i understand 2-3pounds...but 11lbs?!?!?!?!

hi. i'm confused, sad and discouraged. last sunday i weighed myseldf 162.....when staying within my cals allowed and working out twice a day, including running and walking.....HOW IS IT POSSIBLE TO GAIN 11POUNDS IN 1 WEEEK???!!!!

My scale is still working the same with hubby, his weight isnt off so what LOGICAL reason is thre? i'm sad.....any help??? clothes are loose, body is firm and tight......so i just dont get it!!!!


  • angiereid
    your muscles are most likely retaining water from the workouts, and you are probably gaining muscle everyone is different but i always gain weight first also. you will gain first then you will lean out just wait it out you will see. also are you eating enough if not your body may be thinking it is fasting???? stay away from the scale for awhile lol and see how your clothes are fitting maybe you are losing inches first.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Wow, I am pretty much baffled..... that does seem a little crazy........ curious to see what others say though.
  • crazybxrmom
    crazybxrmom Posts: 62 Member
    If you amke your diary public that will let us see your foods and wether or not there is an issue there. without it, I lean towards you are not eating enough for the amount your working out and with all that working out your muscles are hoding on to water. Also where are you in your monthly cycle, this too can cause a gain to show. As long as the cloths fot better nad you feel better I would stay away from the scale for a while.

    Keep doing what your doing and make adjustments if need be, but dont give up.
  • KerryB1977
    KerryB1977 Posts: 86 Member
    After looking at your profile pic. and what your goal to lose is I'd have to say it's probably you've gained muscle mass. Don't fret about it til next weigh in. continue doing what your doing,be strict on cal. count,drink all water,and continue exercise then see what happens. Is it possible you weighed in another place in the house? I noticed the other day i was going to weigh in in the bedroom which has carpeting and it showed I'd lost 136lbs in one week. So I re weighed in the bathroom where I normally do and it said I'd lost 6lbs. Maybe that's the case. Anyway hope all goes well for you and best of luck! :bigsmile:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? Has your sodium been high? Are you eating enough for how much you have been working out?

    Are you sure your scale isn't broken?
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Go back and look at your sodium intake for the past week.
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    Is it your TOM? How much sodium are you taking in? Are you drinking enough water (probably need more than usual if you are working out 2xs a day). You could possibly working out too hard or your muscles could be retaining water. Also, do you eat all of your exercise calories? I found on intense workout days, I had to eat SOME of my exercise calories. Since I don't have a HRM, MFP DOES calculate high, so I find if I eat ALL of my exercise calories I don't lose because of this inaccuracy of calories burned when relying on MFP.
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    That just doesnt sound right. Even if you were retaining water it would not be 11 lbs, you would have some sort of medical condition if you retained 11 lbs of water. Are you logging your food on here? You might think you are staying within calorie goal but could be going over. Has your scale been moved? Is it on carpet?
  • jacksonalan
    Did you take your starting measurements? If successfully performing P90X, you should be noticing the difference in inches. Are you eating your exercise calories? Consider your monthly cycle, as crazybxrom mentioned...
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    And its definitely not muscle either, 11 lbs of muscle is A LOT to gain and it takes years of training to gain that amount of muscle!!!!!!!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    That just doesnt sound right. Even if you were retaining water it would not be 11 lbs, you would have some sort of medical condition if you retained 11 lbs of water. Are you logging your food on here? You might think you are staying within calorie goal but could be going over. Has your scale been moved? Is it on carpet?

    Yeah, I have a fairly aggressive form of edema that, if not kept in check, can cause me to pack on 10 lbs or so in no time flat. With that said, even if she did go over her calories, it's still water weight. You can't pack on fat that fast either.

