

  • I bought a good digital one at WalMart for $20. It will weigh in various formats and will also allow for the weight of the item you are laying the food on (the tare). It has a glass top that is easy cleanable and runs on battery... and shuts itself off automatically.
  • I made these yesterday as originally posted. A double batch and they were pretty good. Thanks for the recipe. Next time, I'll substitute the nectar. I only cut out 32 pieces instead of 48... so it worked out to 128 calories each.
  • If it were me, I wouldn't try to figure it out. If it works to tone your arms, count it as an added benefit. I am very specific on recording what I consume, but I use the calories burned on my Omron pedometer for my walking entries. There may be some days where you just don't want to walk with hand and/or ankle weights.…
  • Oh, thanks.... I just gained a 1/2 lb. at the mere thought of pizza.... sigh. :grumble:
  • I'd go easy on that much water... your kidneys will thank you. Eight 8 oz. glasses are fine. You want to wash the waste and toxins out of your system.... drowning them is overkill. ;)
  • I agree with the reflective items. You should be able to find reflective vests/jackets at WalMart, Tractor Supply stores, or any of the big sporting goods stores. I go out before dawn for 6-8 miles. I have a mesh vest with orange/yellow striping on the front and the back. It has two velcro straps to keep it a tight fit. I…
  • I'm a Type 1 and my out of bed reading are averaging 110. I get out and walk 6 to 8 miles every morning and take 1500 mg Metformin in the morning and 1000 mg at night. I was also on glipizide, but have backed off on it since my readings have been better. I've been eating an Atkins type diet and just started to introduce…
  • Anytime I wake up from a sound sleep after 4:30 a.m., I get up and throw on the sneakers, the pedometer and iTouch. Each night, I make a walking list of 50 tunes, put it on shuffle, and do at least 4 fast walking laps around the neighborhood (4 laps = 8 miles). If I'm feeling particularly energetic, I'll jog up the hills.…
  • You may want to look into a low carb/no sugar type diet. It'll take a while to lose that 'sugar jones'... but once you lose it, you'll feel better. Cut out the pastas, breads and juices and go easy on the fruit. Snacks like fresh broccoli, cauliflower, carrots or a bagged cole slaw mix will fill you up. I'll snack on…
  • I get up before dawn and fast walk anywhere between 4 and 8 miles (one lap through two neighborhoods is 2 miles). I use an Omron 3-axis pedometer which measures times, distance and calories burned (you enter your age, and stride distance). I had surgery in May for a ruptured disk and blood tests showed low thyroid activity…
  • Did you take your starting measurements? If successfully performing P90X, you should be noticing the difference in inches. Are you eating your exercise calories? Consider your monthly cycle, as crazybxrom mentioned...
  • A neck injury led to blood work which discovered a very underactive thyroid and very high glucose levels. I have been taking 1 tablet (.05MG) of Levothyroxine, which is a generic of Synthroid. I could not get below a plateau despite fast walking 8 miles per day. I was about 216 when I started the fast walking program last…
  • I found MFP by searching for apps! I have a 2nd Generation, 64GB, version. I have had an extensive music collection for years. I have every pop tune from 1956 to 1979 that charted in that years' Billboard Top 100 or peaked as high as #20 on any weekly chart. The same thing criteria applies to the country charts from 1989…
  • How about making your veggie meal consistent and make a recipe out of it... and save it in your food section. That way, you only have to count once and from then on, you only have to check a box to add it to your dinner? I do that with a cole slaw salad I have at least once a day (for lunch or dinner). It has cheese,…
  • My problems were definitely medical (thyroid and diabetes) which basically left me with a case of the blahs before being diagnosed. I woke one day at 4 a.m. and decided to pull on a pair of shorts and my sneakers, grabbed the iTouch and the earphones and went out walking. One lap around the neighborhood was 2 miles. I did…
  • Your situation sounds like mine... except I'm insured through my wife's work. I was listless, was gaining weight, trouble sleeping at night, didn't eat properly... and when I did, I'd eat the wrong things. I felt a severe twinge in my neck getting out of the shower one morning, which led me to a doc a few days later.…
  • I have one of the sliding weight scales like the old doctors' offices. (Current doc has a tall digital model - no sliding bars). I'm all for positive reinforcement... so, I weigh myself after visiting the commode and before stepping into the shower in the morning. I'll do it every other morning. It's helpful to me to look…