Senior Golden Sneakers -March 2011



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Connie said: Sandy,

    Don't forget to subtract your base calories from the calories the monitor says you've burned.

    If I sit still and do nothing for 20 minutes, I burn about 1.6 calories a minute or 30 calories.

    If I work out for 20 minutes, and the calculator says I burned 150 calories, I subtract the 30 calories, and record only the calories burned from doing the exercise - or 120.

    Understand? Look at it in money terms.

    It's like calculating profit. If you start a business with a $100 kitty, and you earn another $80, you have a total of $180, but only $80 of that is profit.

    How do I find my base calories? Just wear the monitor and do nothing for 30 minutes since that is about how long I exercise at one time. For today figuring ahead of myself, I have over 100 calories left over so that should be good for my base calories correct?
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Oh Sandy, my brain doesn't always work. A brilliant idea like Jello, and I don't give you credit. How rude. LOL
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I wasn't going to take the time, this evening but...
    MADDIE: I'l get worn to a frazzle watching and copying your exercising gal at the bottom! WOWIE! How do you do those figures, babe?

    How's XYLA doing? Poor baby, but she'll feel better once it's all over!

    LYNN, you brought back lovely memories. And good luck with the liquids :bigsmile:

    GAYLA, it sounds prettier all the time! Costco has GREAT pots and pans...and flatware, too!

    Good for JERI,, MARILYN (you did walk!), DEE, BARBIE(and the dogs!), and everyone who dutifully fulfilled your exercises! You inspire me, so maybe I'll start my Leslie DVDs again soon!??

    SANDY, love the picture you are now displaying! Lovely lady! And supportive as can be of everyone on this site! And so dedicated to your shred and exercises! How do you keep so motivated? (What is the SHRED, anyway?)

    PHOEBE, just saying "HI" as you scoot by!!!

    CONNIE: you made me absolutely hysterical with that Purina story; I'll have to try it next time I'm behind someone with Dog Food! Yours is no "senior" mind, kiddo; you're sharp as a tack!

    JUDI...whenever the SAD overcomes you, get back on this thread! I laugh my head off almost every day! Anyway, perhaps we can just send a hug your way when you need it???

    CONNIE & SANDY: re; those Polar and Omron monitors; I can no longer go by heart rate, since I take a beta blocker for High Blood Pressure, and my heart rate is VERY SLOW!!! I don't know if it also affects the calorie burning rate, though! interesting.
    By the way, my nutritionist wants me to not go over the 1200 calories no matter how many I burn a day. Feels it defeats the purpose . I pay her, so I listen!

    JUDY...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ...Me, too!

    MARILYN- - - You're BAAAAaaaaaD! Even thinking those things
    I am bad for that too, especially at work (Tims) excuse me.."are those doughnuts fresh"? My face goes into stone, "no I just found them in the back hall....,
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: !You should take a drive down to the states, by the way! We'll be happy to greet you...

    Oh Sandy, my brain doesn't always work
    ...join the crowd but in back of me, dear!!!

    OK, off to eat
    AGAIN????? Have a great evening all
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Do I want a :heart: monitor? I love gadgets. Tell me why having one is a good idea. Also, who loves their pedometer and what brand is it. I have two old ones and I don't think either is very accurate.

    Connie :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That Purina story is too much. Judi, I have SAD :sad: too but forget about it when I read the jokes on this forum. :happy:

    Sandy, good for you doing the Shred. My 39 year old daughter just got to level 2 and she says it's really giving her a run for her money. Are you glad you got the heart monitor? How is it helpful? Good joke you shared too.

    I had a busy day cleaning and baking. The spelt cookie brittle came out just okay. Think I'm giving up on it. Don't need it anyway. Haven't slept well the past two nights and I think it was because I was on the computer too late. It didn't let my brain start shutting down early enough, so this evening I'm going to be done in 20 minutes or so. Tomorrow I'll be in Gettysburg again visiting a friend I haven't see for a while. She had a stroke last April and she's finally driving again, so I'm guessing we'll go somewhere.

    Everyone have a nice evening. It's to be as high as 70 tomorrow and Friday. I'm so excited! :bigsmile:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    I am feeling a bit blue and thought I'd log on for some good company. My dh's 99 year old aunt is starting to show signs of dementia. She has been so good it is heart breaking to see. Dh phoned today and she barely recognized him and he was always her favorite. We could count on a call from her after being away in a trip. She always knew where we were and when we were coming back. My dh phoned his cousin after talking with his aunt (she really didn't want to talk at all) and his cousin said her Mom had been failing a lot the last while. I know that she lived 98 years doing wonderfully well but this leaves a pang in my heart.

    Oh well, life goes on and we should all be so lucky to have been as good as she has been.

    Good night all,

  • xyla
    xyla Posts: 69 Member

    I am still on the OA ot off yesterday but hop right back on this morning. I am afraid if I don't have a good weight lost This month Xyla will drop me. Can't have that. I like this plan too well. While Xyla is in the hospital I may have to report to all of you. II think Barbiecat sort of knows the plan. See you guys later

    Marie, I would never drop you as long as you want to continue. Keep sending me your meal plan and I will get back on a computer as soon as I get out of the hospital. I do not know yet how long that will be.

    I am having a complete hysterectomy, a bladder repair, and a rectocele repair. Has anyone had this done? I would be very interested in any feedback about this operation.

    I loved the jokes today. I hadn't heard any of them and they definitely brightened my day. I have to run, can't read everyone's posts right now. I am off to book club.

    Bless you all for your friendship and help!
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Sandy asked:
    How do I find my base calories? Just wear the monitor and do nothing for 30 minutes since that is about how long I exercise at one time. For today figuring ahead of myself, I have over 100 calories left over so that should be good for my base calories correct?
    And Connie replied:

    Your BMR is how many calories you'd burn if you stayed in bed all day — basically, how many calories you burn just to stay alive. Determine your BMR using our handy online calculator. My Fitness Pal has a BMR calculator under the tools section or you can find dozens of them online.

    Find your BMR and devide it by the number of minutes in a 24 hour period. 24 X 60 (1440), to find the calories per minute. My BMR when I started here on MFP was 1498.2. Divided that by 1440, I would subtract 1,04 calories per minute I exercised. Now that I'm almost 30 pounds lighter, my BMR is 1372.05 so I should be subtrcting 0.95 calories per minute. The more weight I loose, and as my conditioning improves, I am burning fewer calories per workout - and it's getting harder and harder to get into the zone.

    And yes, your calculator will figure your zone for you. It gives you a low and a high. Usually you'll burn fat in the 105-115 range. High than that you're still burning calories but not burning fat as efficiently. Work in the higher ranges for cardiac health.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hello Everyone,

    I am exhausted. :tongue: I was up at 6 this moring to get eveything ready to start at eleven. We juiced 5 1/2 hours. We did 46 pounds of carrots, 8 pkgs of celery, 10 large red peppers, 10 romaine heads, 15 pounds of tomatos and 10 bags of Granny Smith apples.:noway: All of this was washed and soaked in food grade peroxided for an hour to remove preservative waxes and toxins. We then put it into bottles and frozen. Fresh juice will hold it's nurttritional value for 24 hours before it starts to break down.

    I'll get back to you soon, I promise.
    Here is a little something to make you laugh::laugh: :wink:
    I hope you laugh as much as I did........

    Little Johnny and his chores
    Little Johnny comes down to breakfast. Since they live on a farm, his mother asks if he had done his chores.
    “Not yet,” said Little Johnny.
    His mother tells him no breakfast until he does his chores.
    Well, he’s a little upset, so he goes to feed the chickens, and he kicks a chicken. He goes to feed the cows, and he kicks a cow. He goes to feed the pigs, and he kicks a pig. He goes back in for breakfast and his mother gives him a bowl of dry cereal.
    “How come I don’t get any eggs and bacon? Why don’t I have any milk in my cereal?” he asks.
    “Well,” his mother says, “I saw you kick a chicken, so you don’t get any eggs for a week. I saw you kick the pig, so you don’t get any bacon for a week either. I saw you kick the cow so for a week you aren’t getting any milk.”
    Just then, his father comes down for breakfast and kicks the cat halfway across the kitchen.
    Little Johnny looks up at his mother with a smile, and says, “You gonna tell him or should I?”:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Have a good evening!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Xyla. Good to see you posting.
    Wow sounds like you are having a complete overhul done. i need to go in and have my bladder overhaul for I keep Peeing all the time. Kidding aide i wish you a speedy recover after your surgery.. And a prayer in my heart. and to the good lord.
    I have never heard of Rectocele I will have to look it up Keep in torch with us.i have your surgery date on a Sticky note on my computor. I really like that feature on my PC> I did make me a soup by using things I could have, Really enjoy it.
    Have you already quit your job?
    Take care Marie
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Connie said:

    Ladies, I'm going to take a leave of absence from this thread, too. For the first time in over three years, I've got a bug - don't think it's the flu but probably a good head cold. I feel like I have a temp (I don't), and my nose is running like Jeffrey!! My head hurts, my muscles ache and all I want to do is snuggle in bed.

    I'll see everyone when I feel better.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Dear Connie, hope you feel better sooner rather than later. Snuggled under the covers is just where you need to be. Hope you will go to the doctor if you don't get better soon, It really is going around, this 'bug', and you may need more than OTC meds.
    so many jokes, and good ones too. Thanks for posting them, and keep em coming!
    I'm sorry to hear about your aunt, 99 is a long time to live, and I hope you can visit her soon. Maybe it is her hearing, she may need to get checked.
    Someone asked about a pedometer, I think that would be Barbie's area of expertise. I know she posted the brand she has, it is back in February, I wrote it down, but it is not here with me.
    I had a headache all day today, too much tv, watching Japan. now it is gone, and it is almost bedtime. that's the way it goes. I went to my gym today, and to the grocery. I couldn't resist getting some of the Smart Ones entrees. I love spaghetti, and a small portion is just fine with me.. I could eat a pound of pasta when I cook it. They were 1.98 each at Walmart. not bad really, although they dont usually satisfy me for long.
    So far I am liking the WW plan. I have a little trouble on the mobile WW website, using y phone. It doesn't seem to find the foods I want to add. Kind of a word game, got to get it right, in the right order, to find the item you want.. like, steamed vegetables , you will get steamed other stuff too. so vegetables, steamed.. and you go thru a lot of things along with them.
    I should have opened a new window to reply, I know better, and now I can't remember everyone, so whoever is blue, sad depressed, I get that way often myself.. especially since we go back to work on Friday, and I don't want to!! Neither does my husband.. we love being home!
    The cats love it too, they are covered in dirt from rolling on the patio, the unswept patio :( LOL.. any volunteers? that is good exercise, sweeping.
    take care and sleep well..and Judy, good morning, I think!
  • xyla
    xyla Posts: 69 Member
    Connie said:

    Ladies, I'm going to take a leave of absence from this thread, too. For the first time in over three years, I've got a bug - don't think it's the flu but probably a good head cold. I feel like I have a temp (I don't), and my nose is running like Jeffrey!! My head hurts, my muscles ache and all I want to do is snuggle in bed.

    I'll see everyone when I feel better.

    Connie, I hope you will be feeling better soon. Get a good book, snuggle up and take it easy. Get well soon!
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    well darn, i posted, my computer freaked out, and the post went away.

    sorry guys - i'll try and post tomorrow.

    hi everyone!

    l, e
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hi Everyone, :flowerforyou:
    It's 4:30 am and I am wide awake. ..don't know why.:noway: I can tell my body is cleansing because I had a hard chill before I went to bed. So, I don't know why I can't sleep ..probably a combination of cleansing and day light saving time.

    Some of you have asked me about my fast/liquid diet. I am drinking juices and a bullet for anything that goes into my mouth. I am choosing organic/fresh/raw fruits and veggies. For protein I use a raw organic egg and Blue Diamond Unsweetened Original Almond Milk. I use the almond milk all the time because I have to be very careful using dairy products. I'll explain a little more about that but back to the juices. Some have asked how much. Carrot - 16-32 ozs a day. Celery/Romaine combo- 16 ozs a day- Granny Smith Apple (they have less sugar than any apple) 16 oz a day. Red Pepper (one of the highest natural vitamin c) -8 ozs- Tomato 8ozs --I supplemented with a raw pico/salsa recipe pureed in to the tomato juice. I add a dash of Redmond's Real Sea Salt/ red pepper and yum. I don't get this much of everything but these are my guidelines. :drinker: :drinker:

    The reason I have to be careful with Dairy is that 8 years ago I had COPD/chronic asthma. I was having pneumonia about every 6 weeks. I was on steroids, breathing machines etc...I heard about a naturopathic doctor who had helped a lot of people by nutrition. I did all juices/veggie/fruits for 6 years. I was on 90% raw foods. I took lots and lots of supplements, etc... I did not eat wheat, soy, peanuts, dairy, refined sugar, white flour, or red meat for 4 years. I am very careful to this day. You will see on my diary, that I may do that now but only occasionally. I no longer have asthma or copd.

    If you have sinus problems/lung problems, etc..., dairy can cause inflamation in the soft tissues of your body. This will cause drainage. Red meat in excess will do the same thing. Peanuts, wheat, white flour and sugar can cause so many things I won't bore you to tears with my post trying to explain it. If you are interested, I would suggest Googling it. :tongue:

    Elli-:flowerforyou: -The site is acting very weird. I have almost lost my post twice. :noway: I am glad you are back and missed seeing your posts.:wink:

    Xyla-:flowerforyou: I have had a hysterectomy (actually there were two surgeries, they each have their own name-one for ovaries -one for womb). My mom had the bladdar repair with hers. I haven't heard of the other procedure. I wish you luck and a speedy recovery. Have you had surgery before?

    Connie-:flowerforyou: I am really sorry you are ill. That is the "pitts." I assume you have meds or have went to the dr?

    Phoebe-:flowerforyou: I hope you are enjoying being at home. Thanks for encouraging my jokes and songs....:bigsmile:

    Gayla:flowerforyou: - I think what you picked for appliances will look fine. I hope you really enjoy your new kitchen. I don't blame your for venting. Re-modeling or building houses is tough. I have helped see to building 7 houses and helped see to re-modeling's tough. If you live in them while it's going will get to you...especially being shut in with the mess. All I can say is what all Southerners say with sympathy..."bless your heart!"

    Marie:flowerforyou: - I am glad things are going better for you and your DH. How is your ankle?

    Fancylady-Buzz-Judy-Judi-Maddie-Dee and all others...I am going to have to "talk" to you all later today...I am winding down......

    I always enjoy the humor and icons/pics/animated creatures/people on this forum. I 'll be back......:bigsmile:
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Leaving for the day. Wanted to wish those who are under the weather wishes to get better soon! Lynn, thanks for the explanationa and sorry you couldn't sleep. Hate that! I did a little better last night.

    Off to help Joy. Talk to you all later.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello Sneakers. While most of you have been sleeping I've been to the local pool for my weekly swim. It wasn't too busy so I managed quite a few lengths without having to wind my way around other swimmers. We finally had a break from the rain this week and in fact had clear blue skies for most of it which encouraged me to get out and about. On Sunday I walked around our local lake with friends averaging 3 mph. I only know that because we got round in an hour and the walk is 3 miles (that sort of maths I can cope with!!:laugh: ) Here's a link to a site that shows some pictures so you can get an idea of where we walked
    On Monday we were back out for another walk, this time across the moors that surround us. It was a glorious day and we could hear nothing else but birdsong as we trekked to a point that has the most amazing views across open country for miles and miles.
    Tuesday I spent a few hours digging at the allotment and then scrubbing my greenhouse inside and out with disinfectant in order to clear all the bugs before I start off my seed planting. Yesterday I spent hours in my garden clearing winter debris, raking moss out of the lawn but also sitting in the sun enjoying the fresh air with my hen Millie on my lap doing her best to get a few bites out of my apple!!
    For all that, and I'm not going near the scales to find out, I don't feel any lighter Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised at the end of the month but at least I've become active again and that has to be good.

    Jeri ~ Hello. On the subject of sweets, I keep a selection of fruit dotted around the house and especially in the kitchen so if I'm tempted to head for something naughty I pop a couple of grapes in my mouth or munch through a pear or apple. They are sweet enough to take the craving away and my concentration moves on to other things.

    Sandy ~ I will take a closer look at Photobucket because I do have some older photos floating up there. I always imagine these storage websites floating in cyberspace with long rows of filing cabinets.:laugh:

    Connie ~ Sorry you are feeling unwell. Hopefully a couple of days snuggled under your duvet with a good book will see you through until feeling better.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barbie ~ Your walk in the rain with the poodles sounded wonderful. My neighbour always tells the story of when she was a child and her mother told her to go outside and play when it was raining. When she faltered her mother said "What's the matter, you're not made of sugar are you?" We share the allotment and if it starts to rain when we are down there digging she always quotes her mother and we have a good laugh before continuing our work.

    Lynn ~ You probably hate to be told it but you are such an inspiration to anyone struggling to be strong enough to help themselves with fitness and diet issues. It can't have been easy to take such a lifestyle change but you've got the results you wanted so a bloody big hug comes to you from me. If you can source local honey, and it has to be within a few miles of home, get yourself a jar and have a teaspoon a day because folklore tells that it builds up your immune system by taking in local pollen and nectar and also contains natural antiseptic qualities so gets rid of lots of nasties that might be in your system. District nurses over here now use it to heal leg ulcers by spreading it over the open area and a local man who is the equivalent of a horse whisperer has done the same on open wounds on horses for the past 50 years and swears by it.

    I'm now starving as I had a light breakfast before my swim so will take my inspiration from Buzz and make a cheese omlette. Thanks Buzz:flowerforyou:

    Have a great day everyone.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I was reading posts lasts night and getting ready to reply and the phone rang and two long calls later it was past my bedtime so no time to I have only a moment before I have to get ready to go to line dance.

    :flowerforyou: xyla, I've heard of your surgery and wish you the best and a speedy recovery

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, what an adventure you're having choosing your have luxury problems right now and they are as taxing as the all the other will be so thrilling when all the new stuff is in place....I have a few appliances that I've chosen for myself and I still love them and have huge gratitude for having them in my first oven was so small that I had to bend the handles on the turkey pan to get it to fit.....and, of course, my first refrigerator had a tiny freezer and had to be defrosted

    :flowerforyou: My pedometer is Omron HJ-720ITC......I carry it in my pocket (so it is doesn't fall off a belt clip) has software so I can download the data onto my computer and see my progress and averages, etc, over time.........I have been wearing/carrying a pedometer for about ten years and it encourages me to walk more and be more active

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: gotta go, more later :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! (tried to post a picture but photo bucket not working)

    I am running late this morning and have a meeting so I just wanted to pop in and say hi!! I hope you all have a wonderful day filled with love and happiness. :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Sneakers.

    We are headed to nice warm day. Up to 83 degrees will go out this afternoon and plant some cherry tomatoes seeds. i loves those little dudes. First we got to run to the store to pick up a few things. I forgot to take my list yesterday. But I only forgot 2 things. Not bad for an old brain.:smokin:

    Connie you will be miss Stay in bed till you get better. you have been pretty active here lately. Slow down and smell the flowers.Take care.

    How is tha rocking chair ................
    Maddie? You can't catch fish from a rocking chair.!!!!!!!!!!

    Lynn How long do you drink that juice.? and what is the purchase That sure is a lot of work to get a glass of juice.

    Gayla, how is Neal voice.?

    How is WW doing??

    Judy where is our joke this morning?

    I hear Jerry is coming so better shut it off and be ready to go to the store. and get more veggies.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Marie: The rocking chair is still in the box. Can't go to the river till April 15th and then it will stay on the deck for the evenings. I don't fish. I think it's because of the asthma thing, I don't like to seem them wiggling unable to breath :frown:

    Connie: Feel better. Been fun!!

    Barbie: Do you ever just sit down?????

    Jackie: Swimming is my fav....I never thought that I would swim in the river but I love it, love it, love it! Can't wait!!

    Just took a 40 minute walk. The direction I chose didn't give me an option to quit. Good thing because I would have quit. Down hill, flat ground, up hill. semi flat, up up and up.....Doo Waa Diddie Diddie Dum Diddie Doo!

    ***And a joke for Marie: 70-year-old George went for his annual physical. He told the doctor that he felt fine, but often had to go to the bathroom during the night. Then he said, "But you know Doc, I'm blessed. God knows my eyesight is going, so he puts on the light when I pee, and turns it off when I'm done!"

    A little later in the day, Dr. Smith called George's wife and said, "Your husband's test results were fine, but he said something strange that has been bugging me. He claims that God turns the light on and off for him when uses the bathroom at night."

    Thelma exclaimed, "That old fool! He's been peeing in the refrigerator again!"

This discussion has been closed.