    I say monitor your sodium, maybe even lower your sodium goal a little from the default (the government recommended 2,300mg maybe?), and increase your water intake. Then try to be patient as your body uses some of that fluid to heal your muscles. :smile:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    It's gotta be sodium intake. A weekend hitting a soul food restaurant three times in July gave me a 10 lbs weight. We need to keep sodium under 2300 mg a day.
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    With me I usually gain around 10lbs week before my period is suppose to start, not sure if this is part it. Part of it could be from your muscles. I would just make sure you are really tracking your intake & make sure you drink plenty of water. Don't give up, keep at it......
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Well, you can't really gain 11 lb. of fat in one week. You'd have to eat 38500 calories *over* what you burned. That's 5500 a day extra. So, unless you've been binge eating every day, I doubt it's fat.

    But, I hate to break it to you, it's not muscle either. At least not 11 lb. of muscle. It's hard for women to put on a lot of muscle because of our hormones (not enough testosterone, for one thing) and it's hard for everyone to put on a lot of muscle when operating at a calorie deficit. You really need to be operating at a calorie surplus to put on significant muscle.

    OTOH, it is possible to put on 8 lb. of water. The reason is that our muscles store glycogen and it takes 4 pounds of water to store 1 lb. of glycogen. Most of us have around 2 lb. of glycogen in our muscles. When we go on a diet, if our calorie restriction is big enough, our body responses to the deficit by using the energy in our muscles (glycogen) first. And the water gets released with it. But then our bodies figure out this deficit isn't some temporary condition and starts to burn more fat and restore the glycogen (which is there for quick energy, not long-term energy requirements). Which means putting back the 2 lb. of glycogen and the 8 pounds of water that goes with it. Voila ... 10 lb. "gain" right there.

    If that's what's happening to you, you'll even out over time and the scale will start to go down again. Just be sure that MFP isn't giving you too many calories (by over-estimating your BMR) and that you are measuring everything so you aren't eating more than you think you are. If you do that, you should be fine in the long run.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Wow -- that IS crazy. The only time I ever had that happen I was wearing an outfit that literally weighed 12 pounds. (I NEVER would have guessed it, but I was at a weight watchers class and the lecturer suggested I go home and weigh myself with and without my clothes.)

    It sounds as though everyone is giving you good suggestions. Make sure you log absolutely everything (including ketchup, mustard, etc.), and don't over-estimate either your general level of activity or your exercise. If you would normally clean your kitchen after dinner, that is part of your general level of activity, not your exercise. If you have an office job, you lead a sedentary lifestyle, even if (as I do) you work on a college campus and often need to walk outside to another building.
  • Annista
    Annista Posts: 59 Member
    Hi, if you are lifting weights you are going to gain muscle which weighs more than fat. I always let the way my clothes fit more than the scale be my guide. Water retention is always a factor too. Don't get discoraged, hang in there and keep up the hard work, it will pay off!!!
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    hi. i'm confused, sad and discouraged. last sunday i weighed myseldf 162.....when staying within my cals allowed and working out twice a day, including running and walking.....HOW IS IT POSSIBLE TO GAIN 11POUNDS IN 1 WEEEK???!!!!

    My scale is still working the same with hubby, his weight isnt off so what LOGICAL reason is thre? i'm sad.....any help??? clothes are loose, body is firm and tight......so i just dont get it!!!!

    It is most likely water weight and the combination of weight lifting. Start taking measurements if you're not doing that already. I wouldn't worry about it too much. (I say that but I would freak out too.) See what it is after 3 or 4 weeks.

    On a side note, I easily put on 5-7+ lbs. during TOM. If I have a bad day I can easily gain 5 lbs.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Hi, if you are lifting weights you are going to gain muscle which weighs more than fat.

    Sorry, but a pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat. Muscle takes up less space than fluffy fat. Muscle retains water, but in such a short amount of time this must be a sodium issue.
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    After reading everyone else's thoughts the only thought that didn't get mentioned was. . . . . . . . dare I say. . . . . . . . . . .could you be pregnant????? Just a thought???:blushing:
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    After reading everyone else's thoughts the only thought that didn't get mentioned was. . . . . . . . dare I say. . . . . . . . . . .could you be pregnant????? Just a thought???:blushing:
