Senior Golden Sneakers -April 2011



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    that is true connie. but we can not give a a link by our mrmbers to the new link. I like the warmth of us being in control not a machine. B ut whatever the bunch wants is fine with me.Just so the members understand how it works. and whats going on. I remmeber the first time it happen. That's when we decided to go Monthly.
    Back then it tooks us sereral months to reach 5oo.This is the first experence we had where we reach 500 during a month.It is up to Sandy how she wants to handle it.

    Oh I found some rhubard at the store today... Got to look up and see how to fix it with splenda as a stewde sauce toput on something. rhubard. anty ideal? Would love a pie but that is out of the question.

    Hope My daughter makes it out tomorrow. Some time she has to work on Saturday. me and this pencil don't get along. and my fingers don't either.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thought for tonight
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    thougts for tonight

  • xyla
    xyla Posts: 69 Member
    WOW! I just read through everyone's posts on this new April site. Now, of course, I can't remember who said what! :blushing: Oh, well, that's what I get for taking two weeks off.
    As you can see, I survived my surgery. For a while there, I thought that it was going to be a case of "the surgery was successful, unfortunately, the patient died!" However, the pain I am in tells me that I am still here. I am finally starting to feel better, but I am still on pain meds. I see the doctor again next Tuesday. It will be two weeks since surgery. I hope that I will be feeling a lot better by then. I did not know before I had this surgery that there is a three month recovery period. For three months, I cannot lift anything heavier than 12 pounds, I cannot do abdominal exercises, ride a bike, or do any repeated stooping, bending or other similar activities. I can't move any heavy furniture. In other words, a lot of things that all of us do everyday. I am afraid of forgetting my restrictions and causing myself some harm. I have 10 grandchildren, seven of whom, I used to be able to lift. Now that is out of the question for three months.
    The one thing that I can do is walk. I started back on my treadmill six days after surgery. I am only walking for 20 minutes a day and then I am not going very fast, but it is a habit that I needed to re-establish. It doesn't hurt to walk - it doesn't stop the pain, but it doesn't add to it either. Thank goodness, I have a treadmill. We had snow falling all day today. I'm glad I could walk indoors.

    My prayers are with all of you whose mothers or other family members are ill. I lost my father when I was 34, my mother when I was 51 and my only sibling when I was 56. They are all buried in a small cemetery about 45 miles from my home. I think about them every day. I have not yet gotten past the impulse to want to pick up the phone and call. I am so grateful to still have my husband and all of our children.

    I loved everyone's jokes. I'm sorry about the computer problems that some of you are having. I hope they get resolved soon.

    Congratulations to all of you who have lost weight, or been able to sustain an exercise program, or food plan. I didn't lose any weight last month, however, I didn't gain any either so I am still OK with that. Obviously, my exercise will be limited for the next three months. I am back on my food plan, so I am hoping for a better weight loss this month.

    Marie, I haven't heard from you. Did I read that you had decided to go back to the South Beach Diet?

    Good luck to all of you!
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Morning girls! Up at the crack of dawn again, OH snoring softly! So crept downstairs and put the computer on to catch up. Percy the pheasant is in the garden with his new partner. I hope it wasn't her I frightened coming down the lane the other day! I had to brake quite hard, a pheasant once took the grill out of our old car! Suns up and we're set fair for another beautiful day. The house is sparkling as we gave it a good "bottoming" yesterday. (north country phrase for cleaning) So all I have to do is plan the menu's for the next few days.

    Sandy, Toad in the Hole is sausages cooked in a Yorkshire pudding batter. Comfort food at it's best! In Yorkshire (in days of yore) "yorkshire pudding" was used as a cheap way to fill stomachs. I remember as a child my mother would make 2 vast tins of it , one to be served with gravy, and the other to go with the roast beef. And THEN,,we had a pudding :ohwell: No wonder I was a fat child!
    The 30 Day Shred is hard isn't it? I have to steel myself to do it, and to be honest since my zumba game came I've stuck to that. It doesn't have the strength element but makes me sweat more! And yes Fleur was in Harry Potter. I have all the books and am waiting to get the latest dvd on Monday as I didn't see it at the cinema!

    Elli I too am intrigued as to what hot yoga is! Sounds like something Sting might do!

    Phoebe, I know what you mean by the stomach. I call it my wad! I'll know when I'm winning when I can't feel it resting on my thighs when I'm sitting down! There was a good article in one of the papers here the other week saying that forgetting why you'd gone upstairs was not a sign of impending Altzheimers, good job I've been doing it for a good 40 years!

    Gigi you sound as if your head (and body) are back in the right place.

    Marie, I am very lucky re my computer, my youngest son used to work for IBM, so if I have a problem I ring him It's so much easier for the generation that were brought up with them. He keeps saying "just play around and find what it can do" but obviously I have little imagination :laugh: He was however VERY suprised when he found out I went on forums, he said he never imagined me as a forum type, whatever that is!

    Maddie, don't do too much too soon. Your body will tell you when to stop, but don't push yourself. If you've had a general anaesthetic it will still be working it's way out of your system. Your pain levels should be going down by now, I agree with Buzz, see the doc! Operations are not routine, they are "an assault" on the body and it needs rest to get over it. Gentle walking is good. It's early days. It took the best part of 3 months to stop falling asleep after tea when I had my hysterectomy, and I was 33 then! Take care!

    Deb make sure you have your slap on in the garden today! They said the sun would be strong! And it's only just April! Enjoy your G kids.

    And for all the ladies I haven't mentioned, I hope you have a peaceful weekend.

    And finally for all the households that are owned by cats and dogs

    To be posted VERY LOW on the refrigerator door - nose height.

    Dear Dogs and Cats,
    1. The dishes with the paw print are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food.
    Please note, placing a paw print in the middle of my plate and food does not stake a claim for it becoming your food and dish, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the slightest.

    2. The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack. Beating me to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn't help because I fall faster than you can run.

    3. I cannot buy anything bigger than a king sized bed. I am very sorry about this. Do not think I will continue sleeping on the couch to ensure your comfort. Dogs and cats can actually curl up in a ball when they sleep. It is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other stretched out to the fullest extent possible.

    4. I also know that sticking tails straight out and having tongues hanging out the other end to maximize space is nothing but sarcasm.

    5. For the last time, there is not a secret exit from the bathroom.
    If by some miracle I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is not necessary to claw, whine, meow, try to turn the knob or get your paw under the edge and try to pull the door open. I must exit through the same door I entered.
    Also, I have been using the bathroom for years --canine or feline attendance is not required.

    6. The proper order is kiss me, then go smell the other dog or cat's butt. I cannot stress this enough!

    To pacify you, my dear pets, I have posted the following message on our front door:

    To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit & Like to Complain About Our Pets:

    1. They live here. You don't.
    2. If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture.
    (That's why they call it "fur"niture.)
    3. To you, it's an animal. To me, he/she is an adopted son/daughter who is short, hairy, walks on all fours and doesn't speak clearly.

    Remember: Dogs and cats are better than kids because they:
    1. Eat less
    2. Don't ask for money all the time
    3. Are easier to train
    4. Normally come when called
    5. Never ask to drive the car
    6. Don't hang out with drug-using friends
    7. Don't smoke or drink
    8. Don't have to buy the latest fashions
    9. Don't want to wear your clothes
    10. Don't need a gazillion dollars for college, and...
    11. If they get pregnant, you can sell their children.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome back xyla. Sorry you are still in, and glad you are being careful, you are smart to do that. I once knew a lady with a very large stomach, but it was also very 'loose'. She said when she had her surgery, she went back to work too soon, strained herself, and the stomach was the result. Not pleasant, and frustrating for her.

    Judi, I love that pet rules, aka pets rule that you posted. I like to tell houseguests that if you think you swallowed a cat hair, it probably wasnt the first one! We get taken out to eat more often that way Lol!

    Marie, I think you and your pencil are becoming good friends! Lol

    Dee, glad you had a good birthday.
    Deb, I'm not sure about sodium intake maximums. Several other sneakers count theirs and should be able to help there. More like 1600. Buzz is down to 1000.
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Good morning everyone,

    Got up early, suppose to be a warm day in Central illinois but looks like gray and raining so I need to get going, my guest are coming this evening, got the house cleaning yesterday forgot to keep track of the time I spend cleaning oh well, made my dessert Lemon Bars I know that is not healthy but I will have a very small one. Here is the rest of the menu Roasted Salmon with Lemon and Dill - Black Bean Rice (Cuban Style) Mix Salad with home made dressing and Roasted Orange-Ginger Asparagus:tongue::tongue: :tongue: :tongue: I'm hungry already.

    Maddie - How are you feeling, Did you get to the Dr. prayers are with you and grandma:heart::heart: :heart:

    Marie - Awesome What a beautiful thought-I believe we must share chocolate with a friend:love::love: :love:

    Xyla - Welcome back, I was gone for a while, what kind of surgery did you have, keep walking is our way to slim:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Judi - Loved the pets rules:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:specially the one for the Non-Pet Oweners Who Visit & Like to Complain:wink::wink: :wink:

    Phebe - So glad you're home and posting so early, take care and have a super weekend:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Have a great saturday everyone:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Good Morning! Mom still in the hospital, sounds a little better but not really better. I have not spoken to her Dr even though I left info on her chart to be called and I told her to have him call me. I guess he can't read and she can't remember. :wink:

    Judi: I didn't have surgery...I have COPD/Asthma so I am having trouble breathing. This is my second round of steroids and antibiotics. Don't tell the group but for two days, all I wanted to eat was vanilla ice on the scale this morning, scared to death, but stayed the same.......:noway: I have a theory about that....which I'll share in a moment. AND, I love the rules :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    xyla: Glad your home and feeling better. I had no idea recovery was that the best you can but don't hurt yourself!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Marie: Good idea...never eat chocolate alone....especially since we all know that the dark chocolate is good for you...woo hoo!

    MY THEORY ABOUT STAYING THE SAME: Warning.....some information may make the same thing happen to you!!

    When my mother was in rehab last year, she couldn't get around too fast and so she couldn't get to the bathroom in time. They gave her something like Depends that you pull up and down like underwear which worked very well. I had previously mentioned here that I am coughing, laughing and peeing all at the same time so I thought...hey, maybe I should wear a pair of them to bed. :ohwell: I felt several years older but did it anyway. In the middle of the night, I don't know if I stopped breathing or what but I heard this loud sound like the smoke alarm and opened my eyes, saw my grandsons spider man action figure flashing red lights and screeching...(I saw it but it really wasn't there).. I sat straight up started to cough and kept coughing for a good long time and yes, you guessed it........I peed!!!! So, my theory is that since I wasn't holding any water this morning, that's why I stayed the same......:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :bigsmile: As Gigi and I leave in the same area we are also expecting warm weather, just waiting for the sun to come out. (Lynn, that is your cue for the Annie song) Tomorrow it is supposed to be near 80 but violent storms tomorrow night. :grumble:

    Maddie, I hope your meds kick in today and you start to feel better, stress is such a big facture in any illness and not being able to see your mom isn't helping. Vanilla ice cream is one of my favorites but I buy all sugar free ice cream or skinny cow bars. I can't wait for lent to be over so I can indulge in something sweet if just for a day, like Easter Sunday. :drinker: Your story about the depends is funny and scary, it sounds like you hallucinated before the big "P". I hope things start improving for you and grandma. :heart:

    Gigi, your dinner sounds delicious, do you have extra room for more guests? You have been working out so hard, it sounds like you have your program on track. :flowerforyou:

    Phoebe, you are one of the kindest people I have ever "talked" too. You always have something nice to say and are always encouraging. I think you and Marie must have the best dispositions and that is why you are such good friends. :love:

    :laugh: Judi, as a dog lover which many of us are I loved your rules and think they are absolutely true. :laugh: The Toad in the Hole sounds like it is our cream of wheat or farina with sausages in the middle. Sounds good if we weren't watching our calories. :tongue: Zumba sounds harder to me than my shred, of course I am not a good dancer and maybe I am intimidated by it. :tongue: Of course Xyla knew it was she you were talking about with the surgery, it is so hard not to mix up names here.
    Maddie has breathing problems and her mom is in the hospital but the doctors don't want Maddie to go there so as not to give her mom any germs. :cry:

    Marie, where are you this morning? Did you sleep in late? I hope you bring a note explaining why you are late. :laugh:

    Connie, it is great that they automatically have a link to the new post, but I think Marie means that some of us need a gentle reminder on where to find us when they do that, so between the two of us (you and I) we will make sure they do.:love:

    So when I got on the scale this morning, it said 129.8. Now my goal is 129 (first goal) so even though it is not officially 129 I recorded the weight loss because I was so happy to see that number. Even if it goes up tomorrow, for today I am smiling. :bigsmile: Unfortunately we are going out for dinner tonight and to my step sons tomorrow. I plan on being very careful what I order and exercise to get more calories because I am working so hard. What a journey we are on, and it is now a new lifestyle so we have to do this for the rest of our lives if we want to stay healthy and thinner. :flowerforyou:

    Have a great day!!
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Have any of you seen these pictures??? is the link
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Connie I am here. been working on my Menu. The food chart is great but I have too much touuble with it. Now days I have to keep it simple/ I have revised a thread i used to do iti called What's for breakfast , lunch,dinner and snacks it is less stressful for me. I was hoping to get my computor fix today but look like Alice had to go into work. I hate to take it tp the shop for they will send it off gor a few days. I may have to get my old one out and get it hooked up. this pencil with my bad eyesite don't work well together.

    Indeed Phoebe is my little angel. she has stood by me thru thick and thin. Couldn't ask for a better friend. And Gayla too. She is a very special person. I am so proud of both of them. I have never seen Phoebe post so much on the forum. she is making everybody feel at home. bess her heart.

    Now to get to the others
    But first,

    Maddie hope you and your mom are doing better

    Irene, Thinking about you.

    Judy. Been loking fo you.

    Zyla, how wonderful to see you up and at 'em. But do take it easy. And back here on the forum I sent you an e-mail the other day. But figure you wer still too sore to be up much. I did send you an Pm this morning.
    I had to ditch the SBD for it was causing too many low blood sugar . I am slowly but surely getting back on the OA diet.

    Sounds like barbiecat and Jake are enjoyin themself.

    Gigi meal plans sounds really good.yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy

    Dee is back and her Birthday is overwith for this year. The sad thing is next year rolls around way to fast..

    I got some blooms on my blackberry plants. and my tomatoes plants I need lynn to sing a song for them.I heard plants like music. i guess they get lonely too.

    Anyone knows what happen to JO AN ? I need to check on her.

    This is as far as my menory goes back. See you guys later.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Connie I am here. been working on my Menu. The food chart is great but I have too much touuble with it. Now days I have to keep it simple/ I have revised a thread i used to do iti called What's for breakfast , lunch,dinner and snacks it is less stressful for me. I was hoping to get my computor fix today but look like Alice had to go into work. I hate to take it tp the shop for they will send it off gor a few days. I may have to get my old one out and get it hooked up. this pencil with my bad eyesite don't work well together.

    Indeed Phoebe is my little angel. she has stood by me thru thick and thin. Couldn't ask for a better friend. And Gayla too. She is a very special person. I am so proud of both of them. I have never seen Phoebe post so much on the forum. she is making everybody feel at home. bess her heart.

    Now to get to the others
    But first,

    Maddie hope you and your mom are doing better

    Irene, Thinking about you.

    Judy. Been loking fo you.

    Zyla, how wonderful to see you up and at 'em. But do take it easy. And back here on the forum I sent you an e-mail the other day. But figure you wer still too sore to be up much. I did send you an Pm this morning.
    I had to ditch the SBD for it was causing too many low blood sugar . I am slowly but surely getting back on the OA diet.

