weight off. Thinking that it will take at least a year seems like such a long time when looking forward but looking back, this year has flown by. If I hadn't fooled around so much last year, I could have lost this weight then but now I realize that next year, when it's done, I'll look back and say "wow, that year really flew by".

    Get up each day and put one foot in front of the other. That's how we conquer everything that arises and if you put your feet one in front of the other as fast as times flies.....YOU WILL BE DANCIN!

    Ya know, we were attending a funeral for another relative and my aunt told me that she used to love to dance and that was the one thing she missed with her bad lungs. She asked me to promise her that at her funeral, we would dance in honor or her. So, picture it.....tears, Amazing Grace, more tears and then me.................yes, I kept my promise. I made everyone get up and dance to the song "Spirit in the Sky". Pastor and funeral director said they never saw anything like it. I have now made my niece promise to do the same for me and have them dance to:

    GET UP OFFA THAT THING AND DANCE TILL YOU FEEL BETTA! And she's crazy like me so I know I can trust her to do it.

    I know I'm usually funny and I'll be back tomorrow...but for today....I just want to remember my aunt, treasure my family and dance! Life is like a vapor. Don't waste it!! Love ya'll :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbieca How do you roast your veggies.? Xyla was asking me how i do it I used my turbo cooker and they roast them nicely. I don't know about the oven. But I also like to stired fry veggies i get ! T. of olive oil for both lunch and dinner. Can you roast Butternut squash? The store we are going to tomorrow have some cubes of them can they be roasted. Any more ideals on eating 24 oz a day of veggies a day.

    When My computor was ( down yesterday) I thought it was hunged up for I couldn't go to another site. It was so tiny with my bad eyes could not make out wht it was. it was Alice said she is going to get my brother print me a shirt saying zoom on it.

    Up date on Jerry The hospital called and he goes into the hospital for those test, Monday. A Bus will pick him up and take him to Mckinney, Texas I am sure he will be gone for the better part of te day. I am not going with him. I will have a day of What did Kay called it when she got some alone time Anyway that is what I am going to have Woo hoo. The calm before the storm. I am glad I got you to worry about me. Just like a daughter. I have lots of daughters here
    .except Buzz, she is my older sis. Hey I like that I never had a sister and having a olden one is just happiness for me Where is she,?

    Have a great day.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I am glad I got you to worry about me. Just like a daughter. I have lots of daughters here
    .except Buzz, she is my older sis. Hey I like that I never had a sister and having a olden one is just happiness for me Where is she,?.

    I just popped in to see what I'm missing from not getting here since Tuesday, and there is your lovely "family" connection, MARIE!!! Haven't read another thing, or posted my food, but am so pleased to hear Jerry's finally going in on Monday. Of course we're all pulling for the 2 of you, and thinking only pure "white light" thoughts!

    I want to thank all of you who've been messaging , Lynn, Maddie, Sandy, and you Marie. Those little notes are so encouraging!
    I just don't know where my time is disappearing. If I walk, do my pool exercises, and get to my fitness gym, I seem to have no time to breathe! Also, since I need to shower after strenuous movements, I have problems figuring out how and when the heck to put on my compression stockings so I don't have to remove them til bedtime!!! Crazy, no? The stockings take 20 minutes to put on...and my DH to remove :ohwell: ... anyway, I'll try to get back to read everything...I'm really feeling like I m losing it!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Maddie A heartwaming story . Jerry and I gave up smoking 20 years ago. Cigeretts was 25 cent a pkg. my son just gave them up 3 years ago. My daughters never got the habbit. My daughter Alice husband still smoke after he went thru a spot on his lungs But the next test came out ok. so he is still smoking. And what a story about your brother. We are so fortunate to have you in our group You keep us in laughter. Be looking for you in the morning.

    Hey big sis you got to slow down and smell the roses. I have buds on my rose bushes but no rose yet to smell. We sure do miss you around here.Have a great day. Love ya!!!!!!!
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hi all - i had a long day today. My friend Angela who works with me has been out sick this week and we were swamped with orders today (not Just Bekuz - our other business). we ran out of stuff (there's another part time girl - Amberly) and had to start filling bottles.........anyway - i'm SO happy the orders are great so i'm not complaining (REALLY! i'm not!), i'm just BEAT. All i feel like doing is eating - so i'm doing laundry, some cooking, unloading the dishwasher.........don't think i'll make the gym though. i ended up with a headache too. OK - ENOUGH! How LUCKY i am to HAVE a job in these times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    MADDIE - thank you so much for the inspirational speech. You're right - in the grand scheme of things a year is gone SO quickly. Congratulations on quitting smoking for 5 years. It's the HARDEST thing to do isn't it? I quit over 30 years ago when i was living in the mountains and had to hike out each morning - uphill! You and your hubby are such a cute couple - with your little (is he a) westie?''

    GAYLA - glad you found a vanity - now you can stop shopping for THAT at least. ugh - shopping!

    SANDY - yay for bingo! oh i'm having a hard time today. I just want to sit down, relax and eat something good. I think i'll have yogurt and fruit and HOPEFULLY stop there..........:grumble: Your'e doing AWESOME with the workouts!

    PHOEBE - oh man, wouldn't that be so cool? If someone ould do our workout for us on the days we just don't have the energy or the inclination? PLEASE do mine today?!?!?!?:ohwell: where are you?

    MARIE - hugs to you, Jerry and his sister. OK, i'm your girl for eating lots of vegetables. I eat a BIG salad every day for lunch. I use 4 or 5 kinds of lettuce/greens. romaine, mustard greens, cale, chard. etc. and red cabbage. bell peppers, celery, cukes, fresh herbs (dill and cilantro are my favorite), red onions. I always have a big bowl of that kind of mix in the fridge. Then when i'm going to eat i'll add tomatos, some other veggies steamed but crunchy (asparagus, broccoli) and some protein. it's a TON of vegetables! Then roasting - i always roast 'em in the oven on 425. usually i just spray them with pam. I do peppers, eggplant, green beans that way. butternut squash i do use a little olive oil and toss it with cumin, salt, allspice, coriander and pepper. Wish you were here! i'd give you a butternut - i still have 4 left from the garden.

    MARILYN - you're so lucky to have someone ELSE clip your dogs nails. My dashchund HATES it so my friend holds him and i clip them but you'd think we're killing him! I hope you're done with your dental work for awhile now - for LIFE would be good. I HATE teeth - i'd rather be in labor than have my teeth worked on:tongue: I went to a new dentist today, and i think for about $3,000 they can do the work to get me functioning again for awhile. The first appointment is going to be 3 hours, include 5 fillings (that have fallen out) and prep work for 2 new crowns. UGH:sick: the worst.

    BUZZ - you ARE losing it! ALL THAT WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!

    love you guys, wish me luck tonight...................

  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Got a confession to make. We had a "cheat" meal tonight. I picked up a Domino's Thin Crust pizza, medium with sausage and mushrooms. Between Silver Sneakers this morning, Walking two miles, vacuuming, and turning mattresses this afternoon, and Pilates tonight I burned more extra calories than I needed to cover my half of the Pizza and it tasted so good.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Elli, I forgot you are a vegetarin ,Thanks fo all the infomation. i am gettin a little tire of brocolli, carrots and caluflower.
    How would you cook brussell sprouts. I am to eat 12 oz for lunch and dinner of veggies. Xyla and I need all the help we can get.

    That is nice you can grow you own veggies. For they are so high at the store.
    Yes I wish I live close to me. would love a butternut squash. I will admit I never cook one before. I was raise on corn, potatoe, green beans and english peas and tomatoes. Mind if I copy your roasted veggies in our recipes. Well I am going to do it. anyway cause I know you wont mind.

    Anybody else got any veggies recipes????????

    Phoebe 10 % zoom is really really small.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    NOTICE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Birthdays for March~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Sandy---March 10, 1942
    Barbiecat ---March 25, 1946
    Birdie---March 30, 1948

    All new members if you haven't given Sandy your birthday or any other members haven't be sure you do so we can celebrate your birthday with you.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, my roasted veggies usually are sweet onions, bell pepper, summer squash (yellow or zucchini), and tomatoes......Jake likes me to add mushrooms.......I spray the pan with PAM and put PAM and garlic powder on top.....I broil them for a few minutes then bake them for about 20 minutes at 400.

    I cook butternut and other winter squash separately, cut in half, open side down in a baking pan for at least 30 minutes until they are soft.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, if you worked like two people, maybe you burned enough calories to eat like two people :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: I had a great day with line dance, a great walk in the sunshine in the dog park, a great lunch of chicken with onions. green beans, and cauliflower

    Sweet dreams to all :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Marie, I like the bags of frozen vegetables. I get the ones with soybeans (edamae) when I find them. They are a great protein. Dont forget about okra. Stewed with tomatoes is dh favorite. Okra stewed with green beans is mine.
    Where is birdie? And Joann. And irene. And pam. Anyone else mia?
    maddie, I like that Life is like vapor. So true. Whew, my first 20 years plodded along. My next 30 have been at hi speed!
    Oh, Marie, I like to 'burn' a cast iron skillet full of veggies with a little olive oil. It has such a good flavor,broccoli and all!
    plus the iron from the skillet.
    it's. My nap time, and I have lost my place and cant remember who said what.
    buzz, dont worry, just post when you can. We miss you, we just need to hear from you to know you are doing ok.
    nite all
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am trying to post with Pepper in my lap, enjoying a belly rub, and Bradley snoring next to me. Good thing I have a chair and a half, so there is room for both. Mai Li is passed out on the floor.

    Phoebe, and others who welcomed me back, thank you for your kind words. I think VIP probably stands for "Very Introverted Person" at the moment. I have sunk into a routine where I have only been out once since last Friday, and that was because I had to buy doggie food and some groceries. I am supposed to go to a meeting tomorrow for work, but not sure I am up to it.

    I am sick of all the gray, the rain, the cold, etc. I realize many have had a much worse winter than I have, but that doesn't make me feel any better. I know I need to get up and out, but that doesn't mean it is any easier to actually DO it.

    On a more upbeat note, I saw a hilarious story from Yuma, AZ about some people who opened their door to have a little black terrier dog run in their home and start growling and snapping at them. They retreated to the kitchen to get something out of the fridge to lure the canine intruder back outside, but instead, the dog followed them and JUMPED IN the refrigerator and refused to get out. They called animal control, who found the little guy on the bottom shelf of the fridge--snapping and growling--so they used appropriate protection and extricated him from the appliance. By this time, someone else in the apartment complex reported the dog was "missing" and so he was returned home.

    Can you imagine? Those of you who have been on this thread for a long time, may remember my jokes from Summer 2010 about the "fridge monster"that could be hiding in my in need of cleaning fridge--and how someone said, maybe the monster could eat up al the bad foods that might be hiding there? Guess I should have let MY doggies in the fridge and solved my problem the easy way. LOL

    Marie, I am glad you found the zooming problem with your computer. I hope Jerry has an easy bus trip. Enjoy the time you will have to yourself. Sammy will, no doubt, keep you company.

    To anyone I didn't mention, sorry, my memory isn't serving me well, and I didn't take notes when I read the posts since my last one. Even if I didn't mention everyone, I think of you all.

    So long for now.

  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Marie (hello Mum) just a quick post as it's late on Friday night and I've just had my traditional kiwi fish 'n'chips (and wine) ...I always roast an extra lot of vegies at night so I can reheat them the next day...I roast any sort of vegetable, squash, onions, peppers...just anything ......warm in the microwave,,drizzle balsamic vinegar on and then crumble feta cheese's delish.

    My grandson would not any vegies of any description so I would stir fry and then stir a bit of sweet and sour sauce through them...he now loves them.

    Another one with the squash is boil the cubes and add a little soy sauce and brown sugar...given to me by a chef.

    I also like to have a dish of coleslaw in the fridge with every vegie imaginable( low cal) with a tin of pineapple, banana's. dates,, raisins, etc...just eat this when hungry.