Going to the doctor tomorrow...need advice

So over the last 2 years I have been gaining weight or trying to lose, have been feeling overall sick, tired, dizzy, insomniac.....on top of a million other things. a year ago my grandmother was diagnosed with a Hypo Thyroid issue, 6 months later my younger sister diagnosed with a thyroid issue, then my grandmother mentions that both of my great grandmothers had thyroid trouble, one so bad she had it removed. So I start researching the symptoms, and well it sounds like I could have it too. So I scheduled an appointment with a General Doctor (new to me) and I want to know how to go about asking for the blood work needed for this test. I have done my glucose myself and don't have diabetes....I don't want the doctor to just brush me off or try and prescribe me pain meds and anit-depressants. My grandmothers doctor took 5 years to FINALLY diagnose her, even with bloodwork. Is there a specific thing we should look for?

I know that this sounds really bad, but um.....I am hoping that it is that, cause that would explain my most recent 70 pound weight gain and all the other painful things I am going through.

THOUGHTS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    As soon as you explain your family history of thyroid issues they will do bloodwork to see where the thyroid levels are currently at. Be sure not to eat before your appointment to be sure all blood work is realistic. I was recently to the doctor and was told that some signs of depression are actually causes of a thyroid issue. Unfortunately my thyroid problem is now nonexistent and I am actually on depression medication for my depression and anxiety issues. If you are honest with the doctor he/she will listen.
  • mstarrett01
    mstarrett01 Posts: 74 Member
    I work at a Dr's office and have had to ask to get my thyroid check myself, all you need to do is ask to get your thyroid checked. Its is just a blood test that they do. They won't push you away, and the only way they will give you medications without checking......well they can't and won't give you medications without checking. No insurance will cover anything unless you have the tests to back it up. Just let them know your concerns and that you want it tested, they will be more than happy to do this for you.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Yeah I have no insurance, which is precisely why I have not been to the doctor. I will be sure to just lay it all out there. I am hurting, and I have no idea why so bad, like tendonitis, carpel tunnelish....I am just ready to not feel so blah.
  • jacksonalan
    Your situation sounds like mine... except I'm insured through my wife's work.

    I was listless, was gaining weight, trouble sleeping at night, didn't eat properly... and when I did, I'd eat the wrong things.
    I felt a severe twinge in my neck getting out of the shower one morning, which led me to a doc a few days later. X-rays and MRI showed bone spurs in my neck pinching on nerve that shot down my right arm.

    Blood work showed that my thyroid was basically useless AND that my glucose was through the roof. I was put on metformin for the sugar and to test myself daily... so I was Type 2 diabetic. I was eased into glipizide to force my numbers down.

    While I was on the table to get the bone spurs taken care of, the surgeon found an undetected ruptured disc and installed a titanium plate and 3 screws. That was 3 months ago.

    I started walking at dawn and getting in about 8 miles in 2 hours.... but still not losing weight. I thought about doing a loose version of Atkins and started using this place after discovering the iphone application. I'm down about 10 lbs. now. and want to do about 20 more. I'm 53.

    So, good move on getting your thyroid checked... but check your glucose, too! I found that with medication and a correct diagnosis that I'm getting more enthusiastic in life. Good luck!
  • baldric1331
    baldric1331 Posts: 30 Member
    I have had my thyroid checked also cos of high sweating was my complaint on it slightly different from yours but they said to me it was fine but could not find any other reason that would cause this so now im waiting on a specalist app from my local hospital and the dr i have to see is a thyroid specialist so will have to find out next month when i see him
  • angeleyes527
    Im a nurse....the best way to deal with a physician is to simply let them know your worried since you have a family history. I had the same problem doing nothing different and slowly gaining and gaining and nothing has worked. I suggest if you find out you have a thyroid issue go right to an endocrinologist. family doctors are ok but when you have this condition its best to go to a specialist. I am doing that now because i learned the hard way and everyday is an uphill battle with my thyroid. Good Luck
  • carfam07
    carfam07 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, I agree with angeleyes. I see an endocrinologist for my thryoid condition-hypothyroidism-Hashimotos disease. (I don't have a glucose issue.) It's a simple blood draw they do looking at your tsh levels. It sounds like with a family history of thyroid conditions and your weight gain that it is a good idea to have your thyroid checked. My thyroid condition makes me tired a lot, but I have found that if I exercise in the morning that I feel better with my condition. Since joining this site I have made myself more accountable about exercising and I am honestly feeling much better now. I am personally hoping that my weight loss may help too. I wish you much success in your journey and with your thyroid condition. You can add me as a friend if you would like. Thanks!!
  • angeleyes527
    Carfam, how long did it take you to start losing once they started to regulate your thyroid? You both can add me as a friend if you would like...