    Sounds like barbiecat and Jake are enjoyin themself.

    Gigi meal plans sounds really good.yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy

    Dee is back and her Birthday is overwith for this year. The sad thing is next year rolls around way to fast..

    I got some blooms on my blackberry plants. and my tomatoes plants I need lynn to sing a song for them.I heard plants like music. i guess they get lonely too.

    Anyone knows what happen to JO AN ? I need to check on her.

    This is as far as my menory goes back. See you guys later.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Maddie asked::
    Have any of you seen these pictures??? is the link

    Maddie thank you for sharing these incredible pictures, what a beautiful place, I would love to see it in person.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    So happy to hear from you Marie, just always want to make sure you are ok. :heart:

    Xyla, I apologize for not welcoming you back, but when I told Judi it was you who had the surgery my mind said I did. Another senior moment Phoebe. :blushing: Please do take it easy with your recovery, the doctors do know what is best at least some of the time. :tongue: I had a hysterectomy when I was 50 but it was done vaginally. My recovery was much easier than yours, but my daughter who is only 46 had one two years ago and hers was very complicated. She also had to take it easy for a few months but is fine now.
    I wish we could all come and bring you meals and take care of you, but with the dynamics it would be difficult. Please take care of yourself and just take this time to baby yourself. :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    When I was a little girl, the church we attended had the 12 stations of the cross depicted with statues that were one quarter life sized. During lent, the nuns would take us to the church every Friday afternoon and tell the story as we clustered around each "station." It is a memory I'd forgotten until I looked at those pictures of the sculptures in Groom, Texas.

    Sandy, I am cheering as I read that you finally saw a glimmer of your goal weight on the scale. Just think, if you didn't have the digital variety, it would simply say 129. This morning, I got on my own scale (prompted by my good weight in last Thursday), and it actually flickered at an additional pound lost for a few moments before settling in one pound heavier - but still the lowest I've recorded since starting here. It is encouraging as it must mean that I'm on the verge of having a new number to record.

    Some weeks ago i mentioned here that I was going to change things up - increase my calorie allowance, and do my best not to drop below it. I've also been exercising but not eating those calories over and above my new daily allowance. It seems to be working. I'm not as hungry at night, and having to report to Deb every morning is also making me more conscious of my night noshing (ANYTHING after 8:00 pm).

    I've been watching the "Who Do You Think You Are" episode from last night as we missed it. The celebrity whose ancestry they traced was Ashley Judd. Imagine my surprise when I learned that she and I share a common ancestor.

    I am descended from the oldest daughter of Elder William and Mary Brewster, Patience. Judd is descended from their oldest son, Jonathan. When Brewster left England aboard the Mayflower, he and Mary brought with them their two youngest children, sons Love and Wrestling (I know - strange names). Jonathan joined the pilgrims in 1621 on board the Fortune. Fear and Patience arrived in America on board the Anne in July 1623.

    I love history and was thrilled when I first learned of my lineage.

    Now it's off to the garden. We had a good rain over night so it would be nice and muddy.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    another senior momments. I call Sandy connie in one of my post. But they are a couple nice gals and I know they will understand.
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Just a quick nip in and out as my DH is waiting to use the computer.

    Sandy: I am so sorry for getting your age wrong:blushing: Thank you for keeping checking on my diary.

    Xyla: I am new here, but pleased to get to know you. I am a brit if you have'nt yet guessed. Wishing you well:flowerforyou:

    Maddie: I love the T shirt. Thought I was unique as well, being able to do all of those things lol:laugh: Loved the photographs, especially the sculpture and four seasons.:smile:

    I had a lovely day today, did some gardening and spent some time with my grandkids and daughter.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Thank you Sandy!!!! I was looking for something at the top of the page. :ohwell:

    tlp8rb :smile: That is so cool! I love that show and it's made me want to work on my family tree! Your lineage is really exciting. On my father's side I am 2nd generation Irish, but I don't know about my mother's side.

    I live in a Senior Moment bubble everyday, but I do remember that I had a wonderful outdoors day. My new pedometer says I took 9548 steps exploring our 7 acres and hiking in the woods. We head home tomorrow.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After an energetic day in the garden I've settled down to the computer to have a little catch up. I spent an age getting the first grass cut of the year done and everything looks so much better now the lawns are tidy and I felt I had plenty of exercise pushing the mower around and swinging a strimmer from side to side.

    Marie ~ Yes, the photo worked thanks to you! I'll try another in a minute. Like you, I've had my first crop of rhubarb this week and am enjoying a dollop of it stewed on my breakfast cereal. I can't imagine how anyone can eat rhubarb without the addition of sugar and have never tried the product you mention but assume you aren't allowed cane sugar?? My grandmother taught me to add a slice or two of lemon to rhubarb when stewing and it does seem to take some of the tartness away. Grated ginger is another interesting addition. Also, I usually freeze a bag and keep until squash becomes available as I have a delicious soup recipe for these two strange bedfellows.

    Maddie ~ Glad you liked the photo from my garden. That's exactly as it was the other morning so I have to give credit to Mother Nature for the beauty of it. The mist sits in the valley between the hill I live on and the village of St Cleer about a mile away. When the clouds are low they sit over my roof, all day sometimes, then it's not so charming a vew as I can't see beyond my nose!!:huh:

    Barbie ~ I do my best to have a good relationship with my bees (ladies!) but it doesn't always work. I've been stung a couple of times but usually that's because I'm having to do something to the hive they don't approve of. If someone came and yanked my roof off and began moving my furniture around I'd be pretty cross too so don't ever blame them!!

    Deb ~ Your story about your weight loss is amazing and you must feel so proud of yourself for achieving so much whilst remaining positive. Your shocked reaction to the calorie count on your cheese on toast reminded me of the healthy looking plate of salad I had one day last week. Only problem was I added an avocado, jacket potato and prawn cocktail and the calories went through the roof. To think I used to eat that sort of meal regularly and then wonder why my weight crept up!!:noway:
    Please don't be scared of the bees, they really won't bother you unless you threaten their home. I don't know why they'd be sluggish unless they are lost, trying to find their way home and getting tired.

    Connie ~ My mother died back in 1980 and would also have been 91 if still around today. I chat to her regularly even now and know exactly what she'd say to me in response.:smile:
    You may well know that the steps your ancestors walked down to clamber aboard the Mayflower are in Plymouth, just down the road from me. Next time I'm there I'll take a photo and post it for you.

    Sandy ~ I don't cover myself from head to toe when inspecting the bees because those suits are so cumbersome I struggle to move let alone lift items or touch the bees without squashing them. The hat does have a veil but a thin nylon one and the jacket is thick cotton so not possible for them to sting through and remarkably they know it. If they feel inclined to sting they will look for bare skin or crawl up a sleeve or trouser leg, pesky little things!!:laugh:

    I took this photo today because I noticed my favorite rhododendron has burst into flower. It's got a fancy name of Loderii King George but is known affectionately by me as Smelly George because of the amazing scent it gives off when the sun shines.


    I'm off on one of my walks across the moors with friends tomorrow morning so think it's time for my bed. Goodnight all.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: I love,it. i am so glad youfound us
    your stories and your picture is devine. I am so thilled you are here to tell us all o these things. I was just fixing to cook my rhubard to have for breakfast. in the morning with my Oatmeal. I will give it a squeez of lemon. thanks for the tip. I don't think it grows in my part of the country but I may be wrong. It is not a commom food here. In fact the checker at the store did not know what it was. and had to get help to find out how much to charge me.

    I need to get out and take a picture of my roses. I am surprize they are blooming so well after such a long spell without rain here.What do you do with your bees"D o you get honey. I know my husband would not mess with bees. I got to close now for this pc is acting ugley.But first what a beautiful view you have. Love it. I have been tapping this thing harder than I need to AND it is making my senterce jump around s. Sure hope my daughter make it out tomorrow.
This discussion has been closed.