GenFo Member


  • We don't have a Tesco nearby, but I found something similar in the frozen section as Sainsburys. I never would have thought to look there so thank you! I lost five pounds the first week and nothing since, but I'm sure I just need to be patient. It could be all sorts of funny reasons.
  • I can't seem to find the rice and vegetables you suggested. I tried Sainsburys and Morrisons in the rice sections. Can you tell me where you them? Thanks!
  • I haven't seen the rice and veg combos yet. I'll have to look out for that. Thanks for the tip. I pretty much ordered one of each and have been scoring them on the delivery slip. I haven't had a cross out yet, but I like some of them a lot and will order more of them for next month. The variety is great. I look forward to…
  • Oh good. Hello! If you're on the second delivery you must be doing well. I'm almost a week in and I really like it - especially the sweet potato coconut soup. It's really easy and I haven't felt crazy hungry so far. Any tips for the new girl?
  • I just updated to season 2 (free) and bought the season pass for the new releases ($4.99 for the most expensive package since they are all 50% off this week). I'm happy to pay since they give me hours of entertainment, get my but off the sofa, and deserve to be crazy rich for being so clever. I'm totally geeking out right…
  • Isn't it nice to give your kids something good for them that feels so indulgent without any guilt? My 7 year old still gets the real thing but he loves the healthy alternative just as much.
  • I also love, love, love chia puddings. I'll mix some up the night before in a jar, stick it in the fridge and grab it on my way out the door. I use coconut or almond milk and whatever sounds good at the time - lemon and blueberries, chocolate and peanut butter, cherries and almond extract - yum!
  • We've made a few variations of this and it always turns out great. The last one used PB2 and frozen cherries - my son calls it peanut butter and jelly freeze. Cocoa powder goes nicely with it too...or frozen blackberries, or almond butter, or a little bit of vanilla extract...loads of yummy possibilities. Good on you OP!
  • Try a smoothie with hemp or pea protein, an apple with almond butter, or berries and a handful of walnuts.
  • Yay! Got it. I'll go for the first tomorrow morning. Thank you!
  • 36...and a half. :flowerforyou:
  • This one is awesome, but I love most of the Post Punk Kitchen goodies. They have the best cupcake recipes.
    in Cake? Comment by GenFo September 2012
  • Oh so glad you found them. I have one coming in my Abel & Cole veg box next week. I've been craving it for quite some time. :love:
  • Mine says 80 Mobs Evaded but caught by 81 and I've never been caught that I'm aware of. Then again, after an hour long run it tells me I've burned 35 calories so I'm not sure I put a lot of stock in the stats.
  • Hello all, I'm late to the topic but just got the book. I'll look it over tonight and was hoping someone would have a more long-term view by this point. Do you still love it? Thanks!
  • Get your GRRR on! I think it's fabulous to be a snob to unhealthy eating habits, especially when it comes to children. They don't know any better so they will always go for a chemically enhanced, sugar filled, taste sensation and that will make healthy food taste boring or weird. I love that schools will now be supporting…
  • This is a great comment. I'm "pear shaped" but over time have started to like the legs I have loathed for about 30 years. The two things that I've found that helped the most are running and heavy lifting. That sounds daunting at first but you need to build up to both of those things. I notice you are new to the site so…
  • I miss Denver too. Not a lot of sushi in Northern England. Not a lot of Mexican food either.
  • I found this tonight and the website it's from has loads of great info and recipes: Protein “Where do you get your protein?” is easily the most common question vegans are asked. Protein naturally occurs in hundreds of plant-based foods, such as beans, nuts, and grains.…
    in Protein? Comment by GenFo September 2012
  • That's hilarious - we posted pretty much the same advice at the same time.
  • I completed 30DS earlier this summer and the first few days are actually the hardest. A hot bath with epsom salts helps along with a few ibuprofen. To be honest, the thing that seemed to help the most was working out again. It really helped to warm and loosen the muscles. Someone posted that they had heard Jillian say in a…
  • I'm happy because I got to start upgrading my base from level 4 and ran out of supplies so now I NEED to go running to collect more.
  • It's here, it's here! They just released the iOS update. Downloading it just now. Hooray!
  • Yep! You dread getting asked to happy hour because you don't want the next morning's session to suffer. How about - You catch yourself feeling your own muscles when you think no one is looking.
  • I get this too and wake up chilled from wearing wet pajamas. My doctor kind of blew it off when I asked a year ago. Maybe I'll ask again. I hope you find a good answer. Edited to add that I'm only 36 and it's been going on for a few years off and on.
  • Ninjas eat rice.
  • All done. :cry: It might just kill me to wait for season two. In the meantime I'll run them all again. I seriously love this app.
  • Hello there, I'm an off and on vegetarian/vegan and rarely eat meat - it has to be local. We have been getting eggs from a local farmer so they have crept back into my diet. My diary is hit or miss but fairly healthy (with the exception of chocolate and adult beverages). I'm a big fan of juicing and smoothies. I have to…
  • This is my all time favorite app, not just fitness app, my all time favorite. Here is the group Squible created if anyone is interested. We're all really good about not spoiling anything for each other. I've only got one story mission left and then I'll probably run them over again to help me wait for season two to